HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-04-29, Page 5fr • THE BLAKE BANQUET. gt.gatseeat .vegan+ to tie Lader es tie At the Queen's Hotel, Toront Thursday evening, was the occas -.,n of a utagnitioent ovation to the Hon. Edward Blake, by his admiring followers. The assembly was made up principally of Senators, M. P. a, M. P. P. • and leading men in the Liberal renka, about 450 in ell The hall was decorated with the usual nuance and a uutnber of cartoons from the pencil of J. W. Bengough. The following Hun. gentlemen Mercier, Jno. J. Mciarett, President of Young Mena' Ref.,ria Club, Montreal; is also provided that: 3. Freight whish H. Saelgtuve, Pres Icon{ 111rnr' Libe- has paid St. Lawrence trans, whish has ral Club, Cuwourg; H. U. Ju y, J. K. been oo:tsigned to an inters Th ibadeau, A. Smith, A. G. Jones,erml hate , T. Canm►dun puri aandreshil ped tsaid W. Anglin, CSM. Ctur e, L S. Booting- ishall paw thn.u.-1i the Welline! ton, Datil Mills, R. W. Scutt and Isaac rt a„� free c rge, Burpee, sent their oon tratula.ions and regretted their inability to attend. The usual toasts "The Queen,' -Governor General," "Lieut. General," and "Army, Navy end Canadian .Militia. ' Thu chairman, Sir Wok. Howland, pro.pt�aed the toast "The Guest of the Evening," introducing it by eulogistic reference to their leader. He ac.cuowludgud that the country was enjoying a certdlu amount of prosperity, but thought they 'Mould exercise great prudence in seeing that the country did not go too far, in involv- ing itself in debt. "The money' he seal 'derived from the creation of that debt was in fact, one of the causes for expansion of the business and the ap- parent prosperity existing at present." Mr. Blake on rising to respond, re- ferred to their kiudnese in getting up this expression of confidence. He said 14 years ago on an occasion of this kind, that -the only sound and enduring sstis- faction one could hope for in that or any ether walk of life, was to be found in honest attempt to discharge to the utter- most of huabilitis the duty of the hour, and he eti11 continued in that belief. He referred to the blow which the Re- formers had received in 1878-a disaster, he said, which the country would have cause to rue for many years -and which had left the parte -very much disorganiz- ed. heath had also. taken off sante 4 be�s to t(siat Ser n¢memua costumers, it their able men-H•m. George Brown, and a+oaod Go I rice that she has o,,en.d out Messrs. Holton, Oliver s�l.l Tremblay. Thew, he said, were circumstances ad- verse to fortune. Ice this connection a tribute was paid to 'Hoon. Alex. McKen- zie, who he was glad to see in p'ogtess- ing h with and wished Iti:n a pleasant trip to Europe, hoping and praying far his complete recovery. From the month of December to the month of March they had fought a hard battle and had suc- ceeded in some measure in mitigating ttHamilton Street, next door to W. Mit- the great calamity to the country, hut cell's Grocery. 1781• most of the def:,r'mities retrained in their original slate.. However, from various parts of the oountry were coming signs of a revival for the Liberal Party. Or- ganization was going on and young sten were enthusiastic. There were also 'mime practical realizations of the in the voice 0 the ballot -btu, from Northum- berland and Carlton. If the Liberals LATE PIPER'S.) performed their duty they would win in i 1883. Re then briefly considered the! Beg to return their thanks to the public for Pacific Railway question the ar- the liberal patronage received during the past qumente concerning which, our readers i year, aad 10 at.te they are prepared to do 11,00G4616jhoot• 44.1•. • THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, APRIL 29. 