HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1967-03-23, Page 4Airs, l'err3 BraLlt..:11 .1\tt.111). T1Q, one), Deaver, Col., ALLIS ueen. a ‘IsilOr With Ale and Mrs, J. ,Thynue. Mr. and Mrs. Ered aleCutcheon, and Connie, Mrs. McPherson, Breada and Debbie, Welland, were recent ivisiters with Mrs. L. elcCutlicheon. HEY YOU! t isb 1l arty Adler and his records, lietit Wednesday, tin, 29th or March, from 9:30 to 1 2; 81) p.m, There's free records and e. spoeial eontest. Come out and break .the record in the contest! • WANTED Someoile to Lake over payments en Singer automatic 'Lit; zag sew- ing machine. Buttonholes, sews on buttons, fancy patterns all ziutothalically. Originally :2L9.00 balance. owing $73.00 or $S.00 per, month, 2 year guarantee, Lessons included. Dealer. • Write box 50 Brussels. SEED FOR SALE — No. 1 Pasture trefoil and tim- othy mixture $4.90 per acre. Low land Hay and Pasture mixture $5.30 per acre. Highland hay and Pasture mixture of alfalfa, tim- othy, brome grass and meadow fescue (20 lb.) sells at $7.18 per acre. ertiman's stock all varieties of Clovers and grasses, Seed grain and Pride Corn. Custom Seed and grain Cleaning. We inoculate your trefoil and clovers while mixing them free. Buy your seed early and save money. Some prices will be higher. Roy Cramm & Son, Pinkerton. Phone Car gill 366-2394. TENDERS FOR TRUCK. Sealed tenders on forms <& in envelopes available from the undersigned Will be aceepted until. 5:00 p.m. on MONDAY, APRIL 10, 1967 fee 1 -lJ2 ton "economy type" panel truck, A 1962- Chevrolet 9 passenger. Station Wagon to be taken tte tradedn. The loWest or any tender not nec,,,ssitrily accepted. J. W, Britnell, P, F,ng., Huron County Engineer, Conrt House, Godetich, Ontario: 110.31RaVOS)111A POST, MU: S $'&14S 0NTARIO TnuRSDA ARoli ea,./11 SALE: -- Frame limns% Cue be. hived. ply to,. inn Turnbull Phone lel etale SALE — Peteed ..tth. Coal and Wood. 1..,,01111 .,01111.11:11.41. BrUSSOiS Phoue 33SJ6 FOR SALE OR TRADE Use., it ..e, tine tee! allied e 11 h to U 1,111`ruW it3 Urttulie plow. Apply to 11.,1.1 erussele repaired, repointed, Slone work, fireplueee built; base- repaired, ‘vaterproefed and. White coated. Work guaranteed. 1W)- Squire, Phone 52T-1332, BOX 5, Seaforth. VS,S.NTED — Establisned rural territory now available • witti• AVON COS:] ISTintS , do obligation, write or phone collect evenings. Mrs. M, IT lTawkesbury Ave., London 451-0541. • FOR SALE — 1St' :,(trt , medium clay loam farm on black top road about 125 acres \Workable, nearly new barn, large driving shed, good 4 bedroom house with modern it.tupbolirde, pressure house 0.0d eerie Elmer EIliatoit, telleSTIlan for K. Sin ['one:noun, Broker TENDERS 'tied,' at-tenons te Huron•Bruce Secondary School winellam • Ontario Sealed tenderS properly identified as to comet:its for the generul contract, addressed 10 the lietveit- ilrace District High School Board, 1\ 111 be r0C01%vd. by Kyles & Garrett, Architects, a47 John Street South, litenilLou, Ontario, until 4.00 p.m, Wednesday, Apr. 19, 1967 Each Lender mast be accompan- ied by a Bid Bond or Marked cheque made puyable Lv the Jiluren-Bruee District high Sheol _board hr tile amount of et:ester:Ale, which Slid. Bond shall carry a sixty-day limit Sruin teetit t toeing date. Slechattical and Etee Heal tend- ers writ close in the Kitchener- 'Waterloo Builders' ',exchange Bid Depeei tory at 3.00 p.m. Tuesday,. April 18., 1967, See sectieestid contractor Will be required to im•eieli a Perfor- ;nam: Bond of 100% of their eeei e l prices Lowest or any tender net neceS- saltily? accepted, Generat building euntraetere away obtain plans and eye:in:li (':alone .LL 1.11t2 Hamilton office the Architect: 'teassattit 217 Jolm 'Street t3euth, iiullrilLou, ()Mario. 