HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-04-29, Page 3OAN4DIAN NEWS. Tenders fisc let for the new Baptist church in Loudon The total cost will be Illlt,133, exclusive of the Na ld. TLo dii ions of the building l be 11by 50 feet. Charles lti limn w`s seuteue J by the Helleviile Pohe, lay/nitrate to nine mouth. C.'utdl•al Prison fur beat- ing his sifts. Michael •cDerwutt,uf St. Catherine*, preferred liberty at the expense of 414 auil ousts to answer the inquisitive yuestious ..f .► fellow called a census en- ulueratur. Mrs. Hugh Macdonald, daughter -in - jaw of talo .oho M.tA.•dou.ud, heal very se likely of heart disease, on Friday, at leer residence, George street, Toronto. The t.uvernur-General is tusking him- self acgu,tinted with Ottawa and tui sur- roundings. He visited Buckingham Mills and the Da Liuvre Falls. Thu Napauee gLtas works are being pushed forward, anal will be in a posi- ttuu to ut:tuut..Oturtl window glass by the first of September. A Montreal barber it.ade it cvnfesaion e.f incendiarism and tither crsui s, be- oa►uw, as Lu said, he would File to go to the penitentiary stat learn a i..tw trade. Tito charges .a:footini the •:Laracter of the Rev. C. N. Frames, pastor of the Forest Congregational church, and a young lady of that village, have been investigated and shown t i,o malicious fabrication. -4. A girl of fourteen was charged with the thsft of >ltt4 it the Ottawa police cturt yesterday. lire stated that she had been forced into a repugnant mar- riage and stole the money to escape from her thraldom. Mr. L. D. Eddy, of Hull, has entered into a c.nuract with the Brush Electric Light Company of Cleveland, for the lighting his suwmillr, f ►stories, and premises by electricity. ,Forty electric lights are to be placed in position. The contracts fur Mounted Police sup- plies for the year 1881-82 have been awarded for the northern p.trt of the territories to the Hudson Bay Company, and for the southern part of Messrs. J. G. Baker & Cu,, of t, ort Bent•,n, Mon- I apparent. His triends and nurses con - 1 THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. APRIL 29,. 1881 treasury is empty and the city is gone. The "town luta' are still there, but they would be dear at $10 an acre fur agri- cultural purpose, and there is no other use they oould be put to. Dees! e( Dissaals. LoADuN, April 18. Beaconsfield's re- vered debility began u Sunday night, when the east wind coutm nned to blow. He continued to lose ground throughout Monday, the unfavorable wind ountlnu- ing and oonstaatly increasing in keen- nees. He died at half -past four this a. m., calmly as if he were asleep. Intelli- gence of his death was immediately de- spatched to the Queen, Prince of Wales, othor members of the Royal Family and Gladstone, who is uow at Hawarden. Tito news because generally known threughout the city towards nine o'cloek, when special editions of the morning pa- pers were issue:. Though nut unex- pected, in view of his physician's state- ment last night that his symptoms gave ground for more grave anxiety that at any period during his illness, his death creates a deep sensation. It was observ- ed at 3:15 a.m. that Beaconsfield's end was near. His physicians think that only his strength of will enabled hint to struggle as long as he did. His courage never failed hint to the last. Accounts gathered from physicians show that he retained his cheerfulness. He several times during his illness stated his belief that he would die. One doctor said the drowsiness apparent earlieesin the night dee; ened towards midnight into stupor, from which he was with difficulty roused. He then took nourishment up to half - past one. -About 2 a.m. he became coutatse, breathing with much difficul- ty. Dra. Kinid and Bruce at once ap- plied the.ueual restoratives, but for the first tinie since his illness they failed to produce the effect, and it hecatneevident that death was imminent. Lord Barrington, Dr. Quain, and Sir Philip Rose were hastily aununoued. Rose and Quain only arrived a few min- utes before the end. Five minutes be- fore he expired his breathing became slow and gentle, the face placid. The heart's action and pulse continued for a few minutes after breathing ceased to be tans tinuod round the bed, a few minutes after the pulse ceased. as the end *as so quiet that it wars difficult to realize that he was dead. All were deeply affected. When Lord Beaconsfield regained consciousness he called Rowton to his they appear to Le. Everyone knows a side, feebly grasped his hand, attempted boxing glove when he sees it and no one to smile, and the next moment peace - who has ever engaged in boxing but will fully breathed his last. Rowton broke admit that as an exercise it is excellent, down with utter grief, and his sobs min - But the g1•n•es with which pugilists fight glad with those of the old valet, filled are not stuffed: they are nothing more the chamber of death, and gave the or leu than kid gloves, sech as (:re worn knowledge of what had occurred to on the streets. 