HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-04-22, Page 66 THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, APRIL 22. 1881. The Poet's ILorner. }touseholb }tints. Mold the Maeveat. The poem of Miss numb' Parnell, "Hold the Harvest," was read by Attorney (ieueral Law, r::"cutor for the British Crown, in hie upon tnv IPSO against Panes11 and his father, the Land Lsadue. h badeffecas General intended, 'tdifilerent from ad wee cheeredi that nCourt. Oh, by the God that made us all, The seignior and the serf. Rise upend swear this day to hold Your owls green Irish turf; Rise up and pleat your fest as men Where now yecr•vlrl as slava; And make your harvest fields your num s, Ur make of them your graves! The birds of prey are hovering scum'. The vultures wheel and swoop: They come, the oo/oaetted ghouls With drum beat and with troop. They curvt to fatten uu our flesh, Your children and your wives, Ye die but on bold tart your lands. And, it you coo, your eves! Three huadred years your crops have sprung, By murdered corpses fed; Your butchered sires --your taa;sted strew - Fer ghastly ,wmpost spread; Their bona have fertilised >oar arida Their wood has tales tike rata. They died that ye might sat sad bye. god! have they died is vain I But God ism the peasant's sods The tied thee loves the peer; His angels Meal with starving ss. sl•de On every swig and ss. r; They guard the boor m la's aegis tats hs They ttlssrd his Almada. pout, The rosier Midis hameotb their cone Beside his mead gar But your eons Yeah apeaeed to guard • shall draw Use answer dews, A cad bola sad sera the dad Main be That oath and prayer shall crews t:ud will defend you in the agt,o ' Now hush t ne oarless moan And set your faces as a that. .ind swear to bold your own Mouse tease. Home again, mother, your boy will real For a time, at bast, iu the old home steal How good to toe you in your cornered nook With knitting, or sewing, or paper, or hook. The acme sweet mother guy boyhood knew. The faithful, the patient. the tender sad tree. You have little changed; ah, well maybe .( few gray hairs in the brown 1 see; A stark or two, under smiling eyes. • So lovingly bent tit your glad surprise; 'Cis I who have changed; alt, mother mine, From a reading lad. to manhood's prime. No longer I climb on your knee at night For a story told in the soft firelight; No broken elate or book all torn. Ito I bring to you w ith its edges worn: But I'll come to you with my grater cares You'll help me bear them with tender prayers. IT come again as of old -and you Will help the man to be brave and true; For the man's the boy, only older grown, And the world has many a stumbling atone. Ah. mother mine, there ie always rest When i llnd you here in the old home nest. AERIE C. McK:gvEr.. . The Llbrary. If I were to ,begin life now, and lay anew the foundations of a library, it should largely be x biographical one - literary portraits, memoirs, and corres- pondence. There is no way in which so much anecdote, wit, and sparkling truth can be acquired, and in which moral im- pressions, se healthy and deep, may he left on the conscience and heart. Think of it: Each week may introduce you to some man or woman of genius - monarch, general, statesman, philan- thropist, scientist, inventor, discoverer, poet, artist, may see his whole life -the dawn of his genius, his struggles and (sorrows, his wrongs and triumphs, his intellectual strength. You may take a look through him ah his century; you may see how he treated his wife and children; you may know What ho had for dinner, and the best things he and his guests gossipped about; you may even rummage his private letters. Eavesdropping and keyhole -listening are contemptible, unless we do it at the remove of a generation. Then it is biography. Histories art the large land- scapes anti biographies are the stereos- cinteriorsouf the past. Mints ter sowaa Ladles. Observe the following rules :- In cite morning use pure water as a preparatory ablution ; after which they must abstain from