HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1967-05-04, Page 6More than 100 good reasons to call C-1-1. and the C-I-L dealer network for the fastest, most complete fertilizer service in Ontario. C-I-L has more than 100 service centres in Southern Ontario. And 5•C-I-L plants, including our new Lambton Works at Courtright, back them up with a constant supply of high-grade fertilizers. There's a service centre near your farm. It's stocked with Super Flow fertilizer, in a broad range of recommended analyses. And supplies of direct application materials such as Ammonium Phosphate, Ammonium Nitrate, Urea and Muriate of Potash. There are nurse tanks, Nitrogen applicators and bulk spreaders. If you're ready for instant service we're ready to supply it. Anywhere in Ontario. FERTILIZERS A.. .o.ronywor. • _ GROW AND PROFIT WITH PHONE 199 BRUSSELS BRUSSELS POST Illi.1.!SSKIAS, ONTARIO TII1112SDAY, MAY 4th, 3_967 vice GellfiP S Cell-tenni& Repo 1867 1967 , LEAP YEAR IN GREY TOWNSHIP 1936 —NORTH "Give us yonr rapt attention Oh. maiden fancy free, Here are the golden Leap Year choides That will make your sorrows flee, ".rlu first is Stewart Turner is a little small - - And will marry sonic girl she is not too tall. Then there is :George 1.-Tislop Living all alone Some nice girl to , 'George: will no longer need a home. And there is 'Gordon Holt Tie is fine and tall And wants a wife 'Either big or small; There is Sylvester Rayttard So happy and gay, TTe would like to get married Right aWay, Then, there is Clifton_ McDonald. Tic is pining away Ti,, ti Wife, But. he topes to seine day.. And there i.s Jaoltsoi McCutrbcon. Who has e nice pile. 11. would like a Agri To keep up in style. Th , ore is .Tim tfcCartrir, tT a lino man, riCil got 'married As •zooti a ,: he ran. Morten MllingPr happy itg can he For him.. a jolly girl shoold try. :rust pat Soma rialto upon the shelf 'Vent will got him by and by, • Tie•sie is Wilfred. Tim ! eof. ttir MIA faittor i Kitt it OA. th.d there is Cltitord McAllister, I, You all know him. marry some girl if she's not too slim, Then there is Everett -Wright So kind and true Ho .nceds u. woman rrolove him too. And Jim Turnbull So brave and tall, The girl that gets him Will get hest of all. Men there is Bob McCartney He's going down hill Ti` some girl would. marry him He'd soda male his will, Roy McKay has been patient Aioking forward to the year Now if some girl would marry hint. T'would fill his heart With, cheer. Robert McCutcheon is another Waiting still in "Batchler's Row," He'll accept you any minute, Everyone will tell you so. Alex Pearson, a typical "Wok", And attends church on time, tis oyes arc on rho pretty girls W'o Imo that will shine, Tioward Savage', ra good yotirig farmer, has nil limo for girls at all So it is plain to see your time is wasted Whenever an him you call: Then comes Jolla Raynard " can be. TP null think lin won't marry' ,last a.il: LItn °nee. and SOO. Layton '),Tuir, a jolly boy is he, Ili' argil that with vim Put don't waste your pree- 'kink time, It l take a smart one to ge,t him, nay MeT,r4iroli Still ebores away' -st never late at night So, girls please lip .r1 my warning J r ' Inkr• a fright. Wf ,07. crill at large Ana many 3 girl will Rfgh The' liii prosiiect wonid he SO bright. always worth a try, John Prtirtintr's grand big }must, Witlioal a Wire. Inoirtzl 1`0(triiP. gto loop iir thigWt. Cock :II flinger, Stanley McDonald, Warwick, Orate Now theres a lot of lovely fellows .lust ask them. and see. ;'iT of C,roy Township Who chance to read this rhyme The "IlatelteIbtis" of the neigh- Imarhood Await You' to name the time. shrew them you, can do it, The; way. is rivirrIy clear, our limn and hear in mind it tS a long till next T‘cap Year, Writer Tinkti Own NEXT SUNDAY IS CHILD SAFETY DAY "There is no sight more heart., , breakingthaa to sea an innocent child in the agony of pain." said. C. E. Carson president of the Ntalonal Safety League of Can- aria, "It. is much. more tragic then, the child's safferng 18 beet:nee' Mr. ('arson called attontiOtt the Etta that morn than .3499 children in' Canada, died and Mere than half a million were initired before age in 1.9611. "This Minot; slop."he said, "Tt can be stopped if only adults would rian1No their rrsoonsibiliiVq; in training young; 1. children to avoid clangor. "'MIS trgifillig" ho added, "is hest done fly example.? rime the critorliriii ffigivi-fo5;: '001 Sponsoring a nation-wide one-day campaign against child death and sitifering from accidents ,in Child Safety Day. The day will be ob- served across Canada on Sunday May SAVE MONEY NOW! " Thom is every indication that postal rates on rand class mail, which includes newspapers, etc.., are going to ho increased, Now is the time to subscribe, or"ronew:. Mir subscription, to the Ilrtiesels Post, before we are forced to misc.: the subscription rate. The Post thanks all nage: who have already done so, Postai regUlatIons scrjiiIN that be) WO 11/ r,ort NAMES. r v ral can furnish the name , slut addresses of former Bruti seAllents 'trill yeti plonan fr,t1fra: "'ill it, ill t• Prt11101r, ntA111-