HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1967-04-27, Page 1 :BRUSSE4'LS POST, THURSDAY, APRIL 27th, 1967 POST PIJBLISHING HOITSV ATTEND AMATEUR GIFTS GALORE GIVEN TO LADIES IN VARIETY NIGHT ENDANC'E AT HYDRO SHOWTINIE HONORED BY SURPRISE BIRTHDAY PARTY A happy event took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Harold Thom.as, when nieces and nephews „L. Enti zo thoh \\little gathered 1111`1't .101 .t I'll rpriso birthday Iy in her honor, Cu test~ work` pr(tsent from \\Ingham , -frowiek i; Wa t orbit), Thant esford, wedeteek, Lambeth and Virus- The guest of 'honor was present- tat corsag'r, many good wishes and ail electric blanket, Visiting was enloyed throughout afternoon, followed by a ,..ntritgat,thord supper. 3!,51-10P CiONFIRMS CLASS 07- if AT ST. JOHN'S CHURCH The Rt. Tlev, TT. Appleyard, Bishop of C'eorgian Bay, was present at St. John's Anglican rumreh Sunday and bestowed the Rite of Confirmation on 81T- teen candidates presented by the Rev, F. F,Ga, T3rehy, rector of St. ,foltn's. They were: Owen Stephen Braby Linda Christine Finch Peverle:sr Joan Finch N'tincy Fliine Cowing Kermeth Oven (lowing Linda Marilyn Martin (lerald Edgar McCauley TAri ,Taequelyn lVfcCutch eon Constance Mario McWhirter ,Tanice Citl MoWhirter lett y Christina Pennington Bonnie Teen Pennington :lames Oliver: Snyder Verna Ruth Snyder Donald {1'r-flinger Workman Charles Murray Workman PEOPLE WE KNOW The Brussels Lions Club Amateur Variety Night is being ".'NORED BY held at the Brussels I,egion flail. 7.AN K STAFF PridaY, May 5th, Come and sup- Dort Your loeul talent. Mr. Albert. (Nikes, accountant the i 'atu;d i alri Imperial Bank of WILLIAMSON — BLAKE s'''o u'''rer here is being trans., forred to the Mitchell branch. Baskets of yellow and white effective 'May 2nd. chrysanthemums, yellow daffodils Mr. and Mrs Mikes, were en- end fern decorated St. Ambrose rtained hr members of the bank Roman Catholic Church for the . at dinner at. the New marriage of Anne Marie Blake American Hotel, 'rho guests of. arid Kenneth Millard Williamson, honor 'were presented with a, gift, Miss Yvonne Connolly. organist, behalf of the staff, by Mr. C. played and sang traditional wed- ricor. manager. ding music. Per'-Jolla TT. Mooney HISTORY OF GREY TOWNSHIP WALTON Contributed by Mrs. Douglas Ennis "The Queen's Bush" was the term used to designate that por- tion of Ontario now known as Huron County when it was un- broken forest. To that section of Huron County, of which Walton now forms the centre there was a great influx of settlers during the Years 1.85! to 1856, These settlers were Rriglish Irish and Scots -- mostly Scots. The first settlers came on foot along the Huron, Road. There was no Seaforth then and no direct road from, Seeforth to Walton, The immigrants crossed the stream at places called Har- phttrhey and Roxborough. Tt was some time after 1854 that this road was under brushed out to the vicinity of 'Grieves' bridge by McFadzean, his Son Thomas, and Mr. Mosher. John Mcradzerin with his two sons and Mr. Mosher came in 1854 to "take up" lend. They lit a fire and Snout the night on, the 'knoll where Ross Bermett'S orchard was located. it was not long before nearly all the land in the comnuinity was taker up Mr. Smillie. Mr, Simpson. Mr. McLeod and many ofithers came (luring the 50's. Walton is.sifunted at the south- west corner of firer Township. At one time known as the "(Travel Road": a rend runs he- iween Seaforth and Wroxeter vt,hich forms the township line between ferny, Morris and Townships. During 1912 this road was widened. rebuilt nod regravelled and in 1084 was sittfacerl. Tt Is now known as highway 12. This gives Walton two primary