HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1967-03-30, Page 1.33 TILE .BRUSS1?LS POST, TI.LEPSDAY, 3.1.A.R011: 300, tiol7 1 .eT PUB,LI.SIUNG litOtTS$ 82.00 A Yllas I I. 3.- I • To U.S .A. Sao'' 4 Ii.A 3; HrSTORY of GREY TOWNSHIP HENFRYN Contributed by Mrr. Wilfred Strickler Two houses and a tile yard are all that remains of a once busy hamlet on the town line between Elms and Grey townships. Art historical altar records that Henfryn, a station on the -Wel- lington Grey and Bruce railway had 1,50 inhabitants and nurnc.sr- erous business establishments. including a tile and brick yard, a general stare, hotel, a sawmill, tailor shop, broom rectory, black- smith shop, and yards for ship ping cattle. The two churches, Anglican, and Methodist, were Situated on either side of a street, at one lime lined With houses. The Method. 1st Congregation dwindled and the 0111)4, was purchased by the Anglicans and used as a coin- triunity hall for many years. The lot on which the Anglican Church was built was purchased from rt Welshmaa. Edwin, (lark -Kearns Davies, on March 1f1, 1SS2. Pine. Crum Mr. payees' sae-reio n ee r e e wile item] for ihe Poor, door, and peWs. The bricks (elute from the yard across the road from the mill, David Edgar helped haul sand. Andrew Laidlaw of lot 3, con,. 7, Pints helped fmul stone. The :tete coneessiou waS hist e trail throe h: the bush at this. time. The c'hurc'h Wrif4 no Pd after. 'wo w, sa i n t 1 In Oil, Tno NOV. (4. ,1. A Pittston was tho rirrit eambent, The Ladirs' cnilit was formed ditrin.z [Tin eastorate of 1', (' ov from 1 On .linto Roth. 19:5;, the 7:-itit nnniversary \vas celebrated. Rev. 3, T f. Kerr assisted 13v his nenheW, Rev R. J. Kerr (fernier students mitering the ministry' from SI. tienfrytti rete,ped io 111'Pri oh at the services=, /Vier the Sfeli anniver etre on, ,Twer. 231 ii, 1910, 'Rey, end etee TI. L. ,Teneintzs %vet.- ',resettled trite a 'sere worldlier rift r re m the tsenexreention (in l'-inpeeee l e e r, 2(i. 1DG1, :it •t -, ei ee„ lass regular service wee h e ld eel flee •oev rtoblite, sell or Arr. ',fret, Lr1'.irre.sne0. Erleeir •rencl ban- tised. The tile and brick vard was started over eighty years ago by Mr, Middleholl. The ne x t neerator WAS SAM Wright followed by Sig MRS ELIZABETH RYAN Eliztibeh Ityttu, 95. of -I •, it daosday. March leind, at tee home of her tdaughter Woodstople She was the widow a' lin. lilt., Joseph :Ryan, Slit' is survived by three sons, Joz.a.ph and Ea‘‘.Tence of Walton; 0orden of -Montreal; three dauehtere. Airs. Robertson, 1 Aladelon 1 Press, Ottawa: Mrs. Melvin [lateen).Scott. Fargo . N.D.; :qrs. Flor ewe Speak of t'jt ,OfINtOek, Tle. body rested at the D. A. Res in 1onern1 home, Brussels, it nen. Saturday when. the funeral service was held at St. ernhrnse R.C. ('Mu'c'h. Brussels, Purial wee in St. Ambro:-'e hiSY:11 ilnisS was -sung. et tem. 1.1nrelay at the church. N 0 T in, GARBAGE )1' 1.1..3'710N this Saturday,: o the cmulition of the leading to dump. Thoma s Dougherty, Ralph. Thompson. and Homer Hender- son. le 1957 Mr. Henderson pun, vbased J aeres of land from Mrs, Buttery to build a, new plant farther from tic branch of the Malinind River which continually needed tbe old plant. The clay iii this area hits proved more seenhle for tile than brick, thrum]] there rile a number of heildieve: 171 the meet made of Are n i'yn Ie notably Church (now ()weed by the Con- servative Mennonite Church of Ontario). and the two remaining beuses at lionfryn. Originally the Mims at the tile yard were fired n ith wind. Many men were re- oteree to cut cord wend in the ,.venter time. end the itsunl wage A e eerd. 1!rs Wm. Raker of Ethel re- reek that stock for general •n, in