HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-04-22, Page 8THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. APRIL 22, 1881 DOORS BASHES, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, and every Deeoripptttcoa of Interior P'inuh- STA'IRS, HANDRAILS,. NEWELS and BALUSTERS A Specialty. Send for Price Lista. SHINGLES, LATH & LUMBER. Entinis*es on applies-. tion. ren- -AddreS8 FRANCIS SDIEETH, Goderich CANADIAN NEWS. ears saran awes inst. cal* mounted the w diuLl and proemial Cie cr which ell the sendunaad re - The Aunual Spring She wile 4• terms jr kissed Th. pflsu�Ma wen on the B Is agneult �o >teata. last Wedn lay, tbo f eras drawn tight around orew lie .up - March The ey was fine, the meatier 1M'rtla8 eon* au 1 the culprit was kft of sightseers arge, and enuught ruttier. .,, ,oeenero I,y tit.• ,.t•"•1 being withdrawn to snake things liv The number Af tri,,,, stirs. All rvtyntno l film and int•. impelled and C heavy draught !seeturshie until the Mat nerieeat• The shown goes to prey hat this kind of - 6auulitiirw awl httecuti .:l luted alto - stock is the farriers choice. Space will eeieer 23 a .uacte. not permit its to eminent on the carious The be Lea r••& * i..•.1 !tangling twenty Mullah shown. 'Che following is the n i eon awl w, re then !et dosis into 0°1di ► under the e rope Mrs. Hogg, who was arrested on a charge of shootin w James Close, of Her- nias, with intent to kill, was tried in Guelph hetero Judge Chadwick and ac- quitted. Captain A. D. Aird. of the Allan :t steamer armstian, has retired from the service, and will be knighted for his ser- vmes to safely transpurtiong the Princess Louise on his vessel. The Listowel Foundry lois suspended business for the present. Mr. A. Mcll- wraith, the proprietor, in order to facili- tate the winding up of the affairs, has plowed the property in the hands o.f Mesar*. Goldie d McCulloch, of Galt, for the benefit of his creditors. ()Li, AoL-{We are informed that there m district between East is a small ami West forr.I where, within a radius of toile and a half, there are no less than thirteen people over eighty years ..f age. Can any other part of the county beat gets for longevity ? a prize list:- lice rough shells tilled with sb&vttlp,and STALLION(. exemitaed toy the doctors. They were Imported Heavy Draught -4 entries- , then placed in carts soil takes away 1st "Enterprise," Horton A MeLauch- I under au escort of C,.saacks, to be igno- lin; 2nd "Lord Harry," R. Martin; 3rd miniowly buried us a re.uote part of the "Scotchman," McPherson & Mason. suburbs. The prnxte•hi. s were watched Canadian Heavy Draught -4 entries- in .elector by fully 100,000 of the civil lat "Young Enterprise,' Jas Irvine: 2ud :uei military iopale:t•.n ..f the capital. "Young Enterprise," J. Parish: 3r,1 -_--- "Lord Hsddo, Charles McKenzie. General Purpose -- 5 entries -.1st MOR:.EY PC N3HON DEAD. "England's (iluty " L Mc. ei1 • O , ease Brgener. - Pieties getting their Mils printed at th Sloe will get a soca,* la thin departtnu 1R&V et chance. Ahation Sale, of 160 acres in As eld, to be sold to the village of Dungannon, et Eartirt's hotel, Saturday, April the 30t11. J. 0. Currie, auctioneer. Au old reliable engineer on the Penn- sylvania railroad was disclarged at Altiona on Monday on a: milt of refus- ing to work en Sunday. siodrrlrh Markets. GoogrucII, Apr.i M. 1331. Wheat. (Fall) 1p bush......- .. -. tl t 3 • 31 a Wheat. (Spring) a bush........ 1 N • 1 le !lour. Y cwt... s N tt : 75 (ata. it bush ...... ........ ..... • $ (a 0 t0 Vasa. et bush .................... • N 0 It f.: bark . Y bush ..... . ............ • tis es 0 to Potaroes. l bush. ..... . A N 0 t- ti Hay. 3, ton . .................... 8 ni M 10 00 Chickens ........................ 0 116 W 030 Rutter. p it- ............ ........ 18 0 ` 0 9) E+tRs, ti dos. laspaoltedl........ 