HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1967-03-02, Page 41111.USSF4LS POST THURSDAY, MAlt. 2nd, 1967 ONT.A11,10
Lot 22, Con. 3, NrOrlIs Twe.
4 mites North-West of Brussels
Shorthorn cow, 10 years, pasture
bred, springer; Shorthorn eow,
years, pasture bred, springer;
Roan Shorthorn cow, S years, past-
ure bred, slprtn 1-'1'; Shorthorn
cow, .10 years, pasture bred epr
iager; Shorthern cow, 8 years,
pasture bred, springer; Shorthorn
cow, T years, pasture bred, spring-
er; Shorthorn cow, S years, past-
ure bred. springer; Shorthorn
cow, e years, pasture bred, spring-
er; Shorthorn cow ,; years, past-
ore bred, springer; Shorthorn
cow. veers, pdeiure bred,: spring-
er; Shorthorn cow, 7 years, fresh,
with calf at side; Shorthorn cow,
12 years, pasture bred; Shorthorn
QOM', 3 years, pasture bred; Short-
horn cow, 7 years, pasture bred;
Shorthorn cow, 3 years, pasture
bsed ; Slierrhers cow, S years,
pasture bred, springer; Shorthorn
cow. s years, pasture bred; Short-
horn cow, 0 years, pasture bred;
Shorthorn cow, 6 years, pasture
bred; Shorthorn cow, 6 years,
pasture bred; Shorthorn cow, 7
years. pasture bred; Shorthorn
cow. 3 years. pasture bred; Short-,
horn cow, 3 years, pasture bred;
Shorthorn cow, 2 years, pasthre
bred; Registered Shorthorn Bull,
born August, 1962 — Sire - Aber-
feldy Royal Robin. Dam — Aber-
Leidy Clipper Estelle 2nd.
4 Shorthorn yearlings; 29 Short-
horn Steers to he sold by the
York Sow, bred January 9; York
Sow, bred January 12; York
Sow, bred January 25; York Sow,
bred January 30; York sow
d December 15: York Sow,
bred January 7; York Sow, bred
November 20; 97 York chunks,
various sizes,
20 Tons Barley and Oats Feed
iii 1 one. heavy Barley Mix
Feed Grain; 500 Bales Mixed Hay
iscetare bales)
lilanuoys model w.D. row
crop tractor; _Heat Houser; Set
heavy duty chains; Ford tractor
with Freeman loader; Set tractor
chains; New Hunan(' square
baler ,X o. 6s; Hydraulic Allis Chale
mere mower; Allis Chalmers pow:.
cc sid e rake & tedder combin-
ation; Allis Chalmers ratio baler;
Uhalniers bale loader, Smok-
er elevator, 34 It long; ML Forest
2-42, threshing separator„ drive
belt with Lunnersal straw shred-
der & grain thrower; Massey
Harris gobbel disc; land roller,:
International stiff tooth culti-
vator; 7 ft Massey Harris grain
binder; John Deere hamtneritiill
10"; Wagon box; Set .sloop
sleighs; Rubber tire wagon with
hay rack; Hemline chain saw;
De Laval 2 unit milking Mach-
ine; De Laval cream separator
with motor; grain auger With bag-
g8r and motor; Post hole digger,
Ebersol snow bloWer; Cement
mixer; 30 ft. Boom weed sprayer
with Blue TWin pUmp; 4-Burner
eleCtric brooder; Oil brooder
stove; ExtensiOn. ladder; Alum-
inum wheelbarrow; 2 Hog water,
bowls; 13/2 Horse electric mot-
or; 1 i2 electric motor; Em-
ery stone with stand; A quantity
of plank & lumber, pine, elm and
S Sterile. windows 55.:11" long,
-2'4,01 wide; Duo Therm oil
__eater; Single bed spring and
mattress ;2 oak • dresser's,
Walnut bed spring and
mattress; Walnut, dresser; Jou-
awkw bed spring, mattress, ad-
justable headrest; Walnut dres-
sing table; Walnut wash. stand;
Bathroom: . vanity with stool;
Antique writing desk; Toilet set;
A quantity fruit jars; 17 Cu. ft.
Re lv i na tor refrigerator; Auto-
matic Clrosley dishwasher. •
No Reserve As Farm. Is Sold
Terms Cash
Time. 12:30 -p,m. Sharp
Jackson & •Jackson,
Auctioneers, Listowel
Auction Sale of Farm Stock,
Machinery, Hay and Grain
at Lot 16, Con. McKillop
Twp. 8 miles North and 2I/2
miles East of Seaforth, or 21/2
miles South of Walton and 21/2
East on
At 1 p.m.
!Vlach nery
John Deere 20-10 tractor with 36
loader fully equipped (3 yrs.
old); heavy duty tractor chains;
12 ft. self propelled versatile
swather (3 year old); New Hol-
land OS hay bailer; 4-row John
Deere corn or bean scuffler; 4-
row lanes bean puller; l4-row
Times bean windrower; 494 A 4-
row corn or bean planter; Heavy
duty Cockshutt wagon; 16 ft, hay
rack; John Deere 7 ft. mower;
Catipillav G, 3 stationery Motor
79 H.P. with 90 hrs work; Air
compressor 1 H.P. motor service
station model; George White
Spring tooth cultivator 10 ft. 8
point hitch; New Holland 150 bus,
manure spreader P.T.O. (1. yr.
old) mounted roller mix P.T.O.
36 ft. grain auger P.T.O. All above
machinery like new.