1881. At a Ooavention of the Reformers of North Ontario, Mr. Bigelow, of Port Peru, was 1hoseu as the Reforni candi- date n the oumiug content for the �os1 Legislature iu that axutitueney. An 'nth* has been passed in the Council regulating the rates on eeuals as follows: '1. All west -bound freights shall pay the rates misting on the St. Lawrence CAnals only, and slu►11 be fre o of the Welland Ceuat. 2. Up•.0 esatern- bound freight, that is to say, freight from Lake Erie and points weetwanl thereof t.. Moutreel, shall be exacted only existing Welland Canal rates. and it shall be fie o' St. Ltw a ice Cana's, it C or ha k,'ides its transit and coning under Clear 4, shall piey 20 cents per ton, either to the St. Lawrence or to the Welland Canal, as the case may be. Grads not otherwise provided for under Classes 3 and 5, exceptional. shall, if using the Welland Ce nal only in transit westward, pay 15 cents per tun, but coal will be required to pay, as at present, 20 Dents per tun either way. FLOWERS AND PLANTS. ALEX. 'WATSON Florist South street, wishes to inform the people of Goderieh and ion head a splendidmortmthM a has ent of BEAUTIFUL FLOWERING PUNTS of almost everyvaiandtalso a choice collection BEDDING PLANTS, AND SHRUBS, a.d'el! kinds of pmc}RITABLE PZ.♦NTB in their season. Th. public are cordially in- vited to exantise the stock. Remember that the earliest purv.aers have the beet choke. ALEX. WATSON, South St. P. rL - .1 lou for sale, a heating apparatus, sui t- aNe for amateurs, consisting of boiler. four - inch pipes. and expansion tank. 1Th4. NI RS. WA1tNOCK er rte HAMILTON STREET, OFPOSITE THE COLBORNE HOTEL gad solicits a continuance of their patronage. as she east with oowsdence recommend her goods ea bele at class in every particular. The aid of MMISS CAMPBELL. an accom- plished milliner. has been secured as aa. sistent. A CALL IS RESPECTFULLY LriITED. W. S. Hart & Co. PROPRIETORS OF THE Goderich Mills T7 -13E3 WELL-KNOWN MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT, THE SQUARE, GODERICH. VSs ST W lr Iso Just smelts.' a large and varied assortment of SITAKS & SATIN OF ALL GRADES AND COLORS, Laces, Gloves, hosiery, Parasols, FRENCH FLOWERS, FEATHERS, are party familiar with, and in this con- , rection dealt a blow a what he called the c3-RISM INC3- subseriency 4 the Conservative party, rtica • doertatanreethewicll nevcnhiaenngece not; ogat in overriding the new syndicate proposal. gnats at their town store The financial condition 4 the country (Late W. 3f. Hifli(tnia,) was very serious, our expenditure in 1879 was double that of 1871, exclusive of the Pacific Railway bargain. It is impeeieible to overestimate the signifi- cance of that fact. After briefly review- ing the tariff, imports, exports and vari- ous other matters in connection with the Masonic block, East St. Goderich. *6 -Highest price paid for wheat. -19S THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING DECIDED TO financial condition of the country, he ! RETIRE FROM THE closed by an eloquent