HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-04-29, Page 1jk;.. -y.‘en TH WTHOLE NUMBBEYEAR. M. i GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 1881. New Advertlseaneats. Notice In Lewis. Retiring -H. Cools. For Bala -Mrs. Nolan. To Rent -O. McMahon. Flowers -Alex Watson. Millinery -Mu Stewart. New Store-Mra Warnock. ti Hating- W. S. hart it Co. Excursion -Thos. Greenway. Chancery SSL -J. G. Stevenson. Servant Wonted -John Hibbard. Mortgage Sale --Seager a Morton. Travelltag Cdale. GRAND TRUNK. RAPT. Pass. gap's. Mtxd. MIzd. Ooderlch.L♦ 7.0Oam..lL05pm..3.15pm 9.00am held in town last week. Sostorth 7.50" 1.10 " 4.45 10.50" Mr. and Mrs. Winter, well known to Stratford. Ar6.45am.. ttlpm.6.30pm.. 0" Wain% nuny of our readers, left recently for LI1 Pass. Exp'*. Mild. Mtz'd. Bradford, Penn., their present home. NEWS ABOUT HOME. ••A child's among ye, takin' notes. .tui faith he'll prent it." TORN TOPW05. The Town Council tweets to -night. Mr. and Mrs. McFaul have returned to theira iA Kingston. FE vas. --A few pounds of clean, fleetoose feathers are wanted. Apply at this office. Mr. Parkes, of Toronto, did the short- hand reporting for the Court of Chanoery Stratford.Lv 1.110am. 7.50pm . 7.00am. 3.1.Spm Sesforth . 117 " 6.56 " .. 115 " _160 ' Goderich.Ar 1.1Spm. 9.5119mm 11.00am 7.15pm GREAT WEB'. Zap's. Mail. Lip's. Clinton going north.. •9.1eaa�mS. .t.Ylpm &tSpm " 1cotns S STAGE M1.m 8Assm .7.24 " Lucknow Stage (dear) arr. 10.Item dap fpm Klnosrdlse " " " 1.00um " Tan Benmillcr " (Wednesday and 8aturdavl arrives 9.O0am " 9.I5 " Dentistr!l. MNICHOLSON, SURGEON DEN - . TIST. Office West Street. three 2 doors below Bank of Montreal. .4oS4o- She People's (Column. \ 1'OR SALE. -A COMPLETE . SET 11' of Blacksmith's tools. In good order. will he sold cheap for cash. For particulars apply too MRS. NOLAN, Goderich. 1781-4t. 910 RENT. - A COMFORTABLE 1 house on South Street. ooaulning 8 rooms, .kitchen and pantry. DPU h hard and soh water; good garden.176441McM A HON. TO RENT. -A STONE HOUSE near to the station. with 7 acres of land, gohard and & stable and w quantity soft wof ater. aterruW goodits. A Will be rented cheap. Apply to WIC DICKSON, gaol - or. 82-31 • WANTED. -STOUT ACTIVE GIRL teem country, to assist in house keep- ing. Must thoroughly understand butter making•rad rearing of poultry. Apply to R• Hang, Ridgewood Farm. Goderich. 1782. NOTICE. - THE STATUTES OF Ontario, 4t V ictoria..4. 1). 1881, are now ready for distribution to qualified magistrates and other persons entitled to same, et the office of the Clerk of the Peace in the Court House. Goderich. , IRA LEWIi� Clerk Peace office. Ooderich. April 96 1581. i Clerk of the Huron.. 178E MISS WESTON, PRACTICAL Dress and Mantle maker, mate to the ladies of Goderich that she has begin the business of dressmaking at her re- etddence on the Cambria Road, next to Smeath's planing mill- All work done in the newest and most fashionable sty lc4. Agent for Cornwell's patterns. WANTED. - AN EXPERIENCED Girl to do general house work in the home of the United States Consulate. Family consists only of the Consul and wife. Good wages will be p•t`.d. Girl must understand cooking and be aloe to take charge of the gen- airen- eral house work. References will be regi JOHN HIBBARD. Real Estate. The High School students will to- night discuss the !notion "Was the execution of Mary, Queen of Scots juti- fisblel" We are pleased to learn that Mr. Sam Detler, Excise officer, is getting over a severe attack of inflammatory rheumat- ism. Miss Mary Dancey, daughter of Capt. Dancey, is spending a most enjoyable time with friends in the pretty town of Ingersoll. Miss Sarah Dickson, who has been vending a few weeks with relations in Exeter, returned home on Thursday of last week. Mr. W. D. Shannon, liquor dealer, has removed to more commodious