HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-04-22, Page 5THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, APRIL 22. 1881. plergis. bad beet/ destroyed by fire. The ears had got eueh a headway lefore peewee INsaNE. A Woman VI the tame of arrived thele that everything wee des- Hannah, who resides wit her husband ; truyed. Mr. Tindall had his stuck in - on the 6th concession of Morris, and ( steed fur rel$ x,000. The buildit who has been insane for some ti...• past, wi was this week lodged in the county jail. Itsthat fur some time past she has Velrin the Italat of neglecting; her children, and would not allow any other member of the family to interfere a ith her treatment of the child that is now in a very dangerous condition from the effects. At tin=es the child in quiet:o:. was obliged to pass days, and even weeks, in a condition little better than nudity. It is thought the child will re- cover. els.. Feantvu,-gallstone are b)giuning to turn up the soil in this vicinity. Butl.nlao.-Mr. N. SStethers is erect- ing a commodious building for a furs=- tura store at Dunsatinon which when finished will present a nice appear- ance Ft/tr.-Mr. John Mallough's born and contents, situated on 5th con., Asti - held, were consumed un Sunday atter- n.Mou part. The place is unoccupied and therefor the tire i,t supposed to have been caused by sone tramp The building and contents, 25 tons hay, were insured. was unitise as thevlicy had expire. The adjoining h/M4sgis had a mare.* Neap. but mein_ to the calm ai •reine and the •aesutaaee of friends t.,u fire was eon.ned t:, the one budding. The origin of the tire ia unit, n -bat all agree that it was cis ineen iary. Mr. 'Tindall had only been in business a fes moth,, but we believe the whVleo men off.,: him every app aiunity rt but appain.-[Pest. %r: Albert. 41811.1'i/be-At Port Albert, on April 18th, a wen -known reei•lent of Port Al• Fort passed away in the person of Mr. John Court.say, ace: 1;0 year+. De- m -Need had U to sh.•rt titin previous to itis eleith, enjoyed exceptionably good health, and Its death was oec:sioaed by the eralual decay of the {physical pawn++, :n_ident to extreme old age. el -.visa misfire of County Antrim, Ireland, and formerly resided in the Province u: New Brunswick, from whence he came to Canada some nine years ago, and settled in Port Albert, with be family. He leaves a wife, three sons and one daughter to mourn his lea He was buried on Weinesdq last. Le leas a. PeiteoNAL-Mr. Oeo. A. Siddall, for the past three years connected with Cameron & Campbell's Banking Hoole here, and formerly assistant in the Post Office, has been promoted to the manage- ment of Cameron & Campbell's branch Bank, at Ripley. Everybody likes George, and the pr nn tion is well de- served. Seeceisnll RAID. - On SIonlsy night, constable MaoCorvie and special con- stable Walker, made a raid on the disre- putable house on Hamilton st., and fouud there two young men, tamed P.nss and Bennet. n charge was laid against them fur being frequenters of the house,. and the trial war fixed for yesterday. But not liking the publicity ef the court room, they uuele a private settlement with the Reeve. They plea led guilty, but aiv.ince 1 the mitis it.on that they went there to "clean out the ho.tse. The worthy magneto, n..t being able to see the matter in this light, did not feel it his duty to initig.ate, and took up a collection of $ each- and costs. Mrs. McPherson the lady of the hosse, de- parted with her family, en Wednesday evening train They were wsnted to appear at court, but the authorities were too glad to get rid of them, to follow them up. During their short stay' here, their house has been the scene of more frequent and wilder disturbances than would occur in the village in a year. - [Sentinel. • G. 0. ROBERTSON !AST STRIC EIT, JUST PXdEIVED' A LARGE STOCK'. WM PAPER! cJ-reen Window Paper! Carnets taken up and Itelald. 