The Brussels Post, 1967-05-11, Page 6jo,-744, the Commerce At the Commerce we provide banking service where it is required in your own home town or wherever you go in Canada. That is why we have made sure there is. an operating Commerce branch at Expo '67 . open seven days a week at convenient hours. If you are planning a visit to Expo, see your local Commerce branch first. There you can obtain Expo Passports at a lower cost than if purchased at the gate; Bonus. Books which will enable you to purchase R,freshments, transportation and amusement tickets at a discount, and Travellers' Cheques which are convenient, quickly replaceable and readily cashatfe, And remember wherever you go in Canada, the Commerce is ready to serve you. CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE i L /907—Our Hundredth Yc,Alr et Sanlung Service into charge of the newly Installed president, Mrs, Jan van. Vliet. who asked for the support of tin' merabem %lie District Annual will be held on Thursday. May 18th, in St. Anelican Chnrch, Brus- :,els,' Voting delegates are Mrs. Jan -van Vliet, Mrs, Roy William- son, MrS. Wilbur Turnbull and Mrs, .Kenneth McDonald, At a meeting of the illxecutive it wrt'U; decided to enter a float is the (trey Township Centen- .Poradc? in Ethel on June 1 lib. NEED A CRUTCH? Hospital bees, wheel 'chairs, walkers and ' crutches are now available from the Humanitarian SerViet, Committee of the Inde- pendent. Order of Oddfeliows. This equipment is for use by the' public and should be return- ed when no longer required. Witcrevar yam May be, there's a complete stock of CO-OP Fertilizers nearby. Co-openktiVes located theoughout Ontario provide the finest service available. You roc assured of supply at this or any other time of year. Right now, your Ce-spesatthe is fully-stocked With a complete line of fertilizers ready for bn ate pick-up or delivery in any quantity and any analysis: You eut deP•nd on CO-OP quality because Co-operative's are owned OVA 031/1/011.41 by the people they serve ... the farmers of Ontario. 'IlLGISr EKE, iii is WOIH NOW CO-OP OFFERE: A .41 COMPLETE FERTiLIZEP SEPANCE tih o High Grade Fertilizeri a Bulk PiCk410‘ • Bulk Spreading ▪ Liquid Nitrogen Application '40-10 AMA Palk .7\kk 1. ontilitUilLt) POST, intu$S4LS, ONTAilib MAN llth, 1907 GREAT BUY IN HOMELITE CHAIN SAWS Here's your chance to get a superior quality Homelite Chain Saw at lowest price ever! Never has there been a better opportunity to get a top quality Homelite Chain Saw at a better • price! This Homelite C-51 has- the quality and features of much .: higher priced saws. No other tool you can buy does so much, • yet costs so little. You can cut. tiirewood, clear woo.dlots, cut lumber, prune and trim fruit trees. Come in and see the Homelite C-51 now. It's worth • money to you. GEO. SODA S BRUSSELS, ONT. Tel.: Ph. 103 AL; I' Officers Installed At Walton W. I. Meeting The annual meeting of the 'Walton Women's Institute was precceded by a turkey dinner in. the basement of Duffs 'United Church basement, File 17th and boundary L'c W catered. Dajto. dils awl colorful place cards de- corated the tables. Ill(rste at the head table were introduced, following the dinner; by Mrs, ..