The Brussels Post, 1967-05-11, Page 4Briu.A.:314.48 14 04T, ilitt;6"s)41.43, ONTARIO
l'IlLeieSDA5e AIM 11th, 11101
To buy, Multiplier Unions.
Phone 13e or 141/ Wne.Stephenson
1. tee carrier, box and
canvass top. 4. J. Peeelove
Terrier Dog, •• cal' old.
(jou. Wesenborg Plicate 46-1W6
e bieyeees; 1. 00M, 1
Canadian. Tire Corp. Both in good
Phone, 457j6 Graham Woiee
About 30 used 6 gallon milk
cans, all in good condition.
Phone 22 or call in, at COUSINS
Cedar Posts, anchors and brac-
es, barbed wire and page wire.
Winthrop General Store, Phone
$27-1247 Seaforth.
1059 Chev. ih ton Truck with
8 ft. Fleet Side box in good con-
dition, Robt, L. Cunningham,
Phone 446J-13
8 standard size rabbit pens
36" x 30". 1 pen 307 / x 12ft. also
roofing and chimney work done.
Gordon Guy
Brussels Phone 463W6
Tenders for the position of
supervisor at the Brussels Wading
Pool will be received by the
undersigned. until Monday, May
15, at 12 o'clock noon.
Duties to commence June 24,
and last for 10 consecutive
weeks. Please state salary ex.
James Prior
Box 123, Brussels, Ont
All verities Seed Grain. Clov-
ers, Grasses, inoculants, Pride.
Seed Cern and Evergreen lawn
grass mixture. Pasture trefoil &
Timothy $5.04 per acre, Low land
Mix $4.60 per acre. Highland
hay - Pasture of. Alfalfa, Red
Clover. Timothy, Brome and
Meadoer Fescue (20 lb. per acre)
$7.41. Custom Seed and Grain
Cleaning, Roy Cramm & Son
Pinkerton. Phone Cargill 366-2394.
:el ton of Cub Cure.
Eimer Young Phalle 3713J4
CURRIE'S Furniture Winghate;
rencount tieoupittee l,v ye. in all)
in Walnut; D. JAUStier. Chest of
Drawers, Bed, Ribbon
Springs, Smooth Top Mattress,
ALL 5 Pieces $tee.ou, TERNS.
- - Bronze Tone Thiele ett" eete"x
131)' tete, and .1. Chairs in Jersey
Bach Plastic. 3 pieces only e97.5e.
TERMS. lel l.i S Save you
mu Township, of Grey in
the County of :Karon, farmer.
citELATags and others having
claims against the estate of the
above named deceased, who died
on or about the end day of Febr-
uary; 1967, are required to send
lullparticulars of such claims
to the undersigned on or before
the 20th day or May, 1967,
after which date the assets
Of the estate will be distributed
having regard only to claims
of which notice has then been
DATED at Listowel, Ontario,
this 19th day of April A.D. 1.967-.
W. M. Pratt, Q. C.,
Barrister, etc.
Listowel, Ontario,
Solicitor to the executors
In the estate of
ALL persons having claims
against the estate of Michael
lerass, late of the, City of Nelson,
in the Province of British Co-
lumbia, who died on the 25th
day of October, 1966, are required
to file proot of some with the
undersigned on or 'oefore, the 27th,
day of Nay, 1967, after which date
the achnitistratrix will proceed to
distribute the estate having regard
only to the claims of which she
shall then have had notice. •
DATED at Brussels this 29th
day of April, 1967.
Solicitors for the Administeatrie
Brussels, Ont.
in the estate of
ALL persons having claims
agaiust the estate of Russel
Marks, late of the Village of
Ueurge A. Campbell, SI, a form.
or resident ci Brussels, and at one '
time police otlicor of this village,
diet met Thursday in Hurouview,
Clinton. survivors are; three Sons,
John and Harold, both of Blyth;
Stewart, UOderiC11; six daughter's,
Mrs, Edgar (Mary) McMichael,
Poet Credit, Mrs. Alfred (Ethel)
Robinson, Miss Helen, both of
e e eeetat a ; eine John (Margaret)
Toth, leistowel; Mrs Herbert
(ilia) Steffen, Clinton; Mrs.
'Weald (Florence) Dalin age,
Seafortle Service was from the
Ledge funeral home. Goderich.
Burial in Mount Pleasant Ceniee
ere', thel.
CURRIE'S Furniture Wingham;
eiteciiiie Iles Week; Walent
HALL TteleleS. with 4 Two-Prong
llooks; Only $21.85; Wooden
STOOLS 21" high, for enmity uses,
ONLY $4.89; ,Coffee Tables, Wei.
