The Brussels Post, 1967-06-08, Page 2This booklet shows you how
you can get financial help.
Do you .plan t' attend a university
or other post:secondary institution?
Do you need financial assistance?
To learn whether yob can qualify
under the Ontario Student Awards
program, obtain this brochure from
your secondary school, or from the
institution of your choice
or write to:
Student Awards
Department of
4).3 U • • niversity Affairs,
OHTArnO 481 University Avenue
61.4notts totturd •
SvNabsy S6 5,ai •
Toronto 2
• • • • • • • • ••••••••••• CUTOUTHERE •••••••00•00000•••
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TURN VICTIM FACE UP OPEN victim's mouth. PLACE mouth tightly REMOVI your miqgli. RAISE neck with one hand PULL lower taw to tut -artiuntl's mouth and RI I I M-il yitiiiii's ra.4trils.
and TILT head fully back poSitiOri PINCH nostra SLOW IN The v:L.ttro's I MTN I-r.iit to ..,titne iiut with the other hand shut to Otevent air leakaue
MAtNTAIN downward
pressure on sorehead
t hest should rise. I ol vii imi's helm 100K for
the kit tit tut: viitIPI.5
I host PiNt hi NOSTRILS
ANI1 f.1 ,'JW It; AGAIN
National Veterans Week, June
11 17, is being sponsored tie a
part. of Canada's Centennial cele-
brations by the government of
. Canada. through the Department
of Veterans affairs, and veterans
associations. 4
At the conclusion of Canada's
first century it seems fitting that
the contributions and sacrifices
of those who protected our free.
dons in -time of Near and helped
to build up our nation in time of
peace should be remembered.-
_ Beginning - with - memorial
ehurch services and the layieg
of wreaths on- Memorial - Sunday,
June 11. the Woe): will -be filled
with activities fur Canada's
li75.uou living veterans of the
four wars in which Canada. has
participated since becoming a
nat ion..
Those who served in the two
World Wars are being asked to
wear their service or "discharge"
button during the Week,
1.: Since Confederation, Canada
has taken part in four wars;-
South Afrieti - IS99-19112; World
1V,,a- I 191-4-191S:World War11-
. li439-1:145;and Korea - 1950-1953.
2. There are- approximately-
9-75.000 veterans living in Canada
today. Perhaps 1.000 of these are
veterans -of the South African
eampaign of 1599.
3. There are approximately
7+1.00 Canadian veterans living in
foretell countries to-day.
4. Canada remembers 112,331.
war dead at Cenotaphs across
the 'country each year. Their
names are enshrined in four
Books of Remembrance in the
Nation's Capital as follows.
Nile Expedition and South Africa
267; World War I 66,655; World
War_ IT 44,893: Korea 616.
6. Canadian, servicemen have
been awarded 94 Victoria. Crosses
in wars in which Canada has
participated since the Victoria
rrre.s was instituted in 1356.
e. :la...morials to Canadian service-
men stand in Great Britain,
France. Belgium. the Nether-
lands. Italy, Malta, Egypt, Sing-
apore, Hong Kong, is well as in.
cities, towns and villages across
There are approximately
142. 444 veterans receiving
poisiens in Canada today.
e. Canadian Veteraft Shops in
Toronto and Ste. Anne de Belle-
vue aroduve approximately 8,000,-
elfin poppiPS each year for Can-
ada's November 11 Remembrance
9. In edditien to poppies, vet-
erans in Canadian Veteraft
Shops are prnduring 2.000 spec-
ial eommemorative wreaths this
rear. to he played at war mernor-
itils and ,7,-nrieteries eerose rat..
Ada during National Veterans
10. Canadian dead of both World.
With: am- httriril in 70 different
eountries thrrinehont the World,
itieled5ng. Canada. reeorde of the
rntemnnwealth War Melte% Cont.
missInn ettow.
11 There are a tittroXimettin
Vinrill War widows! livinz In Cen•
ado today.
Decoration Sunday for the
Brussels branch of the Royal
Canadian tiegion is June 11th.
The re-dedication of the Ceno-
taph will he June 16th, with a
Zoae CI parade at 7.30 pan.
-9 Ethel at Walton 7:30
-9 Ciorrie at Delmore 7:30
9 Jamestown at Moncrieff 8:30
12 Moncrieff at. Brussels _8:30
i1 Carrie at Kurtzville 7:30
14 Itruesels at Belmore 7:30
15 Moncrieff at Bluevale 7.30
15 Ethel at Jamestown 8:30
Id -litirtzville at -Delmore 7:30
19 Delmore at Bluevale 7:30
19 Jamestown at _Gorrie 7:3.0
19 Mnnerieff at Ethel 7:30
19 Walton at Brussels 3:30
21 7.-alten at Kurtzville 7:30
22 Pliievale at Ethel 7:30
22 Brussels at Jamestown 8:30
Gorrie at 'Walton 7.30
21 Pelmnre at Moncrieff 8:30
24 Bluevale at Kurtzville 7:30
2e Walton at Bluevale 7:30.-
24 Ethel at Gorrie 7:30
Following are the results of
the Huron County judging com-
retition held in Seaforth on Sat-
Special awards: Highest ag-
zreate score. Tom Papple. RR
4 Sea forth: runner-up Bob Vod.
den. RR 1. Clinton. Highest ag-
greeate score in novice class.
Paul Patrick. RR 4. Seaforth;
runner-up Ron Young, RR1,
Highest aggregate score in
dairy section. Tom Papple. RR 4,
Seaforth: Robert Vodden. RR 1,
Clinton by reversion from Tom
Papple:. Gordon Moylon. RR 5
Reg judging. Tom Papple,
Robert Vedder'. George Towns-
end RR 3 Seaforth, who was
declared winner because of high
score in reasons. Tied for third
pince was Robert McNaughten,
RR 2. Kippen.
Swine. Torn Papple. Douglas
Garntes, R.I1 4. Wingham.
Sheep. Gordon MoYlan. RR '5,
Seaforth: Robert 3.1eNatighton.
Hichest scorers age soups
were: Novice, 12-17 years judg-
inc.. for first time, Paul Patrick.
Ron Young: Ann Ellington AR
2. Auburn: Glen MeNeil. RR g.
Gndarl ch.
Junior (12 to 14 years) Joe
Phelan. RR 2 Myth; Graham
johnetnn. R. It 2, Wing-ham;
chetetine Lee. Walton.
Tr.•*ernierliate f15 to 17 yearsl
Gordon nieninn: Bob Corrigan,
1111 1. rilitevaIe. and Dente; Garnise
Semler 11 41 to en years and open
to ail who have represented
c'reinly en Ilnyel Teams or are
erafirtates of fi twn-:venr diploma
enures in aterieulturel. Tern.
PaPPle. Robert Vrelden. and
(Force, Townsen 4.
Donald. ft. Pullen. associate
aerienittire; repreeentative. Wag
in eharee f,f the proaretn. ae-
eisterl by David G., Ibells.
teneinti eseletfmt And
'4441111V. Ittttnmtel' f1llt~i mil if
WEEK JULY 11 - 17, 1967
Yes you
continue y
REPEAT steps 3 and 4 continuously. IF AIR PASSAGES ARE NOT OPEN; CHECK neck and
• head positions, CLEAR mouth and throat of foreign substances.
• Stott immediately. Don't diva end someone far a doctor.
• Por infants and children, Over entire mouth and nose with your mouth. Use small puffs of
sit about 200 times per Minute.
Apply rescue breathing in case of biROWNING, CHOKING, ELECTRIC SHOCK,
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