appeal tote par- ty in the direction organization, Business 1 e£orts add general line of warfare, in the ( wilt. on Monday nei: commence to sell coining struggle for power. AT AND BELOW COST The "Senate and Commons" was re- sponded to by Hon. 1Vm. McMaster and CHINA, by Hon. Alex. McKenzie, who was re - GLASSWARE, ceived with loud cheers. He gave it to GROCERIES, them in his usual sledgehammer style, SHOP FhR\ITCRE, Sc. and was followed by Sir Richard Cart- wright. The following toasts: "Onta- rio Legislature" and "Commercial, Man- ufacturing and Agricultural interests of Canada," were responded to by Mr. H.COOK. O t/ . Mowat, for the Legislature, and by Mr.V K H. Darling, Mr. Paterson, M. P., and oinked'. 27th Ai.ril, trail. 17St Mr. Laidlaw, M. P. P. Mr. Rogers proposed "the Press," which was replied ,{ANITOB A. to by Mr. Cameron, of the London Ad.- 1 rrr(iser, The fifth Excursion party for the North, The preiceedirtta closed with cheers for West, ria the Great Western Railway will the Queen, Mr. Blake and the chairman. start '' az OCer� of o nvahon, AND OTHER NOVELTIES FROM PARIS AND LONDON. CUTTING, FITTING and DRESSING 1 SPECIALTI, Agent for Cornwell's Improved Self -Fitting Chart. Al/Evert De mens Is well sleeked with First Class Goods of the Meet Fashionahli Pat- terns and as all her ptuchaaes have been for ready cash. she is enabled to give her numerous -ustomers TER.%I ('-;."11 The Very Best Value at the Lowest Possible Prices, INSPECTION INVITED, Aa Iadepeagrnt Opinlen. To -day the cost of living in Canada is higher than it has ever been before, and the rate of wages is lower. -(Toronto Telegram. A cow belonging to John J (men, of the 1st concession of Levant, gave birth to a calf which has the head, ears. tail and body of a (bog, legs about six inches long. --- - The "calf" lived only a short time after -rOTICE• birth. l� WEDNESDAY, MAY :11TH, 1881. FREIGHT MONDAY BEFORE. For particulars apply toG. W. R. agents. to THOS. GREENWAY. Centralia. or to W. J. WHiTE Exprees Agent, Exeter. letereade•al 'tepees. Weather report for the week ending April 26th. April 19th ---Wind at 10 p.m. North- east, light, cloudy. Number of mils wind travelled during 24 hours 245. April 20th --Wind at 10 p.m. North- east, light, air clear. Aurora borealis. - Number of miles wind travelled during 24hours 351. April 21st --Wind at 10 p. to. North- east, light, air clear. Num ger ni miles wind travelled dating 24 boors 92. April 22nd --Wind as 10 p.m. North - wool. light air clear. Nannher e.m miles wind travelled is 94 hours 17a April 23rd -Wind at 10 p.m. South, fresh, clear. Number of miles wind travelled in 24 hours 2; 3. April 24th --Wind at 10 p.m. Smitht Liget, cl udy .`lumber .d milds winsi travelled in 24 hours 402. April 25th-- wind at 10 r.m. Sontb- wa.t, fresh, cloedy Showery. Number of mile• wind trsvelbwt in 24 hour. 311!1. Thunder and lightning at midnight 4.3 cubic inche. ..1 rain fell during the night. April 26th -Wind at 10 p.m. North calm, clear. Member of mils wind travelled Aurins 24 !nem 'MR. Fog••', 511 tho comelier ti N Mac,u,r,•..o. E. ,,..n. t i..df • t \ ' ` '7, ' flv Girinq up Photglrapbitig is (.ode, ieh. G. C. ROBERTSON, EAST STREET, JUST RECEIVED' A LARGE STOCK ! WALL PAPER! Green Window Paper Carnets taken up and Relaid. 