011 Cloth Laid. Hair :neurones s made over, and all kinds of Repairing done. Pictures Framed as Cheaply as ever, tt;Chaln Recaned. ROBERTSON'S VARIETY STORE. Merchant Tailoring 1 HUGH DUNLOP, The Fasbh.nabte Tailor, it now in a position to execute all orders he may be fat ored with, In THE LATEST SPRING AND SUMMER STYLES. F( BLerens. _ A court of the Canadian ' 0 ' Order of Foresters was instituted here e t;• e the rein; o ., f the 5th inst in Bar HAND, A CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF TWEEDS, WORSTEDS, ETC. oil i ker's hall, by D. Stewart, with a good L.ir..'all and see our Goods. charter membership. The following p Dunlop, qp p jj Q p j officers were duly elected and installed: Hugh Danlop, Fashionable Ta=ilor, West•Stl, Goderich. Jae Campbell, C. R. ;David Cullen, V. is _ - _ - -- - --- C. R..; Redo. Barker, R. S.; John Mor- gan, F. 14.: Jas. Thompson, Treasures; Thee. W. Cameron, S. W.; Ishmael Fil- lien, I. W. Jas. Donaldson, S. It.; Geo. H.nike, 1. B.: Rev. Jas. Livingstone, chep.ain: Dr. Stanbury. court physician. Thie curt is to be known and hailel as "Court Rose Sharon, No. 6:i," and is to meet in '; tr';er's hall •.n Tuesday even- ings Aubl = John Stalker, a young man in the em- ploy of Mr. John Washington, W. W a- wanieh, cut an ugly gash in his foot with t -n axe on Saturday of last week. There is. a movement on fent in this vills:fe to try and get a side -walk from the Presbyterian church to the pont office. A subscripti.'n list is now being circulat- ed. H. Beadle is very much elated over the success of his Bank of S, otland at Belerave and Blyth shows. Mr. N. Fleming, lessee of the flour Brussel!. D. McNaughton who has been teach- ing in the vicinity of Brussels for the past two years left this week for Wisc•ou- sin, where he has obtained a more lucre- tive position. . Mrs. Wm. Fishleigh and family left here a few days ago for Manitoba, where she will join her hushatid who has been engaged in business there for the last twelve months. Mr. H. R. Smale, of Simcoe, but for- merly of Brussels, after an absence of two years, paid us a visit last week. He returned to his home on Monday. Hoes A»Ale.--Mr. John Nett who took a trip to Kansas about s month sive has returned home well pleased with the country, having disposed of his stock at a fair profit, John Wynn, George Bicker and Sam1 Hopkins have purchased the old New C Church from Wit Wynn for Yeteerelegiest Repere- Weather report for the two weeks end- ing April 18th. April 5th -Wind at 10 p.m. North- g Tjgn wu.t, brisk gale, cloudy. Number of - Nei PPesbytN all Hjm al, miles wind travelled duriug 24 hours 905. in every variety publish(.'. April 6th- Wind at 10 p.m. South, light, clear. Number of miles wind bevelled m ;tpordl 7th -Wind at 10 jp. nil. North- N e w Methodist Hymn Book HYMN BOOKS. tt: ll 24 hours60') e.trt, light air, c:ear. \\ hite frust. - Number of miles wind travelled in 24 in all its fortes. hours 155. April Eith-Wind at 10 p.ln. North- east, light, clear. White frost. Num- ber of utiles wind travelled in 24 hours 211. . April 9th -Wind at 10 p.m. North, light clear. Corona lunar. Number PARASOLS_ .v spacial let ul PARenGla sad t9UNSHtDUn. tub In price et 3. 0- LETLOR & 00'13. Men's and bey'sSTRAW HATS, the &twest styles. Their great sale of CARPETS still going on. DONT TORO= TO a.! raw. nuns WADS TO WSDSS Air $13.00 AND $15.00. T. C. =et10 az Co. B4UBUY C ole It GOODS and PRICES. We don't try to deceive the psblic. We dont advertise what we cannot do. We Invite every purchaser to inspect our stock, end we have so doubt but we can satisfy them, that we .'lttave the tames and best assorted stock of NEW SPRING:• GOODS in Coderlch, and also that our prices are as low according to value as any In the COUNTY OF HURON. Don't be hambegged by Aar eg advertisements, but come and see for yourselves. tarThe highest market prices fold for butter