0 13 6 13 3Reaical. U G. MACKID, M. le, PHYtSI- . seta. *Minos sad A000eehoe. (iraduaw of Teeeate al .0 y. o111oeoppoattc tomer- 'a Rank, l•uckuow. It not in enter. @nlutre 'Lillie Mauls. 1764-y. 7ll1.►I( LE.1�+I, PHYfSICIJN, b I� 11 GEON, Cure Sr. &c. Ottlotsaud mild on Bruce Street, seWw ud dewest of V'ith St r eet, - -(•at'le,(live weight) ........ ••••• 00110(04 „Young Englan is Wonder," (i .. .,e •kr"- .•r alae ui.tlaZahlird ttrtiedtat•s l erre r. Harris; 3rd "Young Lord Haddn• 1,.o- ; _-- lard & Adams. Road and Carnage -4 entries -1st • "Sir Tatton Cuacltman," James R..gers; 2nd "Royal Georie," Donald McLean: 3n► "Lively Bob, Jno Perdue. Blood-'•Bonesetter," H. Leavens. The Judges were -Thor. Iktsto. Car- rick arrick: Win. Thompson, Hawick; and Thos. Dickson, McKillop. 1 t'RtLll BULLS - 5 Edtries-1st "Lord Lorne, T. Mc- Lauchlin; 2nd "St. Elmo." Jas. Pertu- ai.n; 3rd "Reformer," {William Hastie. Durham' under 2 years -2 entries - 1st '•Clarendon." Sand. Love: 2nd "Perfection," Alex. Forsyth. There were no entries in Artshire breed. The Judges were - Chas. Proctor, Morris; Wm S;.reat, Tiekersmith; and Robert Currie, \Wingham. Taking everything into consideration, the fair waa,ra grand success. Tile Typographical Union of Toronto have issued a circular in regard to the injury .lune to the craft by reason of the great increase of unfledged printers --young men and boys "having some know•led;e ..f the. printing business." The remedy I•r'posed is a uniform ap- pren'iaeship of five years and an inden- ture • tore.tat s Om of the 30 Bsnc'wrs, 19 are Tor- onto omen refefruoe-Seeing that its contempor- ary, the 'UIU &, made a big push in Maine, where its trust -worthy samplers were engaged in unearthing soon!-destrey- ingg cock -tails and John Cullinses, what- ever these may be, the Moil! feels it in- cumbent upon itself to proffer some valu- able suggestions' to those whose.duty it is to make the laws that regulate the liquor triflic, or mthee the laws that are sup- posed. to. It thinks that instead of making treating a punishable offence the better plan would be to revoke the license of every liquor dealer who soli two drinks to the same man '.eithin an hour. Seeing that there• are over a couple of hundred hotels and saloons in the city. it is abundantly evident that the Mail'.( plan would put a stop to the inordinate consumption ..f liquor at once, for of course no person would ever think of going too a• different bar for his second drink : QO1bOTIIs. BooND ro sn Fiala. -Mr. Bea:t this section,' being bound to be care: startup to turn thelifht sod at ti e. m1. • :t Monday Mr.: Morris also cuutmenced spring oparationa the same looming at 7 a.m. L .xP.x, April 24.-W. Slorley Pun - shun, the distinguished {Vesleyan minis- ter. died this mornine..tt Brixton, aged 37 veers. Rev. Willla:,. M riey Punshon, D. D., L L D., was born at Doncaster, i Lincolnshire, England, in 1824, and was ea -heated he his uncle, Sir. Isa•te Morley, after els •:.o he wan named. He entered I t --- Pock ty, ' 700 {foal..........,, : SD '• 1 W Salt per barrel . 0 el 'A 1 00 She People's [Column. Physicians. duns Dune 4eeunehen, keg ()nice a! Dr. Sliauuo.t:ad 1 reonce, near the J::.l, uu''erio1. O. C. SMatileON, J. C. H T311L- r✓!t, TAIKE1 HEAD, (SUCCESSOR to Dr. Duman) Gradtate of Ontario Ve- terinary Cottage. aad��--- H. c . /street a Legal. GARROW & PROUDFOOT, BAR - RISTEIt3. Attorney', Solicitors, etc.. Godcrtuh- J. 1'• Garro. W. Procell oot. 1751. B. L. DOYLE, BARRISTER A N D Attorney. Solicitor In Chancery, &c.. Oederich• Ont. -- -_ 1EAG !VG RENT. - A STONE HOC' cE TEItERi. etc-&, &Me.,OGodertchRTON, anBdA tt'RtngR bamI S- . 1 near to the station, with 7 acres of pant, r. Seager. Jr.. Goferich. J. A. .\porton. {{ ing- otchatd and a quantity of shall fruit!. t Lam. 175). good stable and well, also soft water. {{'ill he N, araol- J 3IALCOMSON, BARRISTER AND ie' �• ► Sollettor. Office -Corner of West Street or. -- ----. .. 