The Huron Signal, 1881-04-22, Page 3i TIIE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, APRIL 22. 1881. PAY UP. Old Maeda sail 0I4 Dsehelees. Old maids are useful. They can cook, sew and take care of ohildreu, nurse sick people, and generally play the piano. Old bachelors are useless. They do not even know how to drive nails or split wood. Old maids are sluiable. If one wants anything done that requires patience and kindness of heart, a single lady is sura to be the one toldo it. Old bachelors are ill-natured. They snub children, despise babies and hate young mothers, and are always so busily employed in seeing that 'ether people take good care of them that they have not a moment to give to any one else. Old maids are nice looking. and "young for their year&" t)ld bachelors generally have red noses, rheumatism in their knees, bald heads, and mouths that turn down at the corners. Old ootids can retake a home of one little mom, and cook delicious meals for one over the gas -jet in cunning little tin - kettles, besides ,making all their own wardrobes. Old bachelors need an army of tailors, waiters, cooks, distant rela- tives and hotel landlords to keep them comfortable. When old maids are ill they tie up their heals in pocket -hanker - chiefs, take howcepathic pellets out of two -bottles, alternately, and get well again. When old bachelors are ill they go to bed and send for four doctors; ,have a consultation; a mantel -piece full of black bottles; all the amiable married men who belong to the club to sit up with then at night, besides a hired nurse; they telegraph to their relations; and do their best to impress the world with the idea that they are dying. When an old staid travels she takes a sandwich, a piece of pound cake, a bottle of lemonade in a hand basket, and lun- ches comfortably in the carriage. When an old bachelor travels he orders h tat d SINN horde of Ibisdom. Persons often Wok courage to appear as they really are. A true faith in science knows no limit to ata search ter truth. They are never alone who are aroma - panted with noble thought& "See what I am t" not "See whet my father was !" u an old and exo.11.nt Att- bio saying. Words should be subordinate to ids. We never place the pedestal on the head of the statue. Self-denial lathe most exalted pleasure, and the conquest of evil habits the most glorious triumph. Never reflect on a past action that was done with a good motive, and with the best judgment at the time. A woman may always judge of the esti- mation in which she is held y the con- versation which is addremed to her. Men, contrary to icon, are worse to be wrought upon when they are hot, and are tar more tractable iu sold blood. Action keeps the soul in health, where; as idleness rusts the mind and corrupts es well as benumbs all its active !acral ties. When the million applaud you,'.eri- ously ask yourself what harm you have done; when they censure you, what good. The mind is weak when it bels once given way ; it is long before a principle restored can become as firm as one that has never been moved. The expectation of future happiness is the best relief of anxious thoughts, the most perfect cure of melancholy, the guide of life and the ooiufort of death. Could we rightly and duly reflect on the misfortunes of other men, we should be much more thankful than we are for the teeny undeserved blessings which we daily enjoy. Success is dazzling Men are ,Mt con- stituted that everybody undertakes what he sees another successful in, whether he has aptitude for it or not. One p r- ues gold miner in California gives half a continent a fever for seeking gold. One successful general fills the dreams of thousands of youth with the possibilities of military renown. B theg,111148 �a 11 eat ass esryNat . S Ss S" ase should be settled catty. 