all sudden gusts of passion --particularly envy, as that gives the skin a sallow paleness. It may seem trifling to speak temperance, yet thin must be attended to, both in eating and drinking, if they would avoid pimples. Instead of rouge, let them use moderate exercise, which will raise* natural bloom to their cheek, inimitable by art. In- genuous candour and unaffected good humour, will give an openness to their countenance that will make thew univer- sally sgreatbla A desire of pleasing will add fir to their eyes, and breathing the air of sunrise will give to their lips • vermillion hoe. The satiable vivacity which they now possess may be greatly heightened and preserved if they would avoid late hours and card playing, se we» cal novelreading by oa.ndlchght, but not „therwise , for the brat gives the face a drowsy, disagreeable aspect, the s000nd is the mother of wrinkles, and the third is a fruitful source of weak eyes and a sallow complexion. A white hand is e very desirable ornament ; and • hand can never be white unless it he kept clean ; nor is this ►11. for if a ynnng Lely .,xoela her companions in this respect, she moat keep her hands in conetent motion, which will cause the blond to simulate freely and have a wonderful Affect The recommended is working at her 6ruehiny ftp the Mmes, and mak as useful es possible in the A remedy for burns is salicylic acid, which can be procured at almost every drug stunt The method of preparuticn is to form au emulsion with olive oil, One part of the acid to sixteen parts of the oil. This mixture is to be painted over the ulcerated surface twice a day. It causes a slight smarting when first ap plied, which soon passes off, and the effect is more beneficial than that ob- tained by many other remedies. COAT C1.aAOINo.-Get soap -tree bark which can be procure! .t the drug store, leresk • piece about two inches square into small bite, and pour over It hall a pint of boiling water, let it stead au hour or two, then sponge the collar well with the liquor A mooed sponging with clean water will clean it nicely. Both washing and cumuli; water should be as warm as for tt•nnel We have, by using this bark, w asked black and blue Em- press cloths s.:asaafully, and have etaamsd hies -cloth chairs which had been sealed by eseeset with the Med Dm= Casa. --Qr cep better, ,we cup. owe, homes togsth r�.so ee c am Two imp bessim.tae 'T^isfui ginger, Bala taaapatg i 1 of acranias, one of eisee, half a ta1111 alg, use cup of water, sr situ. low M edge as thick as ;,bund fore. awl ase sompessid soda heater lab sae sop of --leases tan it forms and pawed Isla she MOW tae last thing. if aiding She emihmees makes the batter te. Hutt artieiso.sw Hour. Put 1118:0 a weft Au•t,-red par, tmmediaasiy, Of into sake .,rya, and bake till wall dame !slit not esoaehol ,.r dr'tefi Ian sear ,a required to hake in cups than -in a oke .an. citissns of this village were arous- ed and trivet ezcitentent prevailed over the ending of an infant in a well inside the sorporatjon on Saturday last. After the excitement had somewhat abated, the Coroner, Dr. Castell, directed an inquest, it being the united request of the citizens that the matter should be investigated. Accordingly a jury was duly ein1 auelled, and the matter in yueld> was thoroughly Boos into. Af- ter hearing all the evidence, nothing could be found that would give any clue to the perpetrators of the act, and the juror' verdict wast accordingly, Croup; that dire Ti.ss. has lost its terrors to those who keep Yellow Oil at hand. Yellow Oil also cures Sore Throat, Quinsey, Congestion and Inflam: m ttiou of the Lungs, Now is the season t•' guard against sudden diseases. Ask your druggist for HaCard's Yellow Oil - Yellow Oil is the great pain pantteea, magical in its power over pain and in- Itas1mation. It cures Rheumatism and Neuralgia, Lame Back and Spinal Affec- tions, Contraction of Cords and Muscle'. Used externally and internally. For sale by all dealers. - Et ra'.Cotwa.