HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1967-05-04, Page 1WI
The regular mooting of the
Village Council was in the Munic-
ipal Office on May 1st. 1967, all
members being present.
The following motions were
Molted by T. Cl. Campbell, sec-
onded by H, 3. TenJas that the
minutes of the meeting of April
3, 1967, be adopted as read,
Moved by .1. L. McCutcheon
seconded by' C. B. Cousins,
that; the accounts its presented
for payment be paid:
P.17.0., streetlights 184.76
Mrs. re Rellington. con-
teneiel flags 26.25
John Ryan. bulldozing
dump 147.00
D. A. R.ann, flowers .„„ , 10.50
SIeCluteheon Motors, re-
pairs ... . . . (1(1.66
13,M.O. Telephone, rates
and tolls . . ..... 42,1,7
J. M. McDonald Lumber
Ltd„ material 6.40
Douglas 3, Callender, April
(11,eirsing Acct 921,00
West:eel-Rose° Ltd,
signs 74.65
Coo.. Mutter. fuel --.„ 70.73
snppli es .... 16.86
J. 'Gordon Stiles, April.
garbage 165.00
Geo, Mutter, registration
and expenses 5.00
11Inyore Re Reeves. regi-
stration and expenses
to Mayors
&. Reeves 100,00
MacLean Pine Service
gas 10,85
Wm. TT. Xing, regis-
tration and
expenses to meeting ..,. 18,00
:Receiver 1 flenerel, tax de-
ee 'II Ana and. C.P. 75.44
Brussels Post
(Office, H.T.S 1.88
Moved by H. J. Tenres, ace-
miflod by C. L. Cousins that, By-
T , 3-1957 he introerteee :me
read a first end second time and
easeed. This being- a by-law adept-
ing the Omers Plan, to. commence.
,filtin 1, 1067.
Moved by j. L. McCutehoon,
seconded by T. C, Cempbell that,
By-Law No. 84967 he reed a third
time and missed and the Peeve
and Clerk authorized to sign and
sealed with the Corpornte Seal,
A delegation with regard In the.
William Street drein was reeeived
owl it was derided to repair the
ilrnie and assess the cost in-
volved among those with cellar
drains attached and the Village
tot their catch-basins.
Rev, F, fl'. Beaby, representing
the Med -hell-Dent:0 Committee
attended the meeting with a
reeiteef for bole morel and rth-
liteinl support or the Village
Cotteril in the building or the
new CHM&
l\ToVetl 1 jr t. Ct raMphell, sec-
ended it;ir ft, x, vmPao that we
doniite 1 1:01 00.!0 to tilt!
tVireilig Arid ilirty? Itfallt404)npfril
One or the most quoted writere
in the English language once
wrote . . . 'Sorrows come not
single spies but. battalions. One
woe doth. tread upon another's
heels they come so fast', This is a
literary description of a hard, un-
pleasant. fact of life, Once things
start going wrong they often
slide downhill until their weight
seems beyond endurance.
This happened to Mrs. Jones.
it was not a. happy home to be.
S:i n with. Mr. Jones took the
easy way out, On Sunday he
deserted his wife and family. On
Monday the rent came due and
Mrs. ,Tones did not have the
money to pay. There were three
young children to look after,
and who wanted their- pitiful
questions answered, a fourth
child was on the way.
On Tuesday Mrs, Tones went
to a clinic for an examination
and on her return the landlady
bed locked tne door and she
couldn't got in. All her possessions
except the clothes she wore were
locked in. That night she and her
children slept with a friend lirtt
there was not enough beds or
b ,,dding-: to go around',
How can these things happen
in a country* like this? They dO
or did. or emerse there were
public officials to sift tho right
end wrongs of the locked °et
apartment. but this took time, And
Welfare neeneles to help, hut in-
voelizelions and time were need-
ed,. The Salvation Army gave
immediate help, The hand was
outstretched. first, "the questions
asked later, or not at all, Pond
was provided, clothing, Wartnth
and understanding, a shoulder to
err on.
Now Mrs, .Tones can look hack
and smile at the time when every-
thing she knew seemed to he
erumbline around her. But when
.'lie does there's a small tear in
her eve, and a prayer in her
heart, The missing husband? He's
Sleybe it's better
see( way.
You are naked to contribute
to the Red Shield appeal when
the cenvessee calls in T3rnssels.
Mae. 5th.
