HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-04-29, Page 6I► THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, APRIL 29. 1881.
She Poet's korner.
1 ar 01.1 rias la the atyllik Chard".
Well, wife, I've tura to church to -AM -barn
to a stylist one--
And tweln' you can't go from home. I'll tell
you what erne done:
1'ou ould have beOn surplsad to nee what 1
ail at* th ':•e to-dlaY.
The sister, aa••re;Ixed up no fine they hardly
Loas,.::a may.
had ou the I parse clothes of mice -not
mneh the worse for wear-,
Hut then they knew 1 wast one they call a
nal llonalrt
So they led the old man to a seat away hack
by t!.e dour;
'I'waa hee:aessand uncushioned -a reaerred
ax'ut for the poor !
Pretty soon carte in a stranger with geld rings
and clothing Hoc;
They led Alm to a cushioned slat fur in ad-
vance of amine:
Ithouyittthat wttint't exactly right to seat
him up so near,
When he was young, and 1 was old. and very
• hard ti hear.
Hut th-n there's so eceountln' tor what some
people do;
The finest clothing now -a days oft gets the
tlneat pew,
Hut when we reach the blessed hoarse all un
defiled by sin.
We'll see wealth begging at the gate while
poverty goer; in.
I couldn't hear the scrotum! sat so far away,
So through the hours of service 1 could only
"wibleb and pray."
Watch the doln's of the Christians slain'
near me round about;
Pray that God woul.. make them pure within
as they .eemed pure without.
Whi:•• I rat there, lookin' all around upon the
:.ch and great.
I kept thinking of the rich man and tate beg-
gar a; his gate;
How, 1.:• ail but dots forsaken, the ;our beg-
gar'. form grew cold•
And th_e angels bore his spirit to the mansions
hull of gold.
H lav it, bast . the rich man pc•riskedl, and his
spirit took its Hight,
Front : he purple sml lbw linen to the home of
rti .leas night;
•nc-e : e :earned. •1 t Ice stool gazingat the
!x',t,{ar in the alkyl .
"It :+r:'1 at! of life to live. r..•ar nil of death to
die.. '
1 doubt not l:tree were wealthy sires In that
.^•i i ious fold.
Who satin up from their dwellings like the
i'h. r stent( old;
T .x,' r• 1 n^ x 1 h coli front their a'crsh:p with
8.443:42 uplifted tl high, 4
.1 .(1 -porn 41w hungry from their door with
na:t its to satisfy.
Out. .01.! i n':tl, such proftw'ilons; they are
I ....r.• nt-,lay,
'1a) t ... • vast::: r;.nucr from the Gospel's
tilittin way 1
• Than n:lthe hooks of infidels; than all that
b ,rn .n. i:c:itichem-since
11- r. .•• u Co, 'i, r;•, of God. and yet
The ,.., .1 11 . , .ul ca:.ert., - the flowers on
h,• bind
H,•g;hi+ lj,e clouds of evening with the goad
fret i 11 , throne.
Not f .r t 1. -n ::ran null -n -)t -for the poor
'Then w by shpu:.l man look, down oh matt be-
•ran.ae of luck of gold?
Why sea: him ip the poorest pew because his
( hot lte!1 ore old?
• A heart •v'th no11,- ti,,haus -.4 heart that.tiod
31 as 1', Is tt' Mitaet.'1 music 'tenth that
• rat!. d t ..• ani vest. •
tin e: 1 1 nl ie be eh.ldislr-but 1 love sim-
pl ,•it): •
1 lose to •••e i' ,. 111111'. in a 1'ht'iatian piety;
Jesus toil a, in /lis sermon. in Judea'. moon -
rain's wild,
Ile that wares to go to 'testi n must be like •
!s.:ic (hilt!.
Our heal, ort• gr-rxin.t grey, dear, wife-ou
he.tr:. arc bcalin's slow-- .
1, n l i. .c i;t.::tc 31n:, r ccal Ball for us
tI her. '. 1, h the ;x•ariy gat, ways. and lee:.
h harelip ,n tit: temples
:Ira.: .;i u t .;a:. 1 •t niters.
lady in ie.,a:oar a few tie., reported in
,:u•tthantl a .pctt•h dcliverixl by
Cael ;Sellers iu 1 .1rims, and the Herald
..1 tli :a e, sp ..i, f 'the performance
n. •.1 in may country.
