HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1967-05-18, Page 142,00 A Yes' ,u - $2.60 To U.S.A. , ( Y, 18th, 1:)07 POST PUBIEUING .1-10USID 100 Years Of Service.- By Canadian imperial ,137.1,nk of Commerce II !,' 11 1)1 /aged l,v rife unusual flag cm the Can. Ilank of rommerve 111111(.0'1'w" The confederation of the only institution that t.- .feir celebrating r 1n .te•01 That deep reel and geld i:ring the symbol ,he C.1.71. of C., Is flying to iii}' Jan 0a7..n of service to tie • public., 'flu' orf•eision WW' further mark eur boom). lernin 'h with a feious gesture of hospitality in the serving- of Neffoo and donuts to eustoMers. nu Monday, May l\Trs. Ceti] Parker, assisted; Mrs. Howard Bernard, was tli friondy hostess garbed in a. oostunie appropriate to the period or the ostablishrnent of the bank.. ilaskets of beautifnl crimson snapdragons and yellow feathered moms, the crimson r arnattori, boutiners worn by Mr. r. Parker,. manager, and the accountant, ao,T th, yellow mum corsages of the, youeg ladies of the staff, added festive air to the orcasion, The male members of the staff wore gold cuff links and the ladies gold pins bearing the insignia of the C. T. B. of C.. pre- sented to them by toe hank. rP.! A NPP Majestic W. I. Hear Top Ontario Speaker g(„)(1 oilendanee of Members triends were not to the May Institute meet hl Er Tharglif.LY n District. Animal meeting IS hettlg hold in 13rOaSelti on. ',nitre- da;v. May 19th. Registration be- gins at 9 a.m. in the Anglican Church, where the dinner will be servecl by the Anglican Delegntos appointed were Mrs. and Elinor Homing- and Mrs. Stephens. There 'Will he a display of five antique articles from ench branch, . The meeting was under the topic "Horne Pleotionlics" so `tit-r, 11), Clidtnor6 took the Anti' for flip program. Mrs. .Toyce Triebner demon- strated the making of a Blue- berry BnrlrlEa which she served later with a hot lemon sauce, which was very good, we were also siren the rertpe. The "lotto by Mrs, re de Itrlps was "character is like pm- Ivo/6nm, : it is -made stitch by Mitch". The Boll Call which was ens-wered well with the threat of fine. was timely Tins on storing (defiling. The highlight of the evening %Yds the sineeeh nn "Corinda i, hr l',rnrla "\-V11.Sern. the tirrseti- 4`a}inn of this Sneech in oronto. Anril Stith, she won the trophy.' which rave her the distinetion of h.st snenTeer In Ontario in her this'~ for this and other triumphs makes us very- neond or Lindn. Current events as given by Mrs. Wilton Ticiningwny are. a very interesting Part of cur program, Oar institute presented n 23,00 binctlie to the 'Mnsic restival was won' by Belgrove. Silver rent ermin] spoons at are being sold hey members Po be sure nod soeure this 'keen. terti. Airs, Trona Armstrong report- on nrogress regarding the Mnlev memorial at slip ce- rneterv, Council bran is rrning to lee remiired in financing ft. Mairstie Trtsfitnte is planning to sneriscw, n float to enter nor Centennial Thirrele. number or the mernhero, were named to 'belt) let nlannine. f10 0. rtnme s \rmstenna. -Davis do 'sites. TTrtnitign'ov. r.tige)i Ctultriore, and Mit, Walter sang rho song "Mother" the ladies Mined in the chorus the 1)r-sooting old song, 'Mrs 71; Curlmore ;motioned a 'somber of roofs and bulbs, which reelixed some si -Tattier money. Tlle 'hostesses fo,. the evening wore 'Mrs. Mot's. Sneir and toWe, (4,,•.C. nore/IF 1-10MEt We are lnniti ni forward to home for itritsetelti. ftl.o.