HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1967-03-16, Page 6NOTICE
Gals, this is Centennial year
and you are requested, if possible,
to wear appropriate dress to
the Firemen's Centennial Ball,
June 9th. Otherwise dress le
Admission 75c,.Childrett
Askabout convenient departure
and return times
Fel information, phone the local
CN Passenger Sales Office
S3 646sEL
Commerce financing and bank services helped this
farmer buy a tractor and equipment to fit the }oh.
Poc p:?:rtning aey purchases?
Come to the farmer's bank.
is true that the .65-Or 70-year-old
eaniert (el-wet to play as hard as
In did when he wati, 30, but life
can still be enjoyable. While
medical sMerice hes not been,
and probably eover will be, able
to prolong the. physical prowess
of the 20-year-old to the 60s,
much can he done to prevent the
onset of mental and physical
del eriora tion.
ihroughow one's life and tailored .,
to age, will decrease the likehood
of certain forms of heart diseases. I
The ('.M, A . not os that often
minor medical and surgical cum.:
plaints are ignored during the
high pressure periods of life, only
to crop up as real problems dur-
ing retirement years. The time to
attend to these conditions le
when they occur.
By Tracy S. Ludington .
Here is a column of facts about
Expo — facts that answer many
of the questions being asked by
stedenis who are writing to this
eoluntn, fiecuuse they, are gather-
ing material for an essay about
Expo --• participating in one of
the myriad Cross-Canada contests
about Expo,
Since many are entering the
some eontests, the queries have
been fairly standard, and It is
nossihle to answer many of them
her/. today.
• F,e},, is e joint undertaking
of the city of Montreal, the Prov,
ince of nflobec, and the Canadian
2'7 million tons of fill were
employed in forming the magni-
` ' snr site in the mighty Rt. Law,
retire river,
• ,rording t7 surveys. ten
' minio n N*4;tors will make a total
111","--nvr• million 'visits to the
19(17 V -orld
TL, eeniral •therrne is Man
* Saes Pierre 1-Inpuy Expo's
comeef:e..eea.r. - General: "The
tie: 4 r , a- to present r3 ttt1E4
Melee. bunion Orldovoment?'
Robert F. Shaw, deputy
11.7 lest of the world
fEr rnnwln, nnd the hosSt of ranarla
to the -0.-t111."
rompleted was. was.
r.,".6An 1-,,.ornational Tirond-
,•p , f; r• ,.rare,
;19kifIg abent, ascot to
dation at Expo should bt addres-
sed to Lodgeexpo, Administration
and Yews Pavilion, Expo 67, Cite
de Havre (Mackay Pier) Mont-
Letters aSkine about special
t ortes for special groups should
lie addroesed to Expo Rendez-
VOPS. at the above address,.
While a great many of the
letters to this eolunin have been
ansNvered already, there Is always
a lag, anti if you haven't meeiNed.
your special answer yet — yeti
Keep reading, keep writing.
Expo will be here before yoo
htio' it.
(Address rerrespondenee teal
Tracy S. Ludington. mpo
at 7087; 'Kildare Road. Montreal
Health Tips from the
Canadian Medical Atteeletion
Tilp retention Medical Assoe-:
toffee suggests that one shOttid
start "training" for old ace In the
eerie Ins by taking regular
exereises and dovelephig an in-
forest in a hohliv. -Many neOple
re money for ih-ir old ago. lint
ton few prepare themselves rm. it
out_rb retirement and old
age Are associated with senility
and ill health in the minds of
ninny, recent surveys have. shorn
'nest people over nr; to he te.‘li,
both bbyMd0117 a -nd Tnentaily,
There has been much contro-
versy in the importance of diet
in this neon. However. the avoid-
ance of obesity from 'teen years
on will help prevent: the swollen
painful knee, ankle swelling,
sere barks and Shortness of
breath so often seen in the obese
elderly, There is ample evidence
that obesity shortens life, and
resonable evidence that it in-
(*Teases the risk of suffering from
various forms of heart and blood
vessel diseases, as well as dia-
it has shown that a regimen of
regular exercise, continuing
Tt is also advisable to make
early plans on how to utilize the.
increased leisufe tune that. retire-
ment affords. One hobby will
seldom suffice, and in some cases
a second career may be neces-
sary. People should develop inter,
ests that they will be able to en-
joy when they become older and.
less ,,igorous.
The continued ttiN exercise of
physical, mental and, social 0;1Pa-
-finites is the best possible de-
fence against eneronehMents of
apathy, declining function, or
under new management
servtce and better prices. Paid on
the spot for dead or dIsstbled cows
We are here to give you faster
and horses. 35.00 and up for any
animal weighing over 700 lbs.
according to size and condition.
Smaller animals picked up fro&
Also free veterinary Inspections.
Cell collect
ATWOOD 356-2622
24 hours a day — 7 days a weigh
Lie. No. 401-C-es
At 8.30 p.m.
1 GI
1 IV 4.4; K.) 1
iAch 17th
For Everyone'
Jack Thrtme, Mr. and Mrs. James Smith,
Bronson, Mrs Harold 1 homas, Slim illiceiory, Vrank