011 Cloth Laid. Hair Mattresses made of er, and all kinds of Repairing dune. Pictures Framed as Cheaply as ever. lYCha&ra Recaned. ROBERTSON'S VARIETY STORE. • • Merchant Tailoring! HUGE DUNLOP, PA.RASOzS- A special hit of PAR-A2101.21aad 8LNSHAII S. job In price AT II• 5 J. 0- LETLOR & 0O2, Men's and boy', STRAW HATS, the newest styles. Their great sale of CARPETS still going on DONT FOROIT TO aZE THEIR SLITS MADE TO OEDER AT $13.00 AND $15.00. T, C. =etaOr izZ Co. B4UBUYC oUR GOODS and PRICES. We don't try to deceive the public. We dont advertise what we cannot do. We invite every purchaser to inspect oar stock, and we have so doubt hut we ran satisfy them, that we -..^11have the largest and best assorted stock of NEW SPRII•TOr GOODS In Goderich, and also that our prices are as low according to value as any in the The Fashi' nable Tailor, is now in a position to execute all order he may be favored with, in COUNTY OF HURON. Don't be humbugged by flaring advertisements, bat come and ser for yourselves. Li/The highest market prices paid fur butter and eggs.ea ESTATE OF R. B. SMITH. JAS. HUSTON, Manager. THE LATEST SPRING AND SUMMER STYLES. ON HAND, A CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF TWEEDS, WORSTEDS, ETC. Lar Call and see our Goods. Hugh Dunlop, Fashionable Tailor, West -St., Goderich, JOHN PASMORE, Manufa_turer of Wauous, Carriages, Etc.. Etc., VICTORIA -St., Corner of Trafalgar. in returning thanks for past favore. wonld Just Nay. those wishing a benefit will please notice former prices and present • Proem t. Former. Lite SW Photos, 44.00 47.00 full Photos. - 1.50 2.00 414 1.25 1.50 Cabinets Photo per dor.. 1.M 3,50 Card Photo. per dos.. - 1.50 2.00 And Frames to suit the above at BOTTOM PRICEB- ii=krour hearts /patting good odd wad a hare ylealrbotee al ITU L L. Joslnon'a, Mrs. Mary Wingate, Agent for the Celebrated SEEGMILLER CHILLED PLOUGH Asd Azrtraltur•st Implements. Also, agent for the Queen's Fire& Life Ins. Co. This ig one of the beet companies in exist- ence bring prompt and reliable. Information turntebed cheerfully on application. 1Th2-&n JOIN PA4ASIOttE. $5 to $20 per qday home. Samples worth $Sat free Address STIN1ON It: Co., Portland. Maine. ttertnert y atOstMtali. Wier d DettoIUJ Has opened a bLILLIF"Y AND DRESS MAKING establishment eon ('race of : leaves & ata.ly strrees. pear afte dy•s Lf.sery. with • hull ssnrtment of Ttuwwxn and U,rrwrwwen RATA, Fkattwawa, F11-wwaa, Tree Lar. Re rnAwee, * aa 10111711, Faternso, Vrt.%wet and DRr = TRinxtwov TA 19 T'1 'TTEP t 711.1n Seeds! Seeds! The subscriber heua to draw the atten- tion of the public generally to his large and varied stock of FARM and GARDEN SEEDS consisting of CLOVER, TIMOTHY, HUNGARIAN, MILLET, PEAS, OATS, BARLEY, and choice WHEAT; • . also TURNIP, MANGOLD, CARROT, and all other GARDEN AND VEGETABLE SEEDS, at rates that cannot be beaten. S. SLOANF. General geed Dealer. Hamilton street. darA hones to let -.n Victoria Rtrert SEEDS FOR 1881. HYMN BOOKS. Thanking 'be publte tee past favors. 1 note pleose.trr in stating flat i have onageda better stock than ever before of dodo* blomsothy(veand Peas. aaarPod ea Vile Clover. Aleike. Lucerne and Lawn MIMS New Presbyterian Hymnal, in every variety published. SPECIAL BARGAINS. m c.St sN=Y-_ are offering some Ilnrga:ns in Dress Goods, Prints, Skirtings, Denimu, Ducks, Table Linens, White and Grey Cottons. PRINTB_ - Fast Colors. from 3c. per yard up. BLACg CABHMEREB_-apodal Make, without cxceptien the best make in town. COTTON BFiIRTINtiB_-Extra Value. from 121c. up. ' First Class St7 -Floe for $I0, $12, !11 St6land $l4.c All cloths Nought cat outnits ttreee tof charge. REID & SNEYD, Manchester House, Goderich. New Methodist Hymn Boor A dint clash assortment c•, F7h1,0. 