1 the; church at an early age, and was ANTED. --STOUT AC'1'h'15 GIRL 'and erieb.et Square, over Oeurse Achcw,1. Guderiuh. 1731. ��T est In house keep - oilskin er - prominent circuity. tHis finished and td of atstationedstationed:n succession on a number WANTED. country, to ass p C 41PIONr ATTO R N E 1' - A T- •ing. Must thoroughly understand butter oiskinyand rearing of poultry. Apply to MR.n enter MAIN, ltidgewuul rarnt. Loden, i. lib: o,morLS .-. OmceoveriSheppard'syh,00 store. Ilvd.:rich• Ont. Any amount of moary. to loan a! iuwcat retro of lsterest. 1731.7. si.ar!aiii style as a pu.plt orator ea for !aim a high reputation in the Wesley- - au Meth..,list chutele and entering the lecture field with the "Prophet of H web" for a subject he took rank et ; .ones as one of the great orators of the age. Hi. lectures .n Msuaulay, Daniel in Babyl .n, Florei[ee and its eletnories, and teller subjects, are well known to literary teen, and inany an audience iu England. Canada :aid the 1'nited States has brew :;,ell -bound by their charm. a ads n LarneLarneto Canada, • Pension n o. In 1 :•t. D:. P1t 8 •o•: 1 was Ill" .,:icor year elected president H\1ISS WESTON, PRACTICAL 1'1 Dress and Mantle maker. would luii• mite to the ladies of Goderich that she hu +yIE ;t ►N, HOLT & CAMBROIg, be pvn the business of dressmakingg at her re- C Barr!str.-s. HOLT in C'harerry. &c., .l.eliee Oa the Cambria Roanext thetOoderich enol t1•iu lent. M. C. Cameron, Q. newe tplaningtmill Ah work done in nt 0 • P. Hui . M. t . tgttueron. Goder•.L. W. Lr newest and most fashionable styles.Agent Macara. Wloi:•n.:t. 1751. fur a orawell's patterns I78(13no. CHANCERY. -PURSUANT TO ls:.e:.: Aeons (tart's. I an Order of the Court of Chancery. tide in the matter of John James Campbell. an tn- _.- THS XEW BICKERS l'ETH HYMNAL COMPANION ALL STYLES AND PRICES AT Moorhouse's. THE NEW Presbytonau II tent under the age of twenty-one prate the TAMES u'•1 A!LL, ARCHITECT, &c. r Office. (•-a ,'.;, -1 1-:I(, Kingston i•t.. Hode- rich. Plans and spe.:iScations drawn correct- ly Carpenter's' plasterer's and mason's work measured and valued. creditorsuf John Campbell and Robert rt Cam bra. late of the rownsuip ut Colborne. in the f ' • 3lethe t st Conference, a position. (goon.,. of Hu: in, yeomen, who died respect- • D th rs he re August. 13 . i M' whieli he held until his return to Eng- ively in or about the months of May Ink and 5 err un or before thellth dry of 1.11:•1 in 1878. :'ring one•yea - pri►,1t±8LtusendDypostPrelmi. t« essra. •.i•i.r1 in Toronto, but exercised episcepal Garruw & Proudfoot. of the Town of Gude- . rvisio41 ne er the whole church. He rk•h, Solicitors for the Petitioners, their 1 f Ctrettan and surnames, addresses anal was on Me 1• �'. a i church, and the nature of the securities (if any) held \ci1,•:c\...: b ass.xiated with his name. M, them, or in default thereof. they will be In 1-47-i 1).. Pun +h'- n was a;.; uinted one perempt'rily excluded from the benefit of tht 1 ty'. „f t1;e. .ec•r,ttties of the tW n said order. 'Every creditor holding any ee- "HYYsa sal. --? I:'. JDhu Ilaw esitA urit7 is to prepuce the semi b f(re me at m" well known 1.1 this village as the i"ply i,•;,..i It:.r! a .ciety-n position ego eoo.d fellow and proprietor (f the Coni- i at t!i•• ti.i.e .4 -his death -and the follow- time appointed for atijudi- e o; the lending prunioton u the de.eriptiun. the full partleulara •' •• and that flue edifier ttpeir claims, a statement of their accounts, inercial has committed ntttj�•itnnnc. • e • was elected president of the ACCIDENT. -� pule t1r. D 1' !I - n e tt NEWS OF THE WORLD. Prince Pierre Napoleon died at Ver- sailles on Friday. The pork corner, in Chicago, haft sud- denly collapsed. . Tho Duke of Argyle has resigned the office of Lord Privy