The Brussels Post, 1967-02-23, Page 5aillgiZtit,,iniflroSecsot.eirtlateAssiirsiliklommirse•lit stractiftWar-kire0.13 -c111 1.44 ),.utuessi,3 pus!): ultussa,s, cgivatic. 1'111.7.11SDA) , FEB. 23rd, 1V67 IA11111(11115'4 Shirley Pipe Childcare -- Bernice, Debbie, Susan. Connie, Shirley Vit)iiteli s.i..1..1 ‘;endie, Toney D hie, sh Needlewoinan — Cheryl, Tenn- iloinemaker -- Cheryl, Shirley Cooks Cheryl, Shirley BRUSSELS FIGURE SKATING CLUB PRESENTS "-c 0.i.1 ORAMA" SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25 — 8 P.M. 51 LOCAL SKATERS. GUEST SKATERS GLENDA Bt?),UGHNER, SHARON WILLIE LINDA LOWERY KEN DAVIDSON. CLUB PROFESSIONAL — MRS. FAYE McDONALD Admission — Adults 75c — Children OOP (Pre-School Children FREE) DRAW TO BE HELD 1 the Sellers fitiany, the „Ni Centennial - brothers, John Stewart. John Blair, Donald Allan three families of Lamont*. Durbin 1853-01 and from that time forward the Township was rapid, with the fide of settlers flowing west- ward from Perth County iota the districts aronad Moncrieff, Silver Corners, Illenfryn, r Ethel and :+,1otesworth, and ,Morthward up 1.11e '`Caravel Road" from Sea- forth to Walton. Cranbrook, (,Hi'us.Mels) 1iorriF3- ba11k and Jamestown. Dwey Township was formed in- 11 11 separate nrunicipality in and the miuntes of the first meeting of the council are dated "Croy, ConeesSion. 11, Lot 10, January 18513" The Council. elect consisted of Petei"McDon- aid, Peter Pergii Son , Robert Leckie, joint Robertson and Thos. Stractlitta Peter McDonald was elected Chair inaa and Duncan Ferguson was appointed secre- tary of the meeting, Peter McDon.-, aid Was appointed reeve, whieh position he held for nine yearS, 1856.,1864. The council appointed jelin Stewart the first township clerk. Archibald McDonald was rest 0 iii 18l3-tiT, John Leckie in 1868-73, and Thomas Strachan held that ofi,ice fur the next; five or inure years, in 18(12 the township her came entitled to a deputy-reeve and Jolla Mitchell of, Moiesworth held the position in 1862413, Arehthadsli McDonald in 1364. John. Le(:kie in 1865:66,'David Dobson. in 1.81,71(468, Archibald McDonald again in 1809-72, and Samuel Sleinatt, for the next six or more years. .luau Stewart was -clerk in 1856- 58, William. Grant in 1859-0, John it, Grant in 1870-72, and Ales Hunter for the next six years. In 1875-78 the council compris- ed: ThoinaS Strachan, reeve; Samuel Slemain deputy-reeve, and John Ilyslop, Walter Oliver, and jacob ineffer. notiticillorS. In 1878 the other township Oft:idols wore: Aleix McNair, treasurer; Bishop, assessor; Don- old Melmughlin, collector [Ind Ale\ StoWart anti Jillirle8 Living. stone, auditors. (To he continned next week) CURRIE FURNITURE — See iii Wingham for Gigantic Filrinture Sale. Sale starts Feb. t)th Olds Feb. 18th. Only', C URIUM'S offers yell easy budget terilts, PREM storage, bell very and Parking,, BRUSSELS — 'MORRIS GREY ecticai-Dentai Centre CANVASS Please welcome your' canvasser with a donation when he calls at your homes MARCH, 6th TO MARCH 18th co; L'"4 1:400,..., Pioneer Anne, Dittatie, Pat Melville Guild Machan Artist • Connie Singers $hitley Writer — (Jeanie, Debbie held, their uLanaty meeting. ,,;1st, the Guild Cutireil On 'I tiesday (11111,4, r eht aury Astronomer -4 -- Connie '.1.1te meeting opeuea with a Reporter • • • rat Machin verse on Love by Jessie Little, Reader --- Debbie ' • followed by singing nymn 1.04. Dairymaid --:, Emegettey 1-1elp- - '.l lie scripture was read tu. unisoh, el*, Athlete, . 1:Attle Jrionse from Corinthians L.l. Skn.riey Pipe played "Bless This ilinitn` un her itycOalian. .1 eSsiu Little gave OM prayer and Helen atiott 40.3 reading on the Biography of Muriel Brothers, 1I area had neen prepared by Miss Moses. "What A vriend We 1 Lot e In jusus . was played hy Shirley Pipe, Tne topic was given by :Ruth Pipe. The meeting closed by singing It ymn 571 and repeating the bene- diction. SEAFORTH UPHOLSTERY Centre Street For all kinds of upholstering Brussels Representative: Phone 4 cr 79 Brussels SELWYN l.-..