4 it 1:4 •t 1 er ,auiuly displays his
tie,:iiait:us 44 taw expense of
hie .n'•:vletlgu. There are half a dozen
I's x111 attentlattct• at every session
f re: L.etm:lion l3 sl ail.•;/ who de the
u, s.4.8.• tiling w;tit t _.:r.1 to speeches
delivered in French, only they do not
g1•• noising atwout eluat Canadian repor-
ters 1..ok upon ns nothing remarkable,
and therefore the iteestott Herald nine
gime. to i.e bi ali,licity.-that i:a yy..ullg
lardy has achieved something' wen4orful.
it is a vary simple ar.d easy eiseration
for any .m : faelilinr with two languages;
find if a lioreelt is so reperted, it is just
tremens, the tep•rter ca.l write short
hand iR .ally oue language. A far great-
er ace ii plishutent, of which Thomas
Allen Reid, the celebrated English
rfi'.rthan.l anter, a rep Iter .,n the Ca-
.tadiau Hansen/., and only a few others
.0 the .to'l'l art o,a.terl., is to r.p..rt All
1:ligli141 spte nits El1ghah shorthand and
:t Freueh speech in French shorthand.
if the editor el the Iler t1 f wAnts some
thtn; t•. )'Rale' abtut. boa -ever, let him
•• oi•,,m i--:..tra,,softhis
.1st•,ar : 1, and he will
what lir.
'!act':•,.1a. ..... , •. ��,iti fish
1.0 1Vt...t
.1 �''o:•...'Y3 P.,.,,!•:, ill the
n , he
-rt':, • . ,4.1 : • ' wish twenty
.. • .. , ,, .t3 clad i•e-
v. ' "ar 4-'. aVo(-.,xlmnnarr:.
,.,i`. • 43 n elf ',,. t.arnot!
Sawa t hI • , r^ eemr: t': • . •~•• t sass.'ir,rt
fon „f
--------------------It,. . I ,. ' t .eon. lir.
deli- at . ...l. :•.lc, h Inas PSI
M nr,. . :-. ty 1hojudi
rat I"• • that a con.
t.o ,li•seits •.
•. 'nn noatlne
or there te •
•.•.v a /.Nnl
• -II ''•t•?hod with
='.rd trnnte.'
•7`0, l'srltrts
Farm anti 1Sartien.
l'asadta■ tfrehardlua
Would do well to stake great exer-
tions to retain the .good name which
their fruit is Acquiring ua England
From a Liverpool paper just received we
take the following market quetatious:
1iuerlca.1. Calladlae.
a d. s. d. k d. s. d.
Newuei P. 14 0 to 25 0 Ili 2 to 20 0
Baldwin 10 9 to 16 6 13 1 to 19 3
/Greening 13 6 to 0 0 13 3 to 10 t,
Russett 13 0 to 17 9 16 0 to 20 0
Oolden,Russett 130 to 21 0 20 0 to 24 0
Spitz 15 0 to 1; 0 , 1L 6 to 20 J
Seek 1692u170- 166to 180
Spy 16 6 to 09 15 010 19 0
Canadian Red 18 0 to 00 17 0 to 21 6
The price of Canadian apples is, it will
be seen, higher than American, exeei.t-
lug in the bneut Newton Pippins, and
some day our orchardists will have a
sufficient quantity of that choice variety
to make a mark. The. extra price o!
Canadian apples is due quite as much to
carefulness and honesty in pac'cing as to
the greater size by oue-tenth of the
pie barrel in use on this aide of the line.
A few consignments of badly or diahot -
estly packed apples, and there will be
an sou to the dlacnminatien in ,'Ir ta% or.
hew le Make a l:o,.,1 Gorden.
