The Brussels Post, 1967-06-01, Page 1Tit Og
$2.50 THE BRUSSF.LS POST, Tel eSDAY,' JUNE. lse,s 19'6ri
ley Melville L. Lani;tii
In the year 1852, three Lamoat
families entered the area which
is now Grey Township in. Huron
County. The names of these
brothers were Donald, John and.
Allan. Donald settled on Lot 10,
Con. S, I have not been able to
nbtaill. any records of him, having
wife br children, t understand
he did not remain. in this leeallty
long. therefore It is difficult to
ket information regarding him or
Possible descendents. John
i-,aftiont and his Wife Catherine
Kennedy And four sons, and
believe two daughters, established,
a home on lot 13, Con. 7,. Allan
and his Wife Mary McDougall,
with tour sons. and three daught-
ers settled on Lot 8, Con. 7. Lat-
or, at the turn of the century,
there Were about fifty Lamonts
residing on the 7th, and 8th of
Grey, all of them, being descend,
eras of John or Allan.
The tarn onts came from Scot-
land by sail boat, spending six
weeks crossing the Atlantic, It
Is impossible to realize the bards
ehips. that were endured on such
voyages. Aceomodation Was ftir
front luxurious. Sickness West
common, possible "epeclemies were
El constant threat and the time
Constmed in crossing was deter-
edited by the winds and weather,
A-`•theri they readied the dentine
aloe that WaS to be Oldie home,
they found nettling bet buSli, the
area only been release0
for settletrient teso years before,
Berate 18N0 there had been
only one white Settler in tiriint
is now Grey, a reehell Canadian
named Bealteliettip. in 1.85e, be-
sides the Len-Writs, several other
families carte In, som.e of whet
were the MiteheIrs., MeDortgaldS,
re eel's on s,, MeNlittightens, Stew`,
aria. McDorialde anti 'Fyslops.
,ClreY WaS not, incorporated AA 'a
Weeiship 'Until 1856,
Three. Sens of John Lament
armed on the 7th and 8th. An-
Aus, with his wife and.
Donald on hie. frat).
01"8 homestead, John and his wife
on the ne*f farm east. Another
son, Malcolm, and MS wife, locat-
ed in or nest Winghain. the +-We
daughters married. Sarah becom-
ing Mrs, T..alieblin 1T' NA anti
ITOPhelitlfi• 771. ty""4"..-rtur 110r 66}i0111'
rflAnt!raTtl itime pool
Baskets (4 • Shasta Chrysanthe-
nuinS, gladoll and fern decorated
lirussels knifed Church, on eat-
er/ley. 'May 20th, at 2 p.m., for
the earriage irida May
Jacklin and. *71111Ate Rose ibatter-
son with Rev. A, 'Johnston 406-
inting, Mrs, Fred Stepheeson,
organist, played traditional wed•
eerie music,
The bride is the daughter of
Mr. and. Mrs, Carl Jacklin, RB,
ythi•I and the bridegroom's
pnrents 11'0 Mr, and Mrs. Roy
Po (I ersop, rat 2. 13russels,
:Given in marriage by her
fatiere:. the Bride caose a: floor•
ieuglh tfillefon neer taffeta
Princess ,style Alecon lace • • - • „ appliques trimmed the. edger,
neekine, and bouffant skirt, lily
point sleeves and a chiffon over
taffeta cathedral train fell from
a large waist bow. Fier elbow
leneth three-tiered silk innsion
eel] was secured by a floral satin
itenrinieri She carrierl a bonnet
of red roses and white carnations
Mrs. Edward Hand of Trenton,
Ont., sister of the bride. was
matron of' honor. Mrs. Clifford
Prowe. 'Atwood, sister of the
grooin. and Mrs. James Patter
Sort wen. bridesmaids. All wore
sleeveless Princess style floor•
length e'owns of blue chiffon over
taffeta, featuring floor-length
trains falling from the neckline,
They wore elbow length gloves
and bloc satin shoes. Floral
weeps, sneered their two tiered
veils. They 'carried bonnets of
rink and white ehrYSantlielinimA
and fern.
Miss Bonnie Lynn Nand, neice
of the bride. was flower girl
wearing ai oink chiffon over taf-
feta dress and chiffon train.
