HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1967-03-09, Page 1POST PUBLISHING HODS} 9th, 1967
18 67 19 67
(Contributed by Mrs. M. Engel
and Frank. Smith)
Cra,nbrook derived its name
from a small town on an ont-
lYing ridge of the Hastings sand
formation in the south of Kent,
England. The oldest village in
Grey Township. this being due
to the fact that it was the first
to have a postmaster. Mr. Andrew
Govenlock held this position in
Oranbrook was originally
known as "The Plot" or "Grer
being fairly close to the centre
of the township. The first settler
in "The Plot" was Tames Tuck
who built a hotel known as the
Montreal Rouse, and was the
first tavetrn in the township and
was erected in 1854. !IL the year
1855 Mr. Itohert McIntyre estab-
lished a sa,w - mill and Mr,
Thomas Tohnson set up a small
manufacturing plant for tin and
eopperware and took over ag
postmaster in 1330, A bridge was
built across the Maitland River
in the year 131;7 and this encour-
aged more settlers into the
vritt o o., and by tile, 1R30's fberr
was a population of two hundred
As fate would have It the rail-
road did not ('tune (lose enough
o, rho villa('( for it to expand
farther. At this time it had
churches. 2 Methodist - Trinclish
and Corninn. 1 Tutheran and 1
Presbyterian, 4 'Merchants, P.
W. Tuck. A. Men'tit. A. P. Smith.
nod Too Tilatehrord, 4 hinclo
smiths. :I'm, Baker. Robert Camer-
on, .0. ITnner, Tolin Ilingler. l
wood-working. shons, Sop Palmer,
Robert Cameron. Pa arla way
.ores., " hotels .Tos Tork Willlare
Dames, 1 shoe-shop, jas. Plashill.
1 tailor-shop. Lonis Steiss. I
pump-shop. A Raymann, sew-
'mills; Robert MeTnivre. Ell and
• rt,r1 f•ow, Upper Pros. 1
conner-slion. nointe.(1 Seel,
cider mills. ,Tohn fritnoron.
Cl,corge Siernon, t limo
"Valentine ,Itornm, 1 hronm
erv. Kraitter Pros,. 1 flax
Cameron ProS,
Tn 1.S5!i the first school Was
lot tit a mile and a onarter east
of Cranhront on the farm. now
neennied lay Coldwin ?<night.
where the Presbyterian ronre-
ration held their PrIrl'OC4S, prior
to buildinp, their' ebilfdb, 1886
Inkerman Street, Listowel,
in lAiSt()Wel batipitnI
after a lengthy illness, in her 54th
yea e.
'IN; Ito yea rd, the ...former
uhristina 'MacFarlane, Was two.
t. Amulree, Perthshire, Scotland,
efening to Canada at the age of
91 years.
hr 19:lo she was married to
iVt'S(P1' Raynard, who survives
her, Four sons, Donald of Van,
couver. ,Too, Grey Township,
Listowel, ,. Tom, Wallace Town-
ship. and one daughter, Mrs.
Paul (Barbara) Leith, Listowel
survive, also nine grandchildren:
three brothers, and one sister,
Walter, Listowel, Mango, Blue-
vale. Tom. Grey Township, and
Mrs (10i-don (Janet) McPherson,
She was predeceased by her
plronis, two brothers. and two
PHIIPM1 services were held.
Saturday. March 4th, from the
D A. Rann funeral home, Brus-
sels. with temoorary entomb-
root in F,thel cemetery chapel,
Rev. Allan Johnston of Tarns
secs United Churn officiated.
Pallbearers were Lewis
'Robert Bremner. Edward Gilt
Archie ,Tacklin, Wilfred 'Gregory,
Amos smith.
Fh»verbenrets were nieces,
Misses Joyce McFarlane, Linda
Pavnard, Linda Clarke.
a. Presbyterian church was built
on its present site and in 1888
an addition was built to it, and
1940 baseMent was pat tinder
and the structure was rentodel-,
led, The new sehoel was built in
1867 where the present one, 'vas
erected in -I S95. (S,S, No. 7, Groy)
In 1.895 fire destroyed the
hotel and store, also Alex Me.
Nair's stel-E' and house. Mr. Mc-
l\Thir replaced his which is now
]drown as the Peter Baker house.