The soil must Le well drained. either
naturally or artificially. It must be rich.
and the immure should bo thoroughly
Worked into the soil. Plough the land
in the autumn, and plough it again as
early as possible in the aprin•_. If there
is any rubbish, remove it or dig holes
and bury it below the reach of the
plough. Then plough arena), or work
the land with a cultivator :as .ieet. or
nearly as deep as the land 11.14 heel
ploughed. This work should be done
when the soil is dry and the weather
warms and Mellows the soil On light,
sandy soil,thuruughly and deeply plough-
ed and immured the autumn previous,
there are many crops which can be sown
to advantage without again ploughing in
the spring. Itofteuha,apens-in oar iatit•t,lt•,
that five or six inches of the sits :_a soil
in the spring is thawed out and dry
enough to work while' underneath. th-e
ground. is frozen s,li•1. rt we wait
this frozen soil can be ploughed, we.
frequently lose a good opportunity f,;r
putting in early o:crus of peas, Dot:vtoes,
onions, cab',i&e, lettuce, ratiuh sl.iplach,
&c. 'Ansi beside, t!te'soil flea we turn
up with the plough and which c'ov'es t.,
the surface and in which we sow t?,
seed, is cold and danin, while tl sal -
face soil which we turn under is warm
and dry. When it can he sous, 1:;ete-
fore, it is a good plan t" color:an Cie
surface soil, or hoe and rake.. eiewci:ally
during warm, day, sunny weather, and
sow the seeds without digiing ..r ldoa_h..
ing the land.
I",er.l nsewl,edt;r.
A elan walks three utiles i:: at: hi,ur.
A horse trots seven.
Steaulax,ats run eighteen.
Sailing vesaels make te!..
Stow rivers tiow four.
Rapid rivers flow- sever:.
Moderate winds blow seven.
_Storm moves thirty-six. _
Hurricane, eighty. '
A ride ball, one I; entire 1 miles an
hour. -
Sound, seven. hundred and ni ie;;
Light, one hundred and natet: thou-
Elect.icity, two hundred tt,nustml.
A barrel of flour weighs - one hue. fired
and ninety-six peunda.
A barrel of pork, two huu.ltr,?.
A harrel of rice, six hundred.
A 1.•arrel ..f p,wder, tweuty-ft•e.
A tirken of butter, fifty-six.
A tub of butter, eighty-four.
Wheat. beans, and clover seed. sixty
' pounds to the bushel.
I Corn, rye, and Bax -see'/. !:fly -six.
tluckwheat. fifty -ter• .
Barley. forty-cighi.
(lets, thirty-five.
Coarse salt, eighty -lite.
Sixty drops make a drachm.
'agility drachms stake an ounce
1'.ar .'unces make a,gill.
�Ie;y ,tt„1 s, a ti•ns1•..,aif.•..
'Three teaspoonfuls. a :.:'.ie- ' nful,
one-third of an ounce.
Four thousand eight hunireuan i forty
square yards make an acre.
To measure an acre: two Ls-- 14. ! au.l
nine feet on each side, make a square
acre with an inch. •
There are two thousand seven hundred
and fifty languages.
One pera.0 dies at each 1 .41t hen of
the heart.
.A generation is twenty peal,
Average of life thitty-nne \ t•s: s.
Thr .alphabet at as totem.
:Attend carefully to :i1s e: y..11
Be prompt in all thins.
Confider well, then decide positively
Dare to .lo right; fear to d.. wrong.
Endure trials patiently.
Fight life's battles bravely and manfully.
Go not int.. the society ..f the viei"us.
Held integrity sacred.
Injure not another's rcputati. n or hush
,loin hands with the virtuous.
Keep your mind free from evil tiou1hts.
Lie not for nny consideration.
Make few intimate acquaintances.
Never lay to appear what yeti ate not.
Observe geed malnler3.
1':,y your .1h11a
Qum. ti..n mat the veracity of a frsead.
Itespcct the counsel of your parents.
$aclatice tunny rather than principle.
Touch not, taste not, handle n.4 intoti-
eating drinks.
1'se your leisure time for im•'r,•tement
Yield not re disc'utvagt•utent.
Z,'alously labor for the eight
Anil attcerss will attend yon,' faithful of
141.43 .15r4.1.01 Pectora: iln2eua IAth4 114,,81
safe. pleasant and perfect remedy known
ft ,r all diseases of the T'hr'eat nn.1 Lungs.