Arborite, 36" 42" and 48" Spec.
z“ItTie; $12.75 and $14.99
Lot 23, Con. 2, Morris Twp.,
2 miles west of Jamestown
THURSDAY, MAY 25 1 p.m.
20 good Hereford Srcers; Feed;
good line of Machinery
Jackson & Jackson
Auctioneers Liston it
And :bake Extra Money
If you have acre or more
grow cucumbers for
B I r- K S
Prices hybrid Seed
Free Pick Up At Gate
Flick's Grading Station. No. 10
Albert '1.itteee's Phone 30R3
Tenders will be received by
the undersigned for the dem-
olition and clean-up of the old
Pelee, School Building. Tenders
to be in the lianas of the clerk
by 5 p.m., Julie 5, 1967.
Ne tenders necessarily accept-
'Wm. H. King.
al• 1'0115 held .\lay
1Coholtllions 1.,,,n;stAl. as IvIloWb„
uaric:, I !Lomas and. -uel-
‘ Plat, Luc utinult.- tn.
14111) 1116L 0110
zvt.ciat nievi.fligs hew .Aprtl 1. Atlt
null, 5111'1.1 •.tit lc' auuptt:ll its
Ole 1.%,,(1111.';.5t 111, I sal.
Lot toil,, anti
01 ilt4 rb, 111_, ed U1.1.4 I uiii.
ja1.11US A. Li_01 0.1..3., Las'...01.,
011,,,rio, be appointed - to inal.:
l r t.‘y and liropiti plats,
pruilles and repute for tee repair
loud impeovement, of the McKee
Manicipal Delia in accordance
whli the 1)ritinag,3 Ael
.• By' Cheirles 'I humus umi
ville Lamont thas the applications
in the auumat of e2,euto, 3,LiUU anti
$4,000 for luaus under the tt tie
Deeentigu Act be accepted
eenntan Bray tend 1.iL\i soil
a 1.0. 111111 ..1.111.111,Qt
iur 966 be adoptea
IA ,,
1, al Cl [at unanpai Luipor-
01.1011 cu. 1 VW nsl,lp u.1 Urti} all-
pru\05the :request, ol. tile Public
Sellout tioara the
L owlishly Sellout en toe Lill;
ISSUc u ree 111 LIIU :11110aLLL
of elev,UUti by tee Corporation of
1110 '1 ownetey owiee fur llle
const,ructaoil and equipping of an
Die aownsaip 01 1 towick fur the
By Charles '1 homas and \
ville Lenamt that this Council
endorse the resolution of tim
County of Huron regarding elec-
tric energy power failure
Jey feeeneth, Dray 711111 iBee:a.m.
Vt mei teat we metruct Lilo ituad
SUperiutendent to au\ ertiso tor
tenders not-mix paventeni„
approximately i,•)00 tons of il L 4
asphalt paving mei:tiding asphalt
placing and rolling to be plaecd
ea Cranbrook Side-road,
of County Road 16 to the hamlet
subject to the approval of the
.l)1: pa of Highways.
By Melville: Lamont and Law-
son Ward that Grey. Township
Centennial Finance Committee bo
given a grant of $300,00
• By Lawson and Charles Thomas
that all approved accounts be
By Melville Lamont and Char-
les Thomas that meeting adjourn,
to meet June 5th 1907 at 8 p.m.
Accounts paid as folloWs:
Town of Seaforth, debenture-4
payment, .1.1igh School $1,5115.1.4;
Huron County Municipal Of-
floors' Associal.ion inemberSMIJ
fee 2.0.00; Maitland Valley Coit
serVation Authority levy 1,372.45;
Monteith, Monteith, & Co., audit
fee, 52,5,00; Frank Cowan Co,,
additional insurance premium
2'7:30; Grey Tevp, Centennial
Finance Committee, grant 30,00;
• B.:ALk G. Telephone SyStene. Office
phone 12.14; Murray Reid,. 'warble
fly powder, ISeee; Pred
don, warble fly inspector 2e2.50:
Steniey Alexnfider, dump rent
100.00e le*oientin Ffooveie fence-
Vieet -er'e fee 7.00; :Ross Stephen-
sue, feneeviewer's fee 7.00; Alex
Celtlizen. fetiCeviewer's fee 7.00;
M. Cardiff, Clerk's fees, fence-
viewers' 3.00; 0 & Krauter
Co., entep pump switch 'J.75;
Jelwood .,11e Taggart,
Ire. C. M.