(it.1 TT ()Tr-, , MAIL SERVICE FOR VICTORIA [DAY, MAY nod Postal 11111011Ni this holida). No itutii is received nlld ille Pt icket art' CIOS011 all day, .1 .11Pre. 124 11.11 rural wait delivery. The malt i5i (tirf,atchpd its u tlutrl ut 5 (' OCIC, MATHERS HOUSTON CARDS 6F THANKS My sincere thanks to everyone wite sent in r, cards and gifts While was in the hospital. Tli atilt Yon George to n gint, I would like to thank all whir, u-pullonihni•ori trie with cards, and gifts while t was a, nallent in Wingbarn TTospital. Your th might ruteriSS vill eleet; Doctors Are introduceti Tp Brussels Citizens pprox.i me I el.,Y ;-,() busines8 people, Melnly-ys r if OW AI vdir. ',,Tirol Con' ro votumitteo, and other interested persons, gather- ed at the New American H'itel on Friday evening for a dinnei me‘etinF arranged to meet Dr, and mrs, Zyieli of Boreet, Tediglani. and Dr. Tom Verth, Dentist, of Toronto. Oilier head table intros.,- included 71,1.r. and Mrs. Inch " Toronto, Mr. Inch is the (-3 ,,npral Manager of the Dominion 'Dental Supply, Toronto. Both doctors expressed keon interest in Ineating in itrits,.., They had visited 'CiTingliarn Hospital. and the Cal In (hr Nursing Home. Brussels. and 11.-Pr',r• impressed by the facilities avail- able, mitt with the Village leatssels, Herbert Strettori, -imirman rf the Meclieal-Mental eon-re-if/tee The Sacrament of Baptisth was va observc.,0 In Knox PreehYter- inn Church, on Sunday, May' 14. when Tracy Dawn, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. ;loin Seddon, Steven Frederick, son of Mr. and Mrs. T'i'ed Smith , were baptised by the minister. Bev, C. A. Winn. Mr, and Mrs. Oscar Hnehn. Conestoga, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Cnlvin Cameron and Miss r. rift the wer,kend, )1'i; Maxine Smolidna, Kitch. Spent• the weekend at her home here. Mr. and Mrs Allan Dunn, ,Pit icy and Dentin, Bloemingdnle, visited with Mr. and Mrs, Forl itenn 'en Semlav Centennial F3e.11 Held Community Centre A ',rood crewel attenclod tile Ceilevninl -flail 'i i' in the Conorrarite. centre Mg' of the Old time dances were en- d to the mnsie n f Mann's °relies!. 11- ,e/other wore old time costumes rind nrizes were aweed,-,0 trl "I'D, and Mrs. TIorry' 'Mile is ene of soyere1 on (+lin rr("c'$ held under tic 111qiNTOPS of the 6*01: V.-/I St1 rn rroitroi. nothor is to he held en in Moneriere Mrs. Stuart Stevenson is a nalient in Winchnin hospital. Several from this area attend- ''Pertreits of the Post" in are stn forth TTigh Scheel on Mon. evening. Fred ileclritt and Mr arid Mrs. .lobo Bockitt and chilmrre of Preston. were SimanY visitors with '."kit end eleo chem. .1\ r. tiled Mrs. Tionglas 'Revs end t1r1:111 of 'Min ot,ost .,•!.411 7kir.; rre-rel t acit 04 ,stor. +7,ngoi mrd TT.'t'' -re IN't,c'?." ti of c In 1r - T its Jrri 5,9 East Wawanosh Bo.) rA Meeting ..‘ ii 11001 ..1 1/1 ▪ Xiay I. s of Nair meetings in road end epTiroved. Pityliti-ret of ),e,e , rollowitw hhls out 1:(erive•ei Rot,. • 03 Nyth, ri.r l'orinni 1.01; V:allir-r Furnishing. 0.7.7 0.7..0., (;. Stiles, •.:1 =it, ],lies. d 1:97 10; Tol old-) !inn, russets ,An air • Tlainton Ltd. Vnnr.. 12 fli;; Ad- aftee Times Fast cit: Ideal eple '.•1 r Dill's Electric Motion .T, rurrif•. 73. Elliott ire' D(' n 1 'filo ChoS along the Wert or the school of Cnrrin and n et ell, I hutresignations of Ashton inc vrI,a. Wilhelm he ,eent ed with ree:r•-•tf,', The fn.!' 1.1" demolitie-n of the sehoel 1311:11, wa..-4 given to Trini and wrnolcine: immedintcly. lietien cenit ,-.s that we ndieurn meet ne..ain et the veil or the irmon. 