pre- niites int the Albion Block, on the South street .corner. Saturday last was St. Geerge's Day. Mr. R. S. Williams, of the Bank of Commerce, sported a budding rose in honor of the day; otherwise the occasion was unobserved. Mr. John Dixon, accompanied by hia mother, left yesterday for Denver, Col. Mra. Dickson intends to rennin in the West for a year. The demand for this week's SIGNAL is very heavy before we go to press, in an- ticipation of our report of the St. George's Church opening. Astootr ;. - Anglers should bear in mind that it is illegal to catch moskin- onge, pickerel or bass from the 15th of April to the 15th of May. Miss Kate Watson, asaistant teacher in St. David's Ward school, recently re- ceived her 2nd Class certificate, some- thing which, in these days of rigid ex- aminations, is generally well appreciat- ed by the recipient. BUSINESS CHANGE. -Mr. H. Cooke an- nounces this week that he is about to retire from the grocery business, and will clear off his stock of crockery at exceedingly low prices. Mr. Cook, we understand, means just what he says. Gonro To TIN STATES. -Mr. Chas. F. Dodd, the well known bee raiser, of Nile P. 0., leaves to -day for Canandaigua, N. Y., where he will enter upon the emerge of a large apiary of 116 hives. Mr. Dodd is pretty thoroughly posted on bees, and will probably give some of his Catands- igua experiences to our readers in the form of s letter in Tis SIGNAL GoDEE1CII H,osTIOm.TD1AL SoCl1'rY. - - The Directors of the Goderich Horticul- tural Society met in the Seoetary's oftioe on Tuesday evening. No business of importance was transacted, except the passing of s resolution in the effect that the prize list be revised previous to the amalgamation of the Horticultural So- ciety with the West Huron Agricultural Society. Ix Towri. -The colored man, Charles Melton, who •vas reported ti, have died in Detroit recently, was in town during the week, his presence giving the lie to the rumors which were rife a few weeks ago, and which first appeared in print in our usually well informed contemporary, the Clinton New Era On Wednesday morning the negro insulted a respected gentleman in town, and got knocked down two or three times for his temerity. He left Goderich by the next train. POR RALE. -LOT 9, LAKE SHORE 1 Tp. of Colborne, containing 112 acros, 30 acres cleared, balance excellent timber. Soil a Nod,;lay loam. As this property adjoins the Point Farm it is in consequence most c blp situated. For particulars apply J. Wr1Eht. 1776:f. Marc 1st 1881. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE -AT Dungannon. 12 miles from Godcrich, consisting of 1 of an acre of land. well fenced: a frame house, a good well and pump are also on the premises. The lot list been well im- proved. Terms reasonable. Particulars can l unnga non, or R. E. BROWN, Nile P. e0Obunt, 17674. HOUSE, AND LOTS NOS. 33 AND 76, corner of Victoria and East strets, in the town of Goderich. for sale cheap. or will be exchanged Wr tarn property. For{ aartteulars Block, JAR C. CuRats. auctioneer.Architect, toffice Cr&bb's LHEPPARDTON-FARM FOR 1J sale 60 acres, 50 acres cleared and well fenced. :trick Cottage 25130. stone cellar full sin of house. A large creek rens through the lot, no waste land on the creek. A very fine orchard surrounds the house. Good barn and other buildings. Terms very easy. Apply to R. T. Herres. 101 16 Lake Shore Road. Col- borne Township, or to ()ARROW &PROUD - roar. FARM FOR SALE. -BEING LOT 9, con. 13. Colborne, about seven omt� A Ooderich, comprising 50 acres, 50 frame and a stable and other outbuildings are the premises. A young orchard, good pump. etc. en the farm. The farm hes • road on two sides of It. Four acres of fall wheat 501 so S. Distant only 1 mile from s post or particulars apply to Wm. SHIELDS. Sheppard - ton Pte lilt Q HEPPARDTON.