HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1967-05-18, Page 4PRO V INCk; ONTA.K10 mu V t.ivik.N VISOR. for NUitiii i(0 Ll)Li ,IN . I 'X' no ibc CnSII,IOil inciLiaLl. the ,3 lieCririci and L051tU5 U1 otili' coL, -,LIcli_;101:1 UT pio(tuction end Le'.•:; [ farming. ;-.41',tu le education, witi, ea J 101QMA:JiT.L, LLqualoicativna pci year rising to $i5,2eU.00 per year Apply in writing to Personnel Director, Onte.'io Department el Aericuiture & Food, Queen's Park, Toronto. Closing Date: Friday, May 20th, leti'e • .1:J,-. 5tu0/ f ot.urdS. of iJuu 7..111:1 L -„1 • - 11 /4 .11, the,) Die. t_,111e0111 ail LILL, .1q.101.10 Ceiv CI el ti.irU tjU UUU Provinclef ei.e, lug 1.0...oin piece e iee,...tertie,u I. ¶111A0(0.ive, 10.1' OW, Iutxt AUCTION SALE Used Bridge e•Steel for the Township of Morris SATURDAY, MAY 27th at 2;00 p.m. 1st. Con. of Morris mile west of Jamestown Quantity of 8" x Beams up To Se' long; also Miss. seams, Angle Iron, Pipe, and some scrip metal. Terms Cash Robt. Henry s Auctioneer CLEARING AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock, Machinery, and Household Effects at North half Lot 12, Con. 14, McKillop Twp. 4 miles East of Walton on boundary. MONDAY, MAY, 25th At 1;00 p.m. Cattle 7 Holstein Young Cows, fresh 3 Ayrshire Cows, ti 'Yrs old, fresh. ilereferd cows, fresh Durham Cow,. fresh. 11 Young Hereford al, Charolaie. 9 Hereford iSl5 Charolais yr. olds. Machinery International Super C. Tractor Hydraulic fully equipped. International 2 furrow hydraulic plow ace bottom 2 -- 4-section diamond Harrows 13 disk Massey Harris Fertilizer Drill 3 section drags. International 4 bar side rake international 7 it. power mower Rubber tired wagon tnew) ft, Hay Rack Rubber tired Farm Wagon 2 set Sleighs 12 it, flat Rack Horse Drawn Corn Cultivator Scuifler International Tract() 'Manure Spreader 22 inch Power Lawn. Mower yrs. old 2 Heavy Logging Chains 110W Barb Wire Quantity of Rope 8 rolls Snow Fence Chicken Shelters Lumber Steel Stone Boat Wheel Barrow Sacks. Set Breeching Harness . Milking Machine, National De Lux (1 yr, old) Viking Electrie Cream Separator Milk Pails 2 Steel Water Tanks Milk Cans Fork Shovels Hand 8prayer Tools Household' Effect; f piece Dining Room. Suite, table, Buffet, China Cabinet, 0 chairs 2 piece Chesterfield Suite, Brown Steel. Bed Springs, Mattress, Dres- ser, (Alegi Drawers 14,adio Small Tables Table Lamps l'\‘I Light Lamps .Arboritcf Top Kitchen 'rabies Mirrors Dishes OrnAmentel Other Articles toe numereuit to mention Terms Cash AUetioneer Harold jaoklin O'rebrletor Allan Brown Clerk Mel Graham N IAL DAN ck_. I sALE „year 1:01 1:1'1118-, 01:111110.1.11 1,. L.11. N4 on. dliii., _ en, ch.orry lie i • table, - 1,77i., triliget null) tree, 2 Lon cusidulis. iZu61.1Lii liL'ic ii S, aI Priee ineuttil). fall„ s Furniture S•fie CS yuu nient32,,. TENDERS WANTED Township of Morris 'Ten.lere 0 tII fie unti. noon, June 1, 1Jbi ey the unthersiened 'Ler supplying and `a ; ('U. yds. .o.f int glav14.1 us din.cteci•by the road superintend- ent, • Ltiwest or any tender uot nee- essarily accepted. ; • -Airs. Helen .1 ,„M.artin, Clerk, .