Master Kieith. Brown of Atwood,
nephew of the groom, was ring
lktrt '\Turrav Taehlin of Smith-
field was best man, while Poliert
:rookie of, Prida-enort and TIMM,
.Tn'-'klin of New Thinaeo ushered
A wedding dinner felloWed at
the Brussels Legion Hall where
the, bride's mother received the
guests, wearing an aqua blue.
Brion ',ilk two piece suit with
while eseessories and a corsage
of pink wed white eareations. She
was assisted by the bridegroom's
mother Wearing a. two piece pints
1s t, dress with White accessories
end a corsage of bites and white
earns foes,
in the evening a reception was
held. with dancing to the renSid
of Think Voiles and the Ranch
Pot a wedding trip to Niagara
FallA ariri other points In Smith-
ern Ontario, the bride wore a
rose linen two piece Suit with
white acreeantitsa and a corsage
of ',ink and *bite Carnations.
Tbe couple will reside I
AtN% nod,
riuests tittendod from Tren-
ton, Smithfield. Sarnia. Oweit.
BaTriri, Bridgeport, New
1,1010(01 Iff$11\11M
The annual Decoration Service
of the IDOP and Legion will 'be
h e el eueeey Juno 11 th. at 2:00
11,111, at 13russels cemetery,
-Miss 131,verhy Anne 'Webster
exchanged marriage F'o-W's' with
John Charles Strickler at Oran!:
brook Prosbytcrian Church. Rey.
Charles A. Wino officiated at the
eouble-ring ceremony, Mrs.
Stuart McNair was organist.
The bride is a. daughter of
'Wing ('air monde]. and Mrs.
Thomas Webster, 2112 Alert-
borough Road. Colorado Springs,
Colored°, U. S. A. and Grand
Bend. Ont. and the bridegroom's al'e Mr, 1111 t \irs. Wilfred
Siri ekler. 1111 2, Brussels.
The bride, given in Triariiage
her uncle, were a gown of white
lace over taffeta, with cowl neck-
line, elbow length sleeves cuffed
with peas de sole, and white satin.
Slippers. Tier shoulder -length
reil was of nylon net and one,
While taffeta rose. She carried
a nosegay of yellow roses and
white daisies.
Miss Carol Webster. London,
sister of the bride, was: maid-
of-honor, She wore an olive gteen,
and off-white suit, with match-
ing shoed anti hat, and carried a
nosegay of white and yellow
'rlip bride's aunt wore a Oat.
dress of blue flowered chiffon
over taffeta with black acces-
sories, Der flowers were white
carnations and red roses. The
grooM's mother Wore pink lace
over taffeta and a corsage of
\white carnations,
Douglas McTaggart. RR 2, Brus-
sels, was best man. Brian Evans
ushered' the guests.
The bride'S going-away Cost-
ante was an. A-line dress of pink,
yelloW, and hue chiffon. She
wore a white gardenia.
A Wedding reception, was held
at the Cranbrook Community
Centre Where a wedding dinner
was served.
Polies-vine a trip to Colerado
Springs the newlyweds will live
in Weyburn; Sask.
Out of town guests Were from
Bright, Plattsville. l tirll irton, At-
wood, London. Ottawa, Exeter,
Material, Clinton, Wingliatn and .
Mrs. Norman neinary was the
whiner of the "Name. the Feel"
contest sponsored by the Relent
CPeorge Stable. T,ondott. Mrs.
Dcmary named the colt "Torten.
nisi Boy" for which she recelyed
a r!'llf 01111th Sill'Or 'NMI%
1967 W.O.A.A PEE WEE
Brussels at Whitechurch
Chepstow at Brussels
1 litaissels at titekriow
I8 Mildmay at 'Brussels
An 01110A it 7 Tilti
The Canvass for ;Tends has
received excellent stippuirf from
the area solicited. While ail
audited statement is not, yet, avail-
able, something over Twenty
Thousand Dollars in ('ash and
Pledges has been received,
It has been found to be iMpos-
siiile to keep personell at the
catn'ase il'ead'titearters et all
s, Therefore We have arrang-
ed with the following business
places to receive your payments
on. pledges, Or any further con-
tributions you may wish' to make.
