HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1967-06-08, Page 1$2.50 To U.S... THE BRUSSELS POST, TILFRSDAX, JUNE 8th, 1907 POST PUBLISHING HOUSE
Miss Martin, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. A. Edwin Martin of Brussels,
graduated last Thursday at Alum-
ini Hall, ;University of Western
Ontario. London, with a Bachelor
of Arts degree having Secretarial
Science, After the graduation
exercises a dinner was served in,
her honour at the Knotty Pine
Inn where guests were present
from Brussels and Montreal,
Grey Centennial
Committee Meet
The monthly meeting of the
Grey Township centennial cm,
mittee was held in. Ethel ball on
May 31st with a good attendance
of all committees, Charlie
Thomas presided with. Mrs.
Edythe Cardiff as secretary.
The minutes of the pteviouS
meeting were read and approVed,
Charlie Thomas asked each chait,
man to stand and introduce his or
her committee, as several had
been added since the first meet-
ing in February. The chairman of
committees reported on ptogtess
'ninde, for the celebration being
held at. Grey Township Central
School, Ethel :time 10th , 18th,
The first chairman to report
was john Conley fot the parade
Tie said lie had several entries
And hoped to receive further en-
tries by ;rune 12th. Pot further
inferMatien on this contact John,
tr member of his committee. or
'watch fe,r further advertisement
in the imml papers. The bands to
head the -parade have been engag-
ed, the jndges arranged for, and
the ninny prizes offered are
attractive. The parade to leave
the bail park. at the village
15,20 p.m. sharp. to the school
The decorating committee corn
nosed or bri yid tlrown, and
T.othar WebeY love poreliased
Material lo help beautify the area.
Th,, hoot h enirlinitfee With.
Mrs. Robt Breiriner as convener
renorted her eorhrnittee had been
i*t ,Chrirge of the lunches whrin
tiltre pre.renttnntar elanees Were
held and proted nrofiiable. Booth
facilities will be available at
events, except. Stlininy When a
Horticultural Society
Spring Flower Show
The Horticultural Society
Spring Tea and Plower Show
,held in St. John's Anglican
Church, 'was a. decided Success,
The flowers were many and
Mrs. tlt Wheeler, president)
welomed the guesrs and was
chairlady for the ptogram. This
consisted of readings by Mrs.
R., W. Stephens, Mrs, George
Davis, Mrs, Earl Cuelmore, A
piano solo by Mrs, Walter' Kerr.
solo by Mrs. TI, Smalldon, duet
by Mrs. Ken Smith and Mrs.
Rohl Smith accompanied by Mts.
Joe Smith, Mrs. fleorg e ;NW
played background music while
the tea was served,
Mrs, Mark Bnillie won the door
Other priZes went to Mrs,
Cleve Booker and Mrs. John
basket lunch, will he served after
the church service.
The program committee, chair-
man Robert Cunningham have a
wonderful program arranged to
ploasp young and old to com-
mence with the dance on Priday
evening and close with the corn,
'unity church service Sunday
afternoon. He announced choir
practice for the community choir
would he held TueSdaY, June
16th, in Ethel Presbyterian
church, anyone who could help
are urged to attend,
The chairman of the Finance
commitee, Ram Houston reported
on a successful meeting of his
committee. Tie asked the various
committees to forward their bills
promptly to the treasurer 'George
The grounds and parking corn.
Mittee, chairman Prank Smith,
have plans made for this portion
of the celebration to make every
thing ns convenient as possible:
The sports plans were reported
by chairman Max T)emary, which'
are ball games, Friday evening.
Ethel Pall Park. Ethel and Walton
playinee. Saturday evening ;Tomes-
town and Moncrieff, alSo sports
for the children Saturday after-
The pnblicity, convener. Mra.
Orval Thirrismi reported the
articles for the Weekly pomots:
are arranged, The posters for
advertisingg• reticle by the nviblie.
school children were distriblited
also small hand bills to he sent
home with the 'pupils. She
ported rin informothm receive
from C'KNX and is pleased with
ceempration of local Papers and
all who hove assisted in this part
of the celebration The Listowel
Bonner were on hand to take
pictures also local people to obtain
pictures for Ilse in 'rwetetiStmiir
I -1 s [(WV Tiookg.
the meeting adjourned foolimt
titans were Well tinder way and
rharlie Thomas toieed
Iris appreciation for the r .e
operntion lie hod reeeit64
The annual , Plower Sunday
Service will, he held in Brussels
United Church this Sunday,
Suite lith, at 11 a.m. There, will
be special music by the Sunday
School, Choir and several floral
Children are requested to he
at the church by 10:30. Everyone
is invited.
The annual Decoration Service
of the TOOP and Legion will be
held Sunday June 11th, at 2:00
n,m, 01, Ponissel8 cemetery,
Supper, pteSentation of troph,
ies, followed by dancing, con-
tributed to a very pleasant even-
ing, when forty-three members of
the Cranbrook Dart Club mid
their ladies, met in, the Clora-
mutt:it y Centre. cm Tune 2nd, for a,
final get-together for the. season.
