The Brussels Post, 1967-04-27, Page 4DRIVE-IN THEATRE ... 1.'1011 .1111.1.1$`4.11,S. pun, laUSSF'LS, ONTARIO 1141.1t6.11AN, AViti,L, .271h, 067 NTLEivis.N'S QLUI iegret. 1.0 :-at) that we- Honor- ,„ et,,,,,ei, 'Aunt clown to 11cluitL ILl 0111' li161; gam; of law ,l: 011. \\ t.k lost LOYOU.411, skut- til4I8ery, bribery, blackintlit„ unit I jut :tesLiisiouai 1,tua othr e iti con- 011.O 1111111 :d/O.12, Leo. hilMOUL ii.S.161, by ttevey, herr all(1 t id Deli. Stu Humphries and Sinn Workman l.1 tag Ut, their 11;111(16 lit disgust "4 :Li 11.1%.k! nu part of it, Lam- 0111' IlL;St plily121.6 slid gooLi tellows but 1101 .101' euchre. We swallowed our prate alai 1 math; a ince speech inanked tau Legion and con- I.Lont. '1 old Lnem how we appreciated these games and 1,0';\• QI1JUY (;!(1 being their gut sts. Thirty years and never all angy word. A lot of bluffing but all in good humor, i told them to take good care of the trophy \\ had only ioaned it to •theM until next year. .1 thanked Labatt's with kind words. Oh if they could have. heard my inner voice or read my thoughts. I was saying 110\1' in the world k (and a. bunch of unclean., un- ansho v ea bums beat us clean, reputable grouts of highly educated gentlemen. 1 look La. Elliott, McNeill, :Nichol, i hope, ;heir way home the win blows their whiskers down their. .iroal and chokes the mto death. Look at Ilan and .1-luether. 'They, :will the hinu to 04e. Lwoula like vot thrill in a sack, scud Ment up in a plane and drop then). ten Inousanci feet into the town, dump. Look at Stu Humphries , and trout Walton. I hope the Lt ;.,\.. builds, a new store, two :nu rod feet long by one hundred right :in the middle of Wal- ton, with, a Chopping mill on each, end. 1 hope -.Jack Alcock's maple.. tvcies dry: 'tip, drier than Archie Willis and Hi Rutledge on a Mon. day morning. I said plenty Wore to .myself to, 1 can get along with Hindus, . Jews, iiadianisi . Eskimos, and can live with skunks, snakes„ anti ground -hogs, bat the -Lord. keep me away from an •.:English- man. Every time I see one the Halt raises on my neck and. I. start to groWl: Well, whO • ShOuld they appoint to help me present the cup but Charlie Draper. Charlie is as HingliSh WS the word, bloody or Big Ben. There we Were holding the cup which WANTED Cattle to Pasture. Oran Russell, 5th line Morris. Phone FOR SALE --- tieneral Eleetric with large freezer ;Across top. Fluter Eillacutt. ROT ICE For speci,tis in lawn and garden fertilizers call Brussels Coal Yard. 1Sti. WANTED past are, lots of grass and water, Joe Holmes Plume 371.10 FOR SALE. — MAI 2 row •,,3 point hitch Corn, Planter, in good condition $150.06 Ross Knight, lot 17, Con lb, Grey. Phone 328J5 FOR SALE Lloyd baby carriage, blue and white: car bed; baby bassinet. All Ill good condition. Phone 3814.4 HELP WANTED FEMALE Home •Lypillg work available in. brussels and area, Pull Time C'tt rt Than,. Details write Torham Co., Postal Station Thiamilton, Ont. HELP WANTED — Interesting position ror saleS, lady or man, able to supply ref- erences, must have own car as outside interviewing is position requirement, This position offers the highest income potential in, any field, and has great prestige in the investment business as a representative of a major nat- ional organization. If you are bondable and. over age (28) please write for further particulars to Lo:t: -11 Creditor/. ARE YOU LOOKING? For a good-paying part-tune. soh, Avon offers a marvelous Opportunity, Immediate place- ment for ladies of Morris or Grey townships: Phone collect evenings or write Mrs. M. MillSon, 17 Hawhesbury Ave., London, 451-0541. FOR SALE — All verities Seed Grain. Clov- ers, Grasses, inoculants, Pride Seed Corn and, Evergreen lawn grass miXittre. Pasture trefoil Timothy $5,01 per acre, Low land Nix $1.00 per acre. 'Highland hay - Pasture, of Alfalts, Red Clovci. Timothy, Rrome and Meadow fescue (20 lb. per acre] $7,41. Custom Seed and Grain Cleaning,. Roy Cramm & Son, Pinkerton. Phone Cargill 366-2n4. FOR SALE. edit!: Posts, antituts and brac- e barbed wire and past! wire. Winthrop tleneral Store, Phone ..;27-1 .2 4 7 6eaforth. u0alt..RET.E t'lninney vopluis. specialit.ing its Stabling ii al 1\,•,, I liaissels, 34511/2'6 or Cl.oderiell 321-6355. CUSTOM WORK DONE of rota and bc:ai, -r0\\ I lc•1'; ,,ituppea with I '• ,ataQhmuats, Apply to: Jubn Crunyu, Myth, Plione 523-0440. CROW CUCUMBERS ,111.11i0 l'Alra Money If you have 14 acre or more grow cucumbers for BICKS Prices Ali Hybrid Seed Free Pick Up .AL Gate flick's Grading Staciou. No. 10 Albert RI am ers Phone Dublin FOR SALe. — Double ill I1ruFsel,4. t rooms ill each side. furnace, bath, cupboards. 'Nils can he made an extra good investment, room cement Mock house, I1E;V; cupboards, nice bathroom, barn, garden. 