HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1967-04-13, Page 6RRIJEISBU. POST, 1311USSZIAS, ONTARIO lah, 1967 r". • • ••• 14,,t9r1K 104"4Fahlinisz;ii.;;K iLVFAL'AMPA.itatut. VARIETY . FAIR SATURDAY, APRIL 15th AT 2:30 P.M. In The 1.0.0.F. Lodge Room USED CLOTRING BAKE TABLE TEA WILL BE SERVED Lucky Draw Sponsored by Morning Star Rebekah Lodge This Message Brought to You As a Public Service by "ONTARIO'S SILVER AND BLACK FLEET" ‹sivakoszensfun...atawaftwarazionasst.oraiszr.sciase.aixt::;;:::,,,.;wilh; More than 1,00 good reasons to call C-I-L and the C-l-L dealer network for the Pastes most complete fertilizer service in. Ontario. C-I-L has more than 100 service centres in Southern Ontario. And 5 C-I-L plants, including our new Lambton Works at Courtright, back them up with a constant supply of high-grade fertilizers. There's a service centre near your farm, It's stocked with Super Flow fertilizer, in a broad range of recommended analyses. And supplies of direct application materials such as Ammonium Phosphate, Ammonium Nitrate, Urea and Muriate of Potash, There are nurse tanks, Nitrogen applicators and bulk spreaders. If you're ready for instant service we're ready to supply it. Anywhere in Ontario. Centenniai Report 1867:1067 H ISTORY of $REY TOWNSHIP (Contributed by Mrs. Orval Harrison) MONCRIEFF (continued from last week) The school board entered the township school area. January 1947, In 19ti the school was clos- ed and the pupils transported to the Central School at Ethel, Mueic instructions were commenced in the school in 1937, The cc:MIMIUnity hail was built in 1926 and served the community until the tml of 1965, when the former school was purchased by the comniunity, In 1986 the hall WaS sold. Three SWW mills were erected on the 111th concession Within 3% Miles, also one on the Logan, Grey boundary known as Stowe Mill. There was soon a villagb there called S tower ills, later named Carmmunock. There was a trail through tiro bosh from tbo 1.6th concession to Stoweville. The trail was nd 'Young St. because of people by the name Vn,•;, former 'obertson farm. Lot 29 and Part lot concession 15,, 'rho first midi was brought :front ranbrook ovmry two weeks to Mcl'agr.zorts, 1 otor the mail came three times a week via M on It on, Car-mm.13 non. and. Monerieff. The first. moil carrier to bring mail to moncrieff Was Sand y Campbell follotred by Marsha II I arrison LSI%) and Win, Bray, at this time the Post Office was in George's McKay's house. The Post. Office was moved from. Mciay's in 1m.7 when the first :mire wds built by Mrs. Lucas, a idow with two small daughters. This story was (mired. by John Mc- George McKay,]have Shiells, John ilislop. Jack Sanders, Wm, Schnock. John MclOvan, Mac A.hram, curt Rath well and was burned while owned by Mr. Rathwell. Richard Pratt built the present store now owned by Mrs. F. Harrisoa and sons. ‘tcNatight station on. C.P.11,,, short distance front Moncrieff, was a thriving shipping station for livestock, and baled bay„ The: people of the Coinmunity planned excursions, by rail to Goderich, which were enjoyed immensely. The opening of the first Meth- odist church, Moncriert, named Bethel, took place in 1393, prior to this the people worshipped in the school and met in homes for Drayer meetings. The school be- came too small for the crowd. The community was canvassed, enough funds were promised to ii,contnanee building the church. Chas. Querengesser, owner of a saw mill donated most of the lumber ,tee Watt, minister at Itenfryn, (father of the late Mrs. Coo. E. f:-,peirarir supervised the carpenter Work, The organ was PlIrclursed to tistowel for about 4r35.00. Rev, Watt came every Sunday nig,ht to preach bringing Ills daughter Mina to Play the orga strinmpr (whose panic wfis never known by anyone) passed by while the church was being built, rinquired if they had Emile for the church, The i111011. a riSW ore(' no, 1111(1 in a few. days 11ev. Watt received a lovely' large the 'nail. The Bethel chu!'ch war, closer! for a while because of six appointments no the fiaritq-il one being Rr;i rph on coneesstou four. Plmr presbyteviat:, tbim purchas- ed the (Intreh cc's,;; r,n the Crenbrook cborr.s with 'Rev, 1/ n•('rae nrenehintr every other Sir nd;ry. ltl 1Irt f tlni Bethel conrregatiet made applientiott to Presbytery to have a service every Sunday, Rev, Perrie, Wingham„ Elev, A, C. Wishart; Brussels, and 'Rev. R. A, ttindy Walton, represented the corigre, gation. at, Maitland Presbytery. ThiS was granted, the name was changed to Knox and Rev. Lundy was the first minister of this liorch. The building was replac- ed by tin. present. church Which was officially opened teary 1912, in 19.25 it becaine t`titect There' was a blacksmith shop' built by Mr. Munn, other black- smiths . were Mr, Armstrong, r.sander cinlr, T fsnry Foltz, 'iThe brmttsr beloiming to the shop Was burned down during Henry Feltz time in iittF4, There is ti. storage shod for fertilizer On this pro- porty• now owned by Mrs, P. A. Harrison and Sons,, The chopping mill and houSe blilit by Mr. Joseph Riehl: serves. the .community. Where the, elevaot now stands Was onco a tile •yard that niannfacto ed. several hundred tile a. day of various sizes. The first cars came to' the community about 1914 soon to be followed by tractors and radios, The telephone came about 1910. The party line on concession 16 was 3% miles long with about 8 subscribers on it. For entertain- ment Duncan McTaggart was often requested to sing over the I elephone, During the two World wars several from the community ser- ved for our country„ S01110 did not FERTILIZERS The hydro came about 193,7„ The library' board committers Was altiminted at a Parra, Forum mesilog 'held at Harold Keys in November 1941. The library was an associate of littron Conn I y Library. The store provides accoModation for 'this service'. The Women's Ittst it rite \vas formed in October 1951. It has been active in the community 'I-F1 ClubS, renovating the corn. inunity halls etc. Through the years there have Been many halls teams, romban and soft:hall, enjoyed at the com- munity iut Hi. J.,00lc for more (Irey lownship (111 54 next week in connection with Ihl' centennial celebration. 'el urrm GROW AND PROFIT . WITH