HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1967-03-16, Page 4 I::4317,1,ttar.041z::WOC&.g.2:1.:P.R.10.1SakaNWSLIkk j4.2;iraeldoalArildaltaDADS*01. WE-STERN STAR NO. 14g 1,0.0.F. HOCKEY GAME a ndDRAW BRUSSELS ARENA CURDAY, 14ARCH 25th, 8:30 P.M., Sharp BRUSSELS OLD TIMERS vs BRUSSELS ODD FELLOWS. Prizes For aw — 1st — G. E. Portable Telvt4lon 2nd, --- Cooey Card Table and Chairs 3rd. Electric Carving Knife Tickets ibt; each -- 2 for $1.00 — 10 for $5.00 Ticket Adnlits One to Draw and Hockey Game Proceeds for the C. P. & T. Fund - • This i;eit.=ssage Brought You As a Public Service "ONT iCrj AND BLACK IFLRET" .famoilllibsomsallariesnissilliffetwactiliff&sumigag HAVE YOU TRIED iiU 44.2 ICE CREAM Pick up a i/2 gallon figailly Pack at your grocer's to-day or get a super ecol ionly gallon pail at OUSIJV DA IgeOktalSOZWMUritilaiiii WheteVer "tow may be; there's a complete stock of CO-OP Fettilivors near'ny. CO-operetivel located throughout Ontario provide the fines/ service avallabli:., You are assured of supply at ibis or any other time of year. Right now, your Co.operative is fully-stocked with a complete line of ferlili,crs ready ter intritediate pick-up or delivery in any quantity and any analysis, You *in depend on CO-OP quality because Co-operative's are owned mid tossinghid by the people they serve the farmers of Ontario, .1tE;171EffEli Imoc to.:4.1.errve .. . . ... • y • k4-1:'7* Aittut....i, • "., 4.1ragn .4.11:41 TUN BRUS84141 POET, liltliSSE,LS, ONTARIO Clti .1604 "961 mr,.....•••••..' .,„ . PHONES: BRUSSELS 388W10 WINGHAM IOn GREY TOWNSHIP COUNCIL MEZ1 LNG :m ee ti ng held March 0.6 1:oitOWS; By Charles 'Animas and Mel- ville Lamont thin the minutes of the last reguiar meeting and, special Meeting of February 17th be adopittid as read. .t;y o "Ad ThO1ia.-3 that. :.lie lender of Donegan, tistuwel fur crushing and hauling approximately 20,00 cubic yards of gravu. at per cubic yard. be accepted subject to the approval of. the Depart- met till highways, By Melville Lamont and tlharles Thomas that the tender of Alurray Reid,. • Londesboro, for iliolixonately 1.400 lbs.. warble fly powder at 44.50 per 15 lb. bag accept0d, ,e•;-- Kenneth 4:my and Lawson Ward that Charles Fischer spray tb.e cattle for warble fly at .10c per head per spray collected. ''from the fartnera, • BY Lawson Ward and Melville' Lamont. that the Collector's Roll for 1966 bu returned and the collector lie relievd of :futher re7 .possibility. Kenneth Bray and, Lawson Ward. that the 'township insur- unto lie renewed. with the Frank Cowan Company Limited and increase the inunic.ipal liability to $300,000.. • fire insurance mi office increased to $10,000., fire insurance on machinery building increased • to $20,000., insure Councillors under the Councillors' i\ceidelit Polic y. and inellide township tools, isquimuent, 'Mat- Prials and supplies eo. Municipal Equipment Floater policy`. 1.1y 7.‘Trilvile Lament and Charles Thomas tbni. a grant HI. $25.00 he given to the Unroll "ciarity Hist- orical tit v and a g.rant of ti;10,110 he glyph to the' St. John's Ain Mil an ce. TV Lawsnn Ward and Charles Thomas that all approved ac- actiounts be paid. iiy hennetli linty amt.Lawson Warts thaL we do now adjourn, to meet again on April 3rd at One o'clock or at the call of the LLt e, in• accounts wure paid; titaitria Ii yarn, on t e e 1-Lou; Wilbut Turnbull; collector, tkii. salary, postage and exchange 6,-,mu ; Village of flrussels stand- ing time fire protection 25.00; lluroti County historical Soc- iety giant. 