and eggs.'t ESTATE OF R. I3. SMITH. JAS. HUSTON, Manager. SPECIAL BARGAINS. R=1 sem-=M7=_ are offering some Special 13erbwin s in Dress Goods, Prints, Skirtings, Denims, Ducks, Table Linens, White and Grey Cottons. PRINTB_--Fut Colors, from 5c. per yard up. BLACS CAST b& B --Special Stake; without exception Iho best stake in town. COTTON 8HIRTING g8_ -Extra Value, from 124e. up. 1 W First CClEL -Fine Selection in lass Style for 10. $12, $11. Wand $18.eiAll cloth end bought cut ouSuite t tree of o order harge. REID & SNEYD, Manchester House, Goderich. of miles wind travelled in 24 hours 407. April 10th -Wind at 10 p.m. South, light, hazy. Corona lunar. Number et miles wind travelled in 24 hours 102. mills here, has *one to Whitby to see a April lith -Wind at 10 p.m. North - mill there. Re is going to try and buy. east, light,- cloudy. Number of utiles The farmers are all busy now. Mr. R. ; wind travelled in 24 hours 213. Sprung sowed the tint in this neighbor- April 12th -Wind at 10 p.m. North - hoed on Saturday, 16th inst. east, light, cloudy. Number of utiles Mr. Garrett is very buoy now pruning wind travelled during 24 hours 138. fruit trees. April 13th --Wind at 10 p.m. West, light air clear: White frost. Number Tuekersmith. of miles wind travelled in 24 hours 272. FARM Bo;o:IT.-Mr. Jas. S runt, of April 14th -Wind at 10 p, m. North, the 3rd con., L. R. S., has purchased light air hasty. Number of miler wind travelled in 24 hours 130. from Mr. John H. McDougall his fifty acre farm which adjoins Mr. Sproat's resent farm, paying therefor the suns of 33,000. Mr. Sproat now has a splendid farnt of 200 acres. i west, light, partly cloudy. Number of Ostrresv.-Died on the 7th inst., at I miles wind travelled in 24 hours 110. the residuuoe of her son-in-law, Thomas April 17Lh-Wind at 10 m. North - April 15th -Wind at 10 p.m. North, light, clear. Number of miles wind travelled during24 hours 140. April 16th -`Vied at 10 p.m. South- Robertwvtt. Esq., Isabella Bain, widow of tke Iste John McGregor, a m}ative of Crotuarty, Scotland, and a resident of Teckersiuith for the last thirty years, in the e..,hty-second year of her age. Mrs. McGregor was the mother of Messrs. Thomas, John, Duncan, and Archibald west, . light, air cloudy. Number of miles wind travelled in 24 hours 176. Coroner solis during the afternoon. - Shower of min during the night, 0.5 cubic inches fell. April 18th -Wind at 10 pan, North- east, light, clear. Number of utiles wind McGregor, also of Mrs. Thos. Robertson, travelled during 24 hours 207. Mrs. Duncan McLean and 'Nita. Wm. ! G. N. hlAcnoxArD, (Jbserver. i t McDougall, Jr., of Tuckersmith, who LOWEST P at SHPARD'S BO RICES OKSTORE. $5 to $20 per day at bon:c. Maples worth $.S free. Address STINSON & Co., Portland. Maine. ..SEEDS, SEEDS A FRESH SUPPLY Field and Garden needs just received. Su1d in bulk or in packae .9. .TAMES \\'ILS('•\ Druggist. FOR SALE. • A few good ` .. Sr of BEES Also a qusa.t., of Connection arc ' all bear the *tamp of their mothers can- tle sum of pro+ and in the future it p d kindness f heart JOHN PASS M O R E •'' HIVES, EXTRACTORS & MIXERS. will be the property of the M. E. Churc h. dor, ante rely an in nea9 u Mr. Wynntill holds possession of the Mrs. McOreior is one of the few who s o possession of howeverwill be much missed and long remeln- patronage bered for her many excellences. Ix Lrea.-We are glad to hear that Alfred Lickford, who has been in the employment of Vanstone Bros. for some • time has fallen heir to $10,000 in hard cash. He received a draft for the inter- est the other day. Mr. Lickford is about 45 years of age, and his home is at Fordwich, Howick township. I. 0. O. F. INSTRUCTION. -Mr. Jno. Gibson Grand Representative was here Thursday last, giving instruction in ,the new secret work of the Order. A num- ber of neighboring Lodges were repre- sented. After the business of the even- ing was completed they repaired to the Tecumseh House, where an excellent supper had been prepared, to which ample justice watt done, and the meeting broke up at an early hour all well satis- fied atintied with the evenings entertainment. SIsfOrth b.tc., Etc.. 1 arrt olTerirg Walgous, Carr1a8S, B A R G Ji.