• Belgraye, Ontario. COMPLETE CLEARING AUCTION SALE for CAMPBELL ROBERTSON at Lot 23, Con. 2, Morris Twp., 2 miles west of Jamestown THURSDAY', MAY 25 1 p.m. 0 gt.cd Hereford Staei's, h•-eedi good line of Machinery icl son & Jackson Auctioneers — Listowtii COMPLETE CLEARING AUCTION SALE of Stock and Fixtures of a General Store for BARRY MARSHALL Walton SATURDAY, MAY 27th 1 p.m. Dayton Money Weight scales, Small Floor Safe, Filing Cabinet, Cora Cola. Cooler, Dayton Adding Mechlin-, Display- Island, Display Rocks, Wooden Bench, Men's Clothing. Crlove`i, Caps, OVers,115, Work 13eets, Rubber Boeta. SM$41 mime:ave. feteetrica I SupplieS Paint, insect Powder. Garden. ShoVP1s, Forks, Lamp and 1,,n1.1•11 conssos. Numerous Other , Articles, Terms Cash 5e./t, Tax on Items Geo, Powell Jackson & Jackson Clerk Auctioneers LIstowel .ti ubed •:•.1 tank contiitiou. — LL1 15.111 111 iLL CUUSEsiS $ 4? A I-Ew riOultS IA DAY vv i'L L e.EALLY PAY HE. AVON WAY CALL COLLECT OR WRITE rvie.S. M. IVIILLSUee IJ Hawkesbury Ave. Lotp,,Ori, 4-0-0641 Evenings OURRiE FURNITU E Wingnam, fu Qt. id Liala.. t ii< 1 it nt 61,tuueltitu, oaby enil) ILL LLuain, Lraintag clan* .1 11,1 bio..iliur with adjust• beet,: and fool, buggy coni- elth 1111111nc:iki Pareci L.L'I.Jun • Currie's Special Price Terms $2.1e weekly. SALE — ;sidger d111.04baLie zig nnwhino. .111411L-us but- boleti, designs Ott:. wiLituaL Ind (.2 aLs, Ono year guarantee, seiner, included. ILegular "-O ,'"ve 0 \\11112, $3,1 ,05 or luee $6,0ti per loontli, your old machine Lei-opted. • as down PaYm-euE- Beater Write box 30 Brussels. GROW CUCUMBERS yi akc Exi re Molloy ii you have 1/2 acre or more grow encumbers for • BI.CK8 Prices ilybild Seed Free PiLe: Cp At Gate Matron No. 10 e Phone 301-V,20 Dublin TENDERs WANTED -- Tenders will be received by the undersigned for the dem- dition and clean-up of the old Sehool ltiIIdling, Tender8 he in the lianas of the clerk by 51 p.111,, June 5, 1997. No tenders necessarily ed. H, King, Clerk-Treasurer, NOTICE Tenders for the position of supervisor at the Brussels Wading Pool will be received by the undersigned until Monday, may ut 12 o'clock noon. Duties to continence June 24, and lost for 10 consecutive weeks, Please state salary ex. eeted. ,mires Prior Box 123, Brussels, Ont, MONCRIEFF 1,,.y, ither M.rgitibotliain con- . !.4ervier, at: Mon- er ft' nniti-11 C11111'01 on Mother's 1 '' The babies baptised e !) une Dorothy Pox, (height- 1ir and Airq, .ifiCk Cox: Khr-11;t Catherine, flubitzen, don- 'Michael Oultrtzen: Wendy Arm SanIntrn, \lr find Mrs, Ja.ok Sal-11)111n; and Troy retWay Sth- F-o11 ef Mr, laid Mrs, ('l.ry k`Illi t.lt,. NTLEMEN'S CLUB EMS' \\ to .11%, goLl% Lk) loll e 1110 est. shun' on cat La on Junk; .Lan a centennial Ball. Nero put en vitae a • CO t\ Le oureuu itume, but tni a better fiddler than It e was,. alsu prometur. „ire going 10 (Au ur- ellusLra.. out will give Lin.; LwisLurs cuLiticu Lu squirm a in 1. Etiony relit t\ 111 110 11.6i.;(1 tun eL.711LciltIlaL to Canny oil With tilediCa.1. 0111110. \\ ILL.LVL, 1110 i_cye •Baite, Shotiene, 1_1111'11 teince, old •I'ynie pele.as and every third. dance a square. IC Will Or cannied on as dances were long ago, programs tacked. un the wall. You eau date your partner Ion three or four acad. if you wish, l inn going to play for at least two square dances, au old :Vine waltz and a, fox trot Boy, ,what memories when. I wander hack into the early thirties and we played live nights a week, from xing4ton to \‘;ii(isor. I had only an average fiddle, nut boy What a bow I