Seal, owing to diff- erences of opinion with this colleagues on snore of the provisions (f the Land Bill. • h was reported that Rev. Henry Vnr- ley. well known in Canada as an evan- gelist, would oppose -Mr. Bradlaugh for NoorthainpFt' n, but Mr. Cnrl.ett was Mr. Bradlaugh's only opponent. Three of the famous Kennedy fancily perished at the Nice Opera House tire. They were James, aged `25, who made a tour five years agie Katie, aged 16, and Lizzie, aged 18 years. These three, ao- companied by their father, had arranged to make a tour of Canada this fall. The mean Colema•1, supposed to have been concerned in the attempt to blow up the Mansion House in London, and wive wase passenger by the Australia to New York, turns out to be an inoffensive Englishmen. It is believed the true than left the Australia before site sail - e1. PAINFUL c rence the - highest earthly Kaercher, proprietor of the lilytii pain- 1 t •+• e t. r a Wesleyan preacher. ing mill, was working one of the saws n1 I L i'•t.L;h •n s attachment to .his fainly his still, it suddenly broke intoa num- Iwo- known far and wide. It teas ri;ci- ber of pieces, one of which struck him h which td try '•lie able to state that the eye is tit••'•_ '•ct- h pal in (atter to escape the Eng is aw to et the s.eiate otJuha (ucl rah f►Irkpatric�. x root norriage with a deceased wife's 'and to a cause, Kirksatrica tea atrvenx,n, the t' R. WATSON, HOUSE. SIGN and Ornamental Painter.. Par:ordeeor- ating made a specialty. GRAteree. GILDING. GLAZING. Shop on North Street. opposite the Registry Ottee, Goierich. 1751 4jTRATF')RD BINDERY-EeTAB- 17 LISHED 1873. Titin establishment is chlefty c devoted to jub and library work. especially to chambers at the 'Town of (ioclerieh on the 31st those unique and econunticalba1t, alf and mor- cuaton:en and the public generally that ho day of April. instant. at ten of the clock. it: the nx-e., styles. In all cases the best of stock and ( forenoon• being the1 workmanship. with strength and beauty cern- cation on the claims. Dined. Bindery overJohn Dutton's drug store. I plan just opened out a Dated this 7th day of April. A. D. 1881. I GEORGE STONE. ' H. MAcDenMdrr, i+ 1781. Master at Goderich. Tonsorial. al ALL THE KINDS PUBLISHED AT MOOHOUSE'S THE NEW W1,'�l.l:YAN IITIN BOOK IN ALL ITS FORMS AT 1008 kt)USE'S. WAIL PAPER. MOORHOUSE {Would respectfully intimate to his ■umeros PURSUANT TO AN ORDER OF -- � -- __-- - tbe,court of chancey. made in the mac- on the eye, a is n amines es ( ' • I ^� Hehasred ' J h (' ' raft Kirkpatrick late sight forever. {We are happy ! i,e l nester t jNT KNIGHT, PRACTICAL . BAR- . HER and Bair -dresser, beg, to return th3t he came to, America. creditors of John o thanks' to the public for peat pat uw elan . H>iD�� compri3111g every d one sou and a gate village of l'hi ,awe. in the (bwt:v of sul[cits a continuance of custom. H. 53 two wives and {� elland, woo died n or about the month of Denys be found at his SIwvir-g Parlor. near and two eons survive him March 18wO, are on or or the et bode •:.a, 1733 d rr fa, to alae Fresh Stock lirirl th before the Nn 1.41 UT "[Av. IaRf to rend by post y pa comm Graemc Cameron. Solicitor for the Puun- -sir Jo;:s Macdonald tad 0.tarN. . '.I tiffs, their Christiai, and Surnames, ,d•lrensee levans .aria insurance. . - and descriptions the full particulars of their - GOLD & BRONZE PAPERS, ter. - n r THE CZAR'S MURDERERS. A Detailed nesrrlp/sa of the )..erullun.- The Prisoners Farre and Butd to alar laa.1.• - ST. Pztalussuee, April 111.