011 deposit, Of 11 Chelltle in the, amount of $51).00 per set, made 'payable to kyles, Kyles & Garrett. This deposit. cheque will be returned on • receipt of the completi iesue Of sets in good condition. Huron-Bruce District High Schoed Beard 1Ntingham OnteSIO WANTED Baby eitung, Lind ironing, iii thy emit. home. Coutecle sirs, Garry Hrth ur phoue eillJ morning of eSstlisiSt GROW CUCUMBERS „\ittl Make eixtra Money it yeti have lie acre or more Slam encumbers for 13 I r K S e. Prices All Hybrid Seed Free Pick Up At Gate Bich's Wading Station No. 10 Albert Krumers ensupe 3043 Dublin PRENATAL CLASSES A series Of prenteel classes Segin Wednescley, April nisis all.see: p.m, at the lealth Unit. Offjce, Seaforth Commeneiy hospital, Seaforele Thetei will lei iii weetkly inter- ea. !mine weeks, Those in- terested are invited to atteed on the above dale, er phone the Publie Health Nurse Seaforth 5 0 S-12 t3, between 9:00 - 9:30 -1.111, Ur 4:30 - 5:00 p.m. TENDERS FOR TRUCK TOWNSHIP OF GREY Sealed Tenders clearly marked as to C011telliS will be received by the undersigned'until 1 p.m., Monday, April 3rd, 1967,, for a 341 ton Pick-Up Truck. Specifi- cations and Tender Forms may be obtained front the nndersigned. All bidders must use Township Tender Form. Allowance for trade-in on a 1901 Chevrolet 3-/S Lon truck, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Mrs. E. M. Cardiff, (iierk, Township of Grey, Ethel, Ontario. MINOR HOCKEY Another big Minor Hockey Tournarneet corn lug in BrUs- eels on Isriday. March 31st, and Rnitircley„Stiril 1st. Support, tilitutr Hockey. • PEOPLE WE KNOW Johe foster kuec; Kate Jtickhus, UL ,Stietralia, is. Visiting relatives here. tiongtatulations to Mr, aint Mrs, liQY COUSillS who marked their fortieth wedding anniver- smy last week. GENTLEMEN'S ct.up ItilieWS ITEMS wish to thank all those who attended our Centennial Weil sow eist. you again and again, Prank Tbsnapeuu woe our maiu promotor deserves ail credit. goilig. \\ rite more about this show ne.N.1 itere 15 a 1)00111 t WISh eal v to our ellrierS. I %\ lli M1(111:136 At, to Betty ,1i('1.)011atti Littlb 1iet.1.1telle011, At (ma time I went to Barb's, the hoase was clean at pm. had to remove my boots hull -,,cks - I entered in, You could :2.!(! 5 (durtien. iti i IA ,' kitchen. sink, of dirt, therm wilsn't a sPeca, c'ailso the place was rubbed had dabbed and scrubbed froni cellar to upper desk. popes heel, tei he, how can I raise a stink. So lie wont to his pal I lugh Peies eon a al they built a eurliug rink. l'li, n the devil sane and Claimed till he blistered his heel 110 says lo get things Ia we 'will have a big lionspici. neat time rolled en and Ile , years passed by ;old only yestorday I went buck to the happy house before. the devil got his Now it look::; like the wreck of the Iltisetirus or Thuell's barn, See can tell Gel( the folks who are living there, they imint don't give a. darn. one corner wits thrown some curler's clothes, in another these curling reeks: hung. frout the hack of over chair was it couple of dilly