The Brussels Post, 1967-05-11, Page 5
BRU131$141443 `k , Os' MAY 11th, 1.0i7
j4.41ii 11.i:
1 Best Old Time 1st $25, 2nd $15
kiE:ot Comic 1st $25, 2nd $15
Oldest Car Running 1st $25
hest Antique Car 1st $15
Most Colorful float, purely ornamental,
1867 - 1967
4..eittora Lo
• AT Enia.
Thu niontiny mooting of Lite
tivuy tislup Ceutenuial cow-,
mittee met in the Clerk's Office
cithel on May ith with 13 present.
charles Thomas,, pre-
sided with. Mrs. Edythe Cia,rditt,
as secretary. The minutes of the
previous meeting were read.
committees repert,-
eti on the progress for the einiten-
nial celebration being held June
.1.1) at Grey Township Contra].
i-whool, Ethel.
Tile Parade emittnittoe, John
Conley eliiiirman, nave plans well
arranged, Their list of floats
and prizes have been adyeritsed.
people contacted to act as judges
;ire 111's, Anna Meyer,Mr, Murray
Gaunt, Mr. A.01.)t. McKinley,
The parade to commence at 12.30 sharp June 17th, John. and
his committee hope to have
.decisions tor tile judges
to make. This depends on the
community and the surrounding
area, so let us make plans now
to eater a Beat, contact John
for further information or watch
for further announcement,
neot n 00 in mit Le e, Mrs.
lirenther, convenor, have
plans made for refreshment
booths and seved lunch at a dance
held in Ethel, sponsored by the
central committee under the
supervision of the program com-
Prank Smith, chairman of the
grounds and parking committee,
reported his plans.
The finance committee, Rae
Houston, chairman, have appoint.
ed Geo, Pearson treasurer, this
was made official by the coin.
The. decorating committee were
represented by David Brown and
Lothar Weber: They are plan-
ning to decorate as much as
funds will permit, It is their hope
that the residents of the village
and township, will go all Out to
decimate and beautify their nOmes
for this special occasion; The
'visitors to the celebration will
enjoy the time and effort spent.
The sports Committee, Max
Demaray, chairman. have arrang-
ed for ball gathes at the park, and.
sports for the children Satiirday
The program committee, RObt.
.Ctinningham, chairman, have
Friday and Saturday night dances
arranged, concert 8aturday after-
noon, open air community church
service Sunday afternOoti at
230 p,in, (weather permitting)
on Central School grounds., with
Rey, Harold Snell or. Louden,
gnest speaker; Donald. Dunbar
organist and Choir leader. Bob
gave a ravottrale repert on the
dance alrea.dy held, and they plan
to sponsor another in the near
future to, help defray expsiiseo of
the celebration.
The luiblicity and adVertialtip„
'Mrs. Orval Harrison, convener.
haVe their weekly eolitmns for
the local touters atta,tged. The
posterF, are botrig made by the
School children and' hand 'bills
'will be distributed, dice to lack
or iithe the committee have de,
tided against compiling a booklet..
Invitations are not being Sent
'Ont. It iq boned that residents Will
invite fernier frienda of this
Tile meeting adJetwed to meet
again at the label hall, early tin
June when all committees are ask-
ed to be present.
Orval Harrison.
Cllr. Publicity & Advertising
El111110,, eCullutu,, Si
1 houlaS. 11r, and Mr:;.
1;.tritoS 411(1, 1)0a:41W Mr. and ,N1,r5.
C14).% Louden,
Lalcer, Listewel, and Miss pearl
baker, .1.4'11.S$06, were StitidaY
visitors with Airs. Lytle Blord04,
Last i,ail 0.43 Ladies' Aid par-
CLIL1.6tg./ red tulip bulbs bea4t4
the church property and as a cen-
tenial project, Preparing of the
flower hens was done by Alfred
L-Ifight, clerk of the session. As
a result everyone is enjoying
the 111411y be4U.Lit:1/.1 blooms at the
church entrance.