--Theexe- cuted Nihilists passed the last day as follows:-t{oussakoff prayed incessantly. and offered his services to tele Govern- ment as a spy, The offer was declined. Jeliaboif spent the time in writing page after page about the trial, comtnitting to paper what he was forbidden to speak. Sophie Pieoksky wrote to her mother to waste nu time in assuaging the wrath of her father. Kibalt- schitsch drew up a memoir on the sub- ject of his specific discoveries. which he addressed to the High Court of Justice, avowing the desire that his name' might be immortalized. and making the gift of his inventions to the State en condi- tion that all tho profit from thein should go to the amelioration -of the id „f child- ren of political criminals. Previous to the execution of the Nihi- lists H.nussakoff asked for three wax tapers, such as are carried to church. a copy of the New Testament. and one of the small cottaecrated Lai ea male and sold by monks. When not praying iae smoked cigarettes. The scattuld was a rough wooden structure, painted black, consisting of a high platform upon which were three posts, each with a chain :and manacles, and one Lone, horizontal loam with iron rings for the ropes. supported by two perpendicular posts. Ito front was a low platform for the officials. The large plain around was covered with snow''and ice, which was melting in the warm sunshine. By eight o'clock many thousands of people had collected around the plain and searmed in the. o • various a l people streets loading to it. Teii thousand troops kept thein back and formed two squares around the mallows. First were the Cossacks with couched lances. and then detachments of the Guard. The infantry was massed in deep colmtnns, leaving one side of the inner square open for the passage of the condemned prison- ers and their escort. The ruder enter- ed the eastern side of the plain 0 few minutes before nine o'clock, :caving passed through some of the principal streets on the way from the fortress The condemned criminals were orated high in the centre of the two -wheeled blocks of earthquake continue at 8.;o, and are fast completing the ruin. ( )i pour thousand inhabitants of the: viI- 1040 near Kastrn, euly 150 are known to be alive. In 1873 N ichols n and Whalen were hanged in Baltimore, for murdering and robbing apt old Indy. n;htticn left a large share of thep lunder in the hands of his brother. The la Iter. uitlue Heel by Moedy's preaching, has just made restitution of the original. sure tvith in- terest. Ex -Governor and Ex -Congressman Ranier formerly wealthy, is now work- , ing es a common labourer on the streets of Chari et .n, S. C. Among a cart load of dirt dumped near him on Friday, was a copy ..f the Congressional record, con- taining a npeezlt by himself on the civil rights bill. The idea advanced by the New York !braid of establishing savings banks in connection with the public schools, is one that commends itself to all intelli tightly strapped to iron rods, gent potpie France has 9.867 such in- platforms, tH y rapp� stitutions and lepoeits to the •ntoonnt of with their backs to the hornet, ap th the nearly 4900,000. The earlier habits of ing on their breasts large thrift are instilled into the minds of words "Ipn'onbiest' (murderer of the children the better it will be for their .f Czar)dtinn lack and wite. black, wh wort 1Pf we e re future and the future . the nation. It appears that Forepaugh the circus ho the cevering first utheirehaat aads ndRoush oulders. and than. has not only secured hut ten thou- sand dollar beauty but that her lady- Jeliabuf, both of whose features were ship is hard at work earning her money. nearly concealed by the heavy hoods. Kee ekre part tagrand tuJbits irk im med to grant ,renenIngthe•leparre f shine with i tenitied brillieyes ancy and d de- Lelia Reokh for Delhi. with all the ele- fiance as he Looked on the scene annuli p[hants. camels and cones waggons in hint. t �chh Sophie�tumbrPieoffsil were Ki Mi- hersters Cain. Peed d crowd the streets to altec�tL the wman coccupyro the nod. stars at her, sad doubtless ninety-nine in every hundred go home saying that she die seat.o CN these three the features of anot much of • beauty after all. The Sophie I ieoffky were alone distinctly professional beauties to London will visible. her extraordinary high and iniad Lordly like this circus dodge. for it reforehead being tttseebrpuded by the hood. t 611016 capon thews. Met they will pee -able Her mentahlghlfitted hoe exciMliA e, het them betokened great no claims, • statement of the r accounts and the ( Ine of the reas.,ns solid to have bean insure of the securities. if any. held by them. elveuced by Sir John Macdonald for re- or In default ti.