'They thus oheetve the ' other tnemhera of the household. No letter but not the spirit of law. clergymen was with the Earl at the time _L irigl.tftt? aceii.lent occurred April of his death, nor has one visited him 22nd. at Hull, by which two liven during his illness. The outission is lives have been lost and a third endan-' much commented on in certain quarters. gered. A man named Leduc and his Speculation is already rife on the inrmed- wife, residing en Wright .t -est, put 1 late w eitticrl'cical o nse.1enc Liberal ircwhich will ol- their three children to bed, and, lock- ing the doer, left for an section sale.' the opinion is expressed that the event They hail not h -en absent more thanwill be a disastrous blow to the Censer - one holm when a lamp in a r•,rn on Biel vatives. The latter do not admit as lower flit exploded, and in a few,ninu_ j much, but it is plain to be seen that tell the whole interior was enveloped in ` they recognize that they have lost the flames. The brigade arrived prnurutly,1 strongest, wisest and most potential and after a desperate struggle vie of the j leader. firemen made his way into the room A resident oaf Toronto has been having a glove fight with n New Yorker for some hazy sort of glory desinuated "the feather weight chauipionehip." These glove tights are not what on the surface where the children slept and passed j Nen spaper Lawn. their bodies through the upstair window. Two of them were lifelesr, the tlesh of one being torn off in some plcces; the third cannot eurvirp. THE WORLD' OVER. Mrs. President Garfield its like Mrs. Hayes,.in that she does not believe in the undressed "full dress," which some ladies fancy absolutely neceasary for state occasions. A new horse disease hes broken out in Chicago and vicinity. It is disease of the fetlock, and poisons the 1,1oo 1. When the disease spreads to the }Rely of the animal there is danger of a fatal re- sult. Many of the hoses of the street car companies, omnibus lines. livery stables, and private stables are thus dis- We call the special attention of post- masters and subscribers to the following synopsis of the newspaper laws : 1. A postmaster is required to give notice 111 letter i returnin3 a paper does not answer the law; when a subscriber does not take his paper out of the office, and state the reasons for its not being taken. Any neglect to do se makes the postmaster responsible to the publishers for payment. 2. If any person orders his paper dis- tx,ntinuedi, he trust pay all arrearages, or the publisher tray continue to send it until payment is made, and collect the whole amount, whether it be taken from the office or net. There can be no legal discontinuance until the payment is inade. 3. Any person who takes n paler from aided. the post -office, whether directed to his Punshnn labol ion+h thought tint and or another, or whether he has sub - committed to memory' every, passage of scribed or not, is responsible fur the pay. his germane. He nometimee used very 4. If a subscriber orders his paper to small notes. the (5tr• tia,o .A .:cute sye, but they contained ail the matter winch he intended to utter. Dr. Penshon, though a :semi -poetic orator, was n man of great practical s t acity and successful in business affairs. be atorppe(1 at a certain time, and the publisher continues to send, the sub- scriber is bound to pay for it if he takes it out of the post -office. This proceeds upon the ground that a tern must pay for what he uses. A� esteni women do not nlopear to 6. The courts hare decided that refua- value the privilege of voting very highly. fr m �ootlt take at newspaper ffir aretnnd pe negdical� At the the recent electia:i 6.r school Feat its them uncalled for, is .,d,,,•t ostia efiicers in Ohuaha mill three women went gu. f at the polls. If this is any indication of evident • f intentional frau the interest the fair sex to •e in the ballot once the right to mark anal cast it is given them, it is not worth while making any fuss over the question of female aulfrage. How- T. CHO09t A GOOD Cow. --,The rrumply horn is a good indication; a full eye another. Her head should 1* small and short. Avoid the Roman none; this indicates thin milk and little of it. See that she is dished in the face, sunk between the eyes. Notice that she is what stock men call n good handler— skin soft and loose like the skin of a dog. Deep from the loin to the udder, and very slim tail. A cow with these marks never fails to he a geoid milker. If a fanner has a "No. 1 article" he won't tell her unless obliged to do an. Duluth. the great city of the future, which furnished Proctor Knott with a text n, on which to exhibit his humor. has concluded to go nut of the city busi- ness altogether. She does this because oven her magnificent prospects will not pay her debts. She saw how Memphis. Tann, escaped responsibility, end ion ,laded to do likewise. Re the "R,,ntth '"pity.. is no more, and is Mt of gorged sad bloated aristocrats, who took her bonds, ossa looking for their pay. The law seem to he this A city tray surrender As charter and go •.at of husineea, bet ill its personal property is liable for its debts. Hers is just where Duluth hails ,ts sides. rp to sneak, and laughs 'fit to kill' at the Imlicmtr* despair of the }hosted EngIishmen wino isold its bonds f t hasn't got ins ten, nap propartr t' spent whit ni .n; • ,t . ,.'