\lvin McDonald. They included, :Airs. Margaret Huin- phrmes, Mrs. James Nolan, "VIM 1.:2 nnetli :11c Donald, Mrs. vrank Walters, Gerald Watson, Mrs. Roy Williamon, Mrs, Ross Knight. Mrs, fati van Vliet, Mrs. A]vin McDonald. Mrs. Torrance Dunda:::, Mrs. Ronald Bennett, and Mrs. Humphries. Mrs. Roy William8on opened., the Heeling with 412e Institute •Ode and Mary Stewart Collect. A minute's sili..m-e was observed in memory of Mrs, AttdreW Coutts and Mrs. Edward Mc- . crouth, 11i n members who passed away during the year. A. :lumber or new Members. 11Irs. Lat, t'rl,f' GOdkin. 11rs. Larry ..Johnslon, Mrs. James Aximann, MI ,: Neil McGavin, Mrs. Lytle Osborne, Mrs. John tier:, Mrs, Graliam Sholdice, Mrs. Alex tInliitzfli and Mrs. George Baker, were welcomed by Mrs. Jan van N. het. Roll call was responded to by the payment of fees folld*ed by Sistk-rs, 1 art t• iiteiuber2 1k. ue' :„to. out 01 (Ito t • -tnttt..1 \\ Ui gilt:, nett:. ..11eDint They wer,. .Mis, fiiinbull, s Alt's. Domini Bucimi,ail tiou er • Goruni. Z11601L, vot tttitik ;t on new. ; 11 lillulit'Sult, presi- dent, expressed her thanks to 1)10111 0-011Qr- illit.0 during her two-year term of ()Dice. \Vioaind 1.Lumph- ries thanked. the retirni. Prost- alt nt tor •ber intert.si and. leauer- ship. Mrs. tlearge ‘,\ it 111 lll5oli, 1.1e60-, 11_11.0.UL-4 lair took os, or the, meeting. Jan you s, o, ontributed a solo wit ii .'4at tin Binin at. the 'flit: It'll; i lly .;L' trek.' ,h11.h•rs Aii,re enlEure and ‘11 in.i.• lzen r..“.z!i.,-at% t .1.10 ale .F4,..A.)1101111uS I ts tl:ta I ilia lt(-SPal't t arreat Nolson. Marks, 'Public ',Leon:7 01:s; Wolsen, Donold fluchanan, Resolutions. :ant, Waiter, the ..Eas.t. Huron Distitet Presi- dent, Alt's. Ross .Nnigat, who i;a\:_: au interesting talk (rile thb values of the Women's Institute. bite conciuden tier talk Nsjih a poem "If you scatter sectd of kind- )555". • Mrs.. 'Nelson Marks, convener of the nominating- coMmittee,• presented the following slate of Dicers fOr the coming year; Past • President,• ;di',, Roy Wil- liamson; President, Mrs. Jana van. Vlivt .11-.; First Vice-Presi- dent, Mrs. ..Vivid McDonald; •Sec- ond 'Vice-Presklent •Mrs,• Harold Bolger,. Secretary treasurer, Mrs, Gerald Watson; District Director, Mrs, •••Roy 'Williamson; Assistant. District Director, Mrs. Ronald Berinitt: Ilrancli 'Directors, Mrs. Ron aid. Bennett, Mrs, Win. Hum- Myles and Alm Clarence Martin; Press 11ii•porter. ll I'S. Ne.160.11 RE-i(1; Jars. noup.ins I-I4 nuis; Agri- culture and Canadian Industries Mrs, Frank Walters, Mrs. David Watson.; c it i wnship and Edu- cation, Mrs. SIewart I ilinni.)hrie,3 Mr:4. Ray tiaellier; thane Econ- omics a lid !kalif], Mrs, Harold Bolger and 1ir1,. Clark; Historical 'Research and Current Events, Mrs. Mae Sholdice and Mrs. Herbert Traviss; R.esolut. • ions., 'Mrs. George Williamson atid. mrs. McCall; Public Relations. Mrs. .\lain. McDonald, 1Tark:4 and Mrs. Ron- 1 Id Willi., tip-iin ::-liinshino Com- mittee. Mrs. Earl '\Vatson. This slate of officers was instal- ! Intl by Mrs, Ross Knight. 1)(lIthill illlohn11011. MAO l'S:11riosy Frith :Ind presented the speakf I 11 a !rift on behalf of the branch. The ineetiner was then given '' ' • ' ''' ' .... cre;-...1•PaitUre Co-I:ipOradiVelY tb PI-IC/NES: BRUSSELS 388W10 WINGHAM 1091