county routes com- parable to some of the province's Inisiest highways, Walton derived Its name from Welton. rrialand. and was named by 'Mr. .T. TTewill who nwnon Ittati tri the Cordon Me. rInvit, visited Walton run-land, several years are while on a business trin and deseribed it os a small niece similar to Walton, Ontario. The first nos{ office was eSta- hi-Med in 188. with George ger as Pnstniaster. Other nost- Masters inebided Mr. Prittereen, Mr. Platchford. Mr, Pollard, Wni. (continitod on !Wilde page) Mrs. Chas. Davis is Visiting in Schomberg. Miss Rirby Plum is Vacation- inn in ramp 'Borden this week with her niece and family. Ctrs,Ceeorge Ec•ans 11 n d the misfortune to fall and break her nem, Mrs. T..nura Kidd has returned to her home at. Sioux T.00kont after spending several months with her sister, Mrs. M., Hawk- Over fifty relatives visited on, Senday last. with Mr, and ATrs. 1?m- Cousins . on the occasion of their 40th weddin Er anniversary. Or were from Bradford, Bond Richmond TTill. Searbor- Toronto Re's'ale. Wood• 1-41.tt nikville end Orare.'e- % Pusan \lennon1(1. \tin corlyelit and Linda .Tofinstou are Ottawa :.ittendinfr the 1987 An• enn1 ltrolith re.hror000p soon.mred lw t‘ssociation for the freer ;111 i held at the chaterie Laurier and the centennial Centre froth Thursday sunray, The girls are billeted iii private goon's their 5011 in Ot taW . effhlated. The bride is the daughter of 11, and Mrs. George I., Make, RR 2, Brussels, and the briar ,- grown is the son of Mr- and Mrs. Nornta.n WintaTTISCal, Walton. Given in marriage. by her father the bride chose a floor length satin Empire sheath gown, lace over satin bodice styled with scalloped neckline, lily point, sleeves and a lace over satin. train which fell from three waist bows. She wore a satin floral hen dpiec e which secured an elbow length four. tiered veil and she carried a bocaret of red roses with white and fern.. Miss • Maryann Phaten, cousin, of the bride was maid of honor.• Miss 'Rosemary Blake, cousin of the bride, and Mrs. Ronald Little 1't •arn P to w'er'e bridesmaids. All wore Einpire waist floor •. length sheath goWns of aqua. crepe bodices,. Wbi•te Crepe skirts styled with .scOop.trocklitreS rape sleeves with white face and anon. ribbon at the waist. They re r- ,10(1 Hrrinv, bonnets of yellow and, while carnations with yellow and :Atli streamers and. fern. They • all wore noun saffir shoes and he,.drirees of anon boWs secured their two tiered Veils, They- wore e•Yera length white trterald Blake, brother of the bride was best man, while C,erald brother of the LiTOCMI and Ponnld Williamson brother of the groom, ushered the guests. ..\ reception was held iii tilt' Brussels Legion TTall where the brin'e's mother -received the guests wearing a two pier., Slit ( of noun wool with n grey rox• rape black accessories and a corsage of yellow carnations, She \vas assisted in reeeiving- by the bridegroom's mother in a, street length fusehia brocaded Ovoqs with black accost:4(111es and a corsage of yellow oarnvlio-4. For a tioneynloon to Nia ,:titta l''alls and other points in South Western Onforin the bride travel- led in a green coat tuld dress on- ttoruble with black nosessovies and a. rorsage of red roses They will reside on the bridegrootn's farm WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Bryans, AN-Maser. announce' the marriage. fheir dam'-hter. Lorna Mae. to. Trio Tintinalli, son of Mr. and. Mrs. C. Tintinalli, Windsor, April Mad, at St. Georges Ang- lie,ia Church. Rey. W. K. Jaggs effieinted. Reception followed at the Knotty Pine, The couple will n. Win ds or... PST CALL FOR NAMES rf yon. can furnish the names and addresses of cornier 'Bins- .residents