The Brussels Post, 1967-03-23, Page 5 mblussolailamannamasixosmantaumi,..i..aiitakirgtor .assamier.i.isamener..a• niostolavadrausaiime-... ADMISSION t ADULTS 50c — CHILDREN 10e key ppoY BRI.ISSALS POO' f. vi\i'1`.4.13.11) 21314, .42Alig."'"441161W"Vaile/10 410.15""44.001%-'10411010•-"ItiESIO Ai r OXIVIA i ION MEETING 3i; 4.4 uRt.-Y TOWNsIciik i'r-OLRA I WIN Ui' ACAWC ULT 1 1 vi' .7 file LC...11 1 AAL St-rfOOL, ETtILL yvta)INE,:AiAl, ofai at 8,30 p.ai. c.3 1 .z.le ivt M.EL. ALO1r.:R.0 iN .1-1,yuro r awn Sales up ervisor being held in ;40. THE UNITED CHURCH OF' CANADA Mink0.er; Rey. A. M. Johnston B.A. Organist: Mrs. '-'red Stephenson Good Friday kiervice. 11 Easter Sunday 9:45 t1,111. •Laial'en SenOul Li a.m. "Would You Believe" PRESBYTERIAN. CHURCH OF CANADA MELVILLE CHURCH Minister REV. C. A, MeCARRULL :10 _AIM, Church .Sehool 11 A.„11, Public Worship If a Man.. Lie, Shall lie Live. Again? Organist: M. Thompson A.R.C.T. THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA r.sh Priest: The Rev. F. G. Braby, B.A„ L,Th, SAINT JOHN'S — Brussels Organist — Mrs S. Elliott a.ni, The holy .Eucharist I 1:30 aan. Matting and Primary. School SAIN1 ALBAN'S et SAINT DAVID'S — Atwooa Organist — Mrs. C. Dickson 10:00 a.m. Malawi and (Amid' School IN MEMORIAM •--In loving memory of ,Mrs. hichard Alcock; who pas- sed away eighteen years ago, ,March 26th, 1040. Wishing today as we wished be- ore, That God could have spared you; many years mote, In oar hearts your memory is kept To love, to cherish: and to never forget,. husband asd • N, tilt 411 IIt.S tii1.111:11jj, ii neea ; was :50011 101 a citeese Luca:01.y. (Jilt' was intim it halt .1111i0 \\ est the village iu 111e early days and it 15 still ul operation. 11u1n6Wnrth C1tee40 hall a rep11tal.1011. Of Its The share of prizes came its way including • The BriLitsh Empire Medal for two years. It teed mill was erected by \\'in. Lamont and filled a great need in the community. This build lug \vas too close to the highway se was torn clown. Then two of our local boys, McIntosh Brothers, erected a new, modern -feed mill which is still in eeeration. There iS also a garage and welding shop.. \1'6 also boast a small restaurant. Now its churches - - The first church with a settled minister was built by the congregation- alists. Then in 1811.1. a Presby- terian congregation was organ- lazed amid they worshiped in the Congregational chrch until 1868 when a church wt,..; built at a cost of $975.0t. This church was used until when the present church was built at a cost of 3-116.80. There was also a Methodist church but due to lack of inemb- prs it closed 11)011t, 1916, In. 192.7 a United Church was built.. It was in use for 20 years, when it clos- ed. In 1919 when the Grey town- ship school area.. was formed this build•ing was made into: a school. livjA 111 1:0 ,11,) 11.1 I11.. V,. L.4r ;•,1. 1....thel 1,, Lila WA: I 1 1.:10 Zi, I In:at, k '(Jitl.L.+ To t-J-4 W. 01 • .U t "i c.1,11'10(1 111.11lb IU mime Imo 110111', Mlle lolly ( tier Uao,) IOW Welt 11.1.11e6 .Lo 1.1 S(416 LU Lik..5 TillAiO olio.,. lualiu 01!45 WOL1(10.1" What, NV 01110. ilil Op t:11 toth.Q, •Aith nil basses 11110. luentis /ra11sdor1a11011. 111 Ori ;11 .;i Stn oral ga\ e their 1.11'06 1.11 first one. in the second all returned but seveial heal the scars of battle. .,1wo .sN\ orth 1101! ii post offico located in the store. sonic old letters are still around.; one es- pecitt112,, dated .