Meeting each: MOnday night ihe
league has provided fellowship
and relaxation, at, the same time
eompetition, between the varionS
teams Was very keen, oSpeeially
between the players who, with in-
terest, watch their names 1111
ot down in the individual stand-
'Trophies for high score for 3
darts went to Bob Alexander With
1 110 points. For most finirhes to
Dan Snyder with 42 and for meat.
Marts to Ernie Back with 72, Trt.-
dividnal tronhies to each member
of the tenet 'finishing first in the
pine offs went in the "Tigers"
ec bt bled in- Cordon Pagel and
pis vers hoine; Frank Smith. Non
Piselier, Ken Mellonald. and
Carman Paket. This team had
finished 2nd ' rr1 t1i , regular
P ,^"en 10111 S2 Paints.
iShiP o: first ever Hip 't-retni-
Pr'Oson WFIM rata '75 N, Woes" with
S poilitS captained by
Dan Snyder with Jack Knight,
Garry Evans, Charles Bray and
John Seddon,
Other teams playing were
"Beatles", 80 points, captained
by Ernie Back and Mike Gulutzen,
Glenn teth er , Tim Dilworth,
'Gilbert Hetherington, and Bill
"Stones" 77 points, Stuart
Steiss, captain, and Lothar
Weber, Wilfred Strrckier, Mae
Mae McIntosh, and. Carman
"Bombers" an points, James
Knight, captain, Harty jacklin.
'Dennis Dacharme Doug Evans
Peil Dunn, jim Armstteng,
"Cats" Gs points, Donald Per-
tie captain Pete van Veen, Stuart
McNair, Jim Hart, and. Rae
I Ion s ton,
"Hams". 63 paints, Ralph Noble
captain, Stuart Stevenson, Jim
SleMer, Dill Gordon Elston
Speiran, Joe Stefflet%
"Wirt's" 40 points, Ratty Bol-
ge? captain, Tlob Alexander, Don-
ald Clark, Sionley PiScher, lack
por ledivithied points the 'to
highest were Ernie Back 1=40,
frig Snyder 134., Stew Steiss 102.
Gorden flO„Trivir Knight 110,
Gordon 'Engel $7. Jim Knight SO,
'Harry Inelelin $0, Ken Pischer
50, non rorrio 70'. For starting
n twine a player gets 1. point, and
for fluishing a game 2 points.
Ladies of the Crembrook in-
stititte catered for meat
101' (lancing 'wets supplied by Ian
Wilber. Mr. Vi'ank Smith weld
tesster of eereMonies,.
We Wish to sincerely thank the
Grey Township Firemen. the
Brussels Tolephorp, Co , rind all
those who (voile to help when
our 'house was on fire,
Mr. and Mrs. Murray PosS
-067 W.O.A.A. PEE Wte
Prussels apt tneltliOW
Flags undurled, red white and
pennants rippling to the
breeze and colored lights give
Brussels 0 gala, appearance and,
should dispel any lingering apathy
towitrd 1)0r centennial celebra-
tions. Thanks must go to the
firemen. and others who helped i13,
put 1.t ng nil the decorations..
There :tee_ several interesting
displays of antiques in main
street windows and local pictures
taken in nye-gone. days, Many of
these may he seen. also at the
Comenniat headquarters,
It is hoped that there will be as
many floats etc„ as possible In the
parade and please get your entries
in as soon as possible. With 'alt
the smart horses In the com-
munity there shoud be' a large
contingent of cowboys and girls
Get all entries In soon to the
parade committee Frank Thomp-
son or Ivan Campbell,
Centennial Old Tithe
Ball PoOrly Attended
The Centennial Ball held in
in the Legion ball on Friday*
night, unfortunately did not' draw
the expected large crowd-
There were a number of peOple
present in attractive centennial
dress and prizes were awarded
as follows; $15, Mr. and :Mrs.
Wm. Taylor; $10, Mr. and Mrs.
Edwin Martin; $5, Mr, and Mrs.
Douglas Hemingway.
Several officers and Members
of St, John's Masonic Lodge,
Brussels, paraded to Brussels
tfaited"Church Sunday morning,
May 28th, to attend the 'worship
service. They were accoMPanied
by Several visiting 'Masons: front
nearby lodges.
Rev. TTugh Wilson of IllOetet,
and Belgrave. was the guest
minister for the service, which
had special significanee for the
members of St, John's Lodge, of
which he was a former member
and a Past Mastet.
'Worshipful .Master T.anfle
Cousins read the scripture lesann.
DAVIDSON Tn loving memory
of n clearly loved daughter gold
sister. Joan Marie, who pte-,sed
away June 7th, 1950.
The depths of sorrow we cannot
Of tin' loss of elm 'we loved so
And whilesheer she sleep:;peal-nful
Her memory we shall Iwa
Ever, remembered by Willett
rather. sisters and brotherS
Shown above is Ronald Huether, Queen St., Brussels, receiv-
ing a cheque from S. B. Scott, area sales representative for
Supertest Petroleum Corp. Ltd. Shown in the background is
the weekly list of Lucky License numbers at McCutcheon
Motors Ltd, Brussels, where Mr. Huether found his license
posted for, a $50.00 prize,