v ih you please give. the:m to the Brussels Centennial 'OW 'r WOO \T ONCE, MRS. WILLIAM BERNARD Mrs, Gt illtam Bernard, 95, formerly of flans gels, died Stant-, neeonvie‘v„ Clinton. She was the Former Ann Craig. ai doughter of the late Mr. and. Airs. James Ct'nie., and the widow '11'1'5:Minya Bernard. Mr. and Mrs, Pwrnard were life- 'tine. rreddents of Morris Town, shill. She is survived only by' '0 54 "11.0 nephews, Tice funern1 was held from the -1), 1. Minn funeral home in Brils.. at ildn, on Monday with the Rev. P. G. Braby of St. .Tohn'S Church nriciating, leas je rus5;(1,4 oemetery., MRS, JAMES ANDERSON Arrs. James \aderson. the forth., Annie -.1TeNab, passed wyy suddenly at her home in „1..; kpril 20th. The funeral was held Saturday with service at her late residenee. Rey C, A. 7rTcCarroll of :\Telvillt. Preoyeloyi;er rnurch officiated. -Itie e rrors ‘yi‘re Pr. Wm, "macDomild: Frank Qellers. Dole Nixon. alen Smith .1',1o1 T'onniwzi on. Flowers o'er'' tttitried 1w Ctraern0 Mac- I\onalt1 and .Tack Tlrvans. Inter- ,„„„t .,0,•;1 .,, in Is.ras,tels (tempter...-. \Alderson w S 111/111 in Tf1,111r-111111. ilhe daughter .,r Eli., late Mr. :Ind 1•Trs. \lex- prior tn bet mar. ,41.,-0 to, til , bite Ti". .TrMes kinThr- ee•tit ?Terris: r; Tewnships. ;;,11 11y Iwo sisters, of The Brussels Legion Nan was filled to tetpaeity Thursday, April, for Hydro Showtime, open,- r d by Brussels P.tT.C., Clinton. Area liydro and Ladies' Piltifi,•• it e of the Fair Board, Ontario. Hydro Dietleiati 1 di nil a Yr 0Mosters or Western IZegion.. London. demonstrated I , oven meal. Menu being Iinma;steaked with , stuffing, cauliflower dish quick tornato bread. spiry apple sauce cake,„ tuna casserole, mocha surprise pie, with salad. Reeve Calvin Krauter brought greetings and introduced Art Murphy. Ontario Hydro, Lon- don, 1010 Was emcee for the even- ing,. Mr. Don Kemstron of Clin- ton Thvdro was Area representa- tive. Mr, Max Oldfield. WestiDg7 house agent, supalied all the appliances. The. PTII.C. had a Cascade 40 on display, The lady volunteers put on a skit putting a drinking straw • through a. Rotates. Those taking part were Mrs. M. Oldfield. Mrs. P. Dunbar, Mrs, H, Bolger. Miss Mel\last.er gave several 'helpful hints on Washing and Prying with Automatic. Mr. Mur- phy kept the audience entertained with many witty remarks and was commentator for slides of lighting in the home. Many products to save time aril temper were demonstrated 'for cleaning tenon electric- fry pan and dish washer. Also ,riti i\l 'trror . ntag-e of Prost Free Refrig- Mrs. Doug Smith, secretary for the Ladies Ilivisithr, moved a vote of thanks to those taking part, the audience, and to all who donated to the prizes, Mr. Murphy called Writ, TT. King to the platform to draw for the I hi re prizes donated by the P.T'.(', Mrs. Ttobt. .C,'rasby and Mrs. Harvey Craig made the draws for the other prizeS. Owing to Inch of space they Many priZe Winters will he pub- lished noxjt week, BOWLING NOTES Po-thip; is over for another season with playoff' trophies awarded to the following: Three teams tied for top spot with Ni ['WS N1(1101:4 beating Sacir'S jiggers by 13 points and Mar- l e ns's 'Isom-ides by noints, lion's Thigh Single: Dolt dock- Ho '271 over John Cousins 21M, ATen's rfigh Total: Fill Stephen , son 900 over Dave lfastings 999. Sim:do: Karen Tasi 1 seer Ma Ilene Rutledge 2:11. T Mies' TTigh Tel Karen ITnit- ilt or 1. 'Marilyn Trigrins h:veryone can See its been (doge rifthi to the finish. 110-0 atill V.• It tl a nit, psi s at the woddirie• wero s 'l from 1Toose .Tow. Rash Collier;.. wtOotei cow rirarallton, Senfilrth, Walton On el "k r n' 'HO '1,'4fttii0 11ToTl'aft. Pert ,•st ,-4 ,,