.oX tiollaty 1.11 9; 'I'owa of
leietowee nursiee, tionn) ;Luc 1,
'21.14; Villa.;i• or. 1 41.1iiSuN. nurs-
ing Mint,. aee'i .1.:othar
\Vober, April relief ace't 173.28;
Jim I ethsoit, gurnage Ethel 211.00;
Bridges 'Total
iorti I:- I )1111101 I' Ree,V0
.1..:(1y1 Ilk^ M. (..Z11'1.1111. Clerk
ell I, ,k2[ILDQ1'.-i of the Bres-
t eteentai committee aLLE.,..all.
1.i1 111H1‘•1' alkeViing at. the New
!WWI oll May ard, with
ehail Man Archer tirewar ores-
coneitite c' expreesed regret
al the absence ea their 'very
eriicccuL suercucry - treasurer .Air,
Albcrt U'ilkes, \vile has received
move to „Rev. C. A.
eircel rue aeretel to tie SOCrallIV
11,1' the liletlfing. eater Rev. Allan
Johnston volunteered to accept
the duties of secretary and
Laivt'ie Cousins offered to be
ite• el "mete:rail eeeeeciataii.
t lee C11plans for the J Luy
C. -theeeeeell reported
Ilnday 011.1.1117¢ eerviee
,0 eel leer perele, Nei nele
,Ill lewtta l ark. .)Juste will be
eeppeea by a (mole 01 over 120
1.01Ceb tr0111 alt enurellos of the
eteutauuity who are already
practicing Centennial anthems
tied will be joined together dur-
ing June. Rev. Isiah*, U. stc:wart
ol; 5L, Audror's Presbyterian
c Kitchener, will be the
west minister. he Ministerial
Assoulation niacin a request for a
phitiorm tor the speakers and
chairs for the park, Pytul Camp-.
1:011 and Roy Turvey were named
to organi4u the Tueu-town boys
to look alter this.
Jiteele, reported for the
'opul is V4'061:1111 (AUL:, a bail
game alai dance on Friday night
game following the parade
Sato 'day afternoon and a soccer
game In the evening, A dance
and Iii works will. conclude the
ie ening program.
violet honeyson reported on
the progress of the parade com-
mittee and prizes. Lawrie Cousins
and Dank Ten Pas, who are also
council lneinbOrS, are iu charge
or the, erection. of two signs, at
Norriebane where County Road
No. 12uicets highway SO and on:
the 11th eon. of. Morris Twee.,
where it meets Highway No. 4.
if, Russell (Jl'oden, regional Cen-
tennial Representative of the
I:ellen:merit of Tourism and Infer.
elation, and Mrs, Croden, Of
Loudon Ware present. "Mr. Orodoti
expressed approval 'of thS many
11a115 he had heard and tiotiriletid-
ed the efforts of the teininittee.
Tee Voted several 'StiggeStiOng
tor this carrying out of the Mee
erten Ito was thanked for his
liorprid remarks by John. Thyiee,
Invitations -eel be Sleet otit td
over 400 fernier' residents, within
tho next. two 'Woke, SO if utiY
ml mos are. to be Stitt iii, tjleaiiii
lenve at the mintilittee rotlide,
The Meoling adjourned to meet
again on Wednesday, May 17th.
teete. :0 pasture, ens of grass
tele water, Joe Holmes
Phone 374j5 .
Waltoti in the County of Huron,
gsteageinale who died on the 29th
Expert Chimney and ItoOfing day of March, 1967, are required
repairs: specializing in. Stabling to file proof of same with the
non Ives, pelmets, 345W6 et undersigned on or before the
Goderich 524-6355. 26th clay ef May, 1067, after which
date the eaueators will proceed to
ARE YOU LOOKING? distribute the estate having regard
ror A good-paying part-Buie only to the 'claims of which they
job, Avon ' offers a marvelous ehail time have had notice.
opportunity, Immediate place- DATED at Brussels thie 29th
meet for ladies of Morris or. Grey day at April, 1967.
townships. c, WI:1'0RD, SHEPHERD
Phone collect oteninge or write & MILL
Mrs'. ld. Milleme 17 73a,wItesbury Solicitors for the Ehcecutors
;Mita LOndon, 451-0541. Brussels', Ont:
In the estate of
ALL persons having claims
against the estate of Jacob W.
Fiecher. lete of the Village of
Bru ,;selF, in the County et. Aileen,
A-engem:1n, deceased, Who died On•
the third day or April, 1967, are
required to file proof of same
with the undersigned on or be-
fore the 26th day of Meet, 1967,
after which date the executors Will
proceed to distribute the estate
having regard ()illy to the claims
of which they shall then have had
TIATIeD at Bruesels this 29th
tiny of April, 1967,
(IRA \virottp,, 8:14tPittttb
gt Mftt,
solicitors, for the Eixecutote••
thiMele, Out.