-MTORE, WITH A Post (nRice, for sale or to rent. with 1 acre µ-111.440a very land.cStock l-Ing•rader•hu d easy termr~ having other business t0 atter to. Tor further 1 psileolars � of notpWest half of L LotS, on. dl shard Frame Hcnea, and astable. Fifty scree cteAred and well fenced. Apply to OAaaow & PIlOVDFO°'r. 1761. 'VALUABLE FARM ALL BLFARM FOR SALE. Lot 1 Com. 8. Township of Colborne, Co. Huron ,v+ntatning 98 acres^ state fcwhichth ion. cleared and In a good whole. kitchen x*. wood swith hed unthe der Stable axle, for horse•, also cow stable f4xtu. ' There U • well with a never failing erring. sada geedonng orchard with about 40 trees, selected. Terms easy. For particulars apply to TROIKAS W ATwow. WOplieter. Carlow or 801 (JARROW k CDlnrr61. r. God 7e h. 1 PROTECTED. -Mr. D. B. Hodge, cor- ner of Gibbon and Raglan streets, has just hada completeset ofcopper lightning conductor placed upon his residence by Mr. Wm. Kitt, Clinton, agent for the Ontario Copper Lightning Rod Com- pany. CLEAN UP YOUR Torino -We under- stand that the attention of the Street Inspector has been called to the filthy condition of some back yards, and he will shortly snake a descent upon those who fail to clear up their premises and abate the nuisance of filthy yards. DEATH OF Mas., MCLEAN.-On Wed- nesday, Mrs. McLean, mother of Dr. McLean and Mrs. M. C. Cameron, died at the residence of her son-in-law, M. C. Cameron, M. P., at the ripe age of 81 years. The deceased was relict of the late Dr. John Mclean, 11 N., who accompanied Bayfield'* surveying party as surgeon when Lakes Huron and Sup- erior were surveyed from 1824 to 1829. At that time Indians camped where Goderich now stands. Mrs. McLean was a very active and vigorous until her late illness, which was in the forne of a severe cold. The funeral will take place proceeds of the literary entertainment from Mr. Cameron's residence at three was $31.40. A vote of thauka was pw- oiclock this afternoon. ed to Prof. Fetzer. anal the ladies and A Goon Joa. -No better evidence of gentlemen whn se ally assisted in mak- the good reputation in which Goderich ung the entertainment so decided a sue - carnage builders are held is needed them cess. It was decided to purchase a large with leave to apply within a month the fact that Mr. C. Kenney, of the map of Ontario for 1µi A number of pp1 Queen's Hotel, Kincardine, recently newspapers, periodicals and books were t" re -instate it. Me.... nnan, Q. C., and sent his ominbus tobe remodelled at the selected fur the readingroom and library. M. G. Cameron for plff; Moss for deft. establishment of Metiers. Morton & A vote of thanks was tendered to Mrs. Gibson v. Gibson -Minutes of decree Creasman. The vehicle upon its arrival Dyett for a donation of $10. its prepared read to and approved by his here was a perfect wreck, but the skilled FIRE IN SALTFORD.-About half past Lordshipp and forwarded by Mr. Gar - workman in the employ of our local car- one on Sunday winning a tire broke out r''' grow for plff; Doyle for adult riage makers have wrought a wonderful in the store occupie1 by Mr. John Mc- deft; Seager for infants. change. The 'bus is now in a better1 Bailey v. Messer -Decree for plff. ng spread, Saltford.theblacksmith The flames quickly . with costs. Plff to pay guardian costs condition than it ever was. It is rho- spread to the blaoksmtth shop en the and add them to hia own. The admin - roughly repaired, handsomley furnished, right, and to Mr. Becks dwelling on . and beautifullypainted. On each side utmtor to pay off and discharge the in- the left, and all three buildings were to- cumbrance, to Scott cut the estate of is a magnificent landscape, and upon the tally destroyed. A number of perbons John Messer. out ofsttator t.