1, cures Cougha, l'..1 )s, itrnnchitis• As
theta, Cerny,. \1'h.'•1'ing Cough. end a'.l
Pectoral Complaints, in the in.'st speedy
:manner. ,1 few ilexes will relieve the
most treelde•ome r•••ngh in children Or
*rialto. For site by al: d.N.n,
Rotel Fog re O'S resew,. I,
Whou one Wain* raising poultry 4for
u�f<hor profit or pleasure, he should .b-
syy ve softie rut... that are essential to
imecess 1''irst, 'lever over feed young
fowls i 1., tenuity, or give excess to sti-
malatitift..•.•, because either is injuri-
ous 10 their Le.dth, as it tends to make
L, .. te,. fat for laying, and excites the
u4.4 functi..ns to undue activity. Sec-
Ilv, if they are situated so they can-
not procure .rues food, feed then' with
c:rl.lag.i, lettuce, tender grans, onion 1
tops or clover, during summer, and raw
e:ILi,late, turnips add potatoes with
scraps .if H13at 0ehaaionaliy during the
winter anti r.trh •,'alta„ as they are con-
,Inciveto the tied being of fowls. Third -
1" ;-rovide thele with some loose sand,
earth or c.a1 ashes to Lask in daily, as it
cleanse.. the skin and keeps vermin at
bay. This bath should be under a cov-
ered place to protect it from rain, and
where the fowl could have easy access to
it at all times. Where fowls have free
range, many of the articles mentioned
can be dispeusod with, as they pick up
what they like best. Feeding twice a
day when at liberty is Host economical.
They should receive their morning meal
early and ut a certain hour, and never
give more than what they pick up clean.
In the evening give a full meal of whole
giau4 as it reutaius longer in the er„ p,
and gizzard before digesting. In winter
fowls require more food than in summer,
because they cannot then roans the mea-
dows and secure their daily allowance of
111300t3 and grass, and a large per tent-
age of food i•l consumed in the system
like fuel in a stove to keep their physical
c.uu.:ition ui..-[Pea::try Monthly.
Oil is the great pain panacea,.
Ili-l-4ieal in its pew'er over pain and in-
ttocut:ati,'it. It cures Rheumatism and
Neuralgia, Lune Back and .Spinal Affec-
tions, Coutraetion of Cord. and Muscles.
Caen' externally and internally. For
pale by all •dealers. -
Croup; that dire attie..e,
has lost its
tu•rot►.k) th sae. who err,e Yellow Oil at'
hand. Yellow lith is 'cures ti..re
Threat; Quinsev; Congestion and Inftam
Ies` i• .,;"kl:e Lnfi_'s. Now is the season
to ,guard against emlden diseases.'' Ask
your druggist for Hagyard's Yellow
loll --
"Tttx1- ALL Do 11. -▪ -'L'„ beautify the C it i 1 1
teeth awl give fragrance to the breath v
use "Teaberry' the new t"ilet gem. Get
Z. cent sample. 1763
The Great American
. M,.Molt ss.,a..lr ltoa n..
../Moltf dawN tAr ew...f tulr.ab4 weLLlee SUM for
Lean owe -
Asa teerd
r.*i 41
d ,
fats of tA.
034 tA.
Pines Its
easea of
Lrog D4
Ito hawse
tAs pApn
t' roe.
yyooft(e.a W
s r iia j tar
*rwd. awA. yawes
order 1l a
to 41431
asaw's ror - tA.
Z a *Acs
rape r'4'
toe 1►.
Caw seem
m dM, no
p ee terowt
foots, mod
bels• was
p rop:NSW..
are pr.-
NW -
op, Caro-
pp4s3 4 o[4
for ter-
osr .
3114.' t
� tA.
Orw to
r , ry/a4
Its remarkable power in relieving
certain ferrru of Brond1 t44,4mnd its
almost specific eject in curing ob-
stinate lacking Coughs, is now well
known to the public at large.
'.4 s0d9be
respraeile oArn4ta OPrim,
Z as,.. '
":srof Red Sorsa.
rust. er.,al Trait Nark. ewe „rr••aw.arr
wit abaft art also ,wU .r.4.
a'A•.d.aak Druggist..
Soo Prow -warn a.: llawq/eero s.
to ]Iedletaa, not a tSrtnit.)