1 take skis effsr- tesq sI Iamrrtsg sm ,euesra.d to pay sf d 11778-2m alpoROZ CArTLS. TO THE PUBLIC: -- Hewsg deposed of Inv Photo Balminess is (lod.rtak, I world tate Ate twig to return thanks for the many r oeied 'ewe coeineloi*9 bssewscas Asn oats years eju. Fur my atwawor, Mr. fidlfosss, I bespeak a ountwtwattes of the w kindly tendered we, end knowing to possess aseperior ability, predict for him a suooessAVl business career. Rrapectfufly, R. R THOMPSON, Photo. a dinner in courses at the • tun, an There is always room for men of force —live men ; the smartest must take the Haas because he has not time to eat it lead. Moot men are capable of greater before the "fifteen minutes for refresh- things than they perform, and all require menta" are over. the proper opportunity. A feeble man Old maids drink weak tea and it cures I can see only the farms that are fenced and tilled, the houses and barns that aro actually built ; but a strong man sees possible houses and thrifty farms. With reference to the above, 1 would inform all Interested that my atm will be to produce work et the Lowest Price. consistent with Oood Quality, aad shall some no pains to give satisfaction. A fine assortment of Albums, Frames. &c., to head in a few days. their headaches. Old bachelors drink strong liquor which give them headaches. Old maids are modest; they think their youth is over and their beauty gone. If, after a while, some autumnal love is given them, they take it as a sort of miracle, and hope people will not laugh at them for "marrying so late in life." Old bachelors believe that all women are in love with them, and that they must carefully guard themselves front traps laid in inveigle them into matri- mony. They also fondly cherish the be_ lief that should they eventually become married men; tho world expects them to l encs—the softer it falls the ]anger it exhibit great taste in women by their dwells uj:on and the deeper it sinks into choice, and that the "other fellows" will the mind. laugh if their portion be not tender The more quietly and peaceably we get youth and beauty; also that when they on the better—the better for ort: neigh - marry, many women will expire of Jeal- bors. In nine cases out of ten the Wis- ousy. est policy is, if a maq.eheats, stop trad- ing with him ; if he is abusive, quit his company ; if he slanders you, take care _ to live so nobody will believe him ; no matter who he is, or how he misuses you, It is said that once in a great while a the wisest way is to let him alone ; for lady is found who is not specially gifted there is nothing better than this cool, in the fluent use of language. who even calm, quiet way of dealing with the indulges in recurring periods of silence, wrong we meet with. A call solicited. R. SALLOWS, Photo. Blake's Bloch, Ooderich. leuccessor to R. It- poise N.B.-As 1 have all the Negatives made by R. R. Thompson previously to my taking the business, parties wishing duplicates will please send me their ordrs. R. SALLOWS, Fhotograto. HACYARQS PECTORAL BALSAM. Has we oral for the per.aiKnt circ 4th C.pt1a, Ods, Sere Threat. A:4roo *. creep, N"eesPtmtg t�t t/a. and all tar E rery bottle guaranteed to gi,< iat 61.,. t T >IILbL;I(N&CO., Proprietor, Ia,..,i' Women should all understand that no beauty liar any charms but the inward one of the mind, and that a gracefulness in the manners is much more engaging than that of their persons; that meek- ness and modesty are the true and last- ing ornaments. These are the only charms that render wives amiable and give them the very hest title to our respect. We must consult the gentlest manner and softest seasons of address, our ad- vice must no,t fall like a violent storm, bearing down and making those to droop whom it is meant to cherish and refresh. It must descend as the dew upon the tender herb, or like melting flakes of ....y,►:..,,,,,,.,„-.,.ya..aw... _ ., afP�. 3 PRINTS AT COLBORNE BROTHERS row 5 CENTS A YARD UP. THE BEST VALUE IN TOWN. BOOTS & SHOES. We are receiving literal shipments of s WRING- G-001 S, cHRYSTAL & BLACK, Practical BOILER -HERB. which oomprTehall the Desirable Lines of the Leading e Prominent estares of our Stock tideB easonwW pat the Dominion. e V 1CK'S 11 LINTSATm fL.saL WON Per 1N1 Is as mat Doak et t>N llpwaa�traf Oise with flower Plate, the b M Flowers V �Ieu l..r`a� u . at Ouly wa5lis erase baud° eM M e..1.,, VW* heeds are the best is the watts Th. tasmIrkeral Guide will tall how to set aad grow 111p1'a Fleury sed ifeweSichhe Garda.. 