HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1967-03-16, Page 1bibt) A t&it ep Morris, East Wawanosh School Board Meeting The regular ineetiug. of Morris, Nast Wawaaosli School Board, held in lbelgrnve and Brussels, snissn Ii and 10, Several commit- tees and stiles representatives were present. Orders were given for. furnish- ings for staff room, Principal's offtesn and secretaries office Ileigra;•s: ~renal also for chair for auditoriuna and drapes for all three schools. - Jack Hood Company ...Sas strueted to make a survey • of current supply needs at Ben, I grave school. A delegation from IllYth recreational council dis- • custsed the use of Blyth. school t.lict)ise d•istc.irtunt for recreational Pnr-i The old school at Blyth be advertised for sale and the five schools in Morris will be. sold .by .a action date -to • be ar- ranged. Payment ef• the following bills was a nth orisied isseis s :Const7cno.htiztn account il ' I r $4032,53 Myth $3077.85 Belgravo $4540.00. Architect. Brussels and 'Myth S5291.91, Tinnorial Desks $2920.00, G. Farrier, pianos 52070.00. Teachers' Desks 'General Accounts: Krietehel's Wholesale $14.5.95. .fide of Can- ada 14,40 Huntington -Labs. 316.60 7. Cameron 1.6.40 West Wasvanosh. Insurance 24.2'5 Hog& Supplies 763.34 Educators' Supplies 836.34 W. J. Gage 87.33 Copp Clark 293.30 RYE-n.801, Press 26.75 Trus- tee Association 79.50, 1, Walker 22.50 Cowan • Insurance 120,00o R. • Anderson 62.5.0 Ale -sondes Hardware .23.71 ton smaller bills es sia, ...tarot,- 20. at p.m. The. • next meeting' rso1-gilaIent•lTel.traiiI tchecin Ralph S11 aW• e Secretary BOWLING NOTES With four store weeks • of reg- ular bowling the teams are still after one another. Marilyn's Malibus 1 11 Nick's Nichols Mel's Cameros 116 Jack's Jiggers 113 Davies' Sting Rays 106 Marlone's Tornados 91 Ladies High Singles Joyce. Kellington Karon T-Tastings Lois McArter Ladies High Triple Lois McArter 562 Joyce gton Marilyn Higgins ..,,,,. • :97 5;5 Karen Hastings > 520 Men's High Singles Allan htiehol 'Bill Stephenson Tack Higgins Dave I-Listings Men's Hicrh Triple Jaei Higgins s11Irin Nichol have 'Hastings Due to lack of scS trprwo, powt ri;roloVi Miler 11410t."4'iivi. 228 21n. 209 209 Vitv..11.4 572 ...... 566 mice aver- 7 219 1311USSEILS POST, Till`ltSDAY, 'MARCH 10th, 1967 POST PUBLASEIING HOVSE1 14 t.711SEY TOWNSHIP iSTE-1E1... VILLAGE • . (Compiled by Ktllai. S. T1N1)1,1iliViLLE way the oilicias name for .thel "Ong before the SCotsnian Spelt/ice wasre- naMed the settlement. It a thriving little place back in 1867, :when Mr, Spence arrived in Grey l'isn'rriShtp to set up his pottery. in '1373 the Wellington, arey and 'Brace (now C.N.R.,) railroad was built from Palmerston to Wing- ham, it was then. that Ethel was selected for the logical site for the Municipal office and Town- ship Hall. In 1531 a small office \vas built by the pioneer Scotsman Wm. Spence adjoining his home and it bectithe the Telegraph Office and Clerk's Office, The first mill Was built in 1832 by Mr. Carter; and sold to Mr, T-T. McAllister. In 1901, Mr. Moses stenr,v; bought the mill and operated it as a flour mill until it was destroyed by fire in 1912. In 1'913, Mr. Irwin ittlYtierd" re-huilt the (Shopping mill and it fell prey to Minos •in May 1931, The present Mill was built by OTtfford Th Dunbar, ti) Su:Miner of 1921. he carried on the chopping and feed basin- psi; until lie sold to the present .T. La ill on I, The first school was built in c69 on the site where Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Campbell 1111\ iive the new school became the centre for Religions worship for both c.hurclies in the village. the Pres- byterians used it ill the afternoon and the Methodists 11.) 