socks, cobeeb hung :toe, the ceiling, the curtains were tattered and torn. The Tbe glass was broke in the color- ed TV and the carpet looked weary and: worn. Old h'al'f was around, you could plainly see, he Was getting a dirty deal. He had never had his belie scrat- ched since they held the Inset bonspiel, He was :really, glad to see me, be really siede a the.,. Barb was talking to 3elte, 'ehe says, 1 had two and a ples 1 went in where the paintings Ming crooked on the Wall PainLiags of Pearson and Nixon Weren't there at all., The picture of Prettier Robarts his head hung down in shame. n(3 seemed to whisper as I pas- sed by, break up this devil- ish game. The telephone rang, and itietead friendy chat Twits Johnston and SelWyn piens lug lo to a game ill Medicine Hat. I says, I've got to do something to spoil the devil's way, So T sal and worried and wonder- ed and Wished I knew how to pray. say, Pli repent of my evil ways, DESSERT EUCHRE At 1:30 p.m. FRIDAY, MARCH 31st BrasSels Puhlio Library Adrnissien 50c Sponsored by Majestic Everyone Welcome HURON COUNTY 4 - H SiVe-GeE CLUB BRED GILT SALE WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29, 1967 CLINTON ii(Aln GROUNDS BARNS 1:00 p.m. Sharp or:•kshire, Landrace, Lacombe anj Gilts from te ,ztea stock, Autitioneer: Filson & Robson All gilts will he Ewaranteed and will be inspected for health and quality inviirnment veterinarian Lunch will be available on the e;rauncis. Fei inlormation: Phone I kierton 666-0833 or Ontario Denartment of Agriculture Clinton 482-3428 • ohd tel chUrch T'll start to go, lite the it ain't no church on Sun- tiny, there's eurling in Idaho. 'I-eel-1[1111y Yours, T. K. F. Ls OW LING NOTES `,team standings are just about the kiali10. elaithue Neitins Nielsols Cameros Jacks Jiggers Davies Sting Rays Marlieue's Tornados toes t-ligh Singles Nikki ihistel and . ...... Lois aleArLer Marlene Rutledge Ladies High Triple Lois MoArter 583 ,Nikki lAxel 660 Marlene_ Rutledge 537 Men's High Singles Mel McArter Ned. Rutledge Grant Stevenson. Men's High Triple Dave Hastings Ned Rutledge Grain Stevenson 'Substitutes le It . ie WS triennial for Ann John Pennginton for Don jacklin Murray Lowe for Ross Duncan' SEAFORTH UPHOLSTERY Centre Street For all Weld e of uph•oeeterInQ Bruseels Representative: Phone 4 tert 79 Bruseek SELWYN KER CASH ON THE FARM KINDERGARTEN NOTICE i,t'uistraiion for the Kinder- gerten class for Sept.-1967 will tale. phtee in Brussels Public School at 9 a.m. on Tuesday, April 4, Registration with the health nurse will fellow at 110 a.m„ with immuni4ilion viiiltible for any one wishing it. All pre-school ebildree and adults.are welcome. Plettee bring records of inusiuniz- alien already received. Children tor .kindergarten .must be five • Years old before Dec. 31, 1967. SAVE MONEY NOW! There is every Indication that postal rates on Said class mail, which includes newspapers, etes are going to he increased. Now is the tune' to subscribe, or renew,. your subscription, to the Brussels Post, before we are forced to raise the subscription rate. The Post thanks all those who have already done so. Poster regulatiohs require that , boni-fide subscriptions be paid In advance and this regulation is being stricly enforced. Tii Id • • • • 142 14e 121 116 lie 61 247 20T 211 198 224 221, 219 587 676 557 For roar', envy fowl, 5% lbs. and up. 15e a lb its Hood Phone 347-2974 Modition