HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1967-03-16, Page 2WHXL PAY A HIGH RATE ? LEI` US DO YOUR I 1+4 C. OIVAL. 'I' AX AT REASONABLE 'RATES 't.:1RANCE Oi ALL KINDS Co:itacz Us .T uesdays an 'Fridays BRUSSELS, ONT. osi4liMillisiiliNialite UZIRAALIWAik.,,A.4101Paix i6CiiiitmAltialikiiplilligiggai 11 )( t, „ s 1966 FORD CUSI OM 500 4 Dr. SEDAN VS AU'10. 1RANS. & RADIO 1966 FORD CUSTOM 2 Lir. SEDAN 1965 FORD CUSTOM 5u0 4 Dr. SEDAN VS & AUTO. 1964 FORD GALA.XIE JOU XL 2 Dr. HARDTOP VS AUTO. oz IO MERCURY i-Ardc.LANE LON VERI IbLE VS AU i RANS. P.a. tic P.B. dr. RADIO MERCUrtY IVIONTCLAIR 2 Dr. HARDTOP VS AU TO. fRANS. P.S. & RADIO MERCURY 1 TON stODEL 350 6 CYL. ENGINE 4 SPEED TRANS. 1964 1964 iS64 • YOUR MUSTANG, v'ALCON, rAiRLANE, FORD arid '1HUNDER1 I1tD DEALER PHONE 249 BRUSS.ELS PHONE 357-346 0 A/INGHAM delgiallitag st ie.t..ALmaikllaw.110,-,1,Lkia.c.^.21i,tx.41Klira.,ratiaskg4G1muoM Rs THE CHICKEN'S ANSWER TO THE EASTER EGG Many folk like to tallow the 14uropean custom or coloring eggs at Eastertime. However, the A.raucana Indians of the Golfo do Arauco district of Chile in South h i s America don't have to go to 1 that. trouble. They have a breed of chickens Called Araucana lays pastel blue eggs, according to Professor hi. C. blunt of the Department of Poultry Science, Ontario AgriculLare College, University of Guelph, The depth Of Color in an egg shell is he- lloved to he related to 'many characteristics peeolar ;10 the, individual hen as well as to the number of eggs the lieu has Hence the production from one flock of chickens may vary Wide!? in the difference hues of blue eggs gathered. 'An interesting point is that 4-H ORQANIZK Huron County Hog Producers' 4-H Swine Club — GIlt and. Market Hog 'stvictanzidlietsk...lit.e0V141 11110 L=5131441 ?On, BRUSS/afti. ONTAX10 16th.), 1001 •,....,mow••••••nuyo•wom... ovcs,..•••••,,smar4n Brussels 4-H Beef Calf Club Brussels 4-H Dairy Calf Club Brussels 4-H Corn Club South Huron 1-11 Conservation Club (Sr, {flub) South Huron 4-11 Tractor Club Bayfield 4-11 Dairy Calf Club Seaforth 4-H Calf Club Tuckersmith 4-1-I Grain Corn Club COUNCii, MEETING -Niorris cjouitet Met on .March GUI, with all arenibor 4 present. A, initiates silence was uhser,•- ed in honour of the late Governor- G tun, ort.:. Valuer who pas- 11J67. Minutes or: the last meeting wt -re read and adopted on, motion. of Ross Smith ami Ja11H Mair. '.Chet folios\ lug motions were carried. MOved by Walter Shortreed seeonded by William Elston that Township of Morris request De- partment approval of transfer of $2.514.1J4 from (jurist. Roads to Const. Bridgvs in 11)(40 road ex- Peuditure by-laws. Moved by Wiiiiam Elston, sec- onded by James Mair that we concur with the resolution. from tiiidwich. West. Moved by *Vkalter Shortreed seconded by William :Elston, that allowance for each. one attending conventions be $40.00. Moved by Ross Sinith seconded by James Mair that Beigrave. Myth and Brussels School Fair Blyth Fair and Brussels Fair be given same grants as last year. Moved by Walter Shortreed seconded by Ross Smith that road accounts in amount of $0,19J175 as presented by the road superintendent be accepted. Moved by William Elston, sec- onded by Ross Smith that a grant OUTSTANDING MUSICAL FIGURE Sir ;Ernest MayMillan. one of Canada's outstanding musical fig- ures is host and commentator of the CBC radio network pro- ram - C1.3C Thursday Music. .'10 is ShOWA at his home duritg a faking of the prograxii. This series consists of two parts: Iliqic Diary and CPC! Celebrity Series. In each case Sir Eititest introduco:: tho music. and gives a •.:' oarpers of the ar- tists and compoSers in hit' lively and witty style. front Belgrayo Co-Op. Moved by Ross 'Smith seconded ,),) James .suair teat tender oi- U,eure 1{auiurd ',:onstractiou L,L1111Led 1(11 sapplying, .crushing" aim hauling approximately 20,ouU came yarns of gravel tor at/ cents per cubic yard he accepted sub- ject to the approval of the. Dist- rict Municipal Angineer. ..LLJ .\11110111 r,lsion, sec- umieu Ross niiuili that DY- LaW .:‘p. .1.:.)0', Road Expend], tore By-Law for .$63,VUO, by pus- U, subject to the apigovAl, of the .District Municipal .Engineer. .\ tm ed by Walter • Shortreed seconded by James Mair that general accounts as presented be paid. :$ioved by James Mair second.- ed by Walter Shortreed that the meeting adjourn to meet again April 3, at 1 P.'14- Genctral Accolints Paid Lieneral J'Jtili balance 10.21; Welfare 0.011; Canadian imperial Bank of Commerce 1. 