—Osur$,CLANDCotaroxxttyysto. -' By a thorough knowledge of the carom' laws which govern the operations of on cad nutrition. and bya caretul appli on of e fee properties ofwelleelected Cocos, Mr, has Provided our breakfast tables with a flavoured bevertaagge which may save tmamasbsavy doctor's bills It is by tbe judi- eisiar ass of such articles of diet that a con- gasy be gradually built up until strong On Meet every tendency to disease. Of imbue middies are floating esed as emotive attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape turn a fatal abaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with Ars blood and a properly nourished frame.- --civil Service Garotte. --Sold only in Packets htbelled "Jasaa Krr. d' Co. Homoeopathic Chromate. London. Eng." -Also makers of Epps's Chueotate Essence for afternoon use. 1761. ZOPESA race Butzit.-As a read; of the new commercial enterprise just resuming importance with Brazil, is the introduction of Zopesa, so justly cele - bided where it is known for the cure of ) srrtuasr Pasta-llkr.lrr a hieW of Indigestion. The company have opened s laboratory in Toronto. Zcpena comes alas the tits of a walnut m a pint of i to us highly endorsed and recommended, botiling water; to this add a couple of jts wuaderful affinity to the Ditreative teaspoonfuls is of door, and a few drops of oil of c:.sus. letting the whole arae to a boil. TL.:s paste will - keep for months. Put it in glass jars used for tanning, or well cleaned t.,iaceing botilei. Use a half inch bristle brual., whic!, costs• e few pennies. This paste is handy, too, for domestic purposes. Children have many toys that come in wooden boxes, but these will break at the corners and come to pieces. When a box begins to give out take :t piece of cambric or calico, and with the brush and paste, cover the b)z 90 that it will bear constant usage for months. Then if the cover gives out, pull it off and put un another one. Again, a doll's arm may come off, but a piece of muslin and a hit of paste restores the article, so that it is as guod as it was before. BREAD PasicAltB.. -Soak the bread. - about a quart -in as_Iittle sweet milk as will thoroughly moisten it; then mash the bread until it is a smooth paste; then add a teacupful of sour milk, half a tea- spoonful of soda perfectly dissolved in tepid water, and stir in carefully sutfjei ent flour to make a batter just stiffi enough to make the cakes light without being thick and hard. (In other words, make them just as thin as they can he baked without sticking or tearing.) Try a cake or two on the hot buttered griddle if you have any doubt about it. Eggs are not necessary to make light, whole- some pancakes of this kind, but if plenty or not too expensive, they add greatly to their delicacy. Two, three, or four eggs, as yon can spare them. Bread crumbs that have been rolled and sifted we have found better for pancakes or griddlecakes than large pieces, but even this 'reed - dust should be soaked in sweet milk un- til perfectly soft before the soda, sour milk, etc., is added. If slices or Large bits of bread are used a potato masher is a good thing with which to work the softened bread into a smooth paste. This is also an excellent way to use up sour bread; but when using sour bread for griddle cakes one needs to use more soda, to sweeten not only the sour milk but the acid in the bread as well. it is better to stir half the soda needed, after beif.g perfectly dissolved, into the soft- ened bread before adding the sour milk. After that is poured in stir in the rest of the soda. Organs, its certainty to relieve and cure Dyspepsia and Constipation, makes this remarkable compound a necessity in Canada. The company make sample bottles at the trifling cost of 10 cents, to be had of F. Jordan, Druggist, Goderich. ANCHOR LINE. UNITED 3CATE3 MAIL STEAMERS Sail every Saturday. NEW YORK TO GLASGOW CABINS, $I5 to Inc. STEERAGE Siff These Steaniers do not carry cattle, sheep orpigs NEW YORK TO LONDON DIRECT. CABINS $.15 to ease Excursion at Reduced Rates. Passenger