HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1967-05-04, Page 4hALE — Cedar costs, .theiturs aud brae- barbed wire and page wire. Wit11111•01) (k.ile•i'al Store, Pliolle '7-1.247 Settfurth. CONCRETE WORK alai repairs: specializing ill. bt:LJhilb Dun Ives, brussels, 34311'6 or Goderich 524-0355. CUS) V/ OF,K DONE -- i'iauting of corn can beiras 0 eta l-ro ,,V !dallier; al:ie einalipea attaellilleuts. APPI-Y to: John Phone 523-9440, A FEW HOURS A DAY WILL REALLY PAY THE AVON WAY SO CALL COLLECT OR WRITE MRS. M. MiLLSON, 17 Hawkesbury Ave. London, 451-0541 Evenings (..:H0\14, CUCUMCERS .1 ad Ai al.,: l.xtra ey If you have :1/2 acre Or more grow cucumbers for BIDKS Top Prices All Hybrid Seed Free Pick Up At Gate :Wok's Grading Station No. 10 Albert Mainers Phone 30143 Dublin S E A F O R T H UPHOLSTERV Centre Street For all kincia of uphotsterIng Brussels Representative: Phone 4 c 79 4rumkeit. SELWYN bAKER FOR SALE. Double Double Honse in. Brussels. 6 roOnts In each. side. furnace, bath, cupboards, This can be made ail extra good investment. 7 room). eetbeiit block house; now cupboards, nice bathrocin, barn, garden. 6 room cottage, nice bathroom, oil hot water heating, good lot, and ga.rden.. Apply; John Wade, Brussels, Phone 9, Agent fel' Clayton G. ITogg, Galt. 1967 OLDSMOBILE nes,„,,, with a bold and sporty flair, the hardtop Delta 88 Custom Holiday Coupe (above) and 1 ,:,r;ltop M•ila Cwacirti Holiday Sedan are new additions t' the (This mobile title for IVO. Powe.rUd 17' the z5 cu. 300-h.p., Super Rocket V-8, the 1')elin ran Ile egilinp.‘cl with either a 3-speed, fully synchronized rnimnal transmission or the fainc•t1 Turbo fly i:raj;_,,,c trtmsmissio.n. Strato bucket seats are standard on hot)] roodol;=, and a spo)i; con,vde ytahclard on the Coupe. Neil/ hodieg i with long,er hood fold shor;ur runt deck, Dr•Ila SS ('ustom's. Delta 88's. Delmont 88's flicrl Ninply-Fictht's propn;•;H:,s, A11 even morc coinfortable ride, many n(nv COM'Crii(mcc.s, ctn 1 Ira ny .rai‘v fcatt:-. the ClM-r,levcloped energy-absorbing. steering column which tele:Topes th,) In 81 :;- hy,lilb:11..ft of the 1007 Oldsmobile line. Now optional equip:in is H '11;,los disc' • 1)1':,1;0-,OCiltipped modek (c,xcept 'Ns) w'rich reduce "fade". rt`rwated In'ovide mnsistent pedal feel. rot all 1967 Oldsmobiles, depending un the model, engine.; range from a 155 h.p. six to a 385 h.p. V8: 4 Alit Lat. rtl.-WAY, MAY 41,n, 1967 FOR SALE — Chesterfield and Uhair. If interested phone .Brussels 265 FOR SALE — Quantity of Mixed Clakain Phone 4;1ii1V.-.• Jack Clark FOR SALE — Brown, chesterfield and Chair, 3. floor rug. Phone 255 FOR SALE — Large 11,ouen Dock l,ggs, :;;Loo per seLtill,g. Dan .)1elijunue Phone 166W FOR SALE. — Gooci 1.1 ft. fibreglass boat, out board motor. Leonard Machan, Phone 1:.'1, Brussels, Out. WANTED rci pasture., lots of grass tind water. Joe Holmes Phone 374J5 FOR SALE — 1;,55 Chev. ton Truck with 8 ft. Fleet Side box in good con- dition. Robt. f.. titilning,hain, Phone 446,513 NOTICE Tenders for the position of supervisor at the Brussels Wading Pool will be received by the undersigned. until Monday, May 15, at 12 o'clock noon. Duties to continence June 24, and last for 10 consecutive weeks. Please state salary ex, pected. ;fames Prior BOx 1.23, Brussels, Ont FOR SALE — All varities Seed Grain. Clov- ers, Grasses, ineculants, Pride Seed Corn and Evergreen lawn grass mixture. Pasture trefoil & Timothy $5,04 per acre, Low land Mix $4.60 per acre. Highland hay - Pasture or Alfalfa, Red Clover, Timothy, Broine and. Meadow Fescue (20 lb. per acre) .87.41. Custom Seed and Grain Cleaning. Rey Crain= & Son, Pinkerton. Phone Cargill 266-2394, HELP WANTED — Interesting position rot SaleS. lady or man, able to supply ref- erenco;,..., must have own. ofkr as outside interviewing is position requirement. This position offers the highest income potential in any field, and has great prestige in ihe invt:!