+KER Huron Liberal Association ANNUAL MEETING (For Federal Purposes) 'LEGION HALL — EXETER FRIDAY, MARCH 3, 1967 HON. J. J. (JOE) GREENE Canadian Minister of Agriculture, will speak. RECEP'I ION 6 P.m DINNER 7 p.m. Tickets Available From Municipal Chairman "Citairance Sale: OF GALLONS OF PAINT IN KEM GLO, MOORE'S WALL SATIN & MOORE'S DRIPLE'SS PAQUA • NOW IN STOCK • BUY A GALLON, GET A QUART OF MOORE'S SEMI-GLOSS ENAMEL •:. ,,FREE" hiachan . Harclware... IIRU5SELS PHONE 483 THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Minister; key. WI. Johnston B.A. 8.0. Organist: Mrs. c'red Stephenson a.m. Church Sehool 11 0.111, 121 "You're Putting Mu On" PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF CANADA MELVILLE CHURCH interim Moderator: Rev. McLean Organist; Iviargarot Thompson ARCT I I. .00 a.m. Public Worship Mr. E. G. Nelson of Mooseereek, Ont. in:110 a.m. LAurcl: School THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Priest: The Rev. F. G. Braby, B.A„ L.Th, SAINT JOHN'S -- Brussels Organist -- Mrs B. Elliott. S::tm tin The Holy Ilucharist 11: :la a an. Al attins and Primary School The ltev. W. R. Craven in charge of To-day's Services SAIN7 ALBAN'S & SAINT DAVID'S -- Atwood Organist — Mrs. C. Dickson 10:00 a.m. Mattins and Church School "TfUNKING DAY" Gil F eblirary 20, the Girl Guides, their Brownie sisters, the Mothers and rho Local Association held their annual —rhinking l)a,y" ceremony. 'the Commissioner, Miss Mary McMillan of Cock:rich, was also present, the 1irtINV,21111$ opened the meet- ing with their opening, which was precceded by the me giving out or badges. Laurie McLaitcheon and Dianne Thomas received, their Brownie Whigs and flew into, the girl Guido Company, The Brown- ies then gave a little ceremony addressing tne Brownies of other countries on this special ocasion. The Guides then took over the: meeting with their opening, fol.- lowul by the attendance and the torrning of the horseshoe. The Conunissioner then enrolled Jinni Hanna, Susan. Spelt. and, Mora .Rodney. Vile girls receiving the 2nd included: Terry Prior, Pat Atacb- an, Shirley Pipe, Connie Mc- Whirter, Bernice .K.Itrun, Wendie Prier, Inlibie Speir., Susan Smith. The following badges• were firs „eaten : Report VAVAV Ali I YAL 1867 I 1967 and HISTORY of GREY TOWNSHIP Contributed by Mrs. Stan Speiran Grey ToWnship was surveyed as the most eastern of the range or .C3,-overnment Townships on, Huron County.. l yin g northeast of the. original 'Tract, with an area of nearly 65,000 acres,, it is the ;"rd largest township in the con n I y. roc:tang-Oar (almost a square) in shape. and the land of good quality, generally well watered by the; Maitland River and Mailer streams,. At the lithe it was sold to set- tlers in 18'54 it was covered 'with forest mostly consisting of elm, iweell and maple, with a little pine and cedar, It. is bounded ' the north by Turnberry and How- * ink townships (Huron County) and Wallace Township (Perth. County; on the vast. side by rtdme. Township (Perth County) on the south by MeKillop TownShip (Iluron County), and LoganTown- ship (Perth. County): and on the west by Morris Township (Huron County). About. 1850 the. first settler, a each Canadian na med Beau- (Amin!), located On the Sth or 9th concession near Honfryn, but be- fore 1.852 he moved to n lot west of Cranbrook. where the Maitland River crosses the 12th conces- Sion. The second settler was John. Mitchell, later a deputy-reeve for many yea's. he located at. the site tit the present hamlet of Molea- Worth. in June 1852. The next pioneer settlers were the early settlers of Ainloyville I now .Brus- se's). William Aittley. wag the third settler, he selected that site, in 1852 and in Oetober, 1.853 ,iind the Spring of J sr.1, about 30 families Settled in the distritt. Aiming theirs were Peter. John and thineatt Ferguson. Robert and Reitald illt:Naught.Oin Peter Me. Donald, tlir Hyslop family, Wil- liam Mob tititt five sons, ThothaS f3lrickle—jathes J. Ford, Emblem — Shirley The following Stars wore ;:resented: 1st Year WW1(1 Connie, Shirley, Pat, Debbie, Susan, nernice 2nd Year Oheryl, Pauline Year - Anne, Dianne, Terry 7th Year — r.t. Joyce Kelling- ton. The (Inicies then had their (dosing, and the mothers and the • Local .Association served a lunch. ;fen 4Btn.1 conducted tile business part of the meeting after which lunch was served by Helen Elliott, Jessie Little and Ruth Pipe. R SALE -- Brussels old Legion Hall. Contact: Leonard Lamont. Phone 170W Brussels