The Brussels Post, 1967-05-25, Page 1.1015.C.W...
$'..4.50 To U.S.A. TAIT. T3RUSaLS POST, Till '1 tS1.7A.Y, -M"A,1".- • With,
\\rtn. Browncarne with lima
rather and mother from Lauder,
1),edwiejs no„ Scotland, in 1.571. He
was born in 1.8:18 and was fotir,
leen when he arrived in Canada.
The family settled near Hagers-
• atni four years later, he with
his brothers George and Alex,
ander. came to Grey Township
lind settled on a farin one mile
of MbleSIVertii
In Tirown answered
the call of adventure and with
his brother George and a friend
telt ,fOr the California Gold fields,
Travelling on horse back and on
the railroad took theft) t)4,' for ni4
Leavenworth, 'Kansas, but still
tine hundred 'miles from Denver,
To cover this part of their lour-.
flag a yoke Of Texas cattle was
glix Mouths later his brother
§aitely is death made it necessary
for hitn to return alone, anfil
driving' the TeXas cattle, At d
Hino when life had such little
‘'alite. this in itself was quite ari
rl venture,
Agnes Campbell's first : hus-
band. Thos, Patterson died leav-
ing her with throe small child-
:fano. Mrs. W111 .lance
)1rs, Peler M. Stewart and
,and 'Patterson,
in 1566 she married Win,
'Drown and they setilcd on. Con,
2 Lois S.TT. Fir; and 56, Grey
Tqwnship, They had family of
• t Nt'o beys and four girls.
James and George ftwinsl Elsie
S. O. Sangster, Agnes, '\trs.
Rohl.. A. Thompson. Margaret,
Tiles Edgar and Mina. Mrs.
Mrs. Prown's father, Alexander
C' ca umbel] helped blind the
first Presbyterian Church In
Molesworth and was tli.e first
`Pror•en tor. Tie was folleWed by
his son Alexander (Thninholi arid,
grandson, " George: later by
was firecontor for' 'Prows who
fifteen years until (he first choir
lecd over,
After .10 years 'Mtn. "II roWn sold
this farm in 1906 to his
law, 5, it. Sangster, wild later
:!;n1c1 if to his Son-in-law, Hugh
• Stnith. Altholigh riot always in,
the Brown name, an; In Mt h as
heen i 11( finTroy, ro, n"er
(Ph Irl)Vtr;ri i cvo4li t1"16 0401
.• Thmiug‘vuy. • (.1.1st.,t(1,0
siudent, .,on of .Mr. and . )1 rs.
Douglas Ilemingway ,vas 11111.1101.1
1441,1 N1(1141 011 Pill:R(10
at recent cadet inspection of
over 2011 cadets \\"inghain Disl-
riet. High School. The presen-
taitott Ntrils wade liy I1lityor Tn .\\'itt,
\tiller of Winglutin
I )011 gins 1\1-trader, (tirade 11
...M. Ir. .,-1,11 it) Mr. ;11111
1 Ict:% I'? HMS:PH One
nue of 1111151('1'("tiO.PIS 15 till'le
makes il.iIn 1)1 (' for corr-,ider-
chnngo Visits with foreign coon-.
*Dr. alid Mrs, rtonahl
IVillowdale, wore holiday 'week..
end visitors in 'Brussels.
Mr, and Mrs, Robert Manny
o!,' Toronto were recent vis7fors
N,Irg Clio, Evans.
Mr. and Mrs. finyid Itiattain,
formerly of 'Loudon, have taken
over itinnagement of the Queen's
MrQ, Edgar ITollingel, kind lVfr
and Mrs, Larry Schnell of Fruit-
land spent the weekend at the
homo of Mr. and Mrs, W. T.
resident Of this colninutritY, is
in tt Toronto hOSPital with a bro.
ken hip, suffered three weeks
Rey, Hugh ANT SOD, a fernier
minister here, will occupy the
plapit again at Brussels
Clin‘roli this Stinday at a.m.
The Alasons Nun: St, jobu'S
Ledge, Prossels, will hold their
annual parade to the serVi.00
'rho annual Church Serrce of
1.1p , independent Order of Odd-
r ,"'iloWS twill be held in St„Toltn's
Anglican Chnrch, Brussels. Sun-
' day, May 25411. Meet nt MOE
Ctig. Hall at 7.11,110 non,
• --........„
Stuco•ro numlo: to tilt rrimutg.
