The Brussels Post, 1967-05-11, Page 2.\;:d ;en by \i ::lain Elston. see- mt:ed by James 'stair. that 515.00 er -he Cancer Society. Mair. seconded Ross that we advertise and delivering 11..100 en. yds. o .tun revel. "--tre4 nffl-:ers' 73.1 II.: • tralfvfa Dr r s q=1Arlded 4!'.•4t. titl- e'. tipir, tft` RSDAY, MAY MI, VW THE N EW FRUIT FLAVORED BREAKFAST DRINK Comes to you FRESH from the dairy is a delicious blend o fruit flavors. Here is the fruit flav- ored breakfast drink that comes fresh from the dairy—all ready to serve. Beep contains added Vita- min C. Has a smooth -never tart" flavor that both children and grown-ups love! And to top everything — Beep costs less than fresh squeezed juice! Available only from dairies-at your door or store PHONE 199 . TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS CCUNCIL MEETING Towr.sbip Pannell all. members 3s :he last meeting were read ar.d motion ortree.d and Roas motions were 7.*_ovecl Ifair. seconded by E' Ct. In. that we ap •w: appneat!ons for Lear_s. ?Coved by *Mina= Elszcn. sec- Mair. :ha: Stew- .7.! f.er sr.d. Ross Srnith be er_. trives on Mid-Western ••••e•il. Srr-t -• se•--r•ded -:'_reed that Stewart 17,7:rillm Peacock. be Mid-Western 'ea Council. =. VStrill. sec- Mair that we • .:Ay Municipal ...!szmeiatit•tu., .T1 ,== crtitb that We en- 313 6.7r. -zr:erit with the Belgrave upkeep of' !-174-1•,:sed. s.eTonded d that llama! 4t.warde rtf".!ero be afven BRUSSELS ^mses:own bridge be sold by May 27. 196-7 at 2 pin. T%•-es Mair and Rcss Smith 'tpirements. d seq. nded '..stz.r.„ that rneetirtg o mee: aenin ?one -he of the Reeve. rei•af Accounts Hai! Ins•Iraw,e Azentr. nrem- Tnrrn cf Seafrrth• H!.111. ;4iticir as NI an- 'wine- Mcf73!: 1.":1"1"7-'.V.14* rallfba?r V.strtet leo* 3initlend Joathr-r!*y. 15.0tardei Asthetri'T Tv" rso TrIa.re *4'7:n4am? Tine laf". '!11'1'""*I. 141.ery, ASSOC. T.... tor. `..*R$; 1:Lt°,,rtp TAUT. OF SASK. A r.isr4W1. OUr. Mrs: Tait :4vota Saslt Was re'er;t:y warned "Pioneer of Battle- -r. Crao- ember 1.S96, she 176: It Saskatcbewan in where she tanght school at G!,deon ar, Me.-:a where she :he :ate David died in 711 53. w-lnderfui ability to 4-ring on canvas, d ?r'-'1.,Ine years rnral life. Hay- w-f -t .:r hum,,*r .thc cask- ..y.'hewen Ar. Show in Regina, a-d w!nnir.a -he James Art Shield ar.- among Mrs. Taits ewtr-rthy af..ornnplish.ments. She wr!tes ;:oetry. She has been Me reporter for the News-Ciptimis: te.-r many years. She is a very active member of ;he F.r.merr.skers and is on ; e prceezete: ri.„•!•ard. Sask. J'f.y of 'Year she -be convention in I and cr. ca to IiIrpo • f the Hornemak- *411u:hewer, Among her :ishrrents it her 3 e.nrier. rth Sa.st. Ne-c•-,s-Optirnst. your subscription. to the BrusSels Post, be tore we are forced to raise the subscription rate. The Post thanks all those who have already done so. Postal regulations require that bonf•flde subscriptions be paid in being stricly esterase. r fit GET A QUART REGULARLY from your milkman or grocer who sells Fresh Dairy Products from COUSINS 'DAIRY LIM BrcrasMs PO$7 ONTARIO WANTED — I :•..7 e to pasture, and water. 374J5 SAVE MONEY NOW! lots of grass There is every indication, that Joe Holmes postal rates on end. class 'mail, which includes newspapers, etc, • are going to be increased. N'ow is the time to subscribe. or renew. SEAFORTH UPHOLSTERY Centre Street For all kinds of uphorsterin ,szeis Representative: Phone 4 cr 79 Brussels Sel_WYN l.- AKER e ilsaursairr: irt r V lb V r-rrr. Zs. t,.1"••• 1141f,r70 • fe "tr. !!....!.?•ri.. 0".slim & nee. w.14. l'of "-sots ;1514-4sf Ate. ••••••:•., fef ".."0.7 that road ..* evo Iv% ga. ift snror.: no!;.-• r.'6•PlOi4f1 ttiol 1'v 14,64.40* ttislotte thtt i.ret-at it* .• ."1• 4tlietrit4 4 rt*.:•44;i".; q" f1114.41yi et;!4 w0e3. wry 1-,io..te tsyFO. Pews -4 P!!!! fnvIrAnre *,4 / "114TERNATittiNAL BROADCASTING CENTRE th.e st- etz loqa"rfatiOrlat treddeialtig. Ceht.re at expo 67 is s eltat In the hittery of leterrietIonal eg- t't tre 4ortte tiwy Be uee4 by braStkaittorganItatitilis f'r'ont Mt)* of the Meta than /0 iStiPtidl. v.; 04: •ons ors v., toartafe esf110, and tatevIaldri proarrini& shoat evente EXP. The building'S owls reo,,a ethilidY ;site: beffked for 85 Per eittit of the ST7Mittlittfiti eRfie irre 4 4 / k V ZV,4 .rr4-AI,rs,eido•rr144•,4,41.,I,Pla...4kr,Yrb,AMAWIVI,V.r .... •VI. Z-.4i• 4••^t .10V iar 11-1. t1.1.11,4 A" ;I•de