had. i'Cople will say, quote, that's a good fiddle, or, yes, that fiddle sounds good. Never an enquiry uhoto the bow but that's what. makes the fiddle produce music.. ,<. bow is a piece of wood "A frog and horse hair". The frog tighten, or loosen the bow, Some play it tight, some loose, For fast square dancing I tightened mine right up. You Call get them Short or long. I had a special, four in- clues longer than the factory made ones. When the caller would line up the sets and come hack and say, all set, let's go, I would grab that bow by the frog, would run ray fingers across the stringS on the neck of that old fiddle. t would reach the bow Out full length and when I made the draw yoU should have heard that old fiddle Moat. Meinories alas. The best, caller knew was Webb Sea fe from. Ridgetown, A Voice as loud as Niagara Fathi, as sweet as honeysuckle and all smooth as Slim Adams. NOV, loved dancing and alWttya left the music to someone else while T bad one 'ranee. usual Webb, ibis night in Sarnia, ;Indent end I wanted a. danee. and he says it effil be ladies' Minim The minute. I left the stage T was surround- ed by ell the pretty dancers there, They tugged ire and they Mtg., god ren and also hugged Mo. Then a fight. broke out. among to slit.: zalelLti.011S, iL \VLI 501110UL Lhel.11 , 1101 11 Lair WU ell Weir pretty bead Levu Iii sideus and laying there on the thir. it it euee ILUU.e would tare cause (Lit,, hit 10 hair miturai ,•110 ;,(,1 cart fill) A it ig 111 almost every drug seine. Ltull L 51.1.'17." ally n." (111111s worst leg. minaie skirt is JUSL a stir- slegie, eel those 11-110 kauw Little 1t 1)i,rrtI. horses, well, a 6Li15111gle la a strap that goes around the belly. 'that. chat was worse tine) the Fenian raids, .Meleen- Lies poliLleal squablee and the Not 11151 ('St Lehe.Il101i ail rolled in one. that time there 11115 1001.1 110 111(10.36' (11.101013 111 leiniliton County. Oh those days. Un those days, The ladies loved, me, the husbands hated me and the young men envied me. Well, • June 2nd .we are going' back to- Atte good' old days, play. "over the waves so sweet" It will seem a dream. For square dance I will play my bow like it should be,. played. Prizes for the best old Tyme Qostunae.s Watch the Post. forfuture announceMents. •DreSS• is optional • but come anyway, suppose you come raked, except for Lt. Iniallia skirt, June 2nd at nine i u the evening when we will go back fifty years and IlVe again for a 'couple of hours in: a world that 'danced quite different from now, Yours truthfully„ WALTON Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Lawless and Dianne oti Burlington, wore visitors on Sunday with Mr. anti Mrs, Wilbur Turnbull, Mrs. :Joseph and Mr. and' Mrs. Thomas Watson, Bondon were •isitm's with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd. Porter and Other relatives. 1 tr.s. Itilda SettfOrtho Was a 'weekend guest with Mr, a Lid Mrs. tic bort Traviss, son of Mr, and 'Mrs. 1lTorlon llarkwell, received the aacrounult of baptism at the i-Inorbly morning` service in 'Duff's Chnrcii. COME HOME! We are looking- forward io TThving YOI" home for TheiSsele "Come noire Week", :Tune 30th, Tttly 1st and 2nd, LISI 0 WEL LEULUN StAl U &DM , MAY 2U1.11 DOOR PRIZES one SPOT DANCE MUSIL 13):: KEN W ILtiEL'S4.).t...Cf-DLST.NA ADMISSION AT POPULAR PRiCES accept-