25.00; St. John's Am- bulance grant 10,00; Frank Cowan Company ILtd. general account, insurance 061.09; Federation of Agriculture, tees on Roll 944.54; The I.Alstowel T3euner, adv. eentennial meeting and warble fly powder tenders 7.84; C. M. Stevenson, fox bounty 3.00; Town of Listowel, chargeback January nursing nome 24.45; Brussels Coal Yara relief account 00.00; Lothar Weber relief- ac- count, 142,80; McCutcheon Groc- ery relief account 141.38; Rent and hydro relief 144.89; February relief 67,50; Kenneth BraY to Good Roads convention. -50,00; Lawson Ward, to Good Roads convention 50.00; Chas, Thomas Oood Roads Con, 50.00; J. Dobson garbage collection Ethel 20.03; Elwood McTaggart maintenance fire department 1.8.50; Fi. M. Cardiff cushion cover, office 3.50; Roads and Bridges 6920,85; Total I=:1450.34. 1.1 Clifford R. 'Dunbar Reeve Edythe M. Cardiff Clerk ,5,1EAFORTH UPHOLSTERY Centre Street Por all kinds of upholstering Representative: Phone 4 C.,7 79 Bruseelr L ,,N•V I.< ER GASP C 4 T HF. FARM -- P.M' rotsav't !owl. 5% and lip, ¢.L'Efx ft on•ri Phone 347-2974 Monkton FOR §A,L,E. — \Vettner Pigs Cyril Prescott Phone 319J9 FOR SALE — Number of Yorkshire Boars. Murray Cardiff Phone.441J6 FOR SALE, — c", Pigs between ,10 and 11 weeks old, Also 6 suckers. l..;es Earl Phone 325J4 FOR SALE — Forced .Air, Coal and \\ cod furnace, good condition. Brussels Phone 3389G FUR SALE A quantity of Baled "lay; also some Timothy Seed. floss Bennett • Phone 38114 FOR SALE OR TRADE Case V.A. fully equipped will: two furrow hydraulic plow. Apply to 445J4 Brussels W ORK Chimneys repaired, repointed; stone work, fireplaces built; base- ments repaired, waterproofed and white coated. Work guaranteed. Ray Squire, ['boric Ilex , Seatorth. SEE CURRIE FURNITURE iN WINGHAM For 2 piece Sklar Chesterfields, .folded foam back, brit:in nylon covering, Walnut, trimmed arms, four... ',cushions. Special price ONLY $279.00. Currie Terms $3.1..it weekly. Trade today. GROW CUCUMBERS And Make Extra Money If you have ?h acre or more grow cucumbers for BICKS Top Prices. All Hybrid Seed Free Pick Up At Gate Ilick's 'Grading Station No. 10 Albert Kramers PhOte 30R3 Dublin Renew your Brussels Post now. h. ,JaIL o[11.111 Me .;‘.ttailt r; 1,111(47 3 ,ra t ;Ind iiymn. 113 ;.1 and lain .tot„k message of I'S. I t II's, JIM. lair. V,1.Ct, fi.•otti Luke 21, anti r)l) to SJ, a ISO p(1011, topit. 1 uri<ville .,h' Wilbur ruvb- !,,,h),.:,.fi by a discussion. 'Jesuit Christ is Risen Hue:. and the Lord's I'lItOtit!.(1 21. unison. :WilY1.1.,s 14 li e last meeting ,,k,•cre reati by the secretary, i.i I ,1u H_LIS ,..1. c. ,\ita PaZat..: There were in present. A Thank_ You yard teoil. :t Thankuiter- ing ao-, April .2nd. The 8th to take cookies crud squares sandwiches and one relish plate -front the .group. An in, tli.tion to the Anglican Church, brussels, 'April 3rd. was received. A wedding i>3 to• be catered To. in May. The topper and .:regular • collection was take[ • Was stniv, and lunch 'was setv cid by MI's,. Jim. Mc Donald... Mrs, Alvi MCD .-nald• and the hostess; • , !::, tif•:::::!;:•;:-.--; • •:! NOW COOP OFFERS A COIVIPEI,ETE FERTILIZER SERVICE A iligh Grade Fertilizer, * hulk Pick-up hulk Spreading a liquid Nitrogen Application WANTED — Established rural temior.:, now available wild' A l UN . obligation write vi' plume collect tivuatiigs. Mrs. M. SIilisou, i l ilawkesbary Ave., London 451-0541. SEED FOR SALE — .No, 1 Pasturc trefoil and tim- othy mixture l.9u per acre. Low land _Hay and Pasture mixture par acre, highland In t) unit Pastnre mixture of attalfa, tim- othy, brume grass and meadew fescue (20 lb.) sells at 7.ln pc,- acre. Cramm's stock alt varieties of lovers and grasses, Sued grain and Pride Corn. Custom. Seed and grain C,leaning. We inoculate your trefoil and clovers while mixing them free. tiny your seed early and save money. Some. prices will be higher. I-toy Cranun & son, Pinkerton. • Phone Car- gill 366-2894.-. • . WALTON March Meeting of Duff's 8th and 16th Unit UCW The Ailarch Meeting was held. at the home of Mrs, 'Klen MeD0.0.- Thursday afternoon, March 9th. Donald, Thursday afternoon, (d)