HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1967-04-20, Page 1 1;1.2.00 Year An.YI.AL.:.1 • $2.50 To U.S.A. THE BRUSSALS POST, '1'1 i A, Y, APRIL 20th, 1967 16/01n PUBLISHING /MUM Linda Wilson', daughter of Mrs. Idelia Wilson, Brussels, is seen here being presented with a certificate for first place in Senior Elementary Public Speaking, by Bob Berke, at the Legion District "C" Public Speaking contest on Saturday, April 15th, in Clinton. Good wishes for her continued success will go with Linda when she competes in the provincial finals, May 13th, in Toronto. to VT(1 N it WA! II Repor& Hts-rOsse OF GREY TOWNSHIP Jamestown 'Between the yeari, 1855 to Int) the farms in Grey Town- ship and Morris were being rapidly settled. The settlers near the boundary between Grey, Morris and Turnberry "Townships decided it was time a 'centre should be established • where the necessities of life Could . purchased..Tho choice Was. A mile and a quarterSouth. of• the .boundary corner •(khown its Me rr•i s bank) along the bank or the maitland river. Tftre hamlet of Jamestown was laid out. It derived its name from a young man called James Ait- chison, who at Lhat time \vas a news correspondent for the Hur- on .Expositor iii Seaforth. There • \core several men who lived izi ,he neighborhood called James that also contributed to the name James' Town. James Lynn, • James Strachan, James Simpson. James Forrest and James Moses. The store was situated on the south side of the river. It has been operated: through the years by Edward Snell, 3. J. Vincent, 'Robert Allen 'Johnston, Walter lank, Duncan MacDon- ald, and the present owner Al- len M.;i:oreher & Son. Walter :..ad family purchased the about 111)0 and remained :abu'''t ;,.,ars. Duncan how:ht it from him ir•ri and was as:d:zted by. his hr , ',hers William and Fraser. tarn glit s:,-)INJ1 at No. 10. 7-1:ira's and worked in the store evenin.,4s and weekends. Will drove the PO11(11111E; wagon ar411,md Lhe surrounding coun, try, At present he and his wife live in Brussels and Duncan at thn age of 93 is spending his. tin et years in a Senior OW- 7,tv,tirs .tonic i11 Walkerton, The ge la! tore wa , the centre of commlnily life in the early y•t'ar ,. The counter was at the real: of :.tore, In the centre stood the huge box stove, around which the men congre- gated on the cold winter clays nail waited .for the mail to be sorted, while they discussed everything from politics to neighborhood gossip. In the summer excnim's they tossed bur: !Imes while the horse et"iwn inez•gies were Lied to the hitching posts tilotvit" the front of the store, Everything could he botplht here from harness, leather hoots and sheres, to red ,.ritt: in a barrel. hither in cmck:: and ginger snaps in boxes and barrels. in the '. cry early years the (g.'f:ce 'Iorri,4 Bank but 1:11e- in the Jamestov. The Mail heing carried by Stn ,.:te C,moh from Seaforth tuWroxeter mid later when the Pall road came through from. Ertissels to \Vroxeter. carrying express, sundry parcels and oc• oiontinued on inside Pag0 CARDS OF THANKS We Would like. to thank all clni net:41fl•.frurs, friends oncl re- i I i e,14 0it die 'kindness, shown ft"; during the 105.1 'II. O ur Mom, Alvin Dale. Delores and Bin Wheeler Lorne Dole would like to express my sincere thanks to all my Mends, and neighbours for their many c.iftle, letters and gifts while wfu, iu the hospital, Sincerely 1:Ano Pearson would like hi sincerely av-"thank you" to'ash and. everyone who helped during rf.cent fire. These acts of kindness will always be