Knox NA/!MS Afternoon Group
'the May meeting of the atter--
noun group or the W.MS of Rhos
Presbyterian Church, was held at
the home of Mrs, Clare Veit,ch.
The leader, Mrs. Earl Dunn,
followed the centennial worship
service in the -Unlit Tidings",
Mrs. Allan Smith and Mrs bVit-
fred Strickler gave the Scripture
readings. Mrs. Stuart Stevenson,
president, of the evening group,
i.eported on the Tuesday after•
noon and evening Synodical in
Stratfora 011 April 1b and Mrs.
Stanley Fischer reported on the
Wednesday meeting, The topic
"The torch carried Westward, the
beginning of missionary work in.
the 'Western provinces". was pre-
sented by Miss Alice J Forrest.
The supply allocation was read by
the secretary, Mrs, Stanley Fisch-
er. Committees were.nppointed for
the Centennial meeting to be Wald
in July. The June meeting is to be
at the manse, ivlonkton, with Mrs.
C. A. Winn hostess. The roll call
Was answered with a verse con-
taining the name at a flower.
}eleven. Members and one visit-
or were present. Lunch was serv-
ed by the hostess and the lunch
committee, Mrs. Earl 'Dunn and
'Mrs, Mac Engel.
Cranbrook W. 1.
The Craubrook W. I. held their
centennial meeting in the com-
munity Centre on Tuesday even-
ing May 2, with guests from Brus-
sels; Ethel, Maticrierk and Walton,
Many wearing centennial dresses.
The president, Mrs. Allah MOTag-
gait, welcomed the giieStS. A
moment of silence was observed
in memory of the late Mrs. Jas.
Bremner, Who was the first pre,
sident, folloWed by the Lord'S
Prayer, Mrs. fJienti Ai:tether was
charge of the program which
conaiSted of Conmiunity singing
of. the old songs led by Mrs. Ross
Knight and accompanied on the
piano by Alr8. Martin MacDonald;
recitations by Joann Hart and
Bonnie McIntosh, datteing by
Nancy and Mary E11en
duet, Sharon. and Darlene ton-
charm current events "news
from newspapers around 106
Years ago" by Mrs. iVtdtaggart
and a reading by Mrs. Cordon
Bagel. The, club girl§ told of
cooking customs of other countr-
ies years ago. Contests were Otiri,
citicted by Mrs, Mc Macintosh. A
bake sale was held and lundh
Sale starts Friday 1%4000 at.
Medical Health Bldg. and
Baelcer and Thompson But-
cher Shop. Help the cause.
'Wear a hat.
Minister; Rev. A. Ivt, Jonnston
Organist: MN,. e'red Stephenson
9:13 a.m. Church Sumo'
11.UU 4,111. Public Worship
A,M, Church School
:Public Worship
A Mother's Task and a
Mother's Reward
Organist: M. Thompson A.R.C.T.
i Priest;
The F.c:v. F., D. Braby, E.A„ L,Th,
Organic,; Mrs S. Elliott
Goa. in. Holy Eucharist
1. : OU a.m. Mattini3
and Primary School
SAIN1 ALB. N'S 4%.
Organist — Mrs. C. Dickson
ii:So a.m. Matting
and Church School
avi3 ITEMS
Them are days you jlist simp-
ly cannot win It you pile wood,
all (lay it will upset that night .
yoa p ,ntit your root the rain
will come and wash if all away,
Last lorittay was just such a
day. I aways arise at tour aan, if
flit feeling good, if poorly stay
in bed Until five.. Their i go fora
drive, down the good old Ord of.