+ -pay of the door'is a pretty portraitof ayoung on neighboring h, Amin; with pails of girl with long, waving hair. The job re- water kept the fire from becoming gene- 1 •.fessandtstet in guardd. If ont of any des fleets great credit on the establishment of ml said wiping out the village. The of est y, then cud. to be paid out of any Morton & Creasman. steam fire engine from Goderich lois run ficienmonies standing is Court m re Messer, down to the scene of the fire, and after Clark v. Messer. considerable difficulty reached the water's edge, and quenched the dames. Mr. The following causes were adjourned John McIntyre had an iaeurance on his to the next sitting of the Court in Gode- blacksmith shop and tools in the Ian- rich:- caahire for $.500,and on the building and Hawkins v. Mahaffy. Young v. Alexander.. MjiER n 1 M A YAIN BROS. Mr. J. A. Turnbull whe has been CHANCERY SITTINGS. supplying Knox church pulpit during the past few weeks, has been app„inted regular assistant to Dr. Ure. He is an able young tun, and will, we treat, meet with that success which his abili- ties warrant us in expecting. MiLLIwiay. -Mrs. Warnock invited the patronage of the ladies in her new stand on Hamilton street. She enjoys s good reputation tor tint class millinery, and hu' secured as an assistant Mw Campbell, for some time connected with first-class city establishment& RUNAWAY. -On Monday afternoon a pair of mettlesome horses belonging to Mr. H. Y. Attrill, started to run away at Butler's corner, and nude for Nort street, coming to a sudden stop in front of Mr. A. M. Polley's house. The coachman was thrown out, and some- what injured about the face and hands The carnage was badly usashrd, and a Largs crowd was gathered to the scene. The horses being toe lively for Canada, were immediately shipped to the other side, by their former owner. The semen Is Sao Sults Irerere faassellese smrease• The following is the record of the- re- sults It the causes tried before the Hon- orable Chancellor Spragge : Milligan v. Rutledge -Decree for plaintiff as prayed. He to pay guardian costa No order otherwise as to costs. Widow not entitled to dower. Vested lands in plaintiff for estate of late Chris- tophes Rutledge. Plaintiff to indemni- tr defendant alpinist the mortgage to the 'Haien A Erie Society. Garrow for plff. Seager for deft. Gleeson v. Barr -Decree for plf with costs, sect to be taken. Reference to Master at London. Costs of injunction motion to plfI Boyd, Q. C., for plff; Purdom for deft. Kemp v. Tamblyn-Decree that upon payment to the executors of $126 and their poste of this suit, including their proper costs of opposing the pld's appli- cation for injunction, the chattels seized .' the ereeutors be delivered up to the 1r Rev. Dr. McKay, of ,rmeea, who p� ; if is the possession of plffhathe re - preached here on Sunday, ltith tnst, has tans the possession thereof. The money since been laid up in Godench by illness, in Court, the produce of the sale of the and was compelled to cancel all his en- wheat, will of course be taken into ac- gagements up to May lit We under- count. McLennan, Q. C., and M. G. stand that the devoted nussionary has' Cameron for plff; Muss and Smith for been greatly benefitted by l emuch need- deft. ed rest. He has been the guest of Dr. Brussels v . Ronald -The Chancellor Ure, and could not have been in better I finds that there is $30,000 of plant and hands than those of the estimable and property as required by the mortgage hospitable wife of the pastor of Knox t condition. That the deft. has not car - Church. Dr. McKay is accompanied by red on the manufacture provided by the his wife, a bright little Chinese lady, agreement between the parties. That thoroughly British in dress and taste. his not having done so ianot the result of unavoidable accident, but of his own de- fault. Judgment as to relief to be granted reserved. Boyd, Q. C., and Wade for plff; Muss for deft. Cafaer•ts v. the Standard -Leave was granted to pita to amend costs in cause to deft. if he. succeeds. McLennan, Q. C.. and M. G. Cameron for plff; Boyd, Q. C., for deft. Pemberton v. Tamblyn-Bill dismiss- Mscaawtce' I erne zs.