rememb- ered. Mildred, Jack and David Wheeler The many thoughtful acts of kindm-ss by friends, relatives, and neigh bon rs, wl,o remembered while I was a patient in Wingham ham hospital and St. Joseph's hospital, London. were all much appreciated, and will not be for- gotteu. Lawrence Willis, Our sincere. thanks Is given, to one friends and neighbours who expressed their sympathy at the time of the death of our 'sister, Mr;-, George rrttott, Your thoughtfulness was appre- ciated. Mrs, Myrtle Miller .Toloi A. Wilson Gur grateful. sincere?, thanks hese extended to all those Who expressed their sympathy in so many thoughtful ways at the time of our recent bereavement. Special thank to Rev, C. A, Mc- Carroll. also the Guild of Mel- ille CTI 11 rat, fled 'Willing star 01.1 Mc :Ai E., for serving lunch. Your kindness will long he re- moinhored. W. Fischer and Family We wish to elVilr(ISS (ar heart- t'ett thanks and deep gratitude for Mho acts of 'kindness, messages or sympathy and the beautiful I ribs 1 4 %!.; 1 e,:.01v0 0 from re- 1;WVe'S and friends in fills dist- rict doritur our recent sorrow in fh,, foss of donr father, the (1"nrve raid ...veil or Birth. Thcima aml Aincir Cardiff The faintly of the late 'Mrs. r!rforre W Elliott wish to thank ,;,fr frf ,,),ds and neighbonrs for many evnressions of kindness mr1 ; I v SIMW11 fill P' (Mr I. lfereavemfmt. sneciol 'pontes to r1,-.1- r A, AToOrtroll, .(1 Mrs. P A Ttf' rnj and fin 1 '1 rrli. TTove volt your entry. In for coMnetition in the Linns Amateur Verietiv Night'? Thirry It. up, Mtin•Any is the eloadlit6 dot MALCOLM JOHN ENGEL. Malcolm John Engel, (VI, died suddenly on Thursday, April 13th, in his garage, as the result of a heart attack. Born in Grey Township, son of the late Conrad Engel et4d his wife Annie Menzies, on June. 2'i, 1,Silq, he. purchased the blacksmitt shop, Cranbrook, llnlonging to the late Sohn. Forrest in January 1022, On ;Tannery 10th, 1022, be wao, united in marriage to Annie oldest daughter of the late "Wm. ,r. end Mrs, Smolidon. 10th, con. Tie w ,S ti member of Knox Pros- 1e-te7f.n Church. Craiihrook, Surviving are Ins wife, one son Cordon, two brothers, Robert of Ross, Cranbrook, and five grandchildren, Sharon, Rose, Traey. Pant and Susan. Tie was predeceased 'ff)y one sister, Fi fflo in infenev. and two brother, Archie and William. Funeral service Wfl ?'t conducted by his minister, Rev, Chivies A,. Winn, at the D. A, Rolm Funeral ITomc. BruSSOS, on SatitMay, Pall-hearers were Earl Dunn, Calvin Cameon, Maurice Comer on, K,(elnetli MooDenold, Frank. Smith, and Glenn Mettler, If-towel-bearers were neicek anti. nephews. Maxine Smalldon, ehener, Ruth Engel. Stratford, Barry- Engel. Cranbrook and Nan v T (mg, Brussels- Inform On 1Nqit4' in Brussels tHe et cry. CARD OF THANKS The faniiy of the late M(90'01 ,Inlva En :TO wish I ei express their sincere thanks to relatives, friends e•YeAllntfr for their niesseates of svninotliv, br,autifill flowers. donations in the Ontario Ti r rt Eminclatinn. atul many other not of kindne s s ourin.5 our recent bereavement, Also thanks to the ov. t". A. Wino and the T1 A ttontt irtineral MRS. JAMES BREMNER Mrs. James Bremner, 68, G,'rey Township, died at her home Mon- day. The former Ethel Irene }Tarn, she was a daughter of the late mid Mrs. ,G,eorge Harm After her marriage she spent the rest of her life in Grey where she taught school for many years un- til she retired a year ago.. Surviving aro her hushand; two, sons. William. Grey: Barry, Ottawa: sister, Mrs. Robert (Lorna) Wegg, Preston and 11 •*rarndebildrntt, The funeral was held from the t)- \, 17;1011 funera home, 'Pius- on Wed n esd elf 2 p.m. Rev. Allan Johnston of the TTnited ,e1 ,1 ,011 linrial was in 1To1int Pleasant P0100017, Ethel. