The Brussels Post, 1967-03-02, Page 7TBE BRUSSELS POST, 'fittl.ISSELS, ONTARIO Till.'ItSDA.Y MAR. 2nd, 1967 PHONE se or SE 111RUIMELIN 001i. CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD & MILL J. H. CRAWFORD, Q. C. N. A. SHEPHERD, M.A., L.L.B. A. R. M. MILL, B.A., L. L. B. BRUSSELS and WINGHAM Phone 120 Phone 357-3630' PRE-CAST CONCRETE PRODUCTS SPECIALIST TN HOG SLATS, SIDEWALK SLABS, PATIO STONES (Dept. of Agriculture Tested) ERNIE BACK & CO. BRUSSELS, ONTARIO PHONE Itt J. E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMOTRIST 8 EA FORTH MEDICAL CENTRE Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturday a.m. Thursday evenings by appointment only. Phone Seaforth 527-1240 Clinton Office — Chiron Medical Centre, Rattenbury Street Monday and Wednesday 9:00 to 5:30 p.m. Phone 482-7011P TEtE lgiuHOTBL lu Cosedn's Cephal, eldn Owleverd of Lemke Aire 410 048006 'bow - Rye 1V and -sells 1014swiliewid Imps ma IMAM FOS leOISTMED Quiffs WARY PLAN Iliso Woos Miele V.50- $9.2S • ONiubles 90-$12: 30 • CIMel 5-3333 THE BRUSSELS POST ROY W. KENNEDY. Publisher Published ORUSSELS. ONTARIO, every Thursday Authorized as Second Class Mali, Pest Office Department, Otta1ea gstabilehd 1872 Serving, the Farming Community Member of Canad:en Weekly Newspapors Association Ontorlo Weekly Flowspapers Atisosiation GORDON JACKSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER PHONE: 291-4450 LISTOWEL R. BAUER YOUR NIASSEY FERGUSON DEA1..ER A Cpmplete Line Of N Pw and Used Farm Equipment PHONE 5 BRUSSELS, ON T, WINGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP QUALITY SERVICE CRAFTSMANSHIP Open Every Week Day Your Guarantee for Over a5 Years CEMETERY LETTERING BOX 156 WINGHAM JOHN MALLICK D. A. RANN FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE Licensed Funeral ()Proctor and Ernbalmer Agricultural Field. Crop Competitions The Brussels:Agrieultural Sec, iety are sponsoring three Field Crop Competitions, in Barley, Mixed Grain and Ensilage Corn. For further information contact your local. fair directors.. REPORT FROM QUEEN'S PARK BY: MURRAY GAUNT (MPP, Huron-I3ruce) The estimates of the Depart, meat of Agriculture were berore the Legislature this week. It was stated in the Throne Speech that the gpirernanerit was undertak- ing a program of capital grants for farmers, Agricultural Mini- ster William Stewart spelled out the plan when he introduced his estimates. The grants will apply to a wide range of farm buildings, and Will meet one-third of the cost up to $1,000 of new or renovated build- ings, drainage, grading, packing-...! and storage buildings, green- houses, silos, milk houses and liquid manure storage tankS. To be eligible for capital grants a farmer 'must own the land to be used for the project and must have a gross annual income of $3,000 from his farm. The prov- ince is allocating 110,000,000 to the new program, this year. The program is the first stage of a twelve-year $129,000,000 plan, to encourage effective capital planning by faemers. The Agriculthral budget also Contains proVision for 50% grantS up to $500 per farmer toward the cost of drilling or digging wells. This is part of the ARDA gram. In ray lead-Off speech on. Agri- culture, , I pointed out that long term government policies are ne- eded to grapple with the difficult problem of farm income. It is interesting, to note that nriees of rarin products rose only 6,0% be- tween 1949 and 1905, but retail food prices climbed 35,9% in the same period. The fart-noes share of every dollar Spent on, at the of every dollar spent et the froni 5$e in 1949. In dealing with the milk mark sting Board policy of transfer- able milli gilotas, in other wordS, the sale of quotas by one pre- dueer to another, I stated that lb is was Gtindamentally wrong. It, could lead to control Of the milk industry by large operators in- cluding chain stores, Simply be- cause these peOple have the. money to buy Up these (litotes. In California the quota system has got out of hand: to the extent tliqt 51000 per can is not an un- reasonable elliMitit to pay. Every step pOSsible abOlild he taken to prevent this tinnoonin.g in this 1 ,0rVilirqh. This could' be Prevented lie the Milk litorkottng Board tak- ing charge of nit (MONS' in the proviiine and these Would ho elleeated at their diSeretion. NOTICE There will be Adult Skatine! every Sunday evening trent g try 10. MI atiultr4 *eriddfilb REG SULLIVAN TRANSPORT SAFE DEPENDA.E3LE SERVICE Fully Licenced to and from Brussels Livestock Sales Ltd. to anywhere in Ontario Phone collect: t ong distance 242J Brussels AM116"ftafranP"Wrinfpint=titeg2E alAror mexecomgpswr:az,T0000,anmplettrom....10;V:0 LENTEN SPECIAL for colourful, protein-rich salads and ;main dishes enjoy Fresh, Delicious COTTAGE CHEESE It's your best protein food buy! TRY THESE RELISH TRAY SUGGESTIONS 1. Cottage Cheese. and diced cucumbers or sweet pickles. Cottage Cheese and coarsely chopped raw cranberries. 3. Cottage Cheese. ' and chopped or diced ham. 4. Cottage Cheese, and chopped onion or celery- GET A 1 lb. CARTON FROM YOUR GROCER'S TO-DAY limis1111111111bmiellillinmoreamosagammistwatiimommoffiximmealt fregilliallege. srfx.74,iwm.zfzmv.-mgcp.grsau.efww.euzux.mstng 8 WAYS TO MAKE YOUR NEXT CALF CROP THE MOST P%.0FrrABLE ONE EVER OFFSPRING OF THESE BULLS EARN MORE! ORCHARD VALE ABC ADVANCE MISCHIEF Reflection (Holstein) ,H-t-eford) Certified Meat Sire fooe milk than herdmates. Tested' steer sons averaged more milk than herdmates, Daughters produce almost 10% 943 lbs. at 12...".s month s KINGSHURST SUPREME LABAR JUMBO 21 CLIMAX (Jersey) (Angus) Certified Meat Sire baUghters give 13 % Tested Steer sons averaged more Milk than herdmates. 277 lbs. at 121/4 months old KINGFIELD BRAGGART LONE DALE BARON 22nd (Guernsey) (Slitailhorn) Daughters give 14% Tested steer sons averaged more milk than herdmates. 941 lbs. at 1 1. months old. ROUNDBUSH FINAL IV. CHIEFTAIN COMMAND (Ayrshire) (Charolais) Certified Meat Sire Daughter's give 8% Testad steer sons averaged more milk than herdmates. .:070 lbs. -.4i. 1^1.1" montrs old. RI.0 0 0 CATTLE MIEEDING c'S,OCT.ATION Phone for service weekdays till 10 a.m. For Sunday service (in most areas) phone Sattirdara Isted le local diretetorietl.