HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1967-02-23, Page 3VACCINATION URGED BY TB ASSOCIATION AL the C011adiall Ttlbercl110BIS ,11SSOCiati.011, LII.0 an.) gulling tired 01' reading that, the Association is against 11C(.1„ the vaccine which givos ;A) percent protectioti against It is ,hist. not So. tuberculosis, Dr. C. \V. Jeanes, executive . secretary of the CTA, states that 'years and: years the Associat- .has. Urged BOO vaccinations for all tuberculin-negative boa-, pital .staff, ntirs(1 in training, • medical students, teenagers end • .memhers of. households where active. there is a person with tuberenlosis. This adds lip to some millions of Canadians for whom vaccina- tion is recommended who haVe not been vaccinated, And whY?Beeause they do not want to be. vaccinated and this is free country. Quite a range of infectious diseases ,bave been virtually wiped out in Canada by immun- ization — immunization of infants whose cries of protest l‘rere heard but not, 'heeded. lfthe sante attitude could he adopted with teenagers and they could all be marched : along for immunization there no doubt that the incidence of tubercUle- sis would drop sharply in the nxt few years. Since BOG provides 80 percent. protection it. is reaSonable to ask why the Canadian TB Assoc, iation and its affiliates are not conducting an all-ont cainpaign to get art the tuberCutin negative men, women and children in this country vaecinated with it, (Those who have been infected and react to the test haVe aa much protection as Can be ach- ieved.) Some idea of what ia inVolved day be estimated by anyone who will take the trouble of ask- ing 100 people Mot at bridge th.:, office, clubs., curling, bowl- ing or in bitaes, trains or plan,es. if they have been va,ceinated ,=inst "fht" If two Or Mere have been, the nnestioner has alluoat, certainly int() a Medically SOphisticat- ctiloais Os thousands of Canad, "flit" are Many times greater than the danger of contacting tube- eniosis — as thouSands of (land- tans learn every year, the itte4 hibiess of the vaccine ha8 been deMonstrated, tilfe 11(7G it IS not a guarantee --, hitt it: has a high dogre o of effectiveness. Ts this clnssified information being con- coaled lost it be learned enemy agents? From the mirmher or pcople who go to their doctors for "fln" vaceinatian, one woilld 'think so, A.clually, Ihe benefits of ibp vneeine have been publicized, by SELWYN BAKER Phone 79 Brussels CRAWFORD, tc..-.;„ & MILL QUALITY open Your Guarantee BOX 15b WINGh\M CRAFTSMANSHIP Every Week Day fo' Over 35 Years MA? LICK SERVICE CEMETERY LETTERING JOHN a A. RAN Ind FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE Licensed Funeral utreetor ane PHONE 88 BRUESEL,S, Orin. '1'1 ( 1'1161)AV, 23rd, 1961 alTERk RATES .. IANT EEO • INVESTMENT. „..R IFICATES for 1 year — for or 3 years — for 4 or 5 years Available in amounts of $100.00 or more. An ideal investment for security and high return.. he ipoluc dl ikt` fa Canada's Capital s El9in Botdovarci o9 Laurier *re. X10 1e Room - Free IV and Radio Ah.Conditietioc/ Leung= PAttratio FOR REGISTERED CaVSTS WILY RAH 4311 Ploordn Single S7.50- $9,25 Doubles $10-512:30 •CFntroi 5-33:33 ViartrtV7 THE BRUSSELS POST ROY W. KENNEDY, Publimner PublIsinto CIRUSSELS. ONTARIO, every TnJrseay ,,s Sproial ('kiss Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa estabilshe 1872 ,5zrvIng the Perming Community Memner of Canaci:,ln Weekly Newspapers Aasoclation Ontario Wzekiy Newspapers A.saostiation ,i JACKSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER PHONE: 291.4450 LisTown R. o. BAUER YOUR MASSEY FERGUSON DEALEN A Complete Line Of to.,d Farm Equipment PHONE 5 BRUSSELS, ONT, WIINGIHAtvi RIAL SHOP J. H. CRAWFORD, Q, O. N. A. SHEPHERD, M.A., LL.B. A. R. M. MILL B.A., L. L B. BRUSSELS and WINGHAM Phone 120 Phone 357-3630 PRE-CAST CONCRETE PRODUCTS SPECIALIST IN HOG SLATS, SIDEWALK SLABS, PATIO STONES (Dept. of Agriculture Tested) ERN IE BACK & CO. BRUSSELS, ONTARIO PHONE lb J. E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMOTRIST bEAFORTH MEDICAL. CENTRE Tuesdays, Thine:lays, Friclaya, and Saturday aan, Thursday evenings by appoortment only. Phone Seaforth 527-1240 Clinton Office —• CIHP'on Medical Centre, RattenbUry Street 'Monday.:nr.1 Wednesday 9:00 to 5:30 p.m.. Phone 482-701C „o -vary Estc,blished 1889 OFFICES: — Fcrest Sarnia fretrollr Strathroy cwitc.ct Our Representative ' • ' a MO, noi•-•ar..zi;s75, WHY PAY A HIGH RATE ? LE f US DO YOUR INCOME TAX AT REASONABLE IRATES GLENN RONNENBERG INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS Contact Us Tuesdays and Fridays PHONE 65 BRUSSELS, ONT. m,.wonee-t.nmn es Mtn t Office Main Street SEAFORTH I lieu re ft TILE BRUSSFALS POST 13R.USSir4i,b, losis Association. It is also the program to get high school view og the World Health, orgaul- students vaccinated. Where the ation. 'effort ' preceded by a sound A few, a very few Canadian ..!luctilional campa'jgn, the pro, communities, have undertaken a gram works 31011,1111111E131411iiliEVRIEMMVAIErilliRgiginiigNtlighriltalr; Town Owellttigc: ,% f...,:lescs of Farm Property Summer Cettages Churches, Schools, Extended Coverage (wind; smoke, water darn.41e, c`ojects. etc.i I3 also available. Keys, RR 1, Senforth; v. J. Lane, RR 5, Seaforti Londesboro ; Selwyn Baker, Bruseels; (Merle i;riyhe, E`tohl'n t Donnld C. Eaton, Seeorttl, The trouble. is people do not likes being vaccinated. It: the wise of. immuidyirm children this does not hinder iho onectition becans r: infant's eotiselit is not gsked. TI happens, hoWevet. th8t fi t-ire the ineidence of tnberet 1 ,-qg l‘vik.' the hest film, for tl(Y; v-.crinalion is not in infancy hut This is not only the opinion Of tho orthridiem Tobittieo: VCRE4E01:11_,71MaMiliErl.NFETNP,TnigIPt!",laitirM1010.0, _Roles Wm. Leiper, Jr, SquIres, Clinton;