- W. H. Treaves, of this town, has , VICTORIA -St., Corner of Trafalgar. been awarded the contract for the brick ' - work of Mr. Smith's new block in Clin- i Agent for the Celebrated tont' SEEGMILLER CHILLED PLOUGH The Queen's Hotel property in this town is to be sold ny public auction on' Thursday, the 28th inst. Also, agent for the The Seaforth Cricket Club have made Queen's f ire Life Ins. CO. Sir Ribhar.l Cartwright an honorary member of theirclub. M R ( imoldbt has tarnish +tally on application. property in Walton to Mr. Wm. John 1782$m aortic r tumour.. ston, and has removed on to the farm of Mrs. Burton on the Hpron Road. -Mr. Michael Murdie, of McKillop, moved to his mew farm in Tuckersmith on Fri- day. And .Agricultural Impteseets. opt r This it one of the bestCompanies in exist, f. .r rented hisencs being prompt rend relt*ble information rd cher 11eL Mr. A. Constable, brother of the Mrs. Wm. Elliott, who has been ill for some time, is about well again, we are pleased to state. Solomon Bateman expects to leave Ethel for Colorado during this month We hope he may be prospered where - ever he goes. Mr. Milne is pushing work in connec- tion with the saw mill this spring. He has two gangs of men and they keep the Mill running day and night Messrs. Constable, of this town, on I Wbeat. Barley. I'raa Black and White Oats, Monday last split one cord of short I qua, ('lover. and Timothy: alae Pea Vine wood in five minutes. This work was Clover, Atsike. Lucerne and Lawn Grass. done on the fann of Mr. James Sumer- i vile, near Roxboro, and he was timed A first class assortment of by a watch. i TIKLD, GARDEN and ROWER SEEDS. The residence of Mr. P. Cavan hada K1ec<ed with tc*eat rare from the heat seed narrow escapefrom fire on Tuesday last. loess. lit, TesI -a (111 and see• We The children had been piayy-ing with ; keep the beat and moot gewulne,eod we can matches and set fin to smote clothing in pore base SEEDS FOR 1881. Thanking the public for past favors. 1 take pissure In stating that h have on band • better stock than ever before of .choice AI h1 as i have to tido- , hargt' of another ap.arv, end roust sell mancdiatt ly. CHAS. F. DJDD, NiLE. ONT. a bedroom. Fortunately it was noticed in time, and a few pelletal of water el• tore ting fished the plaices. W. L.Fagan, Station -master of this lir. Oenrte Kidd, ••f Dnblus, met Oboe, is unable to spend his duties at with a slight accident here on Sunday present, being t ed with rheuat•I, last He was walking across • IA lin to w.la um. We hope to nee him round again on a plank, in the Metohaots' Halt Works, when the plea Wake ami 11e fell to the foie bam111i* a Mneme of eight or ten feel Bs Slee bruised and shaken op, bet ■ ns+fy • rj •q•tn. Tea Fete Wa.Ar. - ConadeiabM concern is manifested os all hands about the fall what. Some fanners in th's motion who have examined it say that .t lest one-third of it is goes beyond redemption, while others esters s that it does not look were than is femur years at this the o1 the seassa, Ira r_- Oat there is yeta pre genet of as dant yield. In many pieess, beemeer, we can say from pommel obseneWe it limbs pretty isk. Dat the rusts may b. all right, althorn% the tape else sew plste. pee We de sot tlisslk iirtitr- ever hat ween the mat+ now eetisipttte a good a gesso+ yield s hat year. --{Elpeeitor inafew days. Vaastene Br.r , of Brussels, have giver the contract for the erection of a i s toeeboos M the station here to die 3$x60 feet. They will keep strayer, who will purchase all kinds of grain. ago pork. This will be s great borm to farmers in and atoned Ethel. Jobe Wade superintendent