>reof thug will be peremptorily IcxEudedcreditofrom theholdbenefituc6an7 ercof Ate said order. using to sanction the award of the verydr td pro - Boundary Arbitratoreln favor of Oater- du' a the same before Inc nJ medrity Chalsmbers sl was that the Urea of this Province the Court House. in the Tuwn of O xlerich, on the 13th day of Ma 1881, a' ten o,loc in the would toe so great that in a few years t ore noon, being tl1e time '.appointed fon„ ad - it $ the judicatlon on ttio claims. arrangement of "bvun rtes which e t Ln (Seel H. t1 ter at ori, ff :a underth Manitoba extension 1'8' It ...Taster at for r. irh. regardsterritorial Quebec GHAZICERYas tt would rule the ries w 7 Dated chi+ Mb day of April, A D. f;1t da'h 1 e ect e• m • • act, he reduces Ontario to a third posi SALE OF ; ALUABLE tion . 4 .. torr toric area, u F,, 1 Property In the Gownsldp of Ash b••inX first with 103 355 ' s Iuare wiles• Ae 11 1 d "+500,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO , CAMERON. IIOLT&('AMERO ,i e - rich. 58. I 75,000 TO LEND ON REAL ES -� x;" TATE. Tema favorable. Apply to R. i« L. DOYLE. Godcrich. 1731 i {a50,000PR.Ij ATE FUNDS Ta) LEND ce, on good Farm or tlrst.;laas Town Properly at 3 per cent. Amer to R. R ADC LIF FE. 1751 _IAIrONEY TO LEND IN ANY i amount to suit burrower., 3. 6 to 64 per j I..wilt. Private funds. Apply to .S:La..-Z14. and I MORTON. Goderich. `; ONEY TO LOAN • ON FIRST' o: 1 5)ortgade at reasawb)e titre of tntercet d and on terms to stilt borro'wen:-tddrrss JAMEa SrawAEr. $altford P. 0. 17N. 'ursusnt to a decree anti or. Pr matte and the 3lrt da of March ht(1.all br Id [tis thcsiappro Manitoba second with 154,411 miles, and 'n a certain cause Of Seynio;ir re. Kee:nedt-, Ontario third with 109.480 miles. Sir bearing date respectively the Ysth day ot-�elr A. D. 18111, a Y John was particularly keen In dig ing A_ 1681 their w da••er to the Duminwn in eltending the b; tie Court of Henry. M-.ulr.nnott. Esgb rc. Mast , this u t at t,.sterlch. y the sal boundaries of Ontario, but he was blind elatter at the Prin.-e of Wales Hotels in the f • •1 danger in en- cillay,-r anti Imungnnt.on, at the heir of nn h )TONEY TO LEND. -A LARGE j.. e. amount of Private Funds for investment at lowest rates on tint -class Mortaaits. Apply e to GA131tt%V & PItOCDFOO1. similar to the prospect o a g i cluck in the aft.•rnuun nn watarda). the fish La: tint the area of should ohs. This soli 1, � da7 of anrll. A. B. foal, the tultuwi �, It- citude pest Ontario should c untinue to and premises. in one panel, being aii an. stand first in influence in the Councils of singular that certain pan ct or sivo t of i:.v a . premiseasitustc, lying and swing in tit the Dowin o 1 shows how completely Sir a aaship ut AshNeld fn the a'otmy of H•.ro,.. John•is under the control of his Quebec and Province of Ontario, and being cnmp,etd of ape Fist half of Int number ten. an tb• 'st colleagues. Ontario will nut forget the res scion Eastern Division& tee teed to -n rommoi► t_o m•elvee with the thought that am Now Tock beauty is e t or aM sigh eaher of fear or reniOwM. wadi not ride MehIIN a •b11116 waggon The condemned were anhound and this runous erase �rigyp awcnml the h •t woman led up the slops Sophie Pieoffsky age• to plates the men. R •ow the °Arnot of the ;noon'(,. Mr Robert Dickson. of Tnckersmoth. h� www then pieced in front of three had his celebrated bull. "('doss Oxford' t te* illid to to to work ati� mama the aCi,p.teer,th peel•. with hearts bef,. the woman uetng on the Reeforth weigh reale. the other 1 --^--- 6AT the mar, t had h I at century n the slightest --- d d th forestal e l' suss saw ruin- " " " s `^T- = 1 �, o dr A.