24 Registered ,and Grade Hol-
stein'Cows fresh and due time of
sale; 20 Hereford Steers and
heifers 1 yr. old.
Dairy Equipment
Set Stewart Clippers; 2 milk
coolers; spray type 4-6 cans;
2 unit Surge milking machine;
heavy duty pump and motor.
Hay and Grain
1000 bales mixed hay 1000
bus. Keystone barley. grain
grown from registered seed; 1000
bus. mixed grain.; 60 gal. electric
bean cooker like new.
000 Kimber yr. old hens.
Terms Cash
Prop. Glen McNichol
Clerk Mel Graham
Auct. Harold Jackson
Centre Street
'or all kinds of upholstering
brussels Representative:
Phene 4 79 Brum&
Morrie Piano.
Phone 473J12 Cecil
Child's Crib and Mattress
very good conditon.
Ben Terpstra Phone 473W13
59 Oldsmobile 2 door hard-
top, ii itomal.lc, power steering
power brakes, radio. Quick sale,
Phone 81
1101110 typing work available in
Brussels, and Area. Full Time-
Part Time. Details write Torham
Co., Postal Station ”D", Hamilton,
ice ereem Pies and Cakt.,,
in assorted flavours at, a special
LOW PRICE while they last.
('let some soon at COUSINS
• Sevcral good used Televisioes,
portables, fluor and table models.
..‘lachau hardware
Phone 433
Opportunity for local resident.
(over 25) interested in weekly
income of $150 to $200 or more.
Write Rawleigh, Dept. C-152425,
4006 Richelieu St. St, Henry,
Established rural territory
now available with AVON
COSMETICS No obligation
write or phone collect evenings..
Mrs. M. 1VHIlson, 17 Hawkesbury
Ave., London 451-0541.
Belong stock calves, feeder
steers and cows in Carload lots.
jtin Luke and John Toews, for,
merly with. W. .C. Johnston and
Gordon Dater, now associated
with us. Licenced and Bonded. N.
Hershfield & Co. Ltd. Union
Stock Yards, St. Boniface, Man.
L'fi- EL
Misses Aunu and Alice Vost-
ininitM Waterloo, and Miss Hun-
tley Itoeunia, were weekend.
guests of Mr. and .Air;-; George
LH um stra.
Ethel UCW Meeting
fi rs. A. Bremner and Mrs.
Fort were hostesses for the meet-
jug of the I,lthel i"('\\' held in Ow
church Sunday School room.
Airs. Doris Hanna and Mrs.
Jim KLruthers Lour; thl devolious.
The topic, taken by Alt's. Struthers
was rot le w ed •• a discussion
The business session. was pre-
sided over by Mrs. C. Earl,
'Something Lo do to make this
year better'' was given in re-
sponse to the Roll Call. A vote
or tlitn s was tondered. Mr. and
Mrs. John Conley for building
and painting new eupboercls•
Walton W. I. Hears Of .
Life In Northern Quebec
'Walton Wow e4-8 institute had
described to them, lite at Great
Wh‘lie River, northern Quebec, at
their meeting on Thursday night.
Miss Sl..irley .Flrown of Goderich,
now teaching at Myth public.
echool, told of her, experienc es as
a teacher of English and home
economics in, that. outpost of the
nort horn portion of Quebec.
About nine years ago a federal
goverment school was opened
Residents of the area included
Eskimos, Indians and white
people, each living in separate.
Bridge, coiling on a strip of ice,
and dancing were included in
recreational activities. Although
there were no roads for travel
motor bikes or snowmobiles were
owned by many of the people.
Buildings in the area included
on. Angican Church, Hudson Bay
store and nursing station,
frown a int eresti lig ac-
count was illustrated with colored
slides and ceritentary,
Tt was decided, during the bils•
mess session, that the bus trip
this year will be on. the 12th Of
.1 to the WI couveuttou being
held in Unelvh, juin) 12 to
Ill 111' tat ion to Seaforth 911
May 151.11, and to a centennial
\\'I dinner in lilyth Memorial Hall
on March Date were aeeepted.
1,0,dit3e are asked to wear centen-
nial costumes, if possible.
The uontinating, committee
Mtn Mrs, Nelson Reid as con-
venor, was appointed as follows;
Mrs. Havel Watson, :Vas. Frank.
Walters, Mies. Jan Vali Vita and
Alts, Nelsen Marks,
BO-W.1,11'4(i NOTES
'the Maitime struggled to get
10 points in total over Nick's
Marilyn's Malthus 120
Nick's Niehols 11
Moils Cameros 110
J Lich s Jiggers 102
Davit's Sting Rays 05
Marlene's Tornados
Ladies High Singles
.Marion eluellan 233
Jean Bolger 227
tlerb Marlatt. 213
Lames' High Triple
Jean Bolger 557
Marion Meehan 505
Karen Hastings 529
Men's High Singles
Dave hustings '247
and 245
Ale! i`dc.s,r Ler 232
.Y,ed Rutedge 215
Men's High Triple
Dave IPastings GS6
Mel McAr ter 610
Ted Elliott 67g
Soecial Mention
Jim 1.3osman ........
Grant Stephenson 213
Ted Elliott
Dili Stephenson 211
Ross Duncan. 206
Karen Hastings 204
Jacic Lowe 203
Alartlyn Higgins 205
'urray Lowe tor Ross Duncan
Ann Lowe for Velma Stephenson
Dianne Huether for Mabel Willis
Six more bowling nights before
the playoffs, and everyone is
trying hard to be at the top.