HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1967-05-18, Page 6CENTENNIAL HATS Sale starts Friday Noon at Medical Health Bldg. and Baelcer and Thompson But- cher Shop. Help the cause. Wear a hat. riatta.zr.t=rmaltrarr.z=t6slazasterrat ts 4r". int L? eitm. Ity VVrien you turn 21 you are no longer covered by your parents' Hospital Insurance. You must take o t individual membership within 30 days. Get your ap- plication form at a bank, a hospital, or he Commission NEW JOB? To keep insured fol- low the instructions on the Hospital In- surance "Certificate of Payment—Form 1 0 4" that your present employer is required to give you on leaving. N LT WEB? The "family" Hospital Insurance premium must now be paid to cover husband and wife. Notify your "group" without de- lay or if you both pay premiums direct, no- tify the Commission. Ontario lidspita I ‘S? Seritices Commission, Toronto 7, Ontario. SEAFORTH P PI 0 t„ 3 -r Ceyttro itrSett For MI kinds or aphotnwistti • nrori4Pzihi: REVrtotAtgitIvel.` ,t (31. 10 ONfrotr!cht COME HOME! We asst tooking forward to having YOU 1101110 for Brussels "Come Ifome 'Wool; „lune 30th. July 1st and 2nd. j r' rt Ontario ieylef n t tire Vacations On the Voyageur Route on Lake Superior. The Wilderness Way o the Voyageurs A Wilderness Way Adventure Vacation offers inspiration for the eye, refreshment for the soul, From Sault Ste. Marie, around Lake Superior and westward past Kenora, the spectacular im- mensity of earth and sky holds you club ra I led. Fishing is, frankly, superb— especially unequalled at remote fly-in lakes. Boaters and campers enjoy endless choices of broad, sandy beaches and 'ncrowded forest campsites. Cities are few, but make up for that in friendliness and in wide range or accommodation and Shopping facilities. FliQhwayS .are splendid—straight; smooth and uncrowded-4or relaxed, dasy driving. A Wilderness Way Adventure Vacation will open up for your family a new view of this province and continent. To help you think about it (maps, details, pictures) just mail the coupon today. Province of Ontario. Department. of Tourkm C infotrmition, Parliament nuildings, ltoom 'Toronto 2. No. 421 Please send inc full information on a wilderness Way Attventure Vacation. Name Address City Zone Nov. Ontario Delarltnent or TOurism i • &:ilfOtIllillOg ;?e.,41.44frotV4Tt5 ;TOKY1411.7I,Sval.:W.lic,Asv.1,...irirmk1461.:scy "IP 14 ,k • 1 rfai; 13.R.LISSELIS ONTARIO TILIgt$DAY. MAN 1.8th, 11h37 ....111/101•0,••••••.. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of MICHAEL FRASS, deceased persons ha V111g claim ru;ani.st thk: cetate of .1lichael Crass, iate 01 the City Of I's; 01.SOn, in the Produce 01: British Co- 113,1111)tU, who died on the 25th clay of October, 1.966, are required to ale prouf of same with the undersigned on or nefore the 27th (lay of May, 1.967, after which date the administratrix will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which sho shall then have had notice. DATED at Brussels this 29th day of April, 1907. CRAWFOR D. SHEPHERD 6:: 'MILL Solicitors for the Administratrix Brussels, Ont. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of RUSSEL MARKS, deceased ALL persons having claims against the estate of Russel Marks. late of the Village ot' Walton in the County of Huron, oaraAeman, who died on the 29th day of March, 1967, are required to file proof of same with the underAigned on or before the '';t ii day ()I' May, 1907, after which Jul e toe executors will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which they hail then have had notice. DATED at Brussels this 29th of April, 1,967. CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD & MILL Solicitors for the avaeutors Brussels, Out. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of JACOB W. FISCHER deceased ALL persons having claims against the estate of Jacob W. Fischer, late of the Village of Brussels, in the County Of Huron, gentleman, deceased, who died on the third day of April, 1967, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or be- fore the 26th day of May, 1967, after which date the eXecutors will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which they shall then. have had notice. DATED at Brussels this 29th day of April, 1907. CRAW VORD, SHEPPIHRt & MILL etleitors 'for the 1r Centers Brussels, Ont NC)VV`1, era-1' indication tha t pi stoi (ates on 2tid class mail, whit h inoinelos neWsnapers, etc.. f'.',!ng to he increased. Now is the time to subscribe, or renew. your sitIveription, to the Brussels Pest. before We are forced try rake thy -tubscrinticn rate. The Pesti; thanks nil those who already done so. Pcistal repulatforin requiro that Jia„Nrie, ;)17 ilblYfi 4'1 Olt; WALTON 8th And 16th Unit of Duff's UCW„ Walton Th.' May meeting Was 11(3.1.