'fax & Can. 1'ensiou 1.35; • o‘‘ a of Wingham, rural fires & share of deficit 543.02; Town- ship Turnberry, charge-badk 40.50; Hydro for hall 9.75; De- partment of Health, insulin 7.00; Helen Martin 119.40; Canadiah Imperial Bank of Corlinieree, 1. Tax &, Can.. Pension 0.05;* George Michie 45.00; Village of Brus- sels charge-back 74.00; Advance- Times re ; warble fly tenders 9.13; Ross Smith convention 40.00 James Malt*, convention 40.00; William. Elston convention 40.00; Stewart Procter convention. 40.00; Wm, :Elston Court of Revision 5.00; Ross Smith. Court of Rev- ision 5.uv; .James IVIair Court of ReVi8tall 5,00; Walter Shortreed Court of Revision 5.00; Stewart Procter Court of Revision 5.00; Road Accounts Dominion Road Machinery, shoe for plow 3 r,32; Brussels Coal taro. stove oil and coal 111.20; Alex lnkley, fuel oil and Lax 593.30; Ideal Supply Co., starting fluid .78; Robert Steed (eunad) ,La.d. culverts 272450; Wingliam Tire Service, repairing tire 38.83; Wajax Equip, Ltd. switch and belts 34.34; Glenn sneil,. snow plowing and standing time 1181.23; Glenn Mclierclier snow plowing and standing Lime 1422,00; Mel J ennyu snow plowing and standing Lime 172 6.7 ;T om Garniss new chain and oil 19.58; Daily Commercial News tenders 81.90; Hydro for shed 31.88; Re, cieiTer ' General unemplernent. insurance 6.88; Bank of Conl- merce Can. Pension 12.74; WM. leArter wages, mileage and bookkeeping 234.75;james Case more wages 439.25; John Smith wages 240.00. Stewart Procter Helen D. Martin Reeve Clerk COLDSPOT SPECIAL ice Cream Pies arid Cake Rolls in assorted flavours at a special LOW PRICE While they last. Get some soon at COUSINS DAIRY. Renew your I3russels Post now. \\ lien Araucalla is crossbred with a chicken that lays brown-colored. eggs, the daughters will produce eggs having light to olive green dclwildiug on. the intensity of the brown pigment preseht. TOILS a flock with Araucaua bleed 111 It may Kosent. alit; owner with... colored eggs of \ arious shades o1 blue., green, olive green, brown.. 01f-white, or pink. Generally, the. pastel. shades oi blue and green will lie found most often.. While brow]] eggs have their color mostly if not entirely on the outer surface of the shell, the color in blue eggs pervades the whole shell structure and shows on the inner surface with the balm; intensity as on the outer. Don't rush out to purchase these chickens, hoWever, fe, they are hard to come by. Professor hunt says he knows of only one breeder In Onthrio. ION MEETINGS Ontario Department of Agri- culture Board Room, Clinton, Thursday, March 16th, at 8::30 p.m. South Huron District High School, Tuesday, March 28th, at 2:15 P.M. Ontario Departnient of Agri' culture Beard Room, Clinton, Thursday, Mardi. 30th, at ;15 Brussels Library, Thursday, March 30th, at 8:30 p.m. lli ;•100.u0 be given to the Brus- sels Legion toward moving the vaotaph. Li; \, ill lain Elston, as e- o.ao.;d 11,S \,;:itLer Shortreed that wu ,144. ler $30(4.uu of the Cen- tennial Grant waived to We .,olitity of Licirou to be reioa,sed for a grant to Brussels tIenten-, 11,1 iiiiiceament be that UUU.00 o the , f ,,j,,ved by dames flair that an project. cLatennial Clirant be given. to 1:11 ussels Centennial project. he iimemimen t lvlty defeated a;La thL• to (Jaw:). carried. muvi.0 by 1\ Elston, sec7 untied by Ross Smith that Court of Rev.sion on the McCall Drain Improvement be open.d. There were no apptails. Moved by James Mail! second- ed by Walter Shortreed that Court of Revision be closed and, l:y-Law No. 3, finally passed and. Clerk advertise for tenders to be in by noon April 3, 1067. ..\.loved by Ross Smith seconded by Walter Shortreed that Mar- siy Reid be given contract to spray cattle for warble fly at 10 cents per head per spray. Moved by James Mair second- ed by William. Elston that ,Clem. Sterner be Warble Fly Inspector at .$.1.25 per hour plus 10 cents. per Moved by William Elston, see- onded by James Mair that we order 45 — 15 lb. bags and 25 -- 1 lb. bags of warble fly powder A 4-H Forage (Hay and Pasture) Club will be offered in 1967. All boys and gir!s who have reached their :12th birthday by Jaw nary 1st, 1907 and have not, reached their 21st birthday by December 31st. 1961, are invited to join one of these dubs. HURON COUNTY 4-H AGRICULTURAL CLUB LEADERS ' ASSOCIATION 4111116011111111bauftWilimmillittem ace.MV r.ittassfio pr..441,wszu.if eiltabodifilkv