HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1967-03-02, Page 5R.A. S.D. Organist: Mra. °'red Stephenson 10 ;int, church School ;1100 ann. ;Public Worship Prizes For Draw — 1st. --- G. E. Portable Telvision 2nd, — Cooey Card Table and. Chairs 3rd. — Electric Carving Knife Tickets 75c each —. 2 for $1.00 — 10 for $5.00 Ticket Admits One to Draw and Hockey Game Proceeds for the. C. P. & T. Fund This Message Brought to You As a Public Service by "ONTARIO'S SILVER AND BLACK FLEET" `THE BRUSSELS POST,ltl.;SSN'teS, ONTARIO • *eet...ieeeiree,...- THE UNITED CHURCH CARD PARTY OF CANADA BRUSSELS PUBLIC LIBRARY Minister; Rev, A. M. Johnston MONDAY, MARCH 6th - At 8:30 P.m. Admission 500 Prizes Lunch Served Sponsored By Majestic Women's Institute WESTERN STAR NO, 149 1.0.0.F. Everyone Welcome PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHCHURCH 11 OF CANADA HOCKEY GAME a n d 'DRAW 1 MELVILLE CHURCH. BRUSSELS ARENA interim SATURDAY, MARCH 25th, 8:30 P.M. Sharp BRUSSELS .OLD TIMERS vs BRUSSELS ODD FELLOW'S .THURSDAY, MAR. !Lad, 1,067 -ivoilffo..444souri.miwagaviss HAVE YOU TRIED RUM AND BUTTER. ICE CREAM Pick up a 1/2 gallon Family Pack at your grocer'n to-day or get a super economy 2 1/2 gallon pail at C OUSINS DAIRY Moderator: Rev. McLean Organist: Margaret thornpson ARGT 11.:00 a.m. Piibiic Wership 10:00 a.m. SetleCti CRAIN BROOK. Personals Mr: and Mrs, Frank Smith and Douglas, visited in Toronto, on Sunday. Caiman Fischer, Stratford, was home for the weekend. Susan, little daughter of Mr. s, tiordoa Engel, is a patieut 111 toistowel Hospital, the 4-H club girls Met at the home of Mrs. :Harvey Smith on Thursday evening, with leaders Mrs Allan McTaggart and Mrs. nk Knox Church Evening Auxiliary The regular monthly meeting Of the Evening Auxiliary of Knox Presbyteran Church was held at the home of Mrs, Douglas EVans. The leader, Mrs. Frank Smith, onened the meeting with the caLl to worship, and also read poems "Test Yourself" and "Do Not Judge". The Scripture was read in unison ' with the meditation given by the loader. Mrs, Stuart Stevenson, president, conducted the business period. The icpic "That Little Member" was given by Airs. Gordon Engel, She said. "Perhaps all of us would De more Conscious Of our words, if We remembered that God's tape re- Carder is always turhed on. The Bible tells us that for every care- less word, We shall one day give all account: Three good questions We shetid ask ourselves before littssing on a story are; Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?" She ended the topic With the poem "Speak", Mi's. Smith led in the .closing prayer, Mrs. Ross Engel and Mrs; G,oldwiu Knight assisted the hostess in serving Huron County Junior Farmers Meet In Clinton Huron ((nutty Junior Farmers met in the Agricultural Office Board room, Clinton, on February 22nd, with the new 1967 president, siai ray it..a.at.tr 1n catirge. Alacrity welcomed all the new executive to the Huron Juniors. Don tauten presented the fin- ancial report with no great change which is very satifactory, Doe Pullen also reported on the drama festival which will be held in conjunction with the Agricultural Conference at (...ninon, Friday e t.'eu ing, AI arch SeallOrth junior Harmers atie Cliutou Junior Farmers will he presenting plays, Bob Feller, Ingham will be presented with a past president's pin. Tickets are now available from any meiuber or at the door at 75c each, Murray ilooVer is asking each club in the County to get the happenings of the past feW Years of their Club and send in to hint for a centennial project. It was ale° suggested that they invite back the past J1111101'8 to 4 social gathering soMetnne in 1967. It was announced that Since Moving Vehicle signs niay Soon become necessary on all slow moving vehiCies. It is proVen in the United States that they do help save road accifientS, se bay one from your „Whim' Fatniet 'ameba, price 0.0'6% A letter received from Donald Voting seggelited that the Hilton Iiitiiors support art orphan adopt' ion child plan ft& a dentennial projeCt, it was diSetitSed and was decided to Mention it tit each ideal club Meeting and bring back the THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA : ur.sn Priest: The Rev. F. G. Braby, B.A„ L.Th, SAINT JOHN'S -- Brussels Organist — Mrs S. Elliott OU a.m. The Holy Eucharist 11:30 am, Mattins and Primary School SAINT ALBAN'S di. SAINT DAVID'S --- Atwood Organist — Mrs. C. Dickson 10:00 alit. Mattins and anutial z.