HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1967-02-23, Page 1•'( ontehnial Queen", Miss Marlene snOth, with her attendants, who will reign o;er I;rusEels centennial activites. (Left to right) Miss Linda Lowe; Miss Smith :\1 is!-; Ann Lowe, *71 rant ,rt y1, "ted tt•the. THE BRUSS4LS POST, TI I l'RSDA 1", FEB. 2 POST PUBLISHING HOUSE. "CENTENNIAL QUEEN" AND 1-17.K ATTENDANTS Grey Central School Public Speaking .Contest A large number of parents and friends attended the Open House and Public Speaking in Grey Township School on. ['riday night, James Axtman, principal of the school, was chairman for the occasion. Winners (.l.rtides I and 1st Wendy- Sint! h, 2ntl. Mark van Veen. ci.ades :Ind rraY Clirdiff. 2nd, .Linda Smith, Grades and 11: Judy -.Arm. strong, 2nd. Bruce IVilbee Grades 7 .ititt 5: Jim Snyder, •, Best Speaker, Grade 1 to 4: Murray Cardiff, Grades 5 to s: Bonnie Bremner. Judges wore Mrs. Murray Craw- ford, Rev, A. Tohnston, Mr. P. Dunbar. Pri'itds were donated by - the. Women's institutes of Eth_el, Mon, (aloft. Cranbroelt and Brussels. Tack TTOod ..SchoOl Supplies (2 books), School .Board,•. '• SAVE MONEY NOW! There is every' indication that postal rates on :Ind class mail, Mitch includes newspapers, etc, are going to be increased, Now is the time to subscribe, or renew,. Your subscription, re the Brussels Post, before 'we are forced to raise the subscription rate, The Post thanks all those who have already done so, CRANBROOK Bonne Lynn, mvant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. DoliglaS BYans, was baptised on Sunday in . Knox Presbyterian. Church,: The Minist- er, Rey. C. A. Winn officiated. Visitors attending the service and later visiting with Mr. and Mrs. -Douglas Evans included a.nd Mrs. James Young, Coderich. Mr. james McFarlane and Miss Millie McFarlane, Brus- sels, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fish and girls, Burlington, Mrs. TT. Gor- Eithel, Mr. and Mrs. Torn. Consitt an.d boys. Varna. Mr. and Mrs. Batty Taylor. Listowel and Miss Beverley El'a 71S, Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Clare Veitch and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Trussler, Kitchener, on Sunday. Celebrated 49th Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Wes Mcnachern quietly celebrated their 49th wedding anniversary their herne on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. McHachern were married on Feb- iliary 10th. 1013, at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and. Mrs. Robert. Mettary, 9th concession of Grey Township, The Rev. T. L. treCtillongli, Minister of 'Ka OX T'resbyterita Church. Cranbrook. Morfoilme( the cererroitwl Th e couple 11,.(1 tto sons, Winston of Mit and Gerald Who was killed in the war. Mt. and Mts. non ,Tackliti Tea CY Lynn, :Mt ch en or, visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thrtn.' Brin th,atiq tri "1r 0'166 MI hW rffiniliViirl Ccritenniai Plans Progressing Rapidly Attendance at the dinner -Meet- ing of tlir centennial Commit-. tees in the New American Hotel Wedpsdziy night was NU and committees had enthusiastic re,. ports of progress in their plans. The 1110? nin.t fOr 30 July. 2 W(.1'0 reviewed and received -with no.mb interest. The first day of "Come-Herne". week wir fif• rishered in With. a burst or hells • - the carrillon of Melt rithrvII. the old Public 'School 611. the town bell . and the Anglican Cluirch bell. Registration will take place in Centennial Committee Rooms on tru:;sels Ma in Street, Saturday's Sports Day program, will Inflow a giant parade of floats, bands and curs. Football, so CI ball, a wnter fitrht. a tug-of, war, will he sonic of the events. Sunday's prop:Vain will he in charge of the chnrches, morning, set",,ices as usual and an oat-door interdenominational service in. Victoria park with a massed choir and special speakers. This will 111' followed by a band con- cert in the park Centennal The CoMmitted bones to honor senior citizens the a nd names are Tieing gathered far this special The next meeting of the coil- mittens will be -hold on Wednes- day. -,1-Torch (Ito Queen's hole/ 11!-1 5 sharp. np Avy --trikt8troc, AVinne-s of the Brussels Lions 1 1-,,drol- worn .Ta oh Wa I soil e;;;;•,• ;tin, and Anne $1() Doe and Pete 't!'; The draw' Money vit.r, draV: is unw beincz 1,1-1.c.q. sunpoy't yoUr leoal Chtli a rid hits' 110031\11 coi. all Monoy"ralsecl. (t6t1F,. fo'e'(Itc't tiettotica, Agricultural Field Crop Competitions The Brussels Agricultural. SoC, iety are sponsoring throe Field Crop Competitions, in Barley, Mixed Grain and Ensilage 'Corn. For fUrther information contact ymir local fair directors. HONORED BY FRIENDS. ON 30th BIRTHDAY Friend's and neighbours called at the home of Mrs, Bertha, Jermyn on Friday, Feb. 170 to extend congratulations and gond wishes on the occasion of noth birthday. firs. .lermyn. who enjoys fairly vowl health cares for heme and ,ttends church when weather per- mits. While celebrating her birth- day quietly at her home here, she received a limit of rougrainlaioo !"ds and messages. HONORED BY TEA ON 80th BIRTHDAY Mrs. Florence Russell observed her eightieth birthday on Satur- day, February 1.811. 