HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1967-03-02, Page 6SEVENTY-SIX TROMBONES IN THE BIG PARADE Leading the giant River City Boys' Panel :in a high-Stepping parade number called Seventy- Six Trombones is Prof. Harold iiliitir•rt Preston) and Marion ithis librarian) Paroo, played by in the three-hoUr color movie special The MUsie Man to be seen on. CDC televisiOn Tuesday, MarCh 7. TWA 2lltI.I8SNAJB i*OkiT ONTAit,10 144111 Mil, )101 By Tracy S. Ludington With opening day for. Expo 67 drawing closer every minute --- the pace of preparation is really MIRINFoladik MTH THE HELP -OF FOR INFORMATION CALL US —.OR A CN AUTHORIZED TRAVEL AGENT accelerating! February is not far away and it's a short month, then it's 11Tarch. and by April 28th the last Neriorwom: "JmeglemolgPolommIlligewla 111.`441411110P°411111.111egi''''"WariP"."'— • 19b/' WILL BE A DIG (EAR IN CONSTRUCTION Farmers 'oterested in building a Silo 14 feet in diameter SHOULD CONTACT US IMMEDIATELY The average farmer has 1 to 4 silos on his farm — how about you? DO YOU NEED ANOTHER SILO? — CALL ATI ENTION FARMERS CONCRETE SILOS WES. HUGILL & SON "28 years of experience" drop of paint, the final nail, the last sign' must bp in place for this magnificent extravaganza. Canadians, and particularly those who live iu and around ,:11outreal know that Exp.) will open. on time. Checking the Mail that has come pouring into this eolumn slime its advent just a ,e0o,Ple of mouths ago — it is easy for tau to figure out that it is the childre Oat are getting excited about' Expo first. Frein almost every province there are many letters from chil- dren — asking detailed questions about Eixpo, and many of Lime questions, hate to do als. coil, lot Lite benefit ut those, let me say that a total of 200 au- trturls !rout five continents be seen at Expu, on a three-acre midst will have every' appear- iitilluce:.f an African plata and g ,Wa at the very centre of Sa. fail, as the acreage is called, there is a children's section of the zoo where all the animals toe young Lou. Would you be. neve, —• you can ride there. on a minature train that winds thr- ough elephant grass, under a 1,:;in wrest, and then across the sou-burnt grass of a game Pre- serve. There will be an opportun- ity as well to ride elephants, zebras, lamas, and camels; and even, lit a cart, pulled by an os- trich. For true realism, there will be monkeys hanging from trees; as you ride through Safari, a hippo- potanius wallowing in a jungle pool, and even a snake pit. From one bush a 'stuffed cobra will stare, from another — just above a tree you may spot a giraffe. ..1nd On the journey yOU will en- counter gorillas and crocodiles; while overhead there'll be an aviary of tropical birds. So now — for those that haVe asked about the animals — there you are; not all the facts, but enough, I hope to keep you Om- ing to Expo. And if there's more some of you wood like to know about the arrima.ls — keep your letters coming, glad to get them. Address correspondence to •Tracy S. Ludington, EXPO '67, at 7005 Kildare Road, Montreal 29). 1 !,.,AD STOCK Anivoc) YET SUPPLIES Under new management GARNET SMITH servrre z rd better prices: Paid on the s:•:,". tor read or disabled cows We are here to give you faster and horses. $5.00 and up for any animal wcirthing over 70C lbs. according to site and condltIOW Smaller animalt picked up free. Also T tee veterinary Inirpeetloes. collect ATWOOD 356.2622 24 hours a day -- 7 days a week Llo. No. 4014.410 ZURICH FOR SALE — 1 Chevrolet Station Wagon. Apply to: C. J. Pegelow FOR SALE -- PLANKS 2 hi x 12 in. x 12 ft. — 14 fL 2 in. x 10 in. x 12 ft. — .1.4fL TIMBERS 10in. x 12 in. x 12 ft. to 16 ft. 6 in. x 10 in. x 12 ft. to 16 ft. and some lumber Brussels Salvage Can be seen at former Budnark property NOTICE ahe Trustees Of Morris East 11'awauosh Township School Area Doard ask that all parents in this School Area, wno have children who wish to attend Kindergarten Class in September, notify the Secretary before March 3. Children must be 5 years of age by January 1, 1967. Trans- portation will be proVided one way. It is necessary to have this in- formation early so that accommo- dation may be arranged. Ralph Shaw, Secretary Brussels, Ontario. WARBLE FLY POWDER TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF GREY Tenders for supplying approx- imately 1,400 lbs. Warble Fly Powder for the Township of Grey will be received by the under- signed until 1 p.m., Monday, March 6th, 1967. State price per 15 lb. bag. • • Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. Mrs. E. M. Cardiff, Clerk, Township of Grey, Ethel, Ontario. GRAVEL TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF GREY Tender will be received by the undersigned until 1 p.m., Mon- day, March 6th, 1967, for crush- ing and hauling apprOximately 20,000 cubic yards of gravel for the Township of Grey. CrUsher to be equipped with %" screen. GraVel to be supplied by the town- ship. A Certified cheque for $300.00 milk accompany tender: Lowest or any tender not necea- Sarily accepted. MrS. E. M. Cardiff, dierk, Township of Grey, Ethel Ontatie. DIAL 236-4428 r; GROW CUCUMBERS And Make Extra Money If you have 1/2 acre or more grow cucumbers for BICKS Ton Prices All Hybrid Seed Free Pick Up At Gate Dick's Grading Station No. 10 Albert Krainers Phone 30R3 Dublin FOR SALE — Roy Gramm & Son at iiitiker- on are offering good value in grass seeds for spring seeding. Each variety of seed is sold separ- ately and mixed free No. 1 Pasture trefoil and tim- othy mixture sells for $1.90 per acre. Low land hay and pasture mixture $5'30 per acre. Highland bay and pasture mixture of alfalfa, timothy, brume :grass and meadow- fescue sells at $7.04 per acre. Crailims stock all varieties of Clovers, grasses, seed, grain and "Pride" corw clelalii'neL.d C. custom seed and in gra Bay you seed early and save money as some prices will be higher. Roy Gramm & Son. Ptah:erten Store Phone 366-2394, ilesideue,rt 3§6-2378. TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS APPLICATIONS WARBLE FLY INSPECTOR Applications will be received by the undersigned until 12. noon, March 6, 1967, for the position of Warble Fly Inspector for the the ToWnship of Morris to Work according_ to the Warble lily Control Act. Applications must be clearly marked as to contents. Any applications not neces- • sa rily accepted. Mrs. Helen D, Martin, Clerk Delgrave, Ontario. TOWNSHIP 'OF MORRIS WARBLE FLY SPRAY Tenders TE NDERSbe ree received by the undersigned for spraying cattle for warble fly control in the ToWiiship of Morris: Tenders Must, be clearly mark- ed as to contents and must state price per head per spray. Town- ship to supply powder, Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted, Tenders trust be received by 12, noon, March 6, 1967. Mrs, Helen D. IVitirtin; Clerk belgravet, NARA".