Morris to the mitre. sideroad and
when I come to paradise valley
I stop. n's lovely to hear the wind,
sighing through the gigantic
cedars and the lofty elms and
watch the huge tiout leap for a
May i'ly, it: an old Grow lights,
anywhere cloSe or a red squirrel
cussin amid scoidia I figure
I'm rewarded, Three years ago
one morning I spied a doe and her
fawn, the: latter no bigger than a
fox, Listen, to Me partridge drain
ming across the creek, add hark
to the wood pecker, up there in
that dead pine. Then along comeh
trottble. This tune a sissing and I
have a tire gbing down. For three
years, drive a pile of junk, as
Ilaeker calls it, no flat tires, so
get a good ear and here I sit..
'Maui "...,oct, it, repairedd figure
l'll go to Jock Clark's for toast
and coffee. When I get to the
bridge I. :Ann and I hears a ter-
rible commotion Calves bawling,
cows hollering, and an. old bull
cue x g. T ny are Making more
noise than Hannibal's army when
hi. cruised the Alps. 1 see Stella
going toward the barn. I says,
good heavens, Jack must be awful:
sick, so i Steps on the gas. Then
1 sees 'Nay Ovington's car and I
figure if he is sick it will be only
a liming ever or maybe the D.T.'s.
Tony conies one day a 'Week to
with up with the work. When
they catch it, they lay down beside
it. The hardest Work they do is
Jack cnrIdes in a case of beer and
Tony renioves the caps, Well I
drives home. My bitter half gets :
me my bacon and eggs and law t
sn( es of Least. I. says, look, this t
ain't Willis bread and you know
I wail'i eat any other. What's
the big idea? She says, Bill was i so:d ci.:•sin wit yesterday after,.
noun :tad yen are lucky to get I
any. I says, some women would ' .
laiii,e a pan or inswing. She Says, •
you can't make, biscuits and house.
clean your room at the same time. !
Oh 3o.4, she a:1111111,os, and by the
way, I came across two empty
whiskey bottles hidden: in a draw.,
er. i 4nys, don't. look at me. I
never brought two empty bottles
into the house in my life. Well,
nto says, "YOU never took two full
ones out either. I was so mad I
finished my toast and bacon and
ergs ned walked out without any
breakfast, I goes to Backer and, ,
ThompSon butcher shop and they
are. arguing about who does the
mos t work. I butts m and says
the hardest day 1 ever put, in
cradled 8 acres of wheat. Backer
says, now you get out. Ever time
you come in here it takes us two
days with, a dung fork to clean
up the bull you throw around, so
get out. You don't. argue With a
man holding a knife about the
size of a scythe in one hand and
a (leaver' in. the other, I goes up
to the Chey and Bob 4ichmund is
telling about some one with a new
Chey car who matte it to. Montreal
in eight hours. I should haVe
minded my own business but I
says if a Chev ever made Mon-
treal from here in eight hours it
was towed IT a Ford. Something
hit me and it wasn't a thought.
When I came Lo, the glione Was
ringing, it was my booker. 'He
says I can't use you Saturday
Idle. Cancel it, out. The tigers
w a a ii strip teasers. Ye " Gods,
what a stop iL was to be replaced
by tivo tizil:(?(1 Indies. I picks up
die pziper lad there's a picture of
Prince Charles, tie gets $90,000
a year to go to school in Australia.
If you examine the picture you:
will sei‘ by the intelligent look
on his face he is well worth it.
Big Centennial Donee June ard,
Prizes and everything.
Truthfully Yours,
T. it _F,
f.)est. horse ijrawn Entry 1st $25, 2nd $15
Overall winner to be picked from all categories and
,)warded $25
- Bt!st costume 1st *15, 2nd $5
Best Clown 1st $15
— tsost PL,..7.31.1i.'. School pupil 1st $10
Pardue will start at 12:30 p.m. from Ethel Ball Park
by County Road to the New Grey Central School. All entries
;Oust be listed with parade Committee by June 12.
Parade Committee: President Jack Conley, Secretary
Edwin Krauter, Murray Cardiff, Bill Mann, Ross Smith,
Ken Iv1cDonald, Murray Hoover, Robert Bremner.
A Fine Of $50.00 Is Liablei
The co-operation of all clog °Nynex:3 in and around
the village is requested by the Council.