Ax:+T. s- !4rsr,r '.;., levrNfrnir►LQrALI-
111 e7 ALL tt: ax1 LITTraa.
Z`II.E I" C:.U1iE
,h., :•-"-,eh. rowels, M.A.
_. .. rata•- rsa. acs l r...:.ry V mase, bee
.:.4. 2.44, •+le.,ne-,sa4 eapeess:y
- yeua!e Complaints. •
81000 171 COLD.
wt,t hepaidrise tai a: -'•l as career
help. er ter snrthln_ :r-••... .,r:17400.41.
a.• -:.l at th :..
Asir you. drer_vt f'.r f:•na•,! try
t►eta aeture y . u s:.•• :, Y_..4. au 'Mets.
C 4aa�.1 k
auak:Surm .
A r •els• IlM.alts'b to
asery , uta, Caboose se sit
c[.-7 roti
class..1., b.: •-.,e:;•r
Hop LIMN. y< t ,l_v...' .Y Y.,1Tmoat.,O.t.
DYSPEPSIA. -- Strt:ngthen your di-
,ration, t..ne the stomach for utilizing
and assiutil:tties every- at'•n1 of f. eel you
the bolls needs it f'•r strength and
r4or. Zoysia- cleanses the entire sys-
tem, etintu •rtes the liver, keeps you re-
alar and able to eat ten -penny nails.
Letters and postal cards cotne In daily
. xtolling Zee •'l free' Brazil. Positive
proof Of health and vigor it gives, in a
10 cent sample. Sold by F. Jordan.
Nature, after all, is the great physi-
cian. She hides all the secrets of health
within her broad, generous bosom, and
: an needs butto ypo to her intelligently
f+•r his every need. The discovery "f
the great Cough Remelts, GP•Ay's SYRUP
or Ran Srxv-ca Gun, is an apt illustra-
tion of this. As a cure for Coughs,
C*'1J , Lou of \-nice and Hoarseness it
-tale's unrivalled, while its low /.rice and
readiness of access places it within the
ed Plow
The Pepplo's7rng 8tore
Owing' o hlllnt hoalts 1 bare dlsponed of for poo'i told of my bdaiwmaa to )1 F1. GE' 1 RO
RHYNA8, 4 ad would rocostmead him w fhe publ,c fur thrlr patroaga
ivied CEO. CATTf.L
Is creed t, tie oboes 1 avwlJ.fuunnu•e to the, opie of t,lodsnci, omi vmay that
I lw.r open+d out a BUslneaa ,at the ,-o r of Blake's Block near the
snorkel, onj /tore p.nJiaard. /rah stuck. f Pure ruga and Chemicals, al..{ by
avrnJ +'tt rat •04 to bauinW .+ifi as lezira to merit your patronage.
Yvon ub'dt sr-,•r,vot,
i'Ay.-eaoo'r Preaeripawoe Carefully Prepared.
To the old stand in the Albion Hlork. formerly o,rupied by hill, wh••r,• he .rill be pleaa-d
W weloome all his old customers and the public generally. .4 large gsu.t:ty of
l'iHE.4P Alt T/i1t HEA PEST
.‘T A
a:1 of said 1 -tock, as well a, my oslen original Stock. u..; hnuabl luTore tar tat aur
of Hanlw ars. 1 tun t:.e:efore in a position to sell Cheaper Ibali any othery
IIos,e In the County.
► l I� - ,t 1 1 a ,� l
Viti11)Iir� �� ���<l 1-l�iu ig i
��� vc�ly Budd � �
whtch I wan! to run ottqufckly.
COME AZT: Era" .0.^ -L'CE ?: ICS$ 93 t7"- ' P:.EL,s TC
Fresh 0 -round Water Lime in Stock.
Having p;lre:.as• ed the Oodet ch Foundry. 1 ECUR,017 CARRIAGE ' �T ORDS.
stn fitting the prc•mi'es for the manufacture .-
T. c ' STORY,
IMPLEMENT'S on a large seal 3101 Work. t;
General Repairing and Sobbing will be con- '
tinued. All work guaranteed. :'C'CCE ItORS TO JOHN KN ,`:. .':.;N. rat T.