Nut noighbourF who presented me
with . graduation gifts. They Were
Neil Tttigibtill
11 , nrs, look 'both families six
w,I.ks for which they had in nrt).
vide their own food which was
mostly norridge.
. .
tTr Prown died Ii, 1002 and
Mr. Prown lit 19f19, Brown
itarn, from N'ew Soone,
`..\11 4 tiir4 ;.-41 rl1te1;
mr, aald .ties. t 1irfor(1. Ititchin
\Valtoit, allendad the grutl-
nation of their daughter Miss
from St, Alary's ;44 0110'1i 11' 1;
i<j11')1011er, on '',Vednestia -
:Ala:: 1710. at the Xlittual
IVnierH.:„ att. mi-
were :\tr. and ..\Trs, Sam SlYe-
,110!?, Ethei. Nfr. iti 111.5.
4 111' 11;L i.y't.ltlilItf, i;arrir,.,\Irs. C.
Ly(Idiatt. fir.fen.
17nelvirm, Ci.041orich,•and Itov, and.
1\0'5 ,t, f tig".41111)0111aM4 1.\*1.111 (111,,
Miss Sheila S',,tackler spent, the
long weekend at a camp retreat
ar kintai.1
Misses Jo-Anne Dunn and Shirley
sialth ';hire' employed at Grand
1t''nd oval' the holiday weak-and.
Mr. and Mrs. goolynn,
'!.Hlaw visited with Mr. and
Fired S111:111(1011 and went,
(;1!,1,0 on Friday, accompanied
by MT, and, grs, Harold Keys.
Mr, and Mrs: Prace ClitritrirrIS
and faMily, Toronto, spent the
wee1rend with. Mrs. Stuart,
Peverley Evans, Kitchener
was home for the holiday:
anti Mrs. Ron ,(Tiller and
:N! 1', Z:1 nd Airs. Prtinft Smith and
T':omsIns ;Mondial 141xpo for Sever-
al da.j,,,..; and visited relatives- in ,
Carman Fischer SliOnt i:he 1111i-
day weeIkend at Expu,
Stuart Evans, Miss !ley
'ey Evans. Mrs, bong 'Evans,
('indy and Bonnie, attended a
treuss,,,au tea at Varna on, Men-
day for Miss Carol TaAlor'.
w-b„st. ami rrfago takes placo
Mn, and Mrs. Don Jocitlin and
Tracy, kitehener. visited over
holiday weekend with m r,
and Mrs, Earl 'Dunn.
is annonneed
of Sandra 'Darlene :\Taelm.11,
ii er ri 'Mrs. Lawrence
1-1,11, TIoussels, and
thr, life Mr • Miteltan in Wayne
ft.-Award III'? ken, son of Mr. and
vr e d nee'ker. TIostork The
woeniine. wilt take oloce eci Sittur•
fl a v. o 241 h. 1 CIIVT. rot 9 00
*,,Ity‘k in lictissels rirticeb
tRA <1.5. /.0..,61
fiat., RAI 1 : III
I' it ,1 recent graduate of
Waterloo. Unicer.-iit with, first
class honour standing as a. Civil
''ii- linter and is now employed by
the Texaco Fi)xploration Company
in Edmonton, Alberta. He is ihe
sot) Or Mi', and Mrs. ,fames
'I,Mrnhuil or C•rey Township.
• largo ntuorx of rrfends, and
lietr„hbours gathered at !he BruS-
SOS' Library to honor Miss Linda
.tactclin in her forthcoming mar-
The bride elect was seated in
a, pl'ettilly deol.):t chair and
Mrs, Margaret Sweene y • and Mrs.
Thelma Cardiff conducted f-teeral.
m using conies! s ft er which
rts we,re pre..
itenten oeighbong girls and an
address wtn-t ,r".44 by Mrs. Thelni
'Nada made n suitahle reply
and a delicious lunch brOifift.
enjoyable evening to a close,
rge,,7 ViTie Guild •
Twonly-Dino mcmberS of 'Mel-
ville. Guild were hapPy to accept
all' invitation of Mrs. MCC:1171.011
when she extended the hospitality
' !Ili- 11 La VISE• 1.0.1* their ..)7 ay
Wintifit'red opened the
mee ti ng with a Spring poem after
which nvhnt Friond we T in y,. in
was sung.. Pra yer' was by \\Ion frod and the
scripture lesson from Revelations
was read ill unison.