176 Pages, s Colored Plates. tM Engravings. For Nmate in paper seven. $1,16 is elepe t cloth. Ie German or English, .smear Nsiitwwww-N Paps, tview~t.Wolorsd Prate in every .ember aid many seatsae • Prios SLID a year; Flus for w poplesoenta: for f $thea4 B c000pp foe l acct s Address. IAMICS VICIi, Rochester. N. Y. VERY BEST QUALITY, THE LATEST AND MOST APPROVED STYLES, And PRICES LOWER THAN EVER We Dave ale added Several New Lines of Ow Own Make, The Snbecribers, have bought the Tools and Boller Busines of D. IttNcIMAN d• Co., lately carried on by the Godes and Foundry a nding had Menu- lecturing enan lecturing Company, ex- perience of over eight years in that shop, are now prepared to carry on the trade In all ata branches. LT Any work entrusted to us will receive prompt attention. First-class work guarsnt All kinds of Boilers made and repaired. else Smoke Stacks and Sheet Iron Wort. &c•, a - reasonable rates. New Salt Pane made and old ones repaired on the shortest notice, and at PRICES THAT DE- FY COMPETITION. twang a anent Mire. which, though they can not be depended 1 on to last my length of time, are never- theless very refreshing. Some husbands are short-sighted enough not to appre- ciate these silent intervals. and feel that they must be symptons of approaching dissolution. One fond husband, who noticed that his wife indulged in fre- quent half hours of pensive thought, be- came alarmed. It woo such a strange experience in his household, which was generally enlivened by a flow of conver- sation which resembled a mountain tor- rent, that he determined to try an ex- periment and see if he could not rouse the dormant powers of hie wife. So on a beautiful Spring morning, when the new fashions had just set in, he firmly refused to buy a bonnet for his better - half. It was, as all husbands will testi- fy, an heroic measure, and one attend- ed with danger. The silent wife looked at him for a moment in dumb astonish- ment. Then her lips opened, the &od- gates were lifted, the dam was broken, and from behind those pearly teeth came an incessant and merciless current of words, which almost made him wish he had never been born The lady was cured; oho has never been silent for five eonescatire minute., day or night, since that beer. In commenting on the mat- ter, he sod, in sad and piteous tc nes, that his experiment was entirely success- ful, but that Iwo was almost sorry that he was ever ind.oed to try it Chrystal & Black BOX 1*3. I:OB=1CB. (1757, SEE WHAT PHYSICIANS And People in Canada say about SCOtt's Emil= Of Pure Cod Liver Oil WITH lTpophosphlieil of Liao & Soda AS A REMEDY FOR CONSUMPTION AND WASTING DISEASES etitoodiac. N. B.. Nov. S. 1850. Messrs. SCOTT st BOW N B: -I have wed and proscribed for some time "Scott' Emulsion of Cod Liver 011.- and Sad it an excellent prepa- ration, agreeing well with the stomach, wally taken, and its continued use adding greatly to the strength and comfort of the patient. A. H. PICK, M. D. Penn. Med. College, in both Sewed and Pegged, which will be found W that the customer can desire. Amherst, Nova tooth. Nov. 8, 1880. Mears. SCOTT tc BOWNE,-O.ents: For nearly two years I have been acquainted with Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with Hypo- phosphite., ypophosphites, and consider it the finest prepara- tion now beton the Rubilc. Its permanency as an Emulsion with the pple�a�sant flavor, makes it Promptly Attended W and you thepMuds d quote and examine err ylors . shall the great favorite for children, cad 1 do highly be pleased to show you (foods and quote Deices, whether you buy or not. reoommend it for all wsating diseases of the system. Yonas, very truly. C. A. BLACK, M. D. Halifax, N. B., Nov. 