The Brussels Post, 1967-02-16, Page 701.1)0 t Yogi a Aiitonni• (l To U.S.A„ TI-111.1 BRUSSELS POSP1', TIft7 ftS1):\ PF13. 2:311, 19(11 POST PUBLISHING HOUSAI !,ss, Is "( tidal Queen", Miss 0..f iIruselfil Centennial acittIrtiQS. (Queen', Aim 1.1oWd, Marlene SiWth, with her ci4inlants, who will reign (Left to right) Miss Linda 740-We., Vss, Smith rey Centrai. SpbooI Public Speakwg• Contest A large number of parents and friends attended the Open lions() and Publie Speaking in Grey Township School on. Friday night. James Axtmon, prino,i pal of the sullen', was chairman for the Oceasion, Whiners Grades 1 and 1st Wendy mith, Mark van Veen. Crudes i3 find 4: 1st, Murray Linda :Smith, Grades Ii and (I: Jody -Alan sfrong, 2nd, Brune Wilbee. Grades 7 and S., 1st, lief S'oyde Ijost ;;p 'nicer, dirade 1 to 4: Mimay Cardiff. Grades 5 in 8: Bonnie Bremner, pp ,f,MigeS were,Mrs. Mtirrcry Craw- ord, fie:' A Johnston, Dunbar. Prides were donated by tbe Women's Institntes of Ethel, Mon- erieff. CranbrOok end Brussels. jack TTood Scheel Supplies (2 hooks), School Board, • • SAVE MONEY P4())Al! There is every indication that postal rates on :Ind class mail, which includes newspapers, etc., are going to he increased. Now is the time to subscribe, or retie*, YtTif sttbstlript,ion, to the Prusseis Post, before we are forced id raise the subscription rate, `file Bost. tfintilts all fliPar: wtid ofireaci RAN BROOK • .•: . . ."Bolr ine, T.,tirttl1 ItiPani daughter of' Mr. .and Mr 's. Douglas Dvans, was baptised on Sunday in Knox Presbyterian, -Church. The minist- er, Rev. C., A. Winn , Officiated. raltors , attend -leg- the, service' turf, titter visiting with Mr, and Airs, Douglas Evans inchtded Mr, and ))1, .1.411-1.0„,,i young; aodorioil, Mr. ,Tlt ltleq Merariate and Mitia Wife Mernriane, 40)0, Mr. and Mrs. :Tack Fish and Airg. It Ger- Mr. and Mrri, TWA Vonsitt and boys, Varna. Mr, and berry Taylor, Listowel and Beverley itcitribener: and Mrs. Clare Veitch and fanny visited. with Mn snd.Mrs. t oi kitchener, on Celebrated 49th Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs: Wes MeEa.chern beihhrated their 49th wedding anniverSary at their home on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. McFlarborn were married on Feb- rnary 10th. 1915, of the }ionic of the bride's pit rents, Mr, end Mrs. Robert Menai:3', 9th concession of O-rey Township. The Rev. :1, Tz. McCullough, minister of Rittox Presbyterian Chnrell, Cranbrnot inerfoulned the cereindny. The couple had two sons. 'Winston of ekllt rind Gerold wile was killed in the Mr. and Mrs. Don .TrIVIrliT1 Tracy Lynn, ritehener, visited over the wor‘lrend 7011-11 'Mr and rdtri Dunn, ritiatt fiats hi VeilOttrifi NON Arig f i tOtttfilititt Mit WOott, Centennial Plans Progressing RAO& Attendance at the dinner Meet- Ina"'of tiftf Cetttenntal. Commit- tees in the Nemt Hotel of Wedesday night was full and committaes had enthuStastic re- ports of progresS In: their nfans, The program for June 30, :fitly were reyieWed and received ‘vith much intores,t Try, first d..4 "Oorrte:flotrie" week will he ushered in with a burst of bells — the carrillon of Melville Church, the old Public School bell, the ,town hell and the Anglican iliturch boil, Registration 'will take Plane in Centennial Comintittee Rooms on Thussels Main Street, SatUrday's SportS Day program will follow a giant parade of floats, and ears, Football, softball, a water fight. a tag-Of" Sva will he some, Of the events. Sunda y l ig tirograin will be in charge of the clutreltes, Morning services os asnal, and. an out-door interdelionifilational service in Victoria park With ft massed choir and special. speakers, This w:11 be followed by a bond con. ccrt In rho perk. The Contennal Committee hopes to honiw senior ,•itizens or the village and Mimes :ire lying frotherect for this spnoial eenqideretioP. The next raootintr of the com- mit ters will be held no Wednes- day. March lrith, in the Queen's betel at 13:15 shrit11, re.Thote-rv• yl pik w Winivirs rif the Brussels Tdons Tronkey Draw were; jerk Watson Tim end Anne illdfield 0: floc (111(1 Polo The draw money For TIT., drew is now hrirlt lit lire?' Ways, so Siintiutt velir lecal I Ions Chib and litiv hockey tletota or, oil tionev taised etiftititkittlfY AgriCtiltural fic4tf Cpars. Competitions BrusselS Agrieultural Sec, iety aN. sr,rusoring three Field Crop Mtn p atitions, In Barley, Crain and Tilnsilage 'Corn. For further Itifermation contact your ineal fair direetors, HONORED i t FillekiCtS• ON 80th BIRTHDAY` Pt:lc:rids and neighbours caller! home of Mrs. Bertha .termyn on l+ ridgy, Feb'. 