d the Methodist sabbath School, was pr n - ed with a Bead sin lea the eve of his &malrturs for Pat n ,ill members of the seheol. meg a s■it.W silts. to wine) Mr. Wade unpendied in a very electing X119, The beet wishes of their many frieni assn aprli'* Mr Wade sed fine=ly serrppew was meni laeyreserelne pest ii whim it was that the store eee id b JeM &ted owned by Robson Dobson. COIPTON'S SURPRISE CORN, The basil field rx,rn yet Introduced (Arnaud eU cake kept constantly on hand. JAMES MCNAIR- tree HamUtos St. Mrs. Mary Wingate, - 3pri .g and. Summer Goods. NOVELTIES, NOVELTIES_ A choice selection of FANCY STRAW*. in HAT* and Boxxsre. STYLISH, NEAT AND SURE TO PLEASE. FRENCH and AMERICAN goods In the latest. novelties. A splendid assortment of RIBBONS, FLOWERS and LACES. Hata and Bonnets trimmed in the newest styles. A CALL IS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. - We take pleasure in sauteing our goods. MISS WILSON,Market. Square, ch.. NOTICE. (imine up P;aotojra1nhootJ in NO irridt. In returning thanks for -K.et favors, would just say. those wishing a benefit will pease notice former prices and preens • Pr"eSh t. Life Size Photos. - $4.00 8110 Photos, - - i.10 tx/ 1.25 Cabinets Photo per doz.. . 8.00Card Photo• per doz.. - - 1.50 ,perserty of Oederlch. later of D.wolt,i Has opened a MILLINERY AND DRESS MAK1N10 establishment on Hoarser ee Hunte-- a noisty assns. ewer mem r s pleas++, with $ full aso.rtinent of home and pereaeso Have, Tearness, 1t o ive, Ttsr Lams, Rt -maims, lilta.ae. V mens and Das 'Mao woe A CALL IS IWVI'iIID. neaa.. Former. i2.00 L50 s.5o 2.00 And Frames to suit the above at B O T T O M P R I 0 :E 13 - Came one. come all 1 and have your hearts gladdened by getting good and rheapliPbotos at In' "e `7E: Ar=1 f -.ea 4 1765 E. L. Jon/mote's. - Banking. BANK OF MONTREAL CAPITAL. - err,artlde. . . es,000.mio. SURPLUS. - SOMETHING NEW. 5 .Per Cent. Discount for Cash on $ 1 sales. 5 Per Cent. Discount on Monthly Accc 'r -t . G. H. OLD HAS ON HAND (JUST ARRIVED) -), FIRST CUSS GROCE0 And is !Giving F.XTRA [VALUE in T>DAS, ' Slat and Oar.rowder. Try them. You will 01,i1.. r -r ('0•0.1. Also. he keeps PORK, HAMS, SMOKED 13.1CON, price paid for BUTTER and EGOS. Also, a lot of CHINA, GLASS, DINNER and DESEIT FET. and all kinds of GLASSWARE and CROCKERY. gl'GIvo hint n c: it and get (-heap Goods. E}_ I- 01.D, C. House Square. gerFarmers' Produce Bought and :cold. Goderich Branch. C R. DUNSF,ORD, - • hfm*a9er Allows Isttersst on deposits. lorar4. letter of efedft sad eirenter payable la ewe Marl.allps,ts of the . 174.. Z''axm.exs .A-tteritiorl Barbed Fence Wire contracted for in tiny quantity at very lowest price.. I SELL EITHER 2 OR 4 BARBED FENCE WIRE, \Vire and barb galvanized a(ter being twisted which cannot scale off. Use Barbed Wire for Fences. NO SNOW DRIFTS- NO WEEDS NO WASTE LANDS. For sale by 1779. G. H. PARSONS, CHEAP HARDWARE, GODEPO II. CANADCANADIAN BANK 01 COMMERCE IAN wp Capital, - $6,000,000 Regie, - • +1, 400, 00(c. meet. RON. WM. efeMAST CR Osansal Manae.r. • W. N. ARD/SON. Goderich Branch. 1. H. ROSS, - • )1[anaosa. 11sMes O'er' ea al le end AFTER THE FIRE. JOHN RTORY The Tinsmith le still to the front. e I was put to in ness hy I have pleasure to state that l despite nt now infulloblast again. prepared to give the tgrtatest the meet Aar 1n my pr bargains in Ooderich in STOVES, TINWARE, LAMP GOODS, and every other line in the business. 1 would alao return my thanks to the Fire Pei, Ade and people of Oodericb for the su.- oewettsl sSbr4 la sui=ts my property in my • tram UN, late Are. o d.a St o r y . Advasa na Y'ses • tseesa sett► tee le mem esessewa nano* imineilind, 1119 Sd0A9BIIS' YABIETY STORE. NEW GOODS. 6,000 ROLLS WALL PAPER /1rPRE$H t3TOCK.elineAff-'-SEW STYLES."1e WINDOW SHADES, TRAVELLINGBBAGS, BASKETS,BABYCARRIAGES. A 11)13 STOCK, STYLISH AND Ci1IAP Note the Stand. Cheapest HouseUnder the Sun." ieaa