Moved by TT. .T. TenPris. sec-
onded by C. T,. Cousin s that 'we
edvertise for tenders for the Clem-
entine anti clean up of the. old
Peblic Schoni beileine
r. lan McDonald was present
et the Conneil meeting to Tee-
e complaint. regerding the,
smoke and MOSS crented by the
Vinnee dump, After it leng„the
arid thorotigh discussion Council
etrsetel to tier and find settle
els-it:11)1e moluthen to these 1.11011-
CO by r. T.. Cousins flint the
eeentebel ,T. T r. MeCettehteen
filet the roeetitie ()Molten, to Meet
a. atti .Tune 5, 1961, or et the call
of the 'Reeve.
l'croittot Wtn,
Tne Majestic Women's tnstitute
held their annual meeting in the
library basement.
A letter Was retie annoutwing
Achievement Day for the Club
Girls Project se, "A World of 1i7ood
in Canada" to be held in Wing-
ham on May 13th.
It was moved by Mrs. Lorne
Nichol and seconded by Mrs
Carl Hemingway that elrs.
Smith and Mrs. Amy Speir lap
delegates to attend an organizat-
ional meeting of Winghani and
District Retarded Children's,
An invitation was accepted
from Huronyiew to attend their
Centennial Bazaar and tea to be
held on. April 26th.
An invitation Was accepted from
Cranbrook Women's Institute to
attend, their meeting on the evert-
ing of May 2nd,
Mrs, .Tames Smith was chosen
to present the. shield from the
Majestic W,I, at the music, festival
to be held in Wingham and Dist-
rict, Prigh School on May 4th at
Mrs. Ross Knight, District
President, gave an interesting
address on Mrs. Adelaide Hunter
Needless' life. Mrs, Jernes Smith
thanked Mrs. Knight and present-
ed her with a gift.
The District Annual for East
Huron is to be held in St,. .Tebn'e
Anglican Church, Brussels on
May 18.th,
Mrs. Doug. Hemitleve.y gave
the motto "Use the talents you
eossese for :the woods would be
very silent if no birds Sting except
thee host",
Mrs, James Armstrong, Mrs.
Amy Speir and Mrs. Lorne Nichol
are 10 be. a committee to look
otter the centennial projeet,
restoration of the. Ainley greve-
e one.
Mrs. ROSS Knieht conducted th e
election or officers as fellwos:
II on, .... Mrs .Tnee Levee
President Mrs. :lames Smith
1st Vice Prior Mrs. n.
Hem inewe v
....... Sirs. John.
-Tree s.
Ito ft
Sec. Mrs, John Spelt.
'vet. Directer eirs..Tee, Smith
Anytme-, .... erre, C. Heiniteswest
Inench Direetore Sirs. Ti.
TeTiehol. Mrs. S. Peeel
Mrs, A. MeTnegnrt
Pinnist Mrs. Walter Kerr
Aeditrote Mrs. Tr. Slimy. Mrs.
Convenors of
et:iodine Committees
,serieuiture and rnmulinn Inclust-
ries Mrs. D. lderninCrW,
MISS. 'Mtn T'0:17'Sfflt.
(!i ti .1.011S11111 and Intention ...
.Trues Atenetronse Mrs. J. Leete,
T I 'sfprif•nl flos-lven Curren!'
Mrs. 1'. Davis. 7kIrS.
R. Turvet
r,,in Ti?onnoinies, . anti leinnlfb
11.1*R. T11:11'1 Cllebilari,. Mrs, It,
YrrI. rt
ieesolutions „., Mrs. A. MeTaggart ;
Sunshine Miss Beth Hoover,
Mrs. l). Hemingway
Miss Ann, (')itifield i daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Al, Oltifield,
Brussels, is one of two pupils,
celeste) by the teaching staff of
Winghain and District High.
School, to participate in the
federel-proeincial youth 'travel
Ann will be a Centennial Year
;leiter to North Vancouver,
i n ,,; by train July 26th and return-
use August Stie
Robert Worrell of Teeewater
the other Wingbef student chosen,
The students traVel in, units of
l' havoc, girls and two escorts,
They are billeted in private homes
for a week.
The entire trip of the Youth.
Travel program is free to the
etudents. This Centennial Year
5(10 students are involved in,,
'he plan
Mr. and Mrs. Carl :tackling
Brussels, announce the engege,
ment of their daughter, Linda
May, to Mr. W. Ross Patterson,
Toronto, son of Mr. end Mrs. Roy
Potte.eson 113..R. 2. Brussels.
The wedding to take place May
20t it at two o'clock in Brussels
l'niied Church.