0 room cot tiige, nice bathroom, oil hot water heating, good lot, and garden. Apply: ;301in Wade, .Brusselc, Phone. II, Agent for Clayton Ilogg, Galt. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF MARSHALL SMITH, late(sf the Township of Grey in of Huron, fatreer. claims against the estate of the above named deceased, who died. an or about the 2nd day of Pebr- nary, 1007, are required to Send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned on or Woe the 20th day of May, 1961.0 after which date the Sakti of the estate Will he distributed huving regard only to claielS oh' which, notice bee then been re(.pi vett DATED at List-owe), Ontario, this 1;i111 day of April A.D. 1907-, M, Pratt, C., Ithrristor. et 0, List owe"! Ontario, Solicitor to the executors. m.a)- 5th. llig Centennial .11anale emaing up. -Y.ours, A TRUE STORY Lilo is dot usually mane up of .,me m tindous, draatic iemk.`6. Vor most of us It is ae lPiul- of little thin 0 things take one at a time. Lonstacr LII,1 ca rt e of We Si.'' teen-) oar old meutally retarded girl who ran away from home. This hardly merits front. page co v erage but to Lhc puruilLs lt was a narrowing lithe, Thu).Thu). N) Q1'0 ithia a few days the V •[lti, Luut,0 03' 1110 pul..,L:L; .1 \I li e Aruly W 115 contacted, and alraLGe- IiiiilliS ItlilllC tU Hy the girl back Last. was met by a salval.- loll Army taken to the bus depot and sent buck to her home town anti her grateful parents. lns isal exactly an exciting story, or a big one. But it is only one of hundreds that each year reporteu by "The Salvation. Army. It seems such a small aut. of kindness even to mention. But who else would do it? The girl Was ma a criminal. Once she was loca'«sd it was no longer police work. She was too old to (Anne under the Children's Aid auth- °ray, The parents themselves W01'1' unable to help. TillS typical of the kind of se rvices Perl;ormed each day of each wee]( by The Salvation Army. But they add Up. Just ' as the Red Shield appeal is made a success by many many small contributions which add up to an impressive total, Perhaps your few dollars will help return a confused, fright- ened young girl to her frantic 'parents next year. Or it may help and strengthen any of pit•I'V11,1(18 operated by •1 -1.1'101' in uanana 5111/111)110d by t.hc lied Shield. You arc, 1151(0a1 In Captain A. i0 support this community by ,-„ntriliating your share to the \ olantoor cauvaSSOr who t ills tit your (door. AT. APRIL 28 - 29 FIS-1FUL OF DOLLARS " `Technicolor ul rill Eastwood Marianne Koch thinment) Color plus "What Did You Do In The War Daddy?" Color (Adult Enteitzonment) ••Fistful of Dollars" will play twice FRI. - SAT. MAY 5-6 THE BOY CRIED MURDER plus THE HALLELUJAH TRAIL Technicotols "Boy Cried Murder" will play twice SEAFORTH 'UPHOLSTERY Centre Street For all kinds of upholstering F-.1'"05sels RePresentatIva; Phone 4 Li. 79 Bruesel& SELWYN l• -"-KER brisk ent,Onnial Diary show • on the 0130 radio netWork weighs about forty pounds. Thee, the Cott at y got a brilliant idea. We had deceased, to hand it over to Stu and Sam CR,EDITORS and Others halting and, my idea was to let it slip through my hands a.nd crash on. either one of their feet With good luck it would smash theit big toe and with extra gOod luck maybe threQ or four sinaller onea. and then diaintegrate coMpletely. Titroo litno.s f lot it slip and three limes Draper caught it, I Wag. .1111ii guilty of. murder as if it 1111(1 boon committed. ltoply to Mrs wiSh to Say tho Oentennial committee had , nothing to do with the shew Oat foaturcd the come, tO. noyi't forget the Amateur Night ran tonflial 'Nary Will be heard. three timeh a weak, Mondays., Wednosdriys and Fridays at 7:0:1 beginning- May i. FOR RENT — liottse 111 Lirussels with J piece both and cupboards; Also bedroom house for sale with lovely 4 piece bath and now oil furnace. 100 acre Farm., good clay loam. 125 acres workable, nearly new bank barn, large shed, 4 bedroom house with cupboards, well located. WANTED Elmer 14,111acott: salesman for K. W. Golquhuon, broker 2 i 0011 Rabbits, weekly, by Essex Packers Ltd. Highest Market Price Paid, 4 to 6 lb. fryers, .also heavy rabbits, delivered to Bunny dub Rabbitry, assembly point fob' nfisseX, Packers, Phone Brussels 12 Owing to the very large demand, for rabbit. Meat, rabbit growers are wanted all over Oat- aril), Lull or part time. Full in- Tormation on raising rabbits and. breeding stock contact Bunny Hub Rabbitry, Brussels Phone. '.•2.1,17 FUN AHOY ! Skipper 13111 McNeil and We I crew', Al Maitland, now out in 1 seareli of the light and Offbeat '1 'side of Carlada!S birthday celebrations ter their bright,