•'�•- +ret" ftsaaat4a 1st �n area �a�an� w h blowoff at her supremacy emus atm : ship or -t:dhtleid. c•+n'ainnig ter ndrnea- :re by her renegade sort, when the general mon( (-. • hnnd,r•1 wires of lnn•l mor. or 1444.4. T ns oT> rtT is A u:a:cd in to i t her an ,pper-unity to ex -I liq Id end is distal a fr m the e ec tons give s . a,wnsn ', . s..e press her feeliegs.-[Sarnia Observer. General Delves v. 141rJ.aa Macdonald. The history of -this curious actit,n may b ;viten as follows : In 1875-6 Sir John ,Macdonald laid his plates for, the campaign then approaching- He made en agreement with General Hewson that t! latter as t write in tate interests Town ((t:o'.,.r., A 14 miler. etre is 'readily OAKS FREE OF CHARGE. - Money to lend at lower' rates. fore of any costs or charges rsEAG ER d• `•TJItTON, oppoe!u• Colborne Hotel. (sodirleh. 23rd March 1881. 1:79. MONEY To LOAN. THE CANA- l1 A Landed Credit Company. Toronto - Toilet sD cesalb)c thereto a wood road, which said JOHN LAIN' BLAKIE. ESQ.. Presidents Money Town oto;• -,aa g'•H: •.taNcet for th• sale df pro• 45 tent bt this Company to individuals upon T!t^wafd pto;rrty etas erected thereonsame system ss at munlcl lilies. -Send d • • loam w th ace the m good frame bons^ a stir: and • half high, for Circ era. HUGH IIAM TO\, ('. L. Irma hood frame barn. The land 1s of a clay Agent, 1 �o)rrich. 1731 is wen l b•- a IIv(ng s'ream hien rang thr•mgh Gm said )and. There,' is an orchard of three &errs of excellent fruit 120,000 PRIVATE FUtiDS TO LEND roes. There are about 80 acres ..hared. and 1 e on Earn,and Town Property at low est en- c remainder f well t)s ih a t. The reserved esery property , tercet- Mtmoges purchased, no Commission wit be lehm!d for : •• Adtbje1 to a recast e . charged. Conveyancing Fees reasonable. bill: which has ill be wee by the said tie ter. I 1 d The p,r,tpruta� will be wee either eubjedt ro the J ,•.} sti ':hercgt: or free from the h 1131 N. B. -Borrowers can obtain money n one yy it title is satisfactory.-DAYISON & JOHN- 9TON, Barristers. &c.. Ooderle . ie a cr {t' o f the Couaenative alt for certain mortes g IW ria y hu+'e do+ems. 'rhe from the o i Fault as the par Pa papers. timing which was the iris% larsof the .said mnrtgac. v will be made known Canadian and the Chatham Planet. Sir at time or rale. Terms, le per cent down at I j) • RADCLIFFE, FIRE, MARINE, lolln, in his evidence eve t beton Mr. time e( +fair, and t'.c inane^e to be paid into' It Life and Accident insurance Agent. g (!Dort wit an one month to the credit fowhi b Ftcpresenting sprat<•tsas('ompantes. Also agent McCaul some months ago in this case, .arise wuhou. crit rt �' . , t a,, n for the CANADA Lt stated that Hewson had fulfilled h:s agreement. and that his exertions had been effective ie aaaisting hitt in carry- ing the electi.•n. He also said that 45000 a year was t,,entioned as tate con- sid oration to be peed Hewson provided the Consert•atives carried the election. 1 repudiated any per - At the same time sinal liability, saying the parte 'hould make the motley' g o -l. Hews.nt's ex- amination before Mr. Dait•oh at T(ronte was pretty much to the same etfect, but he held Sir J(hn personally responsible, and his legal advisers supported that view, inasnsuch as Sir John made a bar- gain en behalf of a party which had no legal status. Some sixty petters or so, when passed from Sir John to Hewson, were filed, to 1* read in court, with a like number from the general to Sir John. Just before the court opened here a settlement was attempted, through the intervention of mutual friends. These were Mr. 