7lecriteliree, TZalph Shn chnirm r.1, Secretary • *41, SERVICE l!NinAY, ]CRAY 28th annual Church Service of le11,r.i ()On d Orfli‘r of Odd. will In , held in St. John's Cletroh. Brussels, Sim , "Oh, M-el at TOOF 7'1111 ..t e FNOACEMENT Tie , en et is ernaittived of -1-1 1 ichti to rortic(is el e? Bann, son of Mr. and Mrs. P. n r!in. Tif.:1 IL of 11,84, 'I, Walton. 1.0 ,• e. Ile daughter Pullet) Liehti of Welles- vh „ \ ron Awn.. h T Wf) n'elools: tit the eene-it. Cherch, • PFrvPI. F WF KNOW •cuss Bare "”cdeinnon. snt Join, TIor-voy and f'7". Or • T mnd on rormer's Zip 'cad :Vol -mar! " 1 *).Tiee ft, .11itso in into" Cleneral • the weekend "Mr, nod '',k1vs. 1,-isited en th her e',''....1/1(-1- 1";1 11,-(1 leeie , ,•r (110 :MA r o w SPRING TIME IS CLEAN UP TIME N'ow is the time to clean up. e tint up, and beautify our home urrotindings and make Brussels • really- "0 Oa riols Prettiest Vil• loge", . will be. welcoming many visitors this centennial year,. partienlorly • during ''Conic' flome Week". Lot us spruce up. and greet -thent with a bright appear-. once. •• Home owners • Oa I. do meth, with little expense and a few Peens of energy devoted to oink- irw • thcir homes, lawns, and a rdens Tin .serif a More pleasing . mew:ironer. 'Hot rid of messy debris. era. dieatP th05P Unsightly wee ri Vint nee"» 'the appearance or your property 011(1 spread to that of Your neighbour. There are some yneatit lots, and sr untidy promises that are in need _of an enerette clean-up Some fresh point, additional !lowers, well groomed lawns, iniures,-, on 'visitors that Brussela reAdents take pride in the en' 0oaranoe of their vilInge, and thet thie ra not only a plpasarel Pince to visit, toil It inel••ases the vaine of your pron. 1 •'t :111 • t, Oil I r: nit a ren t --110rteninc: tip" ennipaige iliillf in- it eltr centennial elect. The Ceti/n.11, nsvi,ell rittl c eel tee !lie! eontioli fieflo • .4 I .,4 ,..}• !O' A wedding trip to Florida was chosen. fly Mr. and Mrs. Dennis ?,Tethers after their Wedding at Duff's -Coifed Church, Walton. ltev, Artimr 7Tigelnhotham offic- iated (it the double-ring ceremony. The bride, the former Brenda Is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rae 'Houston of RP 2 Bros- Pols, and the bridegroom's tai-enf si ore Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Mothers of London. The church Was decorated with baskets of white snap- dragons, tinted daisy ehrysan- thetnions. and tall, white tapers flanking the altar' Miss titian .Tlryntis era solo- ist ,,vith Mrs. 7Tarvey Brown at iho organ, The bride entered the church with her father wearing a floor- length gown of organza over tulle and, taffeta with lace bodiee and lily-point sleeves, Derp,fioun. cog of Chentilly Inca trimmed the bouffant skirt and a train of lace and Organ za fell from the Shotild- prs. Her fingertip veil was hold by a cluster or organza roses, She carried centennial roses and el=ehenotis. The main of honor, Miss Clenna \lalt and Miss Shelley 7,teltan, both of London: the junior bridesdaid. Miss .Tanice Tionston, were gowned alike. They wore Capri Moo 5111; shantung. Moor- , leegth moire gowns and eurried boeetteicl 61 white dnis.ies and blue titled chrysanthemums. -Terry Mothers, hrether of the brideareem, London, was hest man, Rohovt lieu tan, Kitchener. brother rf the bride, and a 1W Ma 61.111(1 Bend, cousin of the bridegtooln, ushered the nests. wedding' reception 'was held in the church parlor. Mr. and Mrs 71in Ch.M.:4 will live in Loudon, Several nro.nontinl events in, London nod Wnitori honored the. bride.