-At the meet- ing of the Directors of the Mechanics' Institute, held on Friday last, the lec- ture committee reported that the net COUNTY GLEANINGS. The Sedorth ,lura has changed its form. Sir Richard Cartwright has been elect- ed to membership in the Seaforth Cricket Club. He can hit hsrdwhen he tries. Tim FArrurot Lovas.--The Lon - den Advertiser says: This thrilling tale of the Scottish Covenanters was last week given Malt its thrilling details in the Lecture Room of St. Stephen's :Church. Rev. Mr. Moffat, of Bayfield, appeared to have studied the piece thoroughly, as her rendered it in fine style. A repetition would ne doubt be gseeted by a largo audience At 4 o'clock on Satunlay morning, Mr. Alex. Carson's saw and shingle mill, Gowrie, was discovered to be in fumes, and in less than acv boor was burned to the g[o und. The los is estimated at , on which thele is no insurance whatever. It was enly by hard work on the part of the einem' that an immense quantity of lumber,all of this season's work, was saved. Long' lines of men were formed from an• &divining creek, and water passed ia-buckets. About a dozen hands are thrown eat of employ- ment by the catastrophe. The origin of the fire -is unknown. DstoTA.---Word hue been received that one of William Grieve's sons, who left Hulled for Dakota last 'spring, was caught iu one of these bis that people talk so much *bout, and lost his way just half a mile from acme. He unhitched his horses and . let them go, took the -sleigh box sol turned it upside down and gut under it and. waited till morning, when he got out and made hit way tothe first -house: Hie ears were badly frozen. On. mashing home he found that the horses had . not arrived and did.not until that night about 12 o'clock. It was a misasle that be was not frown to death. Knox church Sundpy School gave $10 to Dr. 4IcKay, the missionary. The to- tal amount collected during the services last Sunday was about $125. :kine be- nevolent person anonymously supple- mented this by the large suns of $100 in bank notes, merely signing himself "A member of Dr Urea Church." Prof. Salter, teacher of vocal music, is forming classes in Goderich in connec- tion with Knox church and the North street Methodist church. The art of singing is one that all should be acquaint- ed with in some degree, and it is to be hoped that Ptuf. Salter's classes will be well patronized. The classes sleet rat Monday and Tuesday .a evening. the TRE WenDINu TRIP. -The Toronto Or tnae N•'t'.tinol has the f llowing item of interest to our readers: "We had the pleasure of a call from our old friend, Mr. Joseph Wright, the genital host of the "Point Farm" Hotel, Goderich, accompanied by the charming feminine addition which he has lately made to the attractions of that hostel- rie. Mr. and Mrs. Wright were on their `bridal tour cr, route to Boston, k etc.Th bore n The Denver, Col., Tribune of a recent date says: "The wife of Alderman W. W. McLellan died yesterday afternoon at b o clobk after a short illness. The deceased lady was esteemed by a wide acquaintance as the possessor of rare virtues of heart and mind, and in the I stock of the store for 1800 in the Union, loss which the family hes sustained a with Mr. Radcliffe. Ms. Beck's house s warm sympathy will be extended at and furniture were insured in the West - every hand. Mra. McLellan was 49 ern, of Toronto, for $1,o00 with Mr. years of age, and leaves with the bereav- ileo. B. Johnston. ed husband two sons grown to man's estate and a daughter 9 years old. TheMeuse Sew-. funeral will take place from Nie residence., I G npl. 1'a } .n' will tl.;a s _.