41ARDF.N •a4 FLOW'ER naps. Mterted with great ('are from the best Wed keep the best anthe d rewrite, genalland see. We se need we Ma pnrrham.. COMPTON'S SURPRISE CORN, The best field men yet intendere 1. (trowel dl rake kept roee1antly on hand JAMES MCNAIR• 1174• ( BafOles Rt.Portallini 1oar in all its forma LOWEST PRICES at SHPARD'S BOOKSTORE. ' SEEDQ, SEEDS A FRESH SUPPLY OC Field and Garden Seeds Spring and Summer Goods. N-OVELTIEB, NOVELTIES_ A choice selection of FANCY STEaw3, in HATS and BONewrs. STYLISH, NEAT AND SURE To PLEASE. FRENCH and AMERICAN goods in tbe latest novelties. A splendid assortment of RIBBONS, FLOWERS and LACES. Pas and Bonnets trimmed in the newest styles. A CALL IS RESPECTFCLLY SOLICITED. We take pleasure in 8/vowing our goods. MISS WILSON, Market Square, Goderich. SOMETHING NEW. 5 Per Cent. Discount for Cash on 81 sales. 5 Per Cent. Discount on Monthly Accounts. G. H. OLD HAS ON HAND (JUST ARRIVED) A CHOICE LOT OF FIRST CUSS GROCERIES And is 'Giving EXTRA 'VALUE in TEB, Japan, Black, Green. and Gunpowder. Try them. You will fii.d .hey are Good. Also, he keeps PORK, HAMS, SMOKED BACON, on hand. Highest price paid for BUTTER and EGOS. Mao, a lot of CHINA, GLASS, DINNER and DESERT SETS, and all kinds of GLASSWARE and CROCKERY. A/ Glee him a call and get Cheap Goods. �}_ g_ OLD, c. Rouge Square. tff'Farmers' Produce Bought and Sold. F'a =.ens .1�tten.tiori ! Barbed Fence Wire contracted for in any quantity et very lowest prier.. I SELL EITHER 2 OR 4 BARBED FENCE WIRE. Wire and barb galvanized after Ming 1 whited which cannot scale off. Use Barbed Wire for Fences. NO SNOW DRIFTS - NO WEEDS NO WASTE LANDS. 1779. For Rale by G. H. PARSONS, ('H EAI' itARDIV ARE. GODERICII. just received. Sold in balk or in packages. JAMES WILSON Druggist. Banking. ala BANK OF MONTREAL. C4PITAL. - SURPLUS. - 1112,00,00e, Goderich Branch. C R. DUN2FORD, - - - Manager Allows interest on deposits. ileafts. letter of credit and circular notes lsaed. p ysbin to all parts of the world. 1734. CANADIAN BANK Off COMMIIRCI Paid •ip /bpi M- l, - *4,000,00. - *1,400,000. Ref. Presidewf. M- N. 1FM. MrMARTRR Oewerw! Menapar. - W. N. ANDRRAON. Goderich Branch. A. M. ROSS. MANAMtlt. Hoge. Wowed on depa�lte. Drafts on at Towns tette. b sad tbe United masses, %d. aweieto Partnere on Mete. with naeM w,.• 'sodomy.,". withe•.. .wards•' Ina AFTER TEE FIRE. JOHN gTORY The Tinsmith is still to the front 1 tern pleasure to state that despite the ineenveniencr 1 was pi to in my rev ow ' the recent ere In my premises. that 1 am now 1n full blast again. pI 'pe ed to give the ire' ,,.•.' bargains in lioderich in STOVES, TINWARE, LAMP GOODS, and c. try other line in the bn.ines., I would also return my trsafd eebrta In saving my D rat ' r i1 its albtefe nce from rigade Mme. at the Ute fir`i. h foot the w. - John Story. SAIIBERS' VARIETY STNIL NEW GOODS. 5,000..T ROILS WALL .�`' � ? .. '' • :`` NI -FRESH STOCK.'Rt tAr-NBV: WiNDOW SHADES, TRAVELLIKNE B1GSi BASKETS. RaFv CARR; A FiNE STOCK. STYLISH AND Ct1Rt 3 Note the Stand. 'The Cheapest House Undcr tar• Cur, slviewrr Sew to fila Net Dinar