Anthony McDonald built the rite-
seal s( ore which has been OC,
copied by Mr. T,eiteh, Mr. Shep-
pard. Mr. Rudd, T.,ylle CrOrdell,
Lloyd :Michel, Fred Kilpatrick,
and now Fronk Smith. The black-
smith shop was occupied by ;roe
ivtor by Ed
John Forrest, and since 192,22 by
Yrolcolm Engel.
(Owing lo lack of space it is
impossible to record all who
carried on it the various occupat-
ions of the village. Watson was
the first mail carrier. carrying
the bae: err his bark all the wa.7
Later the Mail
Craiiiirook W s ciffiWn: front.
Priissol.; by matt ea:tiers Valeri,-
Gramm, Charles Alders et
end ftecircto TTilether, When rittall
mail delitery collie the Pilattefftee
tinder Ailluir closed'.
Tha lates t addition to the
villarto is the C'enrmtinity Centre.,
brim hi. 1.11l50.
Lotilt for more tlfe",:ir
This is an important meeting
and residents of the entire area
affected by plans for the
Medical-Dental Centre here are
urged to he present,
Five persons, including Mayor
DeWitt Miller of Winglia,m, were
appointed fo a oneyear term
Friday to the 16-than hoard of
Wingham .and District ll'os-
Others are. John Fiseher. Of
Bineyale representing Huron
County Council: Dr. B, N. Clorrin.
Winghairo chief of medical staff:
Dr. P. J. Leahy. Teeswater, pre-
sident of the hoSpital medical
staff assoelation: and Mrs. J. W.
English. Winglnarn, President of
the hospital women's auxiliary.
District representatives are:
Teeswater and Culross Township,
Carman Thompson; T-T.owick Town-
ship, Harold Robinson: Brussels,
R. B. Cousins; Morris Township
*Robert Coultes: Blyth and East
Wawanosh Township. :Harold
Walker; Lincknow, Kinloss and
West WaVanosh ToWnships,
Walla ee Conn; and Tornberty
Township, Edward E. Walker.
Re-elected from Winghain
for'two-year terms are Barry
Wenger and ,T. T. Goodall. The
towtit's third. representative,
Alton Aciaims, has allother
cther terrn to HerVe.
Roy Hunter of Wingham was
appointed to serve the remainder
of a one-year term left vaeont
with the retirement of A. 'D. Mac-
Williams of Wingham after 20
years service.
Other officers. including an
adminstrator, secretary and
treasurer will he chosen Friday.
‘c--sct.eives I-Ionors In
Advanced Theory Of Music
Congratulations to Miss Ann
meNereher of Illneyale, who has
passed with honours the Grade TV
TTarinoily examinaHott of the
Western Ontario Conservatory of
Music. London.
Selah Preeketirldge IS in Vic-
feria ITosiittat. tendon; *here he
Underwent'Iltt.to-.9:t last week,.
Torn Mirth-Ian IS still a patient
iri Victnria Hospital, Tendon.
Lt-here lie has been a patient
litiwitenee Willis has been its
St. .Tesenh's TTOSPitat T.COndOn,
this fhrfie *tittitft:
Induction Of Minister At
'Melville Presbyterian
Church, On March 16th
Rev. McCarrol will be
inducted ris minister of the on-
gregatiops of Melville Church,
Brussels, and Knox Church, Bel-
grave, at an induction service to
be held in Melville Church on
Thursday, March 16th, at eight
o'clock. Everyone is welcome.
Mr. 1VIcCarrol comes to Brussels
from Cookstown.
"Hydro Show Time" will come
to Brussels Legion Hall on Thurs-
day, April 20th, sponsored by the
Brussels Public Utilities, Clinton
Area, and presented under the.
auspices of the 'foarclies'
of the Brussels Fair Board.
Watch for further particulars,
Mr. and Mrs. George Blake
wish to announce the engagement
of their daughter Anne to Ken-
neth 'Williamson, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Norman. Williamson of
Tbe wedding to Lake place
March 27th, in St. Ambrose
Church, Brussels.
/Gordon McGarvin, of Walton,
was elected president of the
Huron Liberal Association at the
annual meeting,, held in Exeter,
Friday night,
William Eilston of Morris Town-
ship is the past president.