►, •n c• :n f Mr. Hilary Horton, of Colborne, who No.• 961 Lawrence street, ata time tv }s n tri-uwrruw'a ietee" Aid. mond the Ia..a.: May. ,:f the l;ea•,•er laird at his home, after two day's illness, aged 59 years. The deceased was a native of the county of Kent, England, and was one of the early settlers. in Hu - run. Ile came to Goderich in the year 1833, and took up l;rnd en the lake afore, and ia.1M45 removed to his late .residence is the township of Colborne. LICENSE GRANTED. - The following list of tavern and shop! licenses for South Huron for 1881 granted by the comissiouers was kindly. handed us by Inspector. Ballantynie Township of Stephen -W: J. Moffat; Thos. Hedging, Wm. Baker, Ben. Spey., W. Solt, W. Cunningham, P. Ha I1 . B Hewett& E. C. Blisn,.IL Beokeniler, The& Stacy. Township of Hay -W.. R. Hodggins, k. Renolds, 5: Fairburn,.N. Deialitset, S. Walper, H. Orth, W. Ceckec. Town- ship of Stanley -H. Shaffer,. I3. J. Tur- ner, J. Amain, R. P,ennet. Township of Usbotme-J. Davis,. R. • Tombes, J. Croker. Township of Tueltentnith- Mrs. KRext John Dt.oy, W. Kyle W. Cook. Stop -G. & B. Jaokaon. Town- ship of South Goderioh - A. Cnex. Village sE Baiyfield-.Ti hn Morgan, W. H. McBean, W. Ilbweyy, €: Stalker. Shop -T. J. Marks. Viltaue••,f Exeter -Taverns-J. Oke. W. Hawkahaw, N. White, A. Wolper, D. Taylor. Shops -- C. Carliogton, G. A Mace, T. Fernier. Town of forth --Alex. Davidson, J. Sinclair v. Taylor. W. casae%; R. L Sharp, D. Ritehie, T. Dominion Savings and Investment I Foster....' Carmichael, Christina Step - Society v. Stinson: hens. Shope -T. D. Ryall,. Themas Kidd. The fate it/lary Rerun. It is our sad duty to record the death announceul McLellan was at one time a resident of I. Goderich, and the deceased wits a sister The Bar Pen; it•;htehto ern be taken of Messrs. James, Joseph and William f oatand start ,n,"l a: th.t::est* about the Tewsley, of Colborne Township, and was Id of May. the last of five sisters. It. is about ten The Detroit Fr a [leo. says that sai- yeara since Mr. and MralifcLallenleft for k,.k wages in that pact have been hxe1 their western home. at $2.00 a day. His Frerosl WIFE'S PI,•rrns. - A good story is on the rounds, about a cer- certain High School student, from the sluslarsa Items, A TemitaLE MISTAKE.-%ennor the great weather preplret °mite to tell the public that at R B Smith's. they can get roods for all kinds ,a1 weather. Prints and dreseguoxls, tweeds t c. for spring weather. ntuslin...lawns and lace buntings for summer weatlher. 'un shades and parasols for hot -day weather, wster- preof circulars nt.d tamhrallaa for wet Ilia house was always noted for its hen- weather, and tall. rot welt low prices that Captain A. E. M. -Gregor left ho Sar- mi ar 1. ,itality, for Mr. lei+rtnn had a large the poor as wdl as the rich can he son tsfrt mi Wednesday to tread the pled: of `heart, • all.l. was one of the kindest and plied. the Sovereign once tree. moat genial of men. The tared traveller Hem is a finds c. Jta,etpeople ate r n townahipe,who, havingread an advertise- The graving dock • w be erected at was sure to tied a welcome there, and a pulsining of harry hisses, sod as $ nal oral ment that upon receipt.of a certain email ' Halifax is 10 coat •-rte million dollars, substantial' one, toe.; and when the Bible result We see. a ;und many long foes. sum of money the advettiser.woul i send Sed will be oumlt of ;range and the hest Christians and Preehyterlans first began N,t.w, we would rather uazu uiw•t, an any orale applicant a description of his I rat.ater.al. preaching at Leeburn, his doors were iceberg than a prom with a 1..lig, sad future wife. forwarded the money and ( thrown open en that in his house the face, We believe the latter hat the received a description of a heatite.vs t .as I' s' The mouth ,,[ ti:e t:arhat 1 creature, witli all th,• the feminine tis still }decked with ice. whicl. which Truth could- be preached to all. His most chillies( effect. 