Mr. D. Puncirnan it the only tarn a t.hor!v'
to'rollect payments c;'Iire receipts en 1.
half of the late dein of [Dant imam .t' Co.. a;,,
'all persons indvb.,--1 are rl.tashad to gov.:,
themselves a waitua::.
.. SE: 'III LI -n.
c C_
C arriages
Province of Ontuuri° Directory ANY STYLE OF VEHICLE BUILT
FOR 18e`_-1642,_
reach of all. Try it and he convinced. P• *0,2,0.
all chemists keep it in 23 and150-cent -
h ,tale, a'1 - .%111'31,"!•), \
u:.,:.ren ei :1.,• e •.
1. -Ni Fiat 3T.1T1•:1 MAIL STE..I_`.I]RS
*nil every-atnrd:iv. -
CABINS, .,a0 to VIA '1 ELI AGE aylr
These "traol0rsdonot e a rytart le. ep''31": •
t1„ request ipf ler. nt,
r.. •ate ProrInc' "•
. 1'. *!t t •1?.l`'' 11 P:11.
i!I1!'u TVit1-, .1*
• •,.! 0:rectory
: li•.l.Ot. ti11
...all JOBBING 17 41e a nth Vie. ,111..1 and at Resa-
Lr, exam!nc /rictus. north., -!ng eist•wL:tre.
8a J_ STOP Y,
\ •: l• �TNii.
, a ";lir? ' �' ` 1
A-......� ti Bi simess Directory
Bc ,.
C e �
., 1 --
ts ,d
ISI\, Z at Ee0440.
t i ' .} •a,•:rn •,f I '" 4Lessand Isdfceaional men in ti,
\1; . ?1 ,•n I,e,. •ties''•/. . ....rm. and ,.,.tow of tantario. waft .
I,- ,,...•: ,t : r vin or Erni
Class.Eeci E. - ._sea Directory 1 a,
.- 1 t I' t, n n t, r, r .\meal, a. t+ 1 `l 1 1 I 1 1 `
loragn'sa lots il: a in.-. t 'hd"g'•1 \ !Ind 1 ( 1
thF ,r1n;e .nf�raiutrut.t';•., tclvid iv/elamtpi! MONTREAL. 1 I 11 Illi
OT 1i t 11 I 1
, CITY OF v .11��LA� 1V 1 .111 _ li �iII�1.11
;u Hk:vUdR.u)t 11a.aT.au>,. i 14.rw Ll�e. l),esiA.
N. V.
Or to mi{:a. F:. t\'.\I:\t u' K. :14a4111.xk.
1: -1 ._ at et Ooieri' 1.
•.,n t•ar.' an'1 tl t:•.... M`••otwed On
• 11'11. •to.1 1 1:a....1 Directories Of
a t. , 4.. th', work., Subscribers
n t' ,w tfIliky 44. l • toO. Term. of A4-
v 0, ,t 4,1.114" 14.14..," 1t;h)n apZ lic.ttlon.
Record of the LYMAN Barb. , .i"H\ LOVELL t 80\
\ IA."1! ()N`I'll
Montreal. Dec. HIM 1401416tr.. 1760
flit -f ':IAL",1W.1NUl.I, THE
Four -Barb Wire Fencing
M.'S -MEAL t;1 E.
H.4MILTt,N."N T.
t INCIKS.i11. o11ii
+YHA4'1'sE. N. 1.
I,.l\•M:\1'')1:T IOW.\.
unr „'' r•nmprtNor,.
Tip Cheapest & Best Fescii
EXHiB:TI' •\it.
v.lop atld;u nae '•, 19 8441arw•: 1.:1, '5 In
flex 1". end 4 aria.!.. else that our trade
mark, "LvtrAI BARIL. 1. M"neuled nn reek
reel. At v ,to (wage. scald for prIce3 and
etrculare to R. w. 114 Iiatlztr llnderfeb.
10)VI. 1f)A' 8.4 RR iriRl': FPYf •F: ro.,
1:7? Om. Afa 31 ern!,
Carpet Weaving
• new Pw'ern+and t.eae 'Warm.
Previous t. Steck takin . My Stas :s La;geanrl well -as :rtes,
,will be given.
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The only Medicine that successfully purifies the
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