-cauoi (flew at the March. meeting. A41 clubs are looking ior new members, ‘v1.10 must be enrollea by April 15. Membership fees are .,Next County meeting will be March 29th, CENTENNIAL SKATING CARNIVAL MARCH 18th Watch next week's i'ost for a complete list of prizes being of fared for the Centennial Skating Carnival to be held on Saturday, March 18th in the Brussels Arena. This event is being sponsored by the Brussels, Morris and Grey Recreational Committee. They are hoping to raise funds for rest rooms at the park, this summer. BELT; MARKET SURVEY TO BE MADE IN MORRIS TWP. Directors or Morris Township Federation of Agriculture are to conduct a survey for the beef marketing plan. At the saute meeting they made the decision to support the Medical Centre that is to he built in Brussels. The date for the bus trip was tentatively set for the first week 'iii June, The committee in charge repotted tliat plans to visit Len- awee County, Mich. this year Were being considered. correspondence from Murray Gaunt, MPP for Huron, Who had brought the federation resolu- tion about stiles tax i3xemptiOn for tractor tires, before the Glove ertinietit Was read, GENTLBlviN'S CLUB NEWS ITEMS Last Tuesday morning- three or us men, and also Ivan Campbell, went to Toronto. T to the Fairs convention, Hank TenPas and l,;;Le to the bad roads cou- p anti !van Campbell to watch HD: nil oh uti skirt parade and fashion show, It was very amet. auing (Iowa as ciampbell \n as figuring and planning on how tc. get his meals, at idly expense. When we got to Kitchener I beat him to the punch by asking them all to stop for coffee. Now a pen- ny saved is a penny earned, so when. I got the cheque for 60 cents 1 went to the cashier and 1 says, do you think it's fair I should pay the full 15 cents When two of us didn't take sugar? Well she says to offset that one of you took four teaspoonfuls. The big fellow with the ugly face. He has a face that only a motner could love. You know the one I mean, she continued. lies a Russian I guess. You call him Ivan. Not only that, she says, nut i thin it ne has the ash trays and salt anti pepper shakers. as well as a couple of plates in his coat pocket. I said no more. Lien we reacaeu the Itoyal York Ivail anti 1 got seats near door where We could see and watch those well but half dressed girls come in with the lin On .iUi skirts. :1 always thought knee caps went all the same but you can't depend on women. They are not. We didn't learn much except we know now how they keep their Sox Up, 1 left soon with Campbell still playing Beek-a-Boo. can't recall seeing him again until . Wednesday wonting. Ho ban% :recall seeing anybody until ibursday night. Friday inoining we had a ter- rible storm: The Wind was whistle lug and the anew twisting and twirling at 60 Miles an hour. I've much too good a ear to take out. ill. weather like this so 1 walked clown to the Sinners Clubn As soot). as I walked in. I. kneW by the stink of. a Cheap cigar he was close by. Never did I see anyone so kind. lie says; I'll drive you hoine when you finish your cot• fee, He sat me down on a box and we started but not for hoine. hither and thither he went; a pint of ereani bete, a pound of biittet there. I got thinking, what's this all about., lie has plans and they are not made for me, but rather, against me. 1. found out when the truck stopped in a big snow drift. There we were surrounded by the darn stuff, 1 knew then I was to take the place of a tow truck, or an elephant that could push. Five times I pushed that truck :and twice I lifted it back on the toad. He cursed Jack. McCutcheOn and, cc:lieu Litizzy nante.a tea ,. I WI I as all appropriate for Lam- s(ai. He eussec all the garage men in Iowa because they didn't nap pen along With their tow trucks. One nice old lady came out and wanted him to take a parcel down to the post office. He told aer site could go to well its tee place there ain't any snow. Alter all it maybe wasn't such a bad suggestion. When he started ot.rsing all the farmers who sold milk to Cousins, I says, now halt, I've had enough. I gets out, him still swearing and me singing Jingle. bells, which really burnt aim up. Ji When 1 got 1101116 my nitterT(i)- half says, good heavens, did you get drunk and fall. I says, how you like, to take a trip with an old lady Ivan Campbell is looking after. Says she, what old lady, what kind of a trip? Well, .1 have to go down and start getting my Match 17 show in shape. Did you hear the one about the Irishman and the Jew. We'll I'll tell you the evening of the March 17, Legion Hall, Bina- sels, Truthfully Yours, T. K. F. SAVE MONEY NOW! There is every indication that postal rates on ittd class mail, which includes newspapers, etc:, are going to be increased. NOW is the time to subsdritie, or renew. your SUbSCription, to the BriiinIele Post, before we are forced to raise the subscription rate. The Post thanks all those who; have already done so. Postal regulations require that Boni-fide subscriptions be paid in advance and this regulation is being stricly enforced. ttenew your Brussels Post now,