Mrs. W. J, Pollard is a patient
in the Wingbem Hospital. Her
Many friends wish her a 'speedy
Mr. rind Mrs. Tack McC,utelte.on.
were weekend visitors with Mr,
end Mrs. David MeCutcheon of
'Po vf ovhOTO11 ,211,
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Wilson
Pince and Larry., of Hamilton,
snout the weekend with Mr. and
Sirs, Rick Wilson and Mr. and
1',•.hail Bowes.
Mrs„ Lettie McCutcheon has
-returned, bottle after spending the
eeet month with ' Dr, and Mrs.
W. Te Merutchente Berwick,
Venn. and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin
'see'. of Buffalo.
Air. 1 N1Srayne Klein assumed his
chitties as tc'countent.at the local
brench of the Canadian Imperial
Bank or Commerce on Monday.
, Meth. a native of Woodstock.
eransferred Pere from Co-
en g, Sirs. Kiehl Will -join him
as k-orn as their apartment is
Sirs. W. Speleen has returnee
after spending the winter
With Ser. and Mrs. Me-
Cerde LOWO, cot (-nevelt-Ind. Ohio,
null Mr, end Mrs. ISInetiee Smith
f I ',mien,
Jeffev son cif Mr,
mid Mi's -Ronald Trifler of Illett-
lined:rue was baptised (eh Suntiny.
30tli. Those attending weee
Mr, nod' Mrs. Bill Turnbull, Mr,
Prusi: rbler, 'Mr. and Mrs. ,Pitt!
rori1 ,4 !01(I !silly!'
!felt e;, tetel eisd VSIt
Mr. and Mrs, Glen Smith and
'amity were honored guests at a
f4-a t h g in the Brussels Library
on Friday .April 25th.
Neiehbour of the iith line of
:Morris, where the Smith family
lived, before moving to Brussels
last: 'week, and friends spent a
social evening with them. It was
also the occasion of the 25th
wedding anniversary of. the guests
of honor. 'Euchre was enjoyed.
Durng the course of the evening
an address was read by Clarence
Merutcheon and Mr, and Mrs..
Smith were presented with a
"gossip bench" and the family
with plaques. The presentations
were made by IMeCutpheon,
Tom Bernard and Alf Nichol.
The recipients _thanked their
friends for the evening, and the
gifts, Lunch was served.
The May Meeting of Majestic
W, I. in the Library, Thursday,
May 11 th. at S p.m, Roll Call:
Tips on Storing Clothing or pay
a fine, Motto: Character is like
embroidery. It is made stitch by
stitch. Mrs. Ff. Devries Demon-
stration on. Food. Sale of Plants,
-Bulbs or Slips. Miss Linda.
Wilson., Public Speaking. Current
Events, Mrs. D. Hemingway.
I-Tosiess; Mrs. John Lowe, Mrs,
John. Speir, Mrs. (leo. Davis.
F., 1"H E I -
Ethel W. I. Elects Officers
The annual meeting of Ethel
Wornenis institute, held in the
Community Hall. named Mrs,
'Cecil Raynard president.
Other officers elected were: •
Mrs. le MeIsertane, past pteSii
dent; Mrs, R. Keifer, past presi-.
dent; Mrs. Geo, Pearson, second
i el.lr es. ; Sirs, W. W. Keautete,
See.-treas.: Mrs. Chester Earl,'
asst. see,-treas.; Mrs. T. Siffate:
lane, Diet.. Directoe; 'Mrs. A. Jaeke
lin, asst. Dist'. Dire Mrs. •Kratte
ter, Mrs, Carl :McDonald and Airs.
Sn.ni Itiemstra, branch directors;
Mrs. Stan Speiran pianist.; Mrs.
Poe Nall. asst. pianist: Mrs. Win,
Dobson, Mrs.. Lothar Weber,
'Conveners of standing etitn-
mitees are: Mrs. It Keifer, Site,
A. Jacklin. citizenship and edu-
t'aiion; Mrs. S. Beirnes, Mrs. C.
Feri, historical reseorch and (en.-
rent events. Mrs. S. TI10111Stra,
Mrs. I. Pesten, nerieulture end
Canadian industry; Airs. J. Brink,
Aire, Stan Speiran; home (von-
',mice and health; Airs. CottleY
'Ares, e;oy. Hell; resclutiine; Mt's.
•reereon. safety.
Pions were made to accompany
tee 'vtolesworlh W.). to Clinton
during hint- to OT1t.Stt ain the pat-
ients st Tineoneiene with e births
tiny nerty. An invitation in ottend
s eereleithint tendedliee eittoliiVt•
VITO eftik
• 32.406 A Ye8, BRUSSF4S POST, T11.1.7.RSDAY, MAY 4th, 1967