. ,..,t r,ryint r keen its head a.s'r este' Atm now the 11&i NEW FRUIS. 22 NEW VALENCIAS. NEW LAYERS. 4. NEW CURRANTS, 8. 8. ALMONDS, WALNUTS, FILBERTS, CHE.SSNUT8. t4 LANCE 4t:'PERfon 'I2 TRtWT, WHITE FISH A: HERRING, ,fr- SALT rrA DER HERRING AND CODFISH. AL•r,, A LARi•t A•..4.7%i (-r or Teas, Sugars, .4,, .,.,rl (drew 'rt. CROCKERY. t►LA$'WARE, A ND CHI:TA. Dr. Poles'* Cream Baking Powder, Dr Pnt,-t'e Lupulin Yeast (icons Chas. A Nairn. Tl11 ic,,,A14b .fats Subscribe Now I Subscribe Now i �uton ignal For the Balance of the Year 1881 A FULL AND PITHY RECORD OF EACH WEEK'S -COUNTY NEWS. A COMPREHENSIVE EPITJME OF ,EACH WEEK'S FOREIGN NEWS. A VALUABLE COLUMN OF HINTS FOR FARMERS AND GARDENERS. A CHARMING STORY. I;EADING FOR THE HOME CIRCLE. READING ALIKE FOR THE GRAVE AND FOR THE GAY. A LIBERAL PAPER, LIBERALLY CONDUCTED, 'ON LIBERAL, PRINCIPLES. ONE DOLLAR FOR THE VLAEBON OF THE YEAR! THIN= CF' 21T Advertise 1 Advertise HAVE YOU GOT YOUR SPRING STOCK OF GOODS? LET THE BUYERS KNOW IT TIS SPRING MADNESS TO DEFER NEXT MONTH YOUR GODS WILL BE DEAD STOCK' SPEAK TO THE PEUP LE. AND :SPEAK NOW ' THRO'•OR TER MLl-YY' Or ate uroii iT GOES RIGHT INTO THE BOSOM OF THE FAMILY THAT SHOULD Bl'Y YOUR MERCHANDISE • iT SPEAKS WHILE YOU SLEEi'. iT SLUMBERS NEVER' DO WI' THINK t rN E (:(NSD CUSTOMER WOULD REPAY Vol' FOR A YEAR'S PRI' DENT ADVERTISING iF SO. WHAT WOULD TWENTY DO' Rn writ EXPECT T() SELL YOU -11 f)t)ODS WHEN pre,r1.f a ItF \ vtN'!ETP'r Or •r \ I 1130T (4jjT rttl HAVF rFi1F,.i FOk YALE Extensive Premises znd Splendid New Stock. G. BARRY CABINET-„ „ISI ANO IINBERT 3 Hamilton Street, Gode rich. A good assortment of Kitchen. lied -room, Dining Room and Parlor Furniture, •uch u Ta We* Chairs lhair, awe and wood .,,aped,, ('upboardr, Bed -steads, Mattresses, 55 ash stands, Lounges, Setas, What -Nuts, Lousing (Masses. N. B —A complete assortment of Coding and i hrouds always on hand, aha Manisa foe hire at reasonable rates. Picture Framing a specialty.—A call solicited. 1751 G. BARRY Red, White and Blue ! Acheson GEORGE Acheson New Dress Goods, Gloves & Hosiery, J1. -;T ARRIVED, SELLING CHEAP_ sem- BOUND TO GIVE BARGAINS; 1751 MEDICAL HALL. GODERICH. F. JORDAN, Chemist and Druggist, MARKET NQUARE, (`ODEP.I('ll. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Drugs Chemicals. Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Artist Colors, Patent Medicines. Horse and Cattle Medicines. Perfumery,. Tcllit Articles, &e. Physicians' Prescriptions carefully dispensed.T,] Holiday Presents At BUTLER'S PIi de and Autograph Albums in, great variety, Work Wixom,- Writing Desks, very suitable for presents fur Teachers and Scholars. P E EENTS FOR EVERYBODY. - ALL CAN BE SUITED. Stock is New, very ea.ngplete; and consists of Ladies' and Gents' Purses, China Goode of all kinds, Ruby Goods, Vases in many patterns, Flower Pots, Cups and Flowers, China and' Wax Dolls! A Largo Assortment.- Smokers' :sundries—Merschatsu Pipes and Cigar Holders and Brier Pipes -100 Different Styles. School Books, Miscellaneous Books, Bibles, Prayer Books, Church Sermons, Wiesuiey'. Hymn Books, Psalm Books, Sc.. &c.—Subscriptions taken for all the best ENIILIMH, t$l'oT 'n, IRISH, AMERz,'A\ and CANADIAN Papers and Magazines at Publishers' lowest rates—now is the. time to subscribe. A full stock of School Books, for Teachers and High and Model School Students Ali -will be sold cheap, and Patrons suited. I have a choice 1 and large selection of Christmas and New Years Cards ! THEtB HETrER` EHAvSaysa,N' .At BUTLER'S_ Dominion Telegraph ar.r7 Pottage ~poop Office. 1762 ".Dominion Carriage Works,” Goderich. 1' I ORTON AND CRESSMAN manufacturers of FIR.YT t'LAa,5 CARRIAG-ES, BUCK -CIES, eto. Op•l,tsite Collionie Hotel. ',Ve solicit an czamsr.atn•n of our vehicles. REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. In Leaving Town t R Nit in re non my thanks to t'e n•ttilk for their testrnnaite daring the laws sod solicit the same Is. future. and to rem,nd !Sem that 1 hm r left a reliable pence in .•barge of ih, 1,iwlnest. REPAIRING AND PICTURE FRAMING • ::1 lir .1.eio on 31-1ORTES/T� I' OTIICE. ti/ �T - Eio .apI+1I.