1)„ you ,w: at to charms. The writer added that if the' although Hitting feet, covers the face of kindness to sick neighbors will long be ':look happT3 If se. go to Sallow•, sad young mann would send an a1 litioaal the lake as far as the eye can reach. remembered; hit cheery rnice and kind- 1,}rve your photo taken while .,wring sum, lie wouldget an ac nasi. pictur • of ( The shipyard of the Mheeitluna Bras., ly face being medicine in themselves for your beet expression. The ahadiow is the intalid; and in the social circle his. secured, and p• t have somettt�ng t., his intended. The callow youth dol so, !St. Catharines, presents a busy ammo 'genial presence will be missed. He )pole at that will cheer you in moments and in return roceiven a photo;ral+li of mcg. The ribs el the new steam barge opened.& hlackamith ship, the first in the of despondency. Try it. A careful M- a fat variety actress, in tights, S d the for the Colon Brae. a looming u�•. t neighborhood, end worked at the heel- s tion of oats' work is solic tett. R. poor fellow actually felt tattered at the 11 About 1:Mt men are employed alto Ret i- neva lir some time. It was he who in SALLOWS, phots, Gcxtench. thought of having se votuptuoue a cries- or. lfl40.11rotigdli all the way from Galt file Lt*;i s1wa R.ws. It is wit alwap►. lure for his future wife. The sharks The steam l barge R. .1. Hfterre, Capt. first stoves for the County Gaol, a fedi- to get the best. The tlnur:•b Popper and swindlers who live upon the f o,lish- Allen, called Saturday ahem+.tri on pus journey in those days of poor roads. Lightning Red Co,. , mike the asst, and Hess of our youth, have, we are plorwesd her way from asClevelandtaken t•+ Detroit. On He was not a string politician, and toed- giro -a ten yen polio to its patrons. Be New York, etc., They „ to think, but few victims amongst oar Monday she was Taken o. the Detroit dicta but hills in municipalor a - Hi High boys Dry Doc;:. her spars were taken nut and wipe and be safe. N m. Kt:A, Climes, traces of the innumerable missiles which g mentary affairs He leaves a fancily of &gout 4t we read in our Gnderich exchanges WARDEN'S O 4snrrsa Mamma. - At she returned to ttpittgwolle waists she eight sons and erre daughter; sad his will be made mt.' doable-decktet. brothers reside in this town, Msvnr Sssrn' S►sD� It you wont fielot ,or were say, look at them, and, it. le min as o Friday of the Warden " Committee Capthenry Janke s shi , ni, at Horton, and Mr. Henryorton. He pollen seeds of the hest varieties, of the to *racked us happy and blooming h theirt i on Friday last, the a hl7 a ami were wi 1 T t' seweat varieties of potatoes -the Beauty the necasion justified. We join instructed to thoroughly examine the Wslkersille, which has been alio for was a sexed father, a faithful friend, and a of Rehnon -- t,r gnnnid oil cwk.•, millet many friends tit wishing them happiness Maitland bridge, in all its parts, and if six years, is again busy with preparations i.kind neighbor, and the respect in which and ehron - r vulvas, al rt e. milet and prosperity.' lit be found it cannot be repaired so as ter ship building. It u intruded at nn this memory was held was shown in the extra *aril' ,.r superior owrn, best aalTety be f!e fnr ol.lic travel that they los distant date to butl a dry-l.'ck there. I lo,n4 ,,,tele which followed his remains in use McNair has there ■Sonia. . Metter n sdding/sM'Oa the 1fJth ttat., tit the residence of the MM.