'John Shields, of Toronto; Mr. James Cotton.. of this city, and rienator Howlen. Whatever their decision teas, it wan not accepted, therefore the core proceeded, and Mr. Dalton McCarthy was summoned to conduct the defence along with Mr. Hugh J. Macdonald. At the Int mom- ent 'lune om-ent'lune -aefa'tiations took place which led to the withdrawal of the record for the present. Strange stones are afloat as to the means eweployed to hiring about ties understonding, but we refrain from allusion to them at present Hereafter, perhaps. we will have more to say on •.t. an ayrn.n o balani•• the parcener will w . 4,t;tled o a ., - Cryancr and to htli ims..••sion of the land. In all other respe rs the terms and conditions of sde will be the etamdsnt conditions of the Court of ('hancery. Further particulars can be had from the and Master,/at from Messrs Darrow & Prou.11n"t. blesArs & Cameron. H-trrisier' x,. 1leslerich. Dated a: G•M1cr;r'. titin 7th day of April. A. 1). heal. H. MACIM-RMOTT. Master at Goderlch. (•.'tai•:K. .v Hnt.T & CAMERON fe•dor a Solicitors. )7821t. ALLAN LINE r G' 1YAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS 1.IW):::1'(N)1.. LONDONDERRY. OLAS- The popular route Rennin t'ana•la sad Great SHORTEST SEA ROI'TF.- (taisin. intermediate and Steerage Tickets at inwaST KATEA. 5 4ILI•f(:S, mitt sosToN. PKOy IALIPAX April. April. ('.Aat•t.t't 9 a. m. 11th. 16th. MORA.IAN 3 p. ill. '• VOL :nth. ('tRCAO$IAN A a. la. " 811111, S4IL1XO3 FROM VUERE.': PsnuvtAN. Poly N um AN PARISIAN. • SARDINIAN MonaVi AN SARMATIAN MA •. CtnC,tlrtAN A'I'M yet t sea conne.•ting at Quebec with On nip ]yy •gamer win lease Toronto 1111tdsy st Tt11 •• e ---fie ▪ leave Toronto by the a)ra and connect with tM ▪ � 'plinidoeaying the edea and Nr MMr 7th May. OA June. STOCK r NrR CO. Idea ..T.N'K iNN RA. R Money to lend on Mortgage. either in Town of Farnc Property, in any way to suit the borrow- er. Office -!up -stain) Kays block. God; ,ch. Ont. INSURANCE CARD. BRITISH ABA. CO' Y. ToaoNTT-Estatoetshed 1833. PHCENIX iNA. COT. of Lnkown (Eneta•di- Establlehed 1713. HARTFORD 11444. ('O'Y, of HAR•r►ORe. Cosa. -Established 11110. Malta taken in the above the lowast mites by HORACE tHI RTON at•eliwut Dineen The undersigned is aloe Apiraiser for the CANADA PERF LOAN axil SAVINGS CUT, Teener° Money M Loan on Arst.:Ws security. from 7 to per Cent. - Charges moderate. HORACE MORTON. Goderirh, Sept. 16. 1810. 1751 QHERIFF'S SALEOIF LANDS. (buntJ of Hsro• • Wi v we of + K•rlt at H 'ro wl4 i Jryery Hoed ort d Hes Yaparpe • ► lite tbe sal ama aaa wN "tea'"` at t e salt Newt n please a While ChKk of the day and he br t Dear. the Dram _ - ---- t y civilisation is aytaeel o ,mal and aha mtddge .�•.-• the awe one 1 tO he inclined to o *runs end•+ llenate roan t he e�e0oee the medians , 4.IM pounds a is a magrtthtxnt ani AIVCK er a dint a henle Allen saluted Dot mal He has gained over SW pounds $72 1 uncePwltr an r in this Id- t i lit'. five meets un purple r,thn the past year Twee Is V, } ttAaa"s' t� R wo^ee.LT arv( A RnAERT 1'1'14( 01 ( oat) „"JV tree ♦ gberma rh til Gosmerieh • !rhe nt Huron 1IR Atlg+[ata Maine \lwrrh lith iNI SATIN PAPERS, 'MARBLE & OAK PAPERS, CEILING PAPERS. 0 D ados--D ecora'Joas---Borders suitable for DRAWING ROOM, DINING ROOM, SITTING ROOM, BED ROOM, HALL, OFFICE KITCHEN. • .w w.. q t►r� • �T 1}rtdstrlrih. Jae. 1A.1i1.. - A La" All this Season's Patterns in Window Shades, W hick will be found much superior to any thing yet shown in this eottnty. Fi'!c8s the '6fY 11twest A call solicited. No trouble to show patterns whether you buy or not. T. J. MOORHOUSR1 BLANK BOOKS. A complete assortment of every dig cription of BLANK BOOKS, DAY 13()OHS, LEDGERS, Jtil'RNALA, CASH BOOKS, MiNUTE B(M)KS, PASS BOOKS, POCKET BOOKS, NIM. BOOKS, INDiCI8. &' AT ]dOOREOtTBEra. (loderich Ari 13th, 1881 1751