Ibis arr.: reran Mainly on lb- train from Tendon, There steiev eommerelal travellers they dise1nved their wares. "eamele eonm" ill the lintel pree e rind look orders trout tt-t-ift101117,ritt store keepers. rtt a'r'il stilre WO s hnilt and eeed be• J. D. Thompson' for vwf1,1. Gporge Neal nronvietor as the nil an \VII iir 1,929 ii- 100101 faintly moved to The tailor shop made good clothing for 111011. Work .clothing mad , at Immo• kers were plentifel, hi ro7 n•nnity. TheY made , ' , • rind so.cvort it Hen fryn tun Intl 'fray notween 1 .no, I-0(1011(1i, did a heal s. 'RESULTS OF BRUSSELS FIGURE SKATING TESTS he ,r4A,:u ,., skating c!,11.) eins(11 no season with. Local Group •Coni pelt 1.1 on Day for ,ienier ;4k:owl; Tho wintierS revelling :ri bbo s, Local. Competition' Group 1 Junior Julie Campbell., 1st COI men Raymond, 2nd Carol l'aymond, Ird Group 2 Junior Joan Bennett, 1st Anita prigham 2nd Brian Stratychuk, 3rd C,F,S.A: Tests The Annual C.F.S.A, tests for Exeter, List:owed, and Brussels, were held in the Exeter Arena, March 27th. The following girls took part from the Brussels Club: Passed Canasta Shirley Pipe Traviss Connie McWhirter 1 ienna WorleiTian Gail McDonald Passed Swing ban'ce Linda Wilson This completing the I dances Linda, Will receive the Prelim in. a ry Dance Pin from the Junior Bronze Dance Ten-Fox, Passed Linda ,.,owe and Penny Lowe. This completing the 3 dances both girls, will receive the Junior Protue Danee Medal front the PreliMinary, Figures Passed Penny Lowe and Linda, Lowe, Toth will receive the Pratt-tire nry Pigaire Pin. Thanks to anyone who in ally way during the 1 90e.ret ertson. COUPLE CELEBRATE GOLDEN WEDDING Mr, and Al Fs, .n wren PA. 2, Illiterate. were ;molded March ii, 19.17. The !wide was first former Mary Welfare,. The ceremony took place at. the Anglican rectory in Brussels, The wedding day was bright With plenty or snow. Mr. aml Mrs. Willis ono.,' ed to Grey ToWnshie at an early age i where they still reside. Roth haVe enjoyed good health until yeeentlY. AVillis underwent surgery a month ago in St, Jose- ph's if Os pita I le)ndon, vhere he is ;'.,tail a 1)111.1(11f. They have a faintly of sip daughters and one son, Mrs. Roy ( OH ru ) Koch, f.10xVilnst n Mrs, I fiewp. ( 11-11 ) Sooirs Gyarion; Mrs. flarvee ;Mildred) 11 eConneir. -fist revelAlt's a a (Lola) Ba t•-n a rid , St ra ford Mrs . Cecil (Vera) Miller, (lowans- I r : Airs. Clarence Ilteily l Harrislon: TIM, of They have 31 erandebielren 1“-.1 nine .5;1'0111 grand c'hildrisn. The adult Members or the family serprised their] with 'freely three-tier wedding Palre, sililahly decorated, rind at dozen 'e-11(1 wilieh were Ialren to tle. ere 'Mat for e quiet iselebrat- ion in the arterinop, von.. rani-Rig (Trod IC' exiond WIA11/0„ RUSSELL MARKS Marks, 57, of Waltono died suddenly at his home On Satarday, tic nurvivod by his wife, the former ,Iosephine Ntalm; it i daughter, rs. Untph Viola TraviSS, Walton.; .teve, • sues,. Lawcuee, elseter; 'N1 '181111, \Val- ton; three brothers, Clifford, Morris 'fawn ship, :Roland and Wellington, . both of 1,1'esettnoelt Township: .a Sister, Mrs, Lena 147,110cOtt, Listowe'f. The 'funeral sorvioo from the litanti fuueral houlo, Tuesday at. 2. p.m. The Rev, Arthur Higginbotham of Duff's ['lifted Churrh. Walton aft c- in red. !lw:11-,ms wori , Douglas monk. Thomas Miller, Stewart mc'elit Welter 'Bewley. Kenneth 'ecDonald, 'Wee Cones,. l5r.r hoaro I's were -R.Orti Pollute t, \keit sou Reid, Herbert -15-,s and jack Ilryans, Potria I was in Brussels yin. etory. AT HOME Mr. and Mrs. Gerald EXel of Prussels Will be "At Home" on se:et/day. April 1st., front 2 to ."3 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m.