`--ttturittly November 1866. Moleaworin, Canada \Ves(., writ- te a 1)011'1 ways on the paper. Mr. Samuel houghead drew the mail from. Molesworth to Listowel for thirty years' when Rural Delivery started. In the 'Moles worth Tele- phone ('o, was formed. it operat ed for 55 years but due to lac.dh of help to ktup it i u repair it. [ins been lakon over by the Bell Tele- phone Company. library in counection with _Huron County is located in the st.ore. Looks are changed every three mentlas, thus good reading 18 avalla151e. Hydro has been a great asst to the a Tea. The people who hie in the village have a. water system which, supplies all the water needed on a per unit rental basiS, :1 Ul..i.1,11ILLILIL)11. l hey ipuilSol' rink Men ,ts .the OlO church shed. 'I here • may .not, et! llii tiarliat.a Anil S.COI,t.n Or nol)b), 11h116 oat It is a busy pot during the Ainter mouths. ! 'I tic iustitut e prte,tueu. the $1)Ork which led to the work .0f ronO, ation of the „NI ulusworth Come- N.-1.y where a lot of our lore- 0 1 lic.rs sloe!). in co-operation the Department of Highways , street lights wore installed • it'll inmesh appl'eCiated. \\'e who live in the community are proud el: it. The fine farms, the good buildings, and would hope worthy followers of the men and women who pioneered the community. And maybe a little 111010 _pride since weLhave the man of the year in our midst, an. event. sponsored by the Listowel Oltainh7 er of Commerce, Further items of interest will follow in connection with the. entennial Year. ,A la1't iii. !ipt (1.1)5 la:it With her blstvi', .niss 011111 ;qrs. Earl Dann a.e.colnpallied Mrs. .1 Tart Evans told 1(1)- tit :teh. ently v.nei O. they vistftd with Mrs. aiary Bird and mr, t o l d mrs, Jas. Yotile.;. Clem:Sten:1er Sr. came home last 'Ns oelt front St. Joseph's hospital, London where she Ji 1w01l for near! three months, Sandra and Roger Cameron, children of Mr, and Mrs, Alex Cameron underwent tousilectom- les on Tuesday, in Listowel llos- PitaL Thu books were changed at the hibrary on Monday and more, books have been added. Since the new County Library system began this year there are no membership fees. yew readers are alwaYS welcoMe. Library hours are 2 to 5 each Saturday afternoon, HISTORY OF M01...ESVvORT1-L 1c'onti1111i.4.1 .front page .013.0) 1 14111 11.11 '1 [Wee art.; Out ninny ! gootl bushes any more, BRUSSEL IS MCA:h. IN MLMoRtAm 'memory of a dear husband and ft:alter, tLieorge iloy, who passed away ono year ago; aarell 4c3", 1066. If I had only known, I'd haVe never left your side, That before another meelitigi you'd have crossed the Great In tears I watched you sinking, 1 watched you fade away. My heart was almost broken, you fought so hard to stay. But When L saw you sleeping so peacefully, free from pain could hot Wish you back again.. So God put your arms around him_ and keep him in your care il:ia:ke up for all he sagerea and all that was unfair, Lovingly remembered and sadly Missed by wife Betty and ha1uily SEE CURRIE FURNITURE IN WINGHAM — For 2 piece Sklar •Clicsterfielda, ;folded foam back, brush nylon Covering, Walnut triblated arms, fear cushions. Special price ONLY $279.00. Currie Terms $3.19 weekly. Trade today. B.ene* your Brussels Post now. • FRIDAY MARCH 31 Sponsored by the Brussels Minor Hockey Association FRIDAY SATURDAY 11:00 a.m. SQUIRT BLUEVALE v's BELGRAVE 1:00 p.m. SQUIRT BRUSSELS Vs WROXETER. BANTAM BLYTH. vs MONKTON BANTAM BRUSSELS 'vs BELGRAVE 2 :30 p.m. 4 :00 p.n 7:00 p.m. 8:30 p.m. MIDGET BRUSSELS vs BELGRAVE MIDGET ATWOOD vs MILDMAY 9:00 a.m. PEE WEE BRUSSELS Vs BLYTH, 10:00 a.m. PEE WEE BELGRAVE vs MON'KTON 1:00 p.m. SQUIRT CHAMPIONSHAP 2:30 p.m. BANTAM CHAMPIONSHIP 4:00 p.m. PEE WEE CHAMPIONSHIP 7:00 p.m, 1MIDGET CHAMPIONSHAP 8:30 p.m. JUVENILE CHAMPIONSHIP BRUSSELS vs RIPLEY