The Brussels Post, 1967-03-30, Page 3THIS BilUSSf4J.Ii ONTA1t4U SDAY,, 111,4%.1t,01-1 111 WALTON Miscellaneous Shower V- 41! o tors Bride-elect MISS Anon Blake. was guest. of honor at a miseellaneous shower in the parish hall or .St. 11,tuUrose Church, Brussels, The ladies or St Anthrese Church, endives and friends from Walton and cum- in U. t.y gath0rOli 1..0 honor Hiss Blake prior to her marriage. Mrs. Gerald llyan and Mrs. Donald .NleDonald were in charge of the arrangement for the evening, Mrs, MacDonald took charge of a "Wishing Wen" pantry shelf articles, at the door, also tile guest book. MI's. Gerald Ityan oat Ma,stee of Ceremonies for the short pro- gram presented by! Mrs. Fergus Connelly. reading; Walton ladies, .1\lock IV odd i 'Mid Ryan, reading; Mrs. Jan van Vila read the Bride's Book. The • bride-elect, • her mother, MrS. e• George Blake and .Mrs. 'le:01'1mm Williamson, wore given seats or honor and an address was read by Al rs. erald Rya n. Gifts were presented by girl friends of the guest, of honor. :\iine voiced her thanks for the lovely gifts, and the ladies who were responsible for the arrangements, iterreshments were served. Renew your Brussels Post now. JAMESTOWN BRIDGE CONTRACT AWARDED The contract for constructing the Jamentowit Bridge at Lot 27, Coucesriion 1l orris Township, was awardod to Owen Ring. Lim- ited, Walkerton, for the sum of $•72,971eie by Morris Township Council iu special session on March 20, 1.967 Five tenders were received, .itt,wart Procter ilelen it, Martin 1-Le(tve • 4.11erk. MORRIS FEDERATION GRANTS TO FAIRS etr. and Airs, Robert (Irasity 'ere lioste for the March meet- uf :Morris ri‘(milsliip 'Fed- eration of Agriculture, 'There were t5 in attendance. 'I here was a motion passed that grants, as follow, be paid to fairs held in the area: itelgrave School Pair $10.00; Brussels -Pair 1,0.00e Myth Fair $10,00. It was moved that the donation to Brussels Fair be to the. Ladies' I)ivtsien. it was decided, after discus- sion, to make the Federation Park the Centennial. Project. A. work bee will be organized eary in the spring with. Frank Procter and Ted Year in charge. A. considerable discussion fol- lowed a report of the beef survey, Darold, Johnston. extended an invitation to the group to hold, the April meeting at his home. FOR SALE — Forced Air Coal and Wood furnace, good. condition. Brussels Phone 338J0 FOR SALE — Frame Douse, Cali be moved. Alepbr to. Bill Turnbull Phone 104 The industrial Mortgage & Trust Company HIGHER INTEREST RATES GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES OFFICES: — Forest Sarnia toetrolla Strathroy Contact our Representative An ideal investment for security and high return. SELWYN BAKER Established 1889 Phone 79 Brussels in amounts of $100.00 or arrtore. Available — for 1, 2, or 3 years — for 4 or 5 years BRUSSELS ENT OCKEY FRIDAY Sponsored by the Brussels SATURDAY MARCH 31 Minor Hockey Association APRIL 1 FRIDAY 11:00 a.m. SQUIRT BLUEVALE v's BELGRAVE 1 :00 p.m. SQUIRT BRUSSELS v's WROXETER 2:30 BANTAM BLYTH vs MONKTON 4:00 p.m. BANTAM BRUSSELS v's BELGRAVE 7:00 p. MIDGET BRUSSELS BELGRAVE 8:30 p.m. MIDGET ATWOOD vs M1LDMAY SATURDAY 9:00 a.m. PEE WEE BRUSSELS Vs BLYTH 10:00 a.m. PEE WEE BELGRAVE vs MONKTON 1:00 p.m. SQUIRT CHAMPIONSHAP 2:30 p.m. BANTAM CFIAMPIONSHR 4:00 p.m. PEE WEE CHAMPIONSKIP 7:00 p.m. MIDGET CHAMPIONSHIP 8:30 p.m. JUVENILE CHA4MPION'SH1P BRUSSELS vs RIPLEY rosiotrumiirvmalsomicromearnmerm 11••90 STUDENTS 25c — CHILDREN 10c arior Hockey ADMISSION: ADLI,LTS 50c • REPORT FROM QUEEN'S PAR,t. BY: MURRAY GAUNT (MPP, Huron-Bruce) Higher Ontario Welfare Allow, anoC6 and broader coverage bas- ed on need will replace tho system flat rota payments April 1. The new allowances, are eS- tablished under the Family Bene- fits Act introduced into the legiS- lature by Welfar e Minister John Yaremko. The Act. provides that an allow- ance based on needs will be paid to anyone who by reason. of dis- ability, ago, lees of the principle family provider, or permaneet un- employability, is unable to pro- vide adequately for himself or de- pendents, To Art which rept:toes all pro- vincial welfare programs except the municipally administered Gen- eral Welare .Assistance Act, takes advantage of the Canada Assist? alio: Plan, by which the Federal ,Hovernment will reimburse 50% of p ren n cos Welfare expendi tures. Under the now term a disabled person is defined as anyone with a major physical or mental im- pairment that is likely to con- tinne for a prolonged period, The Act takes the principle that where the recipient is a Member of a family, the needs of the household as a Whole will be considered, Present welfare recipientS not have to re-apply for aid under the new setup, Three new categories will be eligible for assistance; (1) The Wife of an old age pen- sioner cif she is in need and GO or more. (2) The wife of a recipient or former recipient of provincial welfare allowances if she is GO or has dependent children, (3) A disabled person living in a home for the retarded. For a single person, the act provides a itiOntlily allowance of up to $105 and a minuMinti ir he has no Outside, income of W.. A Single person .could earn Op to $24 and still receive the maxi- main alloWaithe. A blind or disabled peroon with receive an additional $10 trattse portatieti gratit each month; The average disabled person living alone will receive $115 a The legislature prorogued on Wednesday for the Easter. lteceSS. SAVE MONEY NOW! There is every indication that postal rates on and class mail, "Which includes newspapers, etc., are going to be increased. Now is the time to subscribe, or renew,. your subscription, to the Brussels Post, before we are forced to :raise the subscription rate. The Post thanks all those who `have already done so. Postal regulations require that 'boril-fide Subscriptions be paid In advance and this regUiatiori is Being striCly enforoed.