19, 1880. Mears. SCOTT d' BOWN&-Gentleman: I have prescribed yoar Emulsion for to put two years, and found 1t more agreeable to the stomach. and have better results trom its use from any other preparation of the kind I have tried. ORDERED WORK & REPAIRING THOS. JAVEA, Darlington, England, says : The "Only Lung Pad" is being thoroughly tried here. One lady has al- ready received great benefit, who has suf- fered for years from Bronchitis and Asth- ma, and congestion of right lung. Mewls Get Web. The great secret of obtaining riches, is first to practice economy, and as good cold Deacon Snyder says, "It used to worry the life out of me to pay enorm- ous doctor's bill, but now I have `struck is rich.' Health and happiness reign supreme in our little household, and all simply because we use no other medi- cine but Electric Bitters, and only coats fifty cents a bottle." Sold by F. Jor- dan E. & J. DOWNING. THE SQL ARE, Goderich. Feb. Itth, (881 1718 If You Want Good GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, CROCKERY, or GLASSWARE, H. E. Honoa, Cambridge, Mich., says: I have been afflicted with Asthma for year. An "Only Lung Pad" gave me immediate relief. I can recommend it as the greatest remedy ever produced. HINNY VAN NORTWICK, of Toledo, Ohio, says: A friend prevailed upon nie to try an "Only Lung Pad,' and I ob- tained immediate relief from a racking cough. I know the Pad helped me. At retail by all druggists. Wholesale by H. HASWELL & CO., Montreal, P. Q $.ekles-son lea *ape. The beat Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all kinds of Skin eruptions. This Salve is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction in every case or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by F. Jordan. (7oderich. The best known remedy for Throatall affec- is tions of the Chest, Lungs or OaAT'a SYRUP O7 Rao Settees tuff It thcusands oonetantly used by per- sons sons sufferinng from the above (lissom, and in nearly every instance it affords immediate relief. In cases of trouble- some, tickling Cough. where the patient pa ea sleepless nights, one or two doses of the Syrup has such a quieting, sooth- ing effect that the rest ensues and the Cough speedily disappears. Try it and be convinced. Rod b r allcem Pries 28 and 60 oasts per bottle. Th. great want of the Northwest said to be worsen- it ishesrtrend.rini to bear of thedesire the desire f whoa re ate no old o womenelors towithal several hutieed mile. Oid maids are maid be go el' lite het asks amt there. Go Wed, roam cremes $eia'lies 7vwlionisedThe Goversisest mei eel tRtNN• web. 1011,10 nutlasGoessw'M milks, r► yesesw easW the 18th•& ail pre- =illuip drab whet their pro - duet is "Mb. The 11 ea tsemt b ewuif' ler s bug hires in &hems M the eatibitel raised raise Phos tie be- tween the d.vw+aet sett the Is.I till redness benefits to' the people who pay the rates i Thee is Caeada welshed by the N. P —00 TO— D. FERGUSON'S Hamilton Street, Opposite Bailey's Hotel. In addition to the oreeler', lines of to Groocry and Crockery Trade. I carry a fu stock of • 11. M. CAMERON, M. D. Belleville, Ont. Messrs. S('ol T P DOWN F - Dear airs: I feel D • duty t owe nut way to you but to the community, to make the tutt1owi statement: About throe years ago my eldest ter was taken with • severe cold which settled on her lungs, and not withstanding all othat her medi- wonse, and appeared tdant could o be to the last worse d hope- Icee stage of consumption. The Doctor said he could do no more, but recommended your Em- ulsion. and the effect of it was In the opinion Before she one oseed the frstt simply ashel felt much better, and to the surprise of us all. she continued to mend so rapidly that in three months she was able to go about as usual, and has continued in such excellent health that she gut married 18 months ego. and has now as fine and healthy a son as you can tind in the country. WILLIAM BLAND. Elora. Ont., July, 1880. This is to certify that my daughter has had Lung disea6e for some