7v1rs. John J. Kelly Was hostess in a tea given in her honor. She was assisted by Mrs. Eldon, Wilson, Gale Wilson and Rota Deitner who served a delicious lunch. 'Airs. 'Margaret T-Tawkshaw pre- sented Mrs. RuSsell With. a lovely plant from her friends. A poem, the Praying Hands. was road, and cnioyed by all. Mrs. S. Nichol Won the nrizo given for the lady know- ing, the .guest of honor the long- est lintriber of years. Mrs. MISSO ,•or,oiVrql 101On/1011P 1hessLigeS from her ether two done:liters. Mrs. Ti-, unio: (Clara) Nitchoner. and Mrs. W. Weiss alantiriltl. Merris- inwn, ,Nr..1, Mrs. Russell has 12- !";randebildrert and twelve great rranfichildrew The great grand- eltildren preFtented her with it gnarl npoloomp CHARLES BAMBRIDGE Charles, Bainbridge 7 of Wingham, died at Winghom and District Hospital Thursday. There are no immediate surviv- ors. Funeral service was held at Saturday, at the D, A, Rand funeral home, Temporary entomb- ment in Brussels Cemetery Chapel. • WILLIAM . R. STRETTON R. Stretton, 71, of • ['russets, died Saturday at. his home. He was a- railway worker before -etiring to 'Prussels several years ago, Tic is survived by his ‘vife. the former Trene Corritran and daughter. Mrs. Severn (TTazol.). Cxove, Buffalo, N.Y. The body' rested at the D. N. !;•ty.i , 1101110 until 2 p.m. Monday when the funeral service was held in St. .Tohn's Anglican rbinTb s "Roy. 7, c. Drab,: officiatinff. Burial ors ill P1111;11(1, on Tuosdny". MISS MILDRED GREWAR Miss Mildred Cl.rewar. CO, or I'russols. died ;it Clinton Public Tiesnittil en Thursday. She was a life-long resident of and had 110011 Ciao of 1.11P onrlier Brussels switchboard ()per- otors. She is survived bv. two z1 11- (1N,V S, 1.011 r C`rccvnrof Brussels and Douglas .Warwick of (even Sm1.110, Tito funeral service wa,4 held at the D, A. Rann Funori] home. nrussels en nft 1T m. ~ll[arrin ;11 OV, Allan nt- nitetl Cluireh officiated Burial Brussels demetery. BORN Pirtil.SCOTT • 'Po Mr. :Intl Irs Prino Present Slit tsvIllo en i‘, OttioN ti IT.,,-40tio into-two Prim "CENTENNIAL QUEEN" IS CROWNED HERE Miss :!larleue Smith. was au- nounced the Will1101" in the. Brus- -centennial Queen'. compet- itum and received her crown here On Saturday night, The ceremony (Lid( i iae.• al the Legion. Hall duo- inc the iii•T dunce. witnessed by !'it:;u•nue: I I yout,2,- people, I • • crOW)1(.d. by' f ri•V-, r. the cent(qini;1 1•,.!wiliti•e, she wN s• aiNo pt .est-wed'nosh ma telling- eoringy, Queen's rii•1,;i n nil begliet or crimson \li daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn ss Smith is the 20-year-old Smith of TIN I. Brussels,. She has been. active in Tii-T activities and is z: worthy recipient of the honor bestowed on. her, The Queen's attendants are Miss Ann Lowe,: daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lowe, and Linda Lowe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs_ Lowe. These girls arc' not related. They were the runners-up in the votinEr 01)11 receiver] neck- lace and earring sets and centen- al cup and saucer. as did also' the other three girls calmed in ;ht. competition Misses Karen r, 'Dianne Fischer and Lin. Cthers taking part in the ceremony wore Mrs. Ray Tlron-.. son, who in iTod TICT(1. Frank Thomp- son a•nd Ivan C`ampbell. eonamittee inembr:; in charge of the minuet-, hien, Cannlbell introduced. the young ladies and announced, the winners. Acting Reeve :Lawrie Consins spoke briefly congratul- ating the Queer Miss Smith expressed her sTati. tilde in all in a few 'we'll chosen. Words., PEOPLE WE KNOW v. and Mrs. C, Kreuter retUrn- ed home Sunday from . a motor trip to Florida. -Miss and Churl Roan nurses-in-training at St. Mary's hospital, Kitchener, spent the weekend will Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Wilson, Mrs. N. F. Haig and family c:m•et Smidw . with Mrs, Florence Russell, Colleen presented her .2.1andnuo -hor with a birthday cake with SO ca ndle's nn it. Councillor It.:11 Campbell and Win IT, King. were in Toronto to -,itot,ti the -roods Roads" Collyell- tion at the Royal York Hotel. Miss Sylvia Hoover. who has fte last three months at. \\loth: IT,,spitol as part of her cenrse as nurse-int rain- rotII-nod to 'her duties in Ow Hospital. Kitchener. n ft s von din ,* (he weekend with her parent.,.. Mr 'It'd Mrs. Norman