HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1967-03-09, Page 6N,A-r*Fs%
1i4 unday, Bill Meelory, Vicki and
1 went to Westminster and put
on a request performance. Cliff
Rowland donated his car, George
Molter furnished the gas. Buz?,
Stiles and Campbell offered their
help. What's wrong WW1 yoll
people? 'wily don't you combine
your talent and go to Unroll-
view, Goderieh and Westminster. ;
These people all need your help, I
In the name of humanity do
som ething,
for colourful, protein-rich salads and Amain dishes
enjoy Fresh, Delicious
It's your best protein food huyl
1. Cottage Cheese, and diced cucumbers or sweet pickles.
Cottage Cheese and coarsely chopped raw cranberries.
3. Cottage Cheese. and chopped or diced ham.
4. Cottage Cheese, and chopped onion or celery.
Gtir A 1 lb. CARTON FROM.
astia you filled in the dance yott CENTENNIAL SKATING
desired. tell you bow dance CARNIVAL MARCH 18th
numbers were written like a
menu and you had to get, permis-
sion from her mother or father
or chaperone after you filled in.
Yes, titres hare changed, but
let's leave the young folk alone
cause we don't understand. One
thing certain, if we could have
had the "Pill" in, those days, there t
'Would have been some hidden it,
most of the muffs.
Truthfully Vows,
host cif the 013(1-TV Tuesday night
affairs series The Public'
Eye. is pictured in a. typical scene
HORniflirtU that MIMIC OPIP1013
TV journalist, Warner
'Ey Tracy S. Ludington
Many letterS to this coltnun
•osk questions about the Soviet
Pavilion at Expo, and what ex-
hibits Will be found there,
The lists of exhibits, of course,
is too long to include in any
column of this nature — but 1
tell yon that there will be
Stir i‘d. entertainers peolerming
theoughoUt the six monthS oe
Itlxpo, and a restaurant featuring
the finest of Russian foods, and
there will be Soviet souvenirs for
sale -- a distinctive feattie of the,
Soviet approach to Expo is the
use of the Pavilion for meetings
and press conferences,
EilitPrainers will include. the
Po',shoi the Piattitsky folk
chorus, Georgian dance ensernh-
l -krainian roll; choir, a
Soviet A Tray ensemble and the
cis 'leers.
And in a theatre seating 600 the
visitor will have the opportunity
to see top Soviet documentary
and feature films and there will
be a daily fashion show of Ras-
tit n-d eSi,pmed, an-m anti fact-
ure.d clothes, on Russian, Models.
The Russian restaurant will
seat 1,100 and if you like the
food, you will be able to buy
some to take home. Beverages
will inclode vodka and Georgian
Soviel trade officials hope to
expand their trade ties during-
Expo and they'll have contracts
on hand ready tor signieg, for the
Soviet is as aware today as any
other nation of the importance or
foreig'a exchange.
..ht the cinema, promotional
films will he tied in With the
trade pitch. And thrtigs will go
the. other way too many Soviet
tourists will be going to Montreal,
scientists, specialist8 ill litany
At Expo they will Meet their
con nt erparts front other nations
deliver lectures, and report on the
stale or the Soviet union.
August 13, .17 and 10 will he the
miehration days at the Soviet
flat ilini.l, where the llassians will
feature gala festivals.
(A ddress; cOr'respondeitee to
NeX1, euchre • hetveen Legion
and Gentlemou is Monday, March
20th. The last game was a night-
mare. and the. reason was three
stooges, Turvey, Lamont and
Jack Hall. They didn't know the
onoS OMiling in. They couldn't
spell their names. They didn't
know- the" Legion from us gentle-
Men and they short changed
everyohe, TlirVeY told Lamont
he had no more brains than A
louse. Lamont told Turves be
had the intelligence of 'a bed bug.
They were both right, is n
barl'ior and hc, surp trimmed and
eliaped us gentlemen. NeXt night
there, will 1w na tawie hopping
Which caused the last fiasco.
March 17th, will see the great-'
eSi show over presented in 'Brits-
els. I'm going to sing Pat Mc-
C,inty's Goat for the kids and
recite Dangerous Dan "11:2crew for
the adults. Red Skeleton will
give, I'm sorry, T promised not to'
tall you about it, However if Yon
are not satisfied that 'this is the
greatest T will :refund your
haVer a request to write a. COI-
main on — well the letter says,
Courtship, 1910, ,0\v ant I going
to :separate Courtship, se7c 'and
love, A professor in Califoitiik
nays, quote. sex is love, love,
is sex and fulfilment gives man.
kind 110 percent of :his life's
pleasure. I can't agree. T don't
thinl; it's more' than 89 per cent,
Courting is much more simple
than it was 71 years
In those days you had 'no tele-
phone to mothe a date. To-day
you drive down town in your'
hot rod, pick up your date, drive
To• lover's lane a.nd can return
in half a hour. With a horse and
horsey yon narked, and wound the
lines around the whip. Yon are
inst. going with a clinch when old
Debhio steps forward or back-
Ward. Some horses would switch
Your face With their tail and real
mean ones wenld whinny loud
enough for the girl's father to
hear and hurry over. I a m
bonito or s 'horse that was
white and a vehicle aneient and
chuggy. ,1 lass and a lad and the
kisses they had, Nenth the tee of
--• foshiened Oh the,
werid ;Brom- what is right
what is wrong as imbres we're all
of us mie.gv. Though the auto-
nubile had some things to conceal,
se did the old fashioned
er'iiir' clay tat write about the
old fashion DO'r Social. tell
`."(-11 the sneeial trains that
-,t; 1i5 fe Kincardine each year.
tit: inajot issiles of the day'''. Each
Week, The public EY° .focuses on
significant. happeningS in Canada
and the rest of the World, TrOyer
also; appears abotit, once a Month:-
when The Public Eye editibine8
with the prograni Nedtinittgazine
to present a fullhottr renntt,
t IVO Mfg WOO.
Tracy S. LudingtonIi3X-Po f67, i The Sunday School ;denies. T'll trill
a t 7,1-0-1 -Krwh il,6 ,..41.1,i r yati :1/100i the do nees of no!),
!q. ,Live=] OVA 111 NM% ,)
Watch next week's Post for a
complete list, of prizes being of-
fered for the Centennial Skating:
Carnival to be held on Saturday,
March 18th in the Brussels Arena.
This eVent is being sponsored.:by
the Brussels, Morris and Grey
Recreational Committee. They
are, hoping to raise funds for rest
rooms at the park, this summer:
Renev,r your Brussels Post now.