Di s tri ct vide-presidents are:
Ross Tuckey of Exeter, James
Taylor of Hensall, Max Harper of
Goderich, William Leiner Jr., of
Hullett Township, Sohn Broad-
foot of Tuckersmith Township,
Calviu Kranter of BruSsels,
Colin CamPbell, of Winghami,
Tack 'Rosser of McGillivray Town-
Harold Shore of Goderich is
treasurer, and Ivan •Kalbtleisch
Zurich, is treasurer.
Agricultural Minister Greene,
sneaking at the. meeting, hinted
at higher dairy prices and hard
subidies for dairy farmerS,
He said the government MUSt
strive for a dairy industry that
gives a. lust return for the form-
in yeqf Ippn
As Much income as possibie
'Must collie from the dairy market.
lie slated. in the future the in.
dustry will see higher pricg
Strrichire and better gm:SS' in-
The Sneaker also said he hopes
this vopi' to hria a* in pOlielng td
Out the dairy fernier tit good
Mr. Greene sees a bright future
lull t, beef incinstry. He said
that with the increase in hoof
pool smithl. fon iii Canada (tn cl
thl'OUglinnt th Weald, it would he
itlinessilito to 1514)14-Pffitilltlei
Miss Linda Wilson, (laughter ,of
Mrs. Idella Wilson of Brussels
and a grade S student at. Brussels
Public School received the Pr.
McKibbon trophy (grades I and
si al the Royal Canadian Legion
Centennial public speaking zone
competiHon in Wingham, Satur-
Miss Dorothy Elliott, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs, 0. Elliott. Tints-
sols, won the Advance-Times
trophy (grades 9 - 10).
Miss Lynne Workman, daught-
er of Mr. end Mrs. C. L, Workman;
Brussels:, was awarded the Stan-
k ,t .-ilerry trophy.,
Both girls are students at the
Wingi•am District High School.
Win At Clinton
Miss Wilson added to her
public speaking laurels when she
won the Ontario School Trustees
and Ratpayers Association zone
public speaking contest in Minton
on Monday, topping 20 compet-
itOrs, sneaking on "I'm proud to
be a Canadian."
:Linda, will compete in the
regional finals et Breslati on
March 14th. We Wish, her success,
Miss Tulle Valiance. daughter
of Mr, and Mrs. .Tas. Vallanee of
Brussels, was runneruP in the
Fanie competition.
Congratulations to all of these
young' ladies,
The Easter meeting of the
WITS of Melvillo Presbyterian
Church met in the chereh parlour
on. :Friday afternoon miss
Bessie Moses. enlivener opened
PlPf rant a
itosm by TTelen Steiner Rise
"The Way of the Cross leads to
Cod". Hymn 209 was followed by
readin..r. Imbe "The
road to Enam-.1" with a metlitat-
ien by Airs. \lair, Mrs. Margaret
Thompson sang a solo, "Jesus
the very though( of Thee" no-
eompanied by 'Mrs, 'King, which
was enjoyod very maoh. ^T.vg.
Ting led hi prayer and Mrs.
Matheson read the Easter mes-
sage followed by the singing. of.
"All hail the Power of Jesus
See-rota ry's gait was given,
by Mrs. Matheson and financial
statement by Mrs. Ainy-
Poll call answered by a polo\
verse containing tne word "ris-
en". offering. units Odwri, -r a
sick and shut-ins noted. Mrs.
Pewlmin read a Pawn " iitwt in
1cn owiiie that Christ Walked
Ttorn". iii's. 11011DIS ye!rd a lk,1101
ahntrt 14111.1)11V \VISrl;
SDI* 0 lot l''!“.hvl ,,rt .
Secretroo. M o nalf .,;•,:bin .: •
for' a °Son membor Presby
tevird. An invitation to offend
meeting in the krolterin r.hre,rm
ore; rcr ,eii,A .‘;r1
'Afoot lug elo,ed with h:vmit
libel MF211A reintldiotion
kiln ,
A ,01,. OF AREA ARE Lies. Sylvester' littynaro, a,),!* "
March lat. •
Dr. MacGregor D.D.S„
willspeak, on Friday, March
10th, at 8:30 p.m., in the P,rus-
sets Legion I-Tall, to an, audience.
Of adults front Brussels and the
surrounding communities, on
Dental Health and to discuss
local Plans for obtaining dental
services here.