HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1967-03-02, Page 1POST PUBLISFUNG HOUSE, 12.00 A y I ol.t. Aftiou.kee THE iitkIJSSEILS POST, TI11.111.SDA.Y MAIL AUDIENCE BRAVE STORM. TO SEE "COLORAMA"' PRESENTED BY BRUSSELS FIGURE SKATING CLUB STEWART A. MacGREGOR, FA.C.D.• BUILDING AND CONTENTS ARE DESTROYED BY FIRE A 81ovago building and contents a the XVII). Strotychnk. Orchards, et the westerly Mutts of this viitage, were destroyed by fire undetermined origin, which V.-as tiff eovred tti. approximately Saturday morning. Lost in ine ot.a7o w('ro jut) fnishels ' of apples, •Imito ;I mo ° hokes, Tedder's, ;tpraying equip- 'tent etc: r. Siva' ychuk. had warm words or prn Ise for iirlissel$ vpitinteor firemen who fought. the raincS in sub-zero weather that (footed then with tee, in a sueceSsful effort to save the adjacent cold storage plant.. Mr. Stratychuk has stated his intention to rebuild. MRS. SYLVSSTER RAVNAkD Mi•g. ,SylveSter 'Rayner& List- t.itel, died Wednesday iii Listowel \16-terial }tot:mita1, at the age of 54. She wa.s ,the former Christine McFarlane. She is survived by her husband; Donald British Columbia, ,Tosenb. (trey Township., William, List- owel,' and Thomas, Palmerston; a daughter, Mrs. Paul (Barbara) LtstoWei; brOthers Walt- er, Listowel, Munn, Morria Town- ship, Thomas, are Township; sister, Mrs. aerdoti (.Tattet) Mc Phertleil, Vii, ttelen'S, The body is resting at the ti A. Ttatiti Funeral Home, Brus- "Sr4, Where the fuheral Service Will be held at g p.ta, SaturdaY, turial will he In Mount Pleasant OPME'i The EteattOfili Centennial Quilt Mrs. George Wheeler and Mrs. lielnibgiVtly tt p peared (10 NI'1:,arly program , CANN', cm Tuesday, to display the Centen- nial Quilt or the Brussels Horti- cultural Society. There Were nutty favottrahle eomments about the beauty of the This is the 171oral Emblems Or the provinces, N.W,'f . and the Yukon. The quilt will he on display in Ran 0 TF'urtlititto Store front time to time and tickets are available from 'any TTortictllf erai member. All proceeds will he used On (lie Centennial Pert; and flower beds Of the town , PEOPLE WE KNOW Mrs. Wes Budnark is a patient in. Victoria. T-Tospital, London, Mr. and Mrs. 'T.toy Cousins have returned from Florida, Mr, and Mrs. (1, Hahermehl. Of Hespler, were visitors with Mrs. (leo. Chidlow, Miss Doris McDonald is re- CUDevating frotti gashes suffered In a pnotinnebtle tradittlj.. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH MacGregpv was bore at Paeltenhant in the. Ottawa Valley and received hiS education there and ill ,\rnprior and at the Univer4 airy of Torok°, Ike has practised in Toronto sineo grkdnation in 1911, For a number of yearn. Tie vas in general pr4ctice but his interegl nextistry for Children grew until be finally' reel:rioted his practice to children. Tle 'Was granted his specialist's certificate in (fly niotteered for better dental services to eldhiren both front the standpoint of 'Eniver.: city training and for better dental services for children from the dental profektiion Ile now heads the Department of VaedotionticS ;At the Faculty of Dentistry heing; responsible for its organization rri 194'1. He is also responsible for the preSent dental services at the llospital for . Sick Children and wily recently relinotrished the Directorship of the tiePart- ment, Fie holds a Professor- ship and has been honoured by being made a. rellow or the inter- 'Ilonal College of Dentists. pioneer in stimulating, the in- terest of stielt voluntary organ- izations as the Red Cross and Children's Aid Societies, he has 1`'1•I'f7 4 0111.ed -Dentistry on the Board Of the Ontario Division of .0 ('rem and has been respon- •• foe the organisation, star- and operation of Dental Collates, owned by the Junior Iced cp o ss and which are operated in retnote eoninmnitieS in the north Where no dental Services are 01Insrwio avaiil ihlc. TTe also dir- ected a project by Junior Red Cross in the out-ports of NeW. foundlorid to bring dental oflueriti ion and services to the‘ i li4.ttigitt of these remote areas. :if& sueceeded in establishing services. . for ehildron of the Children's Aid. Society, More recently he has arranged through junior Bed Cross. to have these children Oared for who safer emotionally. tit(' regnit of disfiguring con- ditions due fo crooked teeth and whose parents cannot pay for the erticeS of a specialist. invitations to give eourses in: -Dentistry for Children bare come froM fat and wide, The Federal ileparT111.Pflt cif National Health end Welfare organized courses for dentists across Canada with Dr. •Macaregor as Clinician, Tic' has eeltired to professional groups ill ('snails, (Irent TIritain and the United States and is known by many "Home and School Assoeint- i ,•ee in Ontarin where his lecture. hes been rr highlight. of their Health Night programmes. ro Socak Her ,, March 10th Dr. Maccfregor has agreed to come to -Brussels on Friday oven- hug March 10th. 1907. to speak to at audience of adult townspeople on dental 'health and to discuss 0111' torn! [dans for obtaining dent- al services here in Prnssels. The meeting will he hold. on Friday. March 11.1th at 8:30 p.m. 0 the Legion MB Your attendance is reqtested al this OMISSION The Molesworth Inst attic was -tend vort en 1 1 y Omit t ed fit the. banes or those wilt' donated Orlzes for (Ivey Central Reboot Tho ,t,iow must. go on. — and go on it did. yhe Brussels rigt:ke Skating Club, under the direction of •Otab ProCeS$4inai Mrs. Faye Me. Donald, presented its annual Toe Revitet, "CotoWarna" Saturday night as scheduled even though the' blustery winter weather the usuaily good attendance, Due to the bad weather the revue was repeated again on Sunday afternoon to give everyone a second chance to see it, and drew Cale 4n,owd, Mr. Win, Wratychuk was- Master of Ceretnorlieo and assist- ed in naming the winners of the Saturday night draw for llama. They kve.1;1•k to Frank 'Wilson, Murray McAr'ee't and Mrs. Mildred MeTaggart, all of Ocussels. The arena was truly' colorful, with attractive colored light4 and sitVery decckations and wa0 enhance d fky the lovely costumes of the Slitiletg. Fifty local skaters took part: in the program. Gue5t skaters Participating were :',1-lenda Pough- ne,r, Galt Club, -Valerie Modte and Sharon Willie, Listowel, Linda:, Lowery and Ken Davidson. Exeter aPaip, Their skating feats added much to the success of the show. Gt) Princc (`iii rMing: lien Davidson DI Snow Whiie 4: Prince charming: Linda Lowery and lie rl Iravidson. Protety Pastels 4 Al Swing Dance: Karen Mutter, Liuth. Wilson, Debbie. NI.C(14ll: 1 (IiWillow Waltz': Linda and Penny Lowe. Tasi P of TToney : Sharon 'Willie Carol Curies: Coil McDonald., Shirley .1ne y a rd • -Cheryl Mc,- Cuteboon, Cathy Bone, Debbie Speir, Betty Lou Brown, Special Guest: Glenda Bough- nor. -!;;it (A) flack and White Ballet : ,To:in St e ph ensell Marie Nolan, Tie bbie Speir, CothY Bone, Wendy Prior. Sharon Willis, Anita Brig- ham, Sitsall. Snell, Than 'Bennett. Francis Exel. (B) Solo: lo M Karen utter. TN THEI PINK: Linda and Pen- ny Lowe. „ LTA'CS; Bonet.° Richmond, Julie McCall, Julie Campbell, Carol Raymond, Than T-Tu ether, JONA MieArter retWen Bernard, Louise ATcock. C-4111:!EN ,CrREEN: Shirley Pipe', Cathy Bone, Wendy Prior, Joan Bennett; Anita Brighard, Susan' Speir. Sharon Willis, Francis Exel Dianne Thomas, Kim Sul- livntt SALUTE -ro TTTE PrTITRE': Linda and Penny Lowe, Karen Mutter T•inda Wilson. Betty Lou -Brown. Connie McWhirter, Shir- ley Ann Rovnard. .Toan St nph Of. son, Marie Nolan. Dchbie Debbie Cheryl MoNieheon, Traviss. Donna Workman, SPECIAL G,TrEST:' Glenda :mightier. PTYALE: Entire Cast Couple Honored On 40th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Cecil. Eckutior Of Pli,h rc:c'civpd ihe congrat- ulations and good wishes of host of relatives. friends 'arid' neighbours who called at their on Sunday when their held Open TTonse of (heir parents 40th The relebrating couple were the recipients of many gifts, ern'ds and messanes including a telo“ phone call front his brother Glen of SaUlt Ste. Mark,. All 'Members of their family, Sollg, two daughters, were home, for. the ()evasion. They nre: Mrs, and .1rs., Delmar (Marie) Ruch. :num and Phildren, Calvin, ;\nincy end (''tree of nonpv,-0 Mr. and -Mrs. Thos. I T.:. +1)(1 1 5:1 WollY1 and: son Larry. rtobirohr' ; Mr. Mid "rs.. ld Frkinier and song. Paul, rradley and TblOtl. of KTIteh. etifirr: Mr. awl Mrs 11 3.e, 11 ti'mdan ruin lithe Special ,applause shoffid go to our own fine skaters; Linda and Penny Lowe, Michael Kernaghat, Karen Mutter and Gail McDonald for their delightful performances and skating abilities. The. Club executive, under the president, Mrs. C. Raynard, as : well as many others, helped in. the preparation of this annual affair and presented the follow ing program: Multi-Meringue — *Canasta Tango: Michael Kernaghan, Marie Nolan, Donna Workman, Connie Me Whi rter. Shirley Pipe, Gail Traviss. Brian Stratychuk. (A) Red Roses for a. Bhie Lady: Peggy 'Gibson, Lynne Bridge, Donna "Willis. Heather Irene Raynard, Tackie Workman, Carol 'Wheeler. 113) Blue Lady: Can McDonald. G.old "The Midas Touch Dianne Thomas. Kim Sullivan. Susan Humphries, Kim Humphries, Ann Wr Oddthg a a» i vema ry, Stratychtik, Barbara. Elliott, Mau- reen SulliVan, Mori McCutcheon, Linda Mail, Dianne Willis. Navy Blue: Michael Kertmghan, Pink Cbnfettl: Than. Stephen- son, Linda Wilson, Gail Traviss Petty Lon Brown. Debbie McCall : Shirley Pipe. Donna Workman, Minnie McWhirter, Meryl Mr., Outelicon, Shirley Ann Rayttaid. SnoW White and the Sovet nw:-,rfs (-V) 'Barbara Elliott, Ann St ratychek. Coleeii its ynl on& Than Ttneth Pr, Kith T-Tumphrios, perephries, Matireen (11)Stleere Lthrld