-Atuent business as a representative of a Major nat- ional organization. If you are bondable and over age (28) please write for further particalarS to box 41 Credit011, WANTED -- 2,000 Rabbits, weekly, by Esile1 Packers Ltd. Highest Market Price Paid. 4 to 6 lb. &yen, also heavy rabbits, delivered to Bunny HIM Ra.bbitry, assembly point ft* 144ssex Packers. Phone Brussels 421.17. Owing to the very large demand for rabbit meat, rabbit growers are wanted all over Ont- ario, fUll or part time. Full in- forination on raising ratabitS and. breeding stock contact Bunny Hub Rabbitry) .BrUSEtelS Phone FOR SALE hoint hitch Corn. Planter, iu good. condition. .1150.04; [loss height, lot I?, Coil 15, (=fey. Phone 225,15 FOR RENT — Jfouse in ltrtissels with 3 piece, In l.h1.and cupboards; Also 3 bedrooni house for sale with lovely 4 piece bath and now oil furnace, 100 acre Farm, gdod. clay foam, 125. acres workable, nearly now bank barn, large shed,. 4 bedroom helm with cupboards, well Iodated. Elmer Ellacott, salesinan for K. W. Coltinbuon, broker SPRING SPECIAL From April 10th May 10th ALL PER, REDUCED Far appointment. phone 155 where expert care is taken of yoUr hair, NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of MICHAEL FRASS, ,deceased persons Laving claims the estate of Michael trass, late of the City of Nelson, ilL the Province of Drilish Co- lumbia, who died on the 2561 of October, 1900, ail; required ro file proof of same with the inntersignod on. or nefOre the 27th, , or. _;1ay,•.1.90, after which date. i 1LilinisLra.irix will prOetted to listril)u Le the estate having regard only to the claims of which she then have had notice. DATED at Orussels this 29th La of April, 1957. CRAW OR tr, SHEPHERD Solleitors for the Adininistratrix. llrussels, Ont. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of RUSSEL MARKS, deceased ALL persons haying claims against the estate of Russel Marks, late of the Village of \\'ii Lou in the County of Huron, gara,t;entan, who died on the 29th day of March, 1967, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 20th day of May, 1067, after which It' the executors will proceed to disLubute the estate having regard only to the claims of which they then have had notice. DATED at Brussels this 29th day of April, 1967'. CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD & MILL Solicitors for the Executors Brussels, Out FOR SALE — s.::andarcl stite raboit penS 36 ' x 30". 1 pen 30" x also tooting and chimney work done. Gordon Guy Brussels Phone 463W1, NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF MARSHALL SMITH, oi 61.1.1,1" iii t tie C lee ty of i Luton, tanner. deceased, ORS and otheis 0142111;.; tiglititst the estate above named deceased, who died oil or about the 2nd day of Febr- uary, .1.',1(11-, are required to send full particulars of such claims Lo the undersigned on or before the 20th day or May, 1967, after which' -date the agiug.46 of tlit estaLv will be distributed 1111vilu.: rogard only to claims of which notice has then been received. DATED at Listowel. ()num°, this kith clay of April A.D. 11.`361- tl 11. Pratt, Q. C., Darrister, etc. 1:istowel, Ontario, Solicitor to the executors. NOTICE TO CRELITORS In the estate of JACOB W. FISCHER deceased ALL persons having claints against the estate of Jacob W. Fischer, late of the Village. of Brussels, in the County of Hut on, gentleman, deceased, who died on the third day of April, 1007, are required to file proof of sane with the undersigned on or be fore the 26th day of May, 1067, after which date the executors will proceed to distribute the estate having, regard only to the claims of which they shall then. have had notice. DATED at Brussels this 29th day of April, 1967. CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD & 11/11IJL Solicitors for the Elxecutora Brussels, Out. POWER PLUS SPEED For any cutting job, profes- sional or amateur, here's a lightweight, direct drive chain saw with super power! The Homelite Super XL'67 weighs only 13 lbs., 12 oz., less bat and chain, yet fells trees up. to 4' in diameter cuts 18" 'softwood in just 17 seconds ... cuts 18" hardwood in 24 seconds. Come in for a fret demonstration today. CEO. SOMERS BRUSSELS, ONT. Tel.: Ph. 103 NO.Y•010110 TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the undersigned for the dem- olition. and clean-up of the Old Public School Huddling. TenderS to be in the bands of the clerk by 6 p.in„ June 6, 1967, No tenders necessarily accept- ed. Win, H. King, Clerk-Treasurer, 5 8.00 $10.00 $12.00 $ 8.80 $ 8.50 $1U.20 of trig the. HOMELITE SUPER XL:67 CHAIN SAW