The Canadian imperial Bank of
COM 111 erce, Brussels,
Machan's Hardware, T3russels.
Backer R Thompson Meat
elarIcet, Brussels.
Crawford, Shepherd and Mill,
Law Office, BreeSels.
After' business hours the said
contributions may he left at
Saint 3ol'ffi,es Angliean Rectory,
Margaret Rose Paulin, danghter
of Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Paulin.
Ritieval A and James Allan
Carniss. son. of Mr. and Mrs,
Thotne.s Garniss, Brussels were
united in marriage at Brussels
rnited Church on May 10th, 1967.
Mr. anti Mrs. Richard Smith,
Kitchener, were the attendants.
The couple left for Nashville
after Which they will reside in
Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Michel
announce the engagement of their
younger daughter, Sandra Joan,
of London Ontario, to Vernon
Dean. FinlaySOn. of London, Ont.
ario, son of Mrs, Ruby Finlayson,
Killen -reline, Ontario, the 'marriage
to lake place on June 17th, 1967
rt 0:30 p.m: in iKnox, Presbyterian
church, tistowel, Ontario,
Received coUrity Honors
The 4-11. Club Achievement
Day was held at Clinton on. Sat-
urdny May 27, Sixteen girls were
in ibis club with leaders Mrs,
Allan MeTaggart and Mrs :Frank
Smith, Barbara Bretneer receiVed
County 'Honors.
Mrs Ernest 'wn.ddeu, Funatton,
visited with her Meter. :'[rte
\*ifred Strickler,
Mrs. Prod Sinalition is a patient
hi Stratford T-TOepitel -Who're she
underwent surgery on IrricinY,
Mrs. \V ales BroWn. and five
thoght ors, Toronto,, visited on,
Sunday with Mr and Ma's. Calvin
Book Exchange
The next exehatige of hooks
will be made at the Craribrook
T•ibrary on Friday. .Tune 9, at
After tx3ing tinder ownership-
of one family for 63 years, the
name of Baelcer will no longer be
ftittsociated with our local Butcher
'George Backer, who has been
with the business since his return
from oversearr service in, 1945-,,
has sold his r el:00111.111g interest
to Fred StephensOn of Brussels,
who has been an employee for
some time and the business will
now be known as Thompsun and!
Ste ritienso4.
The Baeker Brothers, William
and Cleve purchased; the business
in 1904. After the death of Cleve
it become W, Baelser and Son.
Several months ago a, half interest
was sold to Frank Thompson, who
wae a 1o/4s-time, employee.
His many customers; and friends
will miss George behind the,
counter where he IgAs. become so
familiar a figure.
An invitation is extended to.
former residents of Brussels and
area to write The Post with greet-
ings for- former friends and acqu-
aintances'. A particular invitation,
is given to those who will not be
able to attend the Centennial
celebrations, But write NOW.
The Centennial Committee are
hard at work with plans for ev-
eryone's enjoyment on "Come
Home Week,
Mr, and M. Ralph Pearson
and family are Visiting Montreal
and Ripe '67.
The many friends of Seheyn
Baker, who has been a patient in.
Seaforth. hospital, are glad to
see he is able to be oat again.
Rev. Allan Johnston is attend-
ing the 'United Church Conference
in. London this week:
Several ladies of the United
Church entertained the residents
of ileronView this week when,
they presented a much apprec-
iated program,
Ed, Morrow, who has been a
patiett in Stratford .'General
Hospital for the past three weeks
underwent major surgery oil
Wednesday of last. week.
David Kreuter, Camp S11110,
Mon, who is taking an oeffeere
training course, headed his: class
in recent eeetus and is noW on
leave at, home with his patents.
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin. Krautee.
genurth Pollard graduated
With a Bachelor of Science in
Agriculture Degree from flit
university of Guelph on rsiday.
May 19th, Mr. and Mrs. 'George
Pollard. 'Motiktote a nd Mrs. John
Irvine. \\Incisor, attended the
Convocation Cerethonies held at
the University. Tienneth ctit-
fenny employed by the chonicat
Division of
$'1010:10 !iffitir