HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1967-02-16, Page 5FEB, 16th, 1961 Pit I f LdO?MU T JR AN CE COMPANY • . Office -- Main Street SEAFORTH 1 neural Town Dwellingis All Classes of Farm Property Summer Cottaciss Churches, Schools, Halls Extended coverage (wind, smoke. water damage, falling objects, etc.) Is also available. AGENTS: James Keys, RR 1, Seaforