The Brussels Post, 1967-05-25, Page 6Paid on 3, 4, 5 year debentures or 6% paid on 1 & 2 yen' cieb:mtures THE ONTARIO LOAN AND DEBENTURE COMPANY ,hid 1 S;',./ ASSETS OVER $30,000,000 CAPITAL & RESERVE $9,000,000 Modern, and Old Tyme BRUSSZL,S P013'.1 1. il.,t'SS.141i,S, ONTAii.ict TIT.C1RSDAY, MAY 2,5th, 1.907 TRA1 TO ICJ Ask about convenient departure) and return times Fer information, plione the local, CN Passenger Sales Office FR()AI sii•tisseims X3.40 CANADIAN NATIONAL Yes tern interested in your attractive rates of interest offered on debentures. Please tell me more about tlit system of saving. Mr. Mrs Miss Address Tel. Complete and marl this coupon to: ONTARIO LOAN AND DEBENTURE COMPANY 137 Dundas Street, London, Ont. Or call: 432-4158 COME HOMEI W e are looking forward to haling YOU home for Prussels "Come Home Week", June 30th, July 1st and 2nd. POWER PLUS SPEED HOMELITE SUPER XL:67 CHAIN SAW Per any cutting job, prate* alone' or amateur, here's a lightweight, direct drive chain sow with super power! The Homelite Super XL'67 weighs 13 lbs., 12 oz., less bar chain, yet fells trees up foie In diameter ... cuts 18" softwood in just 17 seconds — cuts 18" hardwood in 24 Wends. Come in for a fret Osooastration today. GEO SOMERS BRUSSELS, oNT. Tel.: Ph, 1011 LETTER TO THE EDITOR Yarmouth FJro. Department, 'Yarmouth, Editor, Tho Ilrussels Post, P,russels, Oat. 1)c.,11 ;-lOY 01",11 Voill'S :IRO 1 wrote Your newspaper, risking you to publish Iktor in it, with regard to the D. Ronald Co.. ot your town. Iln:t built tho Ronald steam fire lit making a Lptiries : in country and 'Chair first onginp is Still Chatham. and is now being stored. The Co. sold nnmy .71wine,.; all across Canada, 7 in N.S.. and wevr' in business; no until 1899, immsibly oven into the :1000'S.. Tit 189'1 Ronald sent an engine to the Chleaco World's Fair, and Won firSt nrize for his engine, holli4v- OW- flits engine 'went to 'Regina. It would be very much fcppre'• toted if you Wauld, again request your readers if they can s!tooly Tarry more information in connect - but With this company, Thanking you, l remain Yours very truly, Paul Ti, Cleveland',. (Thairmpn Niu se it m ttee, ACCIDENTS IN CHILDHOOD Health Tips from the Canadian !Medical Association. Motor vehicle accidentS, . burns anl scalds and drownings are :wealcnts which most frequently cause death or permanent injury.. to children. the Canadian Medical Assuein lion points out. injuries by blunt or sharp objects poisonins. and swallowing of foreign objects fll'O 819,0 common„ Accidents, involving ohildron because small children are allaw- ones 'have not learned to ride hicy. cies safely. Many drowIlings result because tiny children are helikless in even small quantities of water, and because older children ar t3 not taught a proper respect, for water. row. people can swim as well they think they can. Burns often result when small children null Oil tablecloths, saucepans handles and electric appliance cords. Olac,s children sometimes play wvitP m atches, houfires and gasoline. sink, and when medicines such as :aspirin or sugar coated trail, qUiiNers ure left lying around. A safe hoine is the first step itt prevention of such accidents. .Advic,e on how to keep your home gat r: is available from your local health unit or safety council iii the form of valuable ‘..ree, liter attire. Educating children in safety depends a great deal on the way the parents behave, says the C.M,A. Actions sin alt ronc!h loud- er. than words. and careful (but not timid) parents are most 11k0y . to have safe children. SunerviS-. ion In iro ns never letting down your gitai d. oven when cooking, ftiswer. the door or. the lelephone, or visited. in re- NOTICE VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS ALL DOGS ARE TO BE TIED OR CONFINED DURING MAY, JUNE, JULY, AUGUST, SEPTEMBER A Fine Of $50.00 Is Liablet The co-operation of all dog owners in and aroun the village is requested by the Council. ed to play street, older ones forget good deal of La- toad-crossing drill and still, others many areas of the the 'USA, a good (1(.01 777- or information has come to light.. This Company started building steam fire engines in Chatharc,, (hit in 1509, and was then known as the I fyslop & Ronald CO Th is partnership lasted for several yr.ars, nail then be- came 1he 1 D. Ronald Co. Around 18(1, the town of :11russ.01,--1 otiprwi tc, bermes the Ronald f'hrif hom roftis ,:,1 to do sO, aryl Ronald utovail fie Y' assets. rind 'rooter vehicles usually occur roiscnim.,, • is a troblem of ex- posure and often happens when unsupervised. in the poisons are .kept in unmarked their bottles or claps, when the baby gets into, the cupboard under the when visiting or being BRUSSELS Dancing from Nine until ? in . PRIZES for, Best Dresses • 'eCtooles, Old.Tyme Best of Musite Two Orchestra. Dress Optional r admission $1.00 ..Eintsels. Legion 11A11" on ~riday Nite, June 2n SPONSOR110 BY CENTENNIAL COMMITTEE. PRQCEEDS MEDICAL DENTAL CENTRX