Isabel Adams assisted by T..ois
Kennedy, presented a very in-.
(-Prost g raid m form a HI topic
dealing with The Symbols of the
Chnrer which ware beat
illustrated ror our hot tor under.
standing., The hymn Softly and
Tendeviv., . • rinsed the. worship
. 1,1
Helen 1•711, l tech, charge or
the busint-s' 'portion of the
• 1Z6,11.1;•1 •44 were read and
adopted and several items cif
muii-a-s,-; dealing with the forth-
,•••:1,1 -1 , centennial celebrations
on July 2nd were discussed,
flelicicus refroPlintents were
and Clir ni.01111041 -1.11
(be. hostess.
1 4'111,.:4010.1i 7
The May meeing of the
Si Ijortic ..:tural Socioty was
11(10 in, the Public Libra.ry On
Monday, May 13th,
Mrs, Votorg e Wheeler presided
and after her welcome opened
the meeting with I) Canada., the
minute,- roll call, correspondence
Thp converafmn is to be in
GualPh ,ftine 21 - 22 - 25, It was
moved • that Mrs. B. W. Stephens.
Mrs, T7, A, Minn, be our voting
delegates., Other members were'
urged to attend if possible, Reg.
istratinn. to be $2,00 thiS year-
Mrs, E, Cudmore gave a report
of_ the District animal held in
Chesley April 22nd.
Mrs. B. A. Minn moved 'we enter
a float in the Centennial parades,
seconded by Mrs. Tp, MeGutcheon„
Committee, in charge, Mrs: P.
Drinhar, Mrs. R, Bennett, Mre,.
neorge Wheeler.
The spring tea and flower
show was discussed, Mrs. R. W.,
Stephens moved we call it a:
Centennial tea. and have a shay=
ing of antiques, seconded by
Mrs. B. Dunbar. Committee in
charge Mrs. Wm Petrie, Mrs. E.
Cudmore. Mrs, L. Frain, Mrs.
Gee, Davis, to he held May list.
in St, ,Tohn'S Anglican Church.
Mrs. N Reid moved we again get,
Offr fall bulbs from Hollands
Crlo ry*. seconded by Mrs, Tits.
Armstrofig', Order sheets Were
Passed out.
Mrs. TT. Smalldon favoured with
two much onjoyod solos 1.000111-
11anied by Mrs, W. E-err. Mrs,
TTemingway rend an interesting
paper on roses, Mr. Knight rend
the :\l'elys Letter and commented.
on the park.
)Trs, C. Hemingway thought the
secrefnry should again write
about a slow sign at nest ap-
proach to
Mrs. T). "Dunbar auctioned tho
plants and imlbs and $12.1i1 wait
realiz ed.
Mrs. Rohl., Smith won the dOrd'
The Oneen closed the meeting
and e delicious lunch was served
by Mrs. Hemingway, Mr,
Mrn. Wheeler 7‘..Tiss
Mae Skelt on.
4,\ TN in St. "iklary s
1\fltehener. c,lr •••1"!0.,
odd ,?j,401(1
A Year Alt A4 Varkti*1
Centeial nn
R pont
OF GREY TOWNSHIP ation as candidate for cadet ex-
Written by Mrs. R. J. Pearson 1
Robert :Kennedy, titt,,:#4": &dot
son of Mr. and Mts., R. W,
Kennedy, Brussels, has received daughter, TotOttto, Mr. and Mrs.
a promotion to the rank of Sr-Torii. Me-Brien. geafrirth, Ind
Corporal in the Mr. and 'Mrs. Elmer 7,1minor",
Mrs David highs. a. former 7151 Ir'd with Mr's.
Misses Cerfie l'tacte and Maxine
Ft:nialf dom. Kit ',honer, spent the
weekend chit ',Ti'., and Mrs. Eyed
gumilden and other friends iii t The proposed bus trip was •
discussed and Tune seemed such
a busy month if was moved by
Mrs'. f7, Hemingway, seconded
by IINTra. R. W, Stephens we have
ii in the fell.. Mrs. Allan McCall
read a garden pomp and expres..
sad her di=appnittiment that the •.
film asked far hadn't come..