HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1967-05-04, Page 21311.USS11114, ONTARIO 111,1B BICO8S14143 POO, PY The audit has been con- ducted in accordance with the instructions of the De- parment, of Municipal Affe.irs. Long-Term. I Clv•rgcs itecovvraole l.Sciteduie 1,330.32 1,530,0» 100.00 School Audit ;lice ered Prom Municipal Drains for Deb° OS `2,(;;;Ii,S5 2,827,00 200.00 391.68 '4,201.63 2,133.25 ()MO tame: it oils Dighway$ and Streets, etc. ;.-3anitatiou. tititt Waste Removal Conservation of. health. :octal Weltetre (6cheditie, 1.0) Child Assistance 1rt.stilai,una1 Ca; ;2 'Welfare Actwinistiation $189,79 CAPITAL AND LOAN FUND BALANCE SHEET December 3t, 19o4 ASSETS • t .t.' INC (1 6elienulu 15) tioni now Dclieutures) 'Lino, clitl t.'ol,tll7 it Lanni 2•57,208.'40 WO:61,11Q 1,111.1. .11.02,11 -18,245.4.0 Credit $25,450.84 1'3i-fiance at January 1, 11)06 „;;;,3.61 ,972.00 797,>•,8 750,00 15.87 748.00 2,273.63 15.00 3011.00 2,500.00 1,092,19 1,000.00 .Au 1° ir lt.11 1.110") The Reeve, Councillors and llatopayers, Township or .Grey, Ethel, Ontario. • Dear Sirs: As per your iustructions, Lave completed the audit, of the: books and ziccounts of the Town- shin of (limy and ine local boardt, for the yeut ••ntling :list Dee- emeher, ititi0, and have previa- ' ed the various statements and Schedules as required. by the De- partment of _Nlunicipal Affairs. • The operations of tile ''.,Cown- ship General .1ccoulki 'for the year resulted ilt a surplus of 1.,:.iti:.1;:1 WIC ill Went, 1). Tile LicC1.11111114ted. Surplus at list December, 1.1160, is $39,314.58 as set out in statement C. lu apparon: miscalculation of the geueral liTisiative grant. l'eceived in 1000 by the Township School Area from the Province had not been corrected at the time of our audit. As tb,e balance of the grant was still un(teter., mined, we have shown only what was received as revenue on the 1966 Area financial statement. We hereby report that in our op i Rion: 1) the financial transactions which have come uuder our notice have been. with- in the powers of the muni- cipality. 8) the financial statements present fairly the financial position or the municipality as at 31st December, 1966 ; and the results of its oiler- ; aliens for the year elided' on that date. :la conclusion. we wish to ex press our appreciation for the ect, operation which we have received from the officials of Your town- ship with whom we Were in ton- tact during the course of our andit. Respectfu ly subrniited, Monteith. Monteith. O., Cliarthred Aca'ountantS, License Niimber 8.612 Date of filing A.pril 11, 1967 Ass;ttueo by Otbe.) tScitetiale 17) miotici,pai Drains $555,1380.87 STATEN.ENT SoURDE AND APPLICATION OF CAPITAL FUNDS For the year ended December 31,'-1966 • SOURCE u1LeNi4 ,11 t.h ,d loud: It i cu. year Pro, I 1.11'.171 /1 S 21,800.00 to the public contribution.; from current reveuaes for Capital expennituei:i $18,535.00 Discounts tat dchentures issued 18,585,00 REVENUE FUND BALANCE SHEET L/ecerriner 1.9tau AsSErS STATEMENr OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE December 31, 1960 Actual Total 1.1.ov ono e, from For the year Ended R E\,. L^. '.1.;4\all()It I, tit lli?lllllC. ).h.telgot I;overunii,n1L6. Ontario Welfare Assistance