accommodations are unsurpassed. All Staterooms on Main Deck. S. EEEOMILLER. Passengers hooked at lowest rates to or from Proprietor. any Iia Load Station in Europe or America. Oratt a at Ioweet rates, payable arse of charge.) hoot F.n land, scodand and Ireland Sods! Seeds! The subscriber begs to drew the atten- tion of the public gcnerally to his large and varied stock of MI al GABDU SIDS CLOVER consisting of TIMOTHY, HDIIOARIAN, MILLET, PEAS, OATS, BARLEY, and choice WHEAT; also TURNIP, MANGOLD, CARROT, other GARDEN ARD VEG E SEEDS, at rates that l las beaten. S. Ao.149.d l~E. les Mem& �1 sag bosses tette it wlNe�wi sl sorsa is • Mats of repair. -8. O Lest -- HOP BITT (A mismeseis, eat a less ectrunis BOPS, DVCaV. DAMMEldilm Sans Tse r risr AND MIR T1 or .i.L OrMN TREY CUBE an M.ssae•ef IM ivor, KHaafaetd t'iu,ery r°em"ra reel •I000 !A OOLb. sem M — ter • •••••••• w!1 nes ewe •d►, oe ter asyAltI t ,r lasnom am your d,amilaet tins Er Ito.** ••• bottom yrs err' sae ars • usaNss4sswed In.ewntoowe M of ee in. iwtorm Me S••• vin expeo .a saw.�y am. Nib ems,arse,, T .A Tw,e�er SEHGMII.AI..ER Chilled Plow -AND- AGRICULTURAL WORKS. Having purehased the Godertcb Foundry. I am fitting the premises for the manufacture of CHILLED PLOWS and AGRICULTURAL - IMPLEMENTS on a large scale. Mill Work. General Repairing and Jobbing will be con. tinued. All work guaranteed. Mr. D. Runcimaa is the only man authorized to collect payments and give receipts on be- half of the late firm of Runciman a- Co.. and all persons indebted are requested to govern themselves accordingly. throw. q For books of inforntation, p4�lana, &c., apply to HENDERYON B,WTHFRa, 7 BowLINOGRgEN. N. Y. Or to MRS. E. WAfNOCii, Albion Block, 17.11 Agent at Goderich Record of the LYMAN Barb. FIRST PRIZES AWARDED TI(E "Z Y1 eLAN" Four -Barb Wire Fencing at MONTREAL, QUE. HAMILTON. ONT. CINCINNATI, OHIO. 7s. EXHIBITIONS. SYRACUSE, N. Y. DAVENPORT, IOWA. VOR EX C&LLE1ICEand SUPERIORITY Orer all Competitors. The Cheapest & Best Fcaciag IN THi W OR2a7D_ Adopted and in use on 1.) Railway Lines In the U. S. and Canada. see Iliat our trade mark, "LYMAN &ten." is *Linctus'. on each reel. Buy No OTuao. Send for prices and circulars to R. W. McKs'Zl7, Goderich. DOMINION BARB lrIRr FEN'C'E CO.. 17784m. .Montreal. LOVELL'S Province of Ontario Directory FOR 1881-1882_ TO BE PUBLISHED IN NOVEMBER 1881, Pries 95.00. 1A R. LOVELL. at the request of several 'I Merchants and others of the Province of Ontario of the City of Montreal. clic,. begs to announce that his firm will publish • PRO- VINCE OF ONTARIO DIRECTORY. in No- vember next, containing an Alphabetical Directory AND A THOROUGH Classified Business Directory of the Business and Professional men In the Pities. Towns, and Villages of Ontario, with • Carpet Weaving Classified Business Directory in new Patterns and new Warp. DINING -ROOM CARPETS! and all work in the won‘' ng line carefully mat.); aid promptly done. Kingstcn street, Goderich. Rlai.'s flvll &swage Tbe.r y. Thr Great American _ernedy fir COUGHS COLDS, ASTHMA, 3RONCHITIS LOBS OF VOICE, HOARSENESS AND THROAT AFFECTIONS. wm.reroo wv1 oe.. stirs. FafwMi waas Oen /M I:: Rawly ase. has Awed .f_ tura err w Ig.e..s end fa. low.+ tin .ager .J (5M DM .sfw 6A. Riarw .esw.•.gs ..sea M.ar ..w. ....Maas Zdroa ardor them r.4 -r.5 fgas ser ►.., (80 ire.n ria remarkable power in relieving ee+7tssi, ferns of c4itis, and its dienod soporific epee in coring eeA- afirhelg /wishing (...pits. is riot known M ilio peaAtie it largo grneews'a 1 res►«rMl. -4..o . r+.., s .,,,a ol Rod 41”-rer 'Mee owe" =pier sn a n.. as... i AWRY, WA TRi,V et Secretary Blaine says the Waahingtgn =aorrespoodent of the Chicago Tribune, informed $ North Carolina del - on who Were iosistingon the remov- al of Wm. P. Mangum, consul at Nay- , oaks, Japan, that it would he the pal - key of the Admisistratioo not to keep sayeme in the foreservice more their" eight years. Mr. Ersrte was • listener to the conversation, and upon its clone addressed Mr. Blaine, thus "I'm a oivd-servios reformer; hut, then, if you really intend to inaugurate this new policy, i would advise you to begin snmswknrn else. Don't disturb Mangum. Why 1„ "Well, it would b. "Be what 1 Hasn't he been thorn is keg time r " Yee; but you ase "i see nothing to prevent his remov- aL ., "But thea "Well, then, whet 1" "Why, he's load " "Dead !