1.7th to extend congratulations .;tier` good wishes on the ()erasion of he- birthday, dirt,. forrreyn, who eujoys fairly good health carr e l for home and attends chureli when weathei' per- mits, While celebrating her hirtli, day quietly at her home he.re, she 'received a host of congratulatory " rds C)(1 ossa ges. HONORED BY TEA ON 80th BIRTHDAY Mrs. Florence Russell observed her eightieth birthday on Satur- day, February 18th. 3Tt s, John J. Kelly was hostess to a. tett•given in her honor S'11 WAS eSPiSted by Mrs. Eldon, Wilson, Gale IN'ilson and Reta Deitner who scrvoil a delicious lunch. Mrs. Margaret TTawkshaw pre- gonted Mrs. Rtissell-with a lovely phint from her friends. A poem, the Braving tjands, was read. and enleyed by all. Mrs, .T. Nichol Won, I lie prize given for the lady know-• ing the guest of honor the long- est number of years, Mrs. Russell Ielciihone messagOS from her ether teen chinglit ors. INTrs. Min: (r1:)rn MtoliinPr, noel 'NV. MOrriS- f own "V.S. Mrs. Russell lies 12 grroulchildren and twelve .greet grandrhiblren, The great grand- children presented • 'her , With 1411 111 nolikinoo, CHARLES BAMBFf16Ggl: Char1e0 :Be nbridge 73, off c/f6d a.t Winghain and , District FloSpftal Thursday'', There are tni frWenediate surviv- ors. Funeral service t rt<r held at a pan. Saturday, at. the Ti, 15,:s.nn funeral home, Temporary entonN- merit in Brussels Cemetery Chapel, WILLIAM R. STRETTON WfIlfain R, Stretten, 71, of Brussels, (Tied Saturday at his home. -.Ete Was a railway vorker before ,,egir'itig to Pritssels several yenrs ago, Tie Is St. v d by his wife the fanner` Irene Corrigan and a daughter. Mrs, SevdI'n (Hazel) ',rove, Buffalo, N,Y, The body rested at the D. A. Rawl Nner;.1 home 1MM 2 p.m. Monday when, the funeral service was held St. .Tolin's Angli"cctit Church. Rev. 1'. l3rahv officiating. Burial in:Pk place in i'nfl'ate. tin Tuesday. miss MILDRED GREWAR ; Miss Mildred flrowar, RC, of vrassels„ dird at Clinton. Public. I 1 Te'Jlitall Thursday. She was a life-lon'r. resident of •seisf and had been OM , of the! f Tirassels swilehboard oiler. ors. Silo is survived by two nepb- ows, Archer Crewar of Brussels and Douglas IV fi l'W I t' n 'tir'nn(1, The funeral service was held et the 11, .1. nami bon ,. nriost,,Is, on 'I 5mm-clay. riev. Allan job nstou of TIrpssels rnit ,q1 Churcl) official pd, Bur i a l Progs,,Is cemetery,. BORN FPFSCOTT • To Mr. end Mrs, Prior) pi-pseoft, Stittsville. nn Thurinlay, February 91h, (Mown (1.6tiwtql TiC1.9rtthil 011 Itifttati. !MIL : "CENTENNIAL QUEEN" IS CROWNED HERE miss Mu rlonn Stni th was an- ty,-inc(,(1 the winuvr in the; Bras- :ids "ronteni:1/2 1 Queen" compet- ition and receivod her crown here on Satutilav night. The veremony, f,:ok i.,tg,;(in Hal) dur- the dalwe, witnessed by' largt' (If yinnig PN:1)11' and fatter hilereskri t S.J .,q. rotors.. 'HI'' (thr'a'll \\as crowned -by Archer (froii.ar. t hui ntnait of the' eoutin)nial mmiltoo. She 1% as: Ld sr , prpsoni !.filth matching' Mai ; and noring;- Queen's rihnon and lilIlilite or crimson roses. Miss Smith Is the 20-year7old' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Menu SMith of FIR 4, Tirussels, She has 'been active in activities and iS ;.t worthy rocipient of, the honor' bestowed on her. The Queen's attendants are' Miss Ann t,owe, daughter of Mr, and ;Tack Lowe. and Linda Lowe. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Slim( Lowe. These girls are not related. They were the runners-up in the voting and received neck., Ince and earring sets and centen- nial cup and saucer, as did also the other throe girls entered in 'lip' "oi'n petition, Misses Karen' !'utter,n Fischer and. Lin' Others taking part in the ceremony wore Mrs, Rey Brom, tan. who introduced Prnnix Thomp- son' ;Ind Ivan Campbell, cotronittee." members in eharge of the com'9et. it Mr, Camnbell introdno6V the young ladies and announced the winners, Acting: 'Reeve Lawrie. Consins stinke briefly cong-raful. ating. thp Queen. Miss Smith expressed her rti- tide to all. in a feW well chnsert rdS, PEOPLE WE KNOW Mr, and Mrs, C. Kranter return- ed Intrno Sunday from a motor trill 10 Florida, 'Miss (fail Wilson and Cher:1 Roan nurses-in-training at. St:, Mary's Hospital, Kitchener. spent the weekend will Mr. and 1111:s, Eldon *Wilson. :Mrs. N. F. Traig end family' ;:.',,,Ili Sunday with Mrs. Florence Colleen present od ro:andmother with a birthday cake with SO candles cm it, romp.illor lv!In Campbell and Vint, Ti, Kinr::, wore ill Toronto to afford the convort. tIon at the Royal York Rotel. Miss Sylvia TTonvfir. he'; • nisi three months alt 1im)if••1 Ps Port pr her conrso as nurse-in-train- 11°,, vrf 11 -!ied to !tor dut IPA IC-\I' hospital T.,7itchoncr, affoi• spoptline- ho weekend with her parents '.Ti'. end Mrs. Norman VA*, ;,atilt iT4tlierA rennrt 01111 c,•:11neii:d fe'1 tLe Vfirit "CENTENNtAt QUEEN" AND ATTENDANTS