time. and very much reduced In flesh, and had not strength enough i to walk a lady friend tot try Scott's Emulsion. an the street. See was advised hW our t surprise before she had used three Flog, eals; Pork aid Geferal �rOYIS1011S aamedlerase. doHN W. WOW.. I bottles her health wu uomPlotely recove I recommend it W every ant troubled with the MY MOTTO I;, "Fair Dealing and Moderate Prices." -•VICTORIA-- BUCHU&UVAURS1 CREAT SPECIFIC DISEASES H',KIDNEYS UR NARY ORGANS. LIBERAL OFFERS FOR 1881_ Tito Tears for tho Price of One 1 THE REPRINTS OF TM* R*IT1ttll SCASIULT (Evaeoelicai . team* 5gAry=g'T (Ceasersetfar(. Darn WMfial (1Vhy(. ACD W pT/1tiwTfi I Lae -oi t REVIEWS, APD Coal Oil also sold. Sce:my Stock and get my prices. AT Goods delivered to any part of the D. Ferguson. Daniel Gordon, Ciliet-Magr and Urdu. Oldest House in the t.ounty, and Largest Stock t;tis aide of London PARLOR SUITEN, BID -ROOM Syria, SIDI-BOARDS, KANY CNAIRN, Louwo 0, R('. , arc. Cash Buyers well flat it W their advantage to see my emit it they need'sgood article at erose price. D. GORDON, Wed Street, near Post Opo., Ooderieh. nssinroo<'t Ildlabnirrlt M.essiao, Present Oa brat foreign peri.dlrnfa in s ecce veiniest hem aad nit/ow eireetipesaw/ or au..wteen. Treees.g.Oleertets.a A.vttNtea FMNIOMINN4 WOed .r say onetwo Review - ee.sem leges' Ire Md any tbree Reve�we . ilia feta PPeree Ferre:: erred tacts t1. y..r eters may be W a• a THL GREATEST WONDER OF MODERN TIMES! -The Pilla Purify the Blood, correct all disorders of Bowels and are hoLiver, al $teIn Stomach, com1pynlaints s in- cidental to Fennales. The Ointm rat I 10 Wound', reliable remedy for Bad Leers, O standing. Sores and Ulcers. Dipof however RheFor Broach umatism and allhSkinCoisgeases, it has no equal. HITS. --I m OF AMERICAN cfole COUNTER- FEITS. leave t � 110 att. --b most respectfully the attention of the Yutolic generally to theta.* that oertatn Houses in New York are sending to Many parte of the globe SPURIOUS IMITATIONS of on their labels Immo Ointment. ddres' inese Nefwauds Yorkk.. bear do not allow my Medicine to he sold in any part ot the Vetted I have no Agents' there. M7 Medicines aretes. only made by me, at SSL Ox- ford Street, London. in the Books of directions sabred to the &pueblo make is a capon warn- ing the Public against beim(deceived by coun- terfeits. Do not be missed by this audacious trick. as they. the eoralrrJeifs they pretend to demesnes. k .- i'Neooeateetrffcfaare purchased by Verdure at one'Mlf the pries et m ~ 1 _ t oad most re ear n5 to you appes ay to � I most earnestly wtt•al to �s wbech i feel sure i may vets- tan e� tan hie ' 1' tel ksaess �Peewee. Ite la Medicine with the words 11otaowST'$ el0 i IRwaRT. Lod DON." engraves Ok label la !IM where sloaq . the re Man ' , orad . 'r s POW add CXwhaent, Warne; any w we eretsoterfeet TMe ed Medi - M r,gietmred In Ottawa. paces any0. otee throughout the pep.. pommel•.. wille keep the American Counterfeitsferis�.�he prosecuted igagneeD THOM API HOLLOWAY Oxford Mt.re-.t. Lees. Jen. 1. 1871_ rN T ►..II Carriage Works! $_ 15Ot v , having leased the shop of Mr P Bayne, is now engaged in the manufacture of first elutes CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, WAGGONS, etc. tine me a call, and I will give you prices that cannot be neaten in the county. REPAIRING dZ JOBBING DONE KINTAIL CARRIAGE WORKS, B. POINTER New GLOBi TOBACCO 00.,cs DI TROTT.1b.. .wt WIWUtSOR 1PI/tslb[ZV3f[a- way ►sew 10. wwlskass at tk. pries of ewe yeses ash tae will ter,ease d THS HURON RNfIIAl. PRINTED at the ogee ' a.w er il irfM Tpa.ts�e s�� GET YOUR AQCTION SALE BILLS '171 LIMA 111IgK itis (o , me ■tile'%ty et stir 11111181 8th 'itre.nt. '....Lest.* I KI LESE r i 4 i R RENEWER Wiwi i Vat•. .a •d"silky. ;1'644" treats Lte tallies est, RESTORING GRPI NAIR TO ITS RATURAL COLOR. otrew 110 fay brat the. 'I b all .the. • btKtle. 17N.1'i m el r len* Q !listed wow a- 1.rµ 1 as. K women e0- gambled121 market lair, render' t Ifs met& and pre- sets with rapidity le M'