ilighway ImprovelntWt C111ALLL Grants Other (speciai Warble Fly Other ',fltuniciLittilties lloads,l4.64, Relief ,,I91130 I.». lieu of Taxes .1.10,'07 Sanitui Ontario lieu of Taxes .IjCooses and Permits tinehitle dog la.s:) interests Tax renai.t(Is, et:L. (later Revenues ---- Fines 1,6630-t5690 Service Charges Recreation au Community Sorvires Miscellaneous .specify) Deferred Income Tulten into itovoilee 00.15 Gross 'Dotal floVoCirw rrot'd1 ttevenuo Set-Lion OOVLrniacilt ILIKLeiLtarQ aiiO 1.(.8islatiVe Other $236,035.84 239,207.00 2.9:2i5 -1 .(10 P E Is U i U ti E letuai .Uutigut 6,103,92 154 .10 5,1`0 i,3s 5,1).10,00 l'ruteutio to L'erouti anti1,'lUpet ty 1.11.re .11,11LUI eel:1112.1U bttet.t. Lighting .croteutiN U Ins.ptletiou, t\ ends Warble klY EiVestock Plood Contrue Ltducation, including debt. charges (Sc,hodulti 9) Recreation and Coniinunity Service 1.011g-term debt charges (Schedule 2,J) 55,351.01 ..of:is own share school ON, charges 06,570.60 2.24 3,182.63 20,204.87 19,300.00 161,52 0 0 0.00 18,535.00 20,000,00 5%114./9 516.25 &,,G31.04 54,600,0(1 567.87 567.87 Total 1,1abilities anti SUiplus $69,345.312 REVENUE FUND SURPLUS OR DEFICIT ACCOUNT December 31, 1966 6,712,87 Capital. Expenditures 1,228.17 (Sciwdulo 13) 30,314.53 County ttates Police Irilliage itaies Aliseellatteous (sPecify) Police Village' Grant Balance • ',. ...,_„,,, $40,385.00 APPLICATION ;Public 1V(irks z,140,8 35.00 $10,3S5.00 $40,385.00 $25,460.84 $25,450.84 t6,314.6g 'GrOSs Total rt'Ixpenditure Snitvlita for the yoftt, Total Expenditure $231,222,15 $235,629.11 $23102.15 $235,629.11 4,86'3.69 3,627.89 2 01.0 00.00 294000.00' $302,589.32, 53,302,20 139,795.35 6,742.87 Other Cunds. ts.th..cif3) Multiunit)]. Drains. t Deferred Revenue (Schedule 8) . Surplus (Fenn C) Lash en liana Cash in Dallk _tucoalits itoceiValikt tz-undry oral Less ...ene.w,:ucc Jot e iibtiut accounts iSehudule 5) roviic....0 of. Ontario other i‘taille,IpalitleS (if h,_r .Pout. S (specify DraillS 4 coivable l'ochedule• .1,esS for uncollectibie taxes kSeliedUle 8) etal. Assets LIABILITIES ciao;~ Overdraft olaporary Loans (Schedule 15) _tooOtalts Payable Debentures and Cntipen cue (AL Vet; 11,CiPai lnicrest 3110, .1.5:].7l) 80.32 $556,086.87 LIAEILITIES li e f); issued. .1.,1,1 Leinatured. Drituitigo totbor Ulna GA:1101111J 0,1ools Public and f .ititiutttion Total 1)011(.•11i arc:- .'issumeti by other 1:-,,hettute 2) ASS(•IS Othur Local Bowels and CotantisSions (specify) Police Village of Erthel 744.48 3'4'8.31 197.00 11,843.41 170.87 12,191.au 11,564.36 $69,345.35 $ 1,760.79 20,000.00 '914.54 .7,610.00 744,48 Surplus or deficit included in curient ;Budget • I lialahcc aftcr above 'adjustments Surplus or Deficit For the year (Fern). b) Totals of Debit and Credit coltunns Ealance of Sullins or. Deficit at December 31, 19135 Morin 13), 860.40 21.90 3;'46.b1.1 4,1).-14 1,005.24 28.00 1,4;52.41 3,739.80 1,610..01 .au,utiu.eu •.339.00 • 3t10.00 171..2,0 4,791.66 3,500.110 65,368.26 55,360.00 935.00 1.400.00, Sliort-terni interest and other charges Taxes written off Deficits and Levies Provi Cemetery Grants (specifY) 300.00 rteveittle .),017.12 1:1,;n;;-.1.72 51S,11-1. 11,58'9. v. 2,000.00 :6,610.00 4,863.69 30,314.53 • zit8.31 197,00 197.00 1%191.80 14,561.36