* . by the r lass MieDr. l AY of to N SVA Man During IV Addington t S Inrte PLANT'+ AND FLOWERS. -Everybody I to et P f t letw for The (Median l euvernrtaen% at preseatt likes flowers. Tastes may differ, and some may prefer scent, to color, hit all i like flowers. A splendid collection, of flowering plants, foliage plants and flow- ering bulbs can he seen et Mr. Alen. Watson's greenhouse on South St. Mr. Wataon delights in showing visitors through his three compartments; and the visitor is sure to be delighted ton. Window plants in exquisite profueinn; bedding plants which even now can hardly restrain their gorgeous bloom; pretty foilage plants, and reed -like, bulbous noted plants all await inspec- tion Mr Watson has already met with demand for his flowere authortasd to adeettue or ono hath an iron and wooden bridge, and if mimes a duty of thirty per cent. on all necessary procure plane anti speeiioa- I repairs on ('aoa.ltatt vessels dot.e Ir. the tions for a new wooden superstructure, l United States. and report to the Council at the June! (ln April 27nd, iMO, the soh nor M. meeting. it was also moved that the' t.`. Upper was lying at filo west sale of the deceased P Auction Sale, of WO acres in haMlNld, Commisioner be authorized to examine 1 Kengevllle pier sad Me steamer Erie to be sold in the valve o f the iron bridges erected in the neuth- +Belle at the other On leaving the dock Nes4re.Dongsaoon• r at Martin's hotel. Saturday, April the hoeing County, if they deem it a.3vitwMe tow Wtndaot the Erie Belle struck- 'the `�1' 1 to enable them to report at the June I Upper's snebo t. whish was dropped rut ' T owmanville, Ont.. March 29, loll,. 30th. J. C. Currie, auctioneer. meeting, upon the relatave menta tit alt ttevisnd tLe piev to enabM the ech,•cner I Wher oae oertein parent in the tc,wn of Monday May !t Chattel m:.rttrage in,n hnoige comince+i with a we■<iM to M es• ort dear ..1 tae pier whew SP►fr,rth are adtertiaiT►g and offering for I Sale of the Cathcart Printing ot1<ee pfattt. stricture. in reference to the b.'u bury t ready to sail. The Erie Belle ran for ! sale Organs and Planes leering,'nr mime. 1,1t 0. Currie, suctiuneee. bridge between Stephen and McOilh- I fire nukes and sank in fifteen feet of We hereby giro notice that said parties We,hleteia Ma • nth _lir. it. Kamp kam , may. it was resolved that the Meaty i wider. it cmc $4 MO to raw her In re- have nn ani rarity whaterev fmm ria to 1 Lot 25, Maitland con., Gcslerioh Town Clerk et Middlesex be requested to in- i pair again. for which her owners seed sell our instruments and would retries shi credit Auction Bale d farm stock, atruct Mr. Brace to at once sign the the °weer of the Upper. Tl.e cater woe all intending trchasers to deal with, imf laments and honaehnl1 furniture for the fulfilment of contract for i hied halt February. lee' tl.•• indaereserv. I Messrs. Wade Bros, of Seaferth who art J pr. r•t-tie ascii M� , the prat week he has made a large ship- months twett 11 an e o rine *Rale "/°nth" the fecal demand la also gcxnd Wal building said bridge, or ,bNtr1►lu rstutln id Air j tlrttt►Pet t, 4- .n: :so. In'. when our only attthorizet rgentt to end fat McLean.'1 would admits those whn wish to get some the plans and spec:ticlti ns to Wm, and the derided Mitt th,' ,isrnsg• was #I.00') the C^unty of Ruren, t liThtrtMy, May'fh gi►le of eaInshI. - M Mt Wrtaon'a st•w•k •e roll earl; and that Mr rlamf+hell'e ,ander hes sre'M rag that each Penh 0)01114 Dee half its I t)MttxtnH 0164a s' & Pt two (`n tereaitrer•, IStP at r•.,,,4 ' aefk" i�i'sr e1Mti the •ho,PP.. Sal r ••n evrsrwa Sons �t'PAL,* rise, ' t on April. 99h, rat. at Rheasl. armor, aged 71 Tears and slat settled In Ashtleld !RIM. Oe ». Inst.. April inn \t, In tl I�e*. nerd ,Mh IoM~ urs t!i to the tomb, over 75 teams being ire' the procession. His funeral sermenl was preached oe Sinday, April pith, by sate RPjMtrr. Rev. Dr. Ure, at Leeburn Resbyteeisu t� part{twt getting tMir bills prisb•1 al rya Chump. Many relatives and friends of o76,e will get a nottem to this depastm.nt roast of 1 were resent. o>< cbartre. 11/e ' of 1 t t Clint n and Se aforth and bot