1-11 p eve- i Until the Presbyterian church was built in 1874 and the Metho- dist ',lurch in 1877, nn the Dob- son farm. and was moved in 1917 to tho present location, enlarged and renovated. also a eontrannity shed was btrilt. Rev. J. W. John- :don was minister at that time, The store now operated by Mr, A. T,ounshury, formerly known as the Lore Nock was built in 1906 by Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Love In janitors. 190S Mr. Love operated a furniture and imdertaking bust bless until retiring in April 1945. Mr. Tobn Mellonald was the first neneral merchant in the Love Blnelr. The store now operated by Mr. and Mt, T..owther Weber, the first Intilding svgs 1)11111 al eat was VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS MEETINC: meeting of the I M.'. 0 s'stinsti -was litSti in the ..nunicipal Mine on %nivel; 6th, ail Members being present, 1 is• following motions were :Tied Mused by I. .1, TeuPas, seeend ed by C, ls !hil:tint; that the 01 the nu-4eting Of .1011- he adopted att. d I'. I s Workman hpp(sfeed nantre Iho Council on behalf th. Ittaseis. Canadian! Legion:, ',...king a grant MoVing of the cenotaph from its pregedi location to the now Legiori Han, Nt..tved by C. L. Cousins second ,•=1 T 1, MoC.Inticbeon ttliat< ussels grant rig. Canadian, Legion $100.00 assistance hi fRo, movins of the cenotaph. Moved by T. is Campbell, sec- onded by S. l,. McCutcheon that the following streets he, excav- ated and rilled during 1967, 2 blocks on Janes ,4treet from, john Street to Market Street. blocks on Alexander Street trotn; Committees 116p6ft Plans Well Advanced For Grey Twp. Ceiliennial Activities The mouthy meeting t,' the (Prey township centennial cotes hnitteel Met hi the Clerk's office ii th'ei 8tt , March 9th with .1.3 present, The Piirthaso of tin: meet- ing was to disenss the r(Voids of the b cosruni toes ho flassS: hope* to lie confaeted often by people wishing more informat- ion on this portion of fife In4(3- grq,ri, The booth enrosnittee with Mrs Robert Bremner as chairman have planS well under way to satisfy our appetites, The publictts committee with Mrs. Orval Harrison as chairman have commenced writing a Ifistorioal article to be published 'weekly until. June 17th In the Listowel Banner, The Brushsels Post. and The, Huron Eixpositor, 'We hope you will cuter and look Tor these flash 'Intel: colunnis, The. Finance Committeeti h Rae Houston as chairman is hon- ing to be able to make this pert of ,he activities lust balance, with neither a profit or loss. The grounds and parking sennnittee unfit Frank Smith as ehairman have plans to make a rcrnatm,nilatics as convenient as poSsible. The trustees of Ethel Village consisting of Lothar Weber. Am drew Bremner atid David Brown, have been appointed as the dec- orating committee.. The central omrllaittee are NOT sending out formal invitations, all are IVP1C0.111e, and it is hoped that residents of Grey Township will invite former residents. friends, and relatives to loin in onr celebration, The • meeting' adjourned to Meet Anril 6111 at 3:30 p,m. at the Clerk's Office. Mra. OrVal tin ITiSIOT1, Chairman Publicity Committee :deductions and C.P. 70.44 Maitland Tledi-Mix snow reanoval 135,00 Moved 1vN, C. 1.. Cousins sosottd- od by IT. J. TeitPam that th," meet. ing adiourn, to meet again Anril 9, lec+37. or at the, call of the Reeve, Wrantor fteeV.s 41f4 f. Illts 1.114 DR. A. S. MacGREGOR GAVE INSPIRING TALK The mostiss sponsored by 4;f • 1111111.r • 111.!,1 $11 10(4 Hall 11 or ( n u Friday !sing was well thtendcd, The audience found fh- St. wset .Niveqregor D.D.S., Tirol Nylio was guest ,,tpealk Or, not Only infer- malty(' Inn his add roes: enjoyable' for the Sneaker was deI.ightfnlfS- informa'f. sprinkling his remarks with lormorrais tidbits, keeping his aodienee alert and interested. His talc was based on " \fast, the :kith Century Belong trs th e thity" and he spoke of the, changing world in Which we live, the scientific revolution, and that we must realize this is what our children hare to face. Residents: of rural areas. he said, must have opportunities on a Par wit h city residents. but the responsibility lies with rural people. 