(1 the home of Nrs. Donald Me- Wednesday evening, :May 1 (nit. mrs. .1 Liu smith opened tiler's inevting with the ('all to Worship.. hymn 451 "I bear Thy welcome . voice' was sung. Mrs, Jim Smith read the Scripture, A.cts 10: 10- 35. The topic. "The renewal of pooplo in the inner city" was takon by Mrs. Dun Fraser, fol- lowed by prayer by Mrs. Don. li•rnset. liyinn 190, "I am Thine ci Lora' \vas sung. ;lap .van Vliet was in (Amigo of the business part: of the meeting, Minutes of the last meeting were road by the secre- tary. Boil Call was answered with a hay.aur Item. There were 13 members worn present, Final plans wrre ma,lo for the haxozo... :.1.3r (l. at S: 13 p.m. wer,, olvi‘a out for tire: c,(1.I T. supper ?lay ltIth, in the ('birch. lu bo catered io by the and 16th unit. The regular col- lection \vas token also collection in Luck Supper \'; Melt W09, C Nn OCI rind a small collection, trace was sung and lunch served by 'Mrs Jim Fritz. firs, bin van \Met and the hoste ss. Personals San vain Sr.. has sold his farm, situated on the 17th - con.- cossimi of (:trey Township, to Ronald -Leo, a neighbour, George Dundas, who has -been a 'visitor 'with her sister, Mrs, Carrie Staples of Winnipeg, Man , and with members of her. family in Toronto. has returned home. Interesting Film. Shown At UCW Meeting T110 ;:.;eneral meeting of the 17th and Boundary unit of Duff's l'r VC, was held in the clnirt'h with lll'rs. Roy 'Williamson orr•shtitig over the Worship sovviep., 'Cho mooting- was opened with the singing of the hymn "0 Master let me walk' with' Thee". mrs, Clifford Ritchie read the ml,(ofgro passage, Colossians 1: and nrayer was offered, film, "The Song of the Shin- the' Monniains" an excellent Progentation of tin' strug.gle of a gl'onf many of the young Indian. people. was :introduced try Mrs W'rilier Tic'wley and shown by Rev. Arthur -rTigr2;in- hotham, An animated discussion gcliowe.1 Mrs.' 'Kenneth "110nonnld re- oolvorl f lip offprint; \\Thich was drdloo f hi; Mr n F.011. Tl]p 117t1' “;t1,:-0114 shall -PPitt'11" wag .\ TVS tiOrd nil MCC; r1Vin i1 cf the lmainess ses'don. 'The secretarv`(:. venort W.as gfi 1;r04,y. :11 rs. cor)4 esnol'Irl- mt.; .1.1;1141 it thanlv iron ftici Ken eth McDonald, was an encouraging one. Another hale will he sliipped in, he near future. Permission was granted. the decorating committee, with Mrs. Kenneth McDonald, convenor . to, have the ba..sement and claSS- room ceilings lowered and walls (minted. Mrs. Walter Bewley was ap- iminted to attend Slimmer Setkool at Alma College, St. Thomas, in August. Material, including patterna, and instructions, to be used for making stuffed toys, 'was din- u•ibutco by Mrs. 'AleCleavin. The material is supplied by the Ontario -Hospital, Gioderich, where they will be stuffed and completed ready for Sale. NewlyWeds Honored Mr. and ;Mrs. Kenneth Wil- liamson, newlyweds, were guests of honor, at a reception reId iii the Community Hall, Dancing was enjoyed to the music of Scott's orchestra, During the course of the evening, he honor- ed guests were Presented with a, purse of money on behalf of the. conim nity • 4-H HOMEMAKING CLUBS ACHIEVEMENT DAY HFLD Presentation of provincial and county honor certificates, along with demonstrations , skitS and exhibits rounded out the pro- ITN111 Saturday at the Huron County 4-11 Homemaking ath- ievemerit day held at the district high school, Wingham . Miss Sharrn 'Carroll, Clinton; .phiron County hoine econoinlat, was in charge. Provincial honors Went tei Ruth 'Withers, RR 2, BitteVale: and Rona Jonwsm.a. RR 2, wing,. b rim. County honors were awarded to Sandra Proctor, RR 5, Brtis.4 selst -Helen Courtney, RR 2, Luclinow; Lexie M.cWhinney, RR 1, Port, Albert: Mrs. Penna. Baiter, 13riissels; 'Doris Ilintoul, .R.11. 2, fain:now: Loree Campb(711, RR 1, urknoW, arid Dorothy Tay. for RR. 2, tiocknow, Gordon McPherson,. RR TatcknOw, rereivecl a. leader's certificate for 15 Years of service. Mrs. Tan MciAll Sten former )..totinty econtdr114; of nitiel7tecl nil 101 NOTICE VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS ALL DOGS ARE TO BE TIED OR CONFINE': DURING MAY, JUNE, JULY, AUGUST, SEPTEMB ER. A Fine Of $50.00 is Lia ble) The co-operation, of all dog owners in and aroun d the village is requested by the Council. 11ViraftiviggefftiormalMeampolgadbutitaggiblillo