„ tin tile oeeassion of their 30(14 wedding anniversary. di".. Medic al-D ental Centre: Thermometer Climbs. The Medical-Dental Centre thermometer Showing the pro- gress of the fund raising cam- paign, which is displayed on. the front of the Centennial Com- mittee headquarters in the 0. Elliott building on main street, stood aa. $1.4,1II0 at press 1.1tne•, The heat created Wednesday af'te'rnoon should be an ,incentive that will boost it farther, The beat was generated by the burn- ing of the unlisnble tiMber and dehris left from the interior demolition of I in. former Bud- enrk buildine. to make way for Hie new Aledical-Dental `'mart, The, outer walls still stand, but, not for long, and thee, fire wits.: contained within them exerpt for some of the waste matorivl Which was burned outside at iho back of the building. Consent of the Piro. Marshall anti approval of able council was necessary before disposal in this manner was possible, The job' was done under the supervision of no ineal fire bri5zade with all ri slue' Precoutions taken. ITSteilly the firemen fight to of ingu ish n fire but this one necessitated some roaxing befoies it got a good start but NM tett briskly eventually and clouds of black sni pe r, ,over o d th,„ then ed in le :1rca ee Although eremen were evened on the roof of the adieininv effioo Ihe Dep. natio% who have been buret out twice, must have been neeveue foe` they •were oliserytsd removing their Possession:: from Dee , elub roan!. Tt's our erne-s (Lett 'refe.E bad a marteel fetchre deck eale hiS hip peekei. PEOPLE WE 'KNOW Miss Ruby Smith, Toronto, spent the Paster holiday with. Mr, E. R. Smith. Roes Duncan, is a patient in, Wost i nster 1 1 ()sill ta 'Landon with magell olira s. r, told Mrs. Larry Lahti. Than. over. were Easter visitors with Tier' parents, Arr. and Mrs. \', W. tint it h. 111*s. W. Tie spent ','`aster at 1...n11[1;1ml anti Hamilton. Mrs: W, C. I:each was an llostor bon dti y wi h her son Douglas and Mrs. Leach and family, of Ottawa. e'rve, Valid 0/ whit hits twon tt imtient iii Victoria 1.oielon, Came home On c.tn'day. Mr 01111 Mre David Merutcheon nod daughter Karon. Peter, horotteh, 'wove "Ztt s t w 011(1, VIStUll'S With 11.1:7 permits. Mr. and Alps, tiwk t ohm AL Mr, 'a C era 1 d Pixel leeve on April -501.* for a three week vaention in Tioniind. on t ors‘ please ;'Bette ilrussolt. during their ,been(' s. Mr, itAd. 237.r liras Schleeter and family, 'Mr, rind 'Mrs. Ray 'Miller and family. all of Galt. Al;'. soil Alt's. Lloyd Cooper and fel-hflY of ]ada p t'[.,, and "Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Miller end .Teentio. di'r 't Towne -hip Enster Vieitors With 'Mr. and Airs. Wm Mnrri) Schlueter remain- reeter vac 'Ifttn. 7'110 , riv-r awl 'Mee rithirq • wc. fill Alt!`; eee\cd tit. telle to thee out ref the •••-.1,1 Per ele reetlesee :miiet 3,"],rill![.' fcreer .0.0.F, HOCKEY NIGHT WAS :ALL PATRONIZED (.rowd packed 1110 NT,•na int Saturday night for the betWOon 0'0 and Erue- 1)nn it hauled to a 13. flt• erri'cir-ii7il Report Nave the (Infirm is gone, slotte- !ere -tern the shops, and Si. •lnirch was Irbil in tiff'( all vielints of 1, deerensine rttrel 1.• • '1,1 !I ri111-;`,. helped The ;time ts' Bret here, game Arbil : draw iv ins ktjt()nr by Westeru... Star 149 Li. eV., of Brussels. The proceeds • a'' to the lodge c.ancer, Polio. and. Tubereuloeis Fund. .2'3'inittess of the draw held in eon -eel:lion -with the Coll ie, are as... follows: 1st. (1, E. Portable Tom Pletch, lieket drawn b'Y' I /17 nne 2nd, Coopy Card Table and:. Cthil e ai; ticket drawn by Charon I . s: Robert Thompson, Wing- tird, Elect rie 'aryjng Knife. Mrs. Alfred Nichol, ticker drawn by Brussels Centennial Queen Miss Marlene Smith, handled 'C