1here' of their young ieople must turn to the profess slops and go hack to serve the. rural areas where the people must create a proper environment for them. They must also beeeane conscious that preventative NUT. is an linporant factor for that is the haSts of dental and :medical training, Dr. MacGregor concluded his talk saying the greatest nhilars thropy people of this community could do is carry on with their plans hut that just -to build a bnilding is not enough. We must, support the men with come, show, tug sonsideration for them. mak- ing thorn lives bore pleasant. He also showed a short series of colored slides on the diseases. and presentative rare of teeth. The speaker Was introduced by the Rev. F .G. Braby and thanks was expressed by the com- mittee chairman, Herbert Str•et- ton, who presetted Dr. Ma es o o r with it gift and. Mrs. M (.0 re gor wit I. a corsage. Reeve Ca lvin -Kra n tett' spoke briefly expressing thanks to Dr. McGregor for coining and for his ssjend.'d talk. IT'S CENTENNIAL There sto many different ceti isni,L,1 flags for deeorations oct sale from q Special Flag Booklet. 11 anyone would like to make Si chn se of ono contact- MrS- Nelltnston. Phone 172,1 ovoningins PEOPLE WE KNOW 'Word was received hero Wed- nesday afternoon or tin' (math of Mr. A. In Cousins. in a Toronto hosnita1. Tile father of R. C, rolishis of ilrumsels., was •=i•yr -loco horr. Rey. and Mrs, 'Crier Basinger. of Parkersburg. West Tiginia. will •ministor in music, at Iraster. Services it Binkley United: Capitals I t ,,., is t.stns, sisiv • 1272 or 1, MeAllister pint rh 0717410 III that itt '14 ( •y' i.1 block on Flora Street from. Alex-. ander Street ro rishleigh. Street. A delegation front the Brussele Fire Brigade met 'with Council o seek a puy Increase. Moved. by H. J, TenPas second- ed by T. G. Caninbeht that the. Firemen receive $2,00 per hour f(ir fire practice and $3,00 for fighting fires. Moved by C. L. Cousins Second- ed by I. G. Calripbell that the accounts as approved be paid, P.B.C. streetlights 1P0,54 Minssels Centennial' Comm, loan ....... 500.00 Coo. Evans attending courts „>.,-,, Post Office stamps C. ,T, Cardiff licence Cecil Payne fox bounty ProvinCial Treasurer insulin Prank Cowan Co. insaranee Douglas Callender nurs- ing care Wayne Lowe Inhout. ....„ Brussels Coal Yard fn el C "o. Mutter fuel ,T, C. McNeil gas Bridge Motors gas and repairs \fact-Ian Tidwes supplies IL T. TenPas expenses le Cord! Roads 1. C. ramphell expenses to Gond Roads MN-hit (+eon Motors repairs Clordon Stiles garbage .T, Boner snow hlowin T. r' cirri ort Stiles removal and nlowing "Vora toll eon WM!. 1 .01076r..1,:r4tIti r.Y.rl• • . Votots February snow . . 45.00 101.0 3.35 25,00 96.49 165.01 339,70 24,00 10.00 20.00 4,00 17,22 17.50 13.63 20,08 nzrOt, 13.93 3,32 minutes held, meetings to plan the Ore); OWnship centennial celebration being held al Ethel Friday even- ing': jutne 16th to Sunday June 18th, Charles Thomas, chairman of the central etomaiittoo presided with! Mr §. Edytti Cardiff mstre- tary. the prograin c om in i t toe with Robert 6.0f1 Ifingh am as chair man are planning dane(sS Friday and Saturday evenings, also is tyres gram , Saturday a liOrnoon folfnss. Ifig the pa rade', The SporfSr committee \\ri Lii M 0,x Demaray as enair.intin are plan..." ping ball games, and sportS to keep the sports minded peopte entertained, The parade connanittee undo' ,foliri Conley have various en- dill '.'ireet to Flora Street., 1.. , fries, and prizes planned. ,Tohn 1