- '•Yes; as dowel as Julies Cmaar Ile dud eight or lune months ago "The North Carolina delegation retie - Lord htsoea±Aeld's physicians 1)n Kidd and 4141 land he declines surhsseh°1 Ile aid lbs will nos 'pi - GRAY'S SYRUP n► RED or rife CITY OF MONTREAL. Thr carne care and attention bestowed on the Dominion and Provincial Directories of 1871 wit/ be given to this work. $ubecribere names respectfully solicited. Terme of Ad- vertising made known upon application. JOHN LOVELL & SON Montreal, Dec. wt. Publishers. 1760 cad lbs l ia orb , -., 4 ore. p• ,is- ms. r•p re/.;• p'.*1 a SPRUCE,: -•te ,e •r•. eeawf GUM. 5 • Wbwaaeb flat SA1S PIRILLA e ....* .,. ,! s.. • 1 1, Nana N...aal .7; , l" the b,»d. ,..,.. .., r. 1- ar.t'ta 114 LIN La a GM - 1 111E Tlr.Fy 1.! ..r.i• r •t n (•sot : Mgt Leer or Si • Y n. •'! eu'r...ls et mar MN r..1. .s !sc i 1. feet pc.: it t their chs. ^.a, P: ei•ecce present>st These w!.... 'lip a TdAk ree0 1' Dm aiside Row It rant respari d t, ortild Merry, —.let • ia4 ketr f e h t *oeitt -. rr w • vkrnte Rox,t. sed .::rhe. It 1sRfl:tb veRawallo,end eon. It e 8 AIS *. 1/etl_me eareNK Ot1 it . • eels nI tl•1 i ed/Ntrs In ti are arillif Mese er ate oo5eslst•• arms •oaf Ors sill a isri• seed to trier: se iusi14'ttt s m sasaeties ins, Arwnarnwa tot ale b7 J The People's More. II Owlaagg to failing health 1 have disposed of the good will of gay business to Df it 1;71)1W RHY N AS. and would tweosms•d him to the public for their patrgsap. 1141. CATTLE. IN regard to the above 1 would announce to the people of Goderie& end sicisity fAa( 1 suave spewed out u Drug Business in the owner of Blake's Block rear the market, and have purchased a freak stock of Pure Drugs sad Chemicals, and by oorefial atte,tson to 6usortme sill endeavor to merit your patrvn.aje Your o6'dt rensint, GEO. RH Y'NAS_ A FULL LINE Or PATENT MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, TOBACCOES, CIGARS, AC. ALWAYS ON HAND. Pkys.eiea's Preserip*ions Carefully Prepared AT THE OLD STAND. D. C. STRA.011AN IAA 11310fRD en GROCIRY Bv8INESS To tae aid ss•rs4 t��g the Album lli..k. hrserty .oeVNed by him. where he will be pleased to seldom* all we eY mosi mss tied the public generally. .t keret gtmnnty of NEW, FRESH GROCERIES ('Hull? AS THS CHEAPEST. D� C. BTRACFiAN. REMeco-v-ED- S:AUND RS' VARIETY ST11RE, ''• w� ST next doorto the POST OFYICE. rr r sant V V GOO S epeoed out this week. W ALL PAPERS, CRr ET STANDS, PICTURE GOODS, FANCY BASKETS. STOVMB AT COsT to clear out stock. .a!'Ttnantith work attended to on shortest notice and charges moderate -1m "THE CHEAPEST ROUE CINDER THE SUN. 1777 I HAVE BOUGHT THE ARDWARE STOCK. --OF— MR. ID. FERC--TJSON --AT A— VERY GREAT DISCOUNT! Nearly all of said Stock, as well as my own original Stock, was bought before the Idvase of Hardware. I am therefore in a position to sell Cheaper than any other/, stases is the County. MY STOCK OF FN11I1S,llh1dSlliIiift is Col»p le1P wich want co rout off quickly. CO3litAND BUY AT SLICE Pid.TCES AS WILL PLEASE T07. Fresh Ground Water Lime in Stook. AGENT FOR BEST STEEL BARB FENCE !•i IRS. R.. W. MCKE NZIE • 17Slam. SVRON cAR,RIAGE 'WORKS. T. /it J. STORY, 4SUCCESSORS TO JOHN KNOXI, MANUFACTURERS Or Buggies SLC_ Carr* 8zC_ ANY STYLE OF VEHICLE BUILT TO ORDER. REPAIRING and JOBBING done with Neatness and Despatch. and a; Reas- onable Rates. CJI and examine before purchasing elsewhere. T_ c J_ STORY, HAMILTON s?RtET. IKNOX'S OLD STND.' GRAND CLEARING SALE —O F— Boots and Shoes —A T— CAMPBELL'S BOOT and SHOE EMPORIUM, FOR UNE MONTH. M/WWve�—wine.Y— Pre'yiou. to Stook taking. My S ook is Ltargsalod well -crested, and GREAT BARGAINS will be given. TE VCS - C _3 WM. CAMPBELL wnaak - y 11-1/11/ _ I7