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs, Rae HonstOn, R. 'Ii, 2, Brussels, Out, announce the ougagement Of their daughter, 11 ”.roilr Catherine, to Mr. Dennis 'lorry Mothers, son of Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Mothers 4115 Baker "4' 1 etulon. Ont. The wedding to take place Sattirday. May 6th, 4 4, '4 11 O'r•iilei•• iit Duff's rnited ("Infrell, Walton, Ontario. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY On SafiItclay evening forty friends rind neighbours gathered tlfo ItrYlno of Lawrie and Pieta (,,,,1 H-11 ..; t o eongroinlate Mr. and ('o nsins on the occasion. of th-ir r.n111 Wedding Anniver- (,V o n Tim 'Was spent play- enthrr.. AP,ni TIME! Power failure and the hefty Bite the flu bug look at both staff. -otontbors delayed the 'Post this ,Neekt lstiil h' °'r' it is (It Iii at, GRAND LODGE OFFICER 'VISITS At the last regular meeting of Sit., .loan's Masonic Lodge in Brus- sels, the me.mbers were hoporett tyy the presence of Right Worship-- ful itrother Thomas C. Boone or Kitchener, who is the Grand: junior Warden of the Grand. • Lodge. of Canada. in the Province. of Ontario. A.ccompanying..; him on this fraternal visit were Worshipful Profiler Win, -lames, a former. residence of Brussels; Bro- Wm: 1.:!I nge1, a nephew of late Worship- vul Brother Archie Engel; and! Worshipful Brother ..Ted Bodmin4. all of Temple Lodge in Kitchener. Brother Bone was escorted into the Lodge room and introduced by Rt. War. Tiro. Calvin Krauter and Won Tiro. Edwin Martin where he received Grand Honors from. Brethren present. The .Wor,. of St, John's, T,awrie Cousins,. welcomed him and -the others; stoting that it was 'a great honor and privilege to have a Grand TovIge Offcer pay a social visit, to a small -rural Lodge like St, John's. • During lunch. War. Bro. 'James' rerniniscedi about former years here. Aim enjoyable evening was experienced 'by all present • MELVILLE CHURCH W.M.S. W.M.S. Met in the church parlOur on Friday after- noon at 2,30 'p,m., May 1.4th, The Meeting was in the form of an ex-' Dense, Tea to take care of the Supply alocation for the year., There was a good attendance. Present. Airs. W, W, Smith, con viper, opened the Meeting with prayer and a poem. "Faith of Our Fathers" was and Mrs. Douglas T-Iemingway read. the Sculpture lesson, followed by prayer given by Amy Speir. The message, "The church in. Fiarly Canada". from the. Study Book, was taken by Mrs. W. Smith, under the following head- ings, The Beginnnings of the church, the growth of the dif- ferent Denominations, the locat- ion of each, Mrs. TT. Exet sang a: solo, ac- c.omponied by Mrs, King which all enjoyed, Mrs. Smith continued her rues. sage by giving a short history of the Quakers and also n brief ' "history of the Methodist. Church in Brussels, its founding and growth until it 1)N-onus the 111itN1 Church in 192.5. The President, Mrs. U. Gibson then took the chair and conduct. ed the business of the meeting, Secretary's report was given by by Mrs. Matheson and financial statement by Mrs. Ami- Speir. Roll call Was OnsWored by Bible verse containing word "grow -. Offering Was received. calls on sick and shirt-ins noted, Mrs. G-ibson and Mrs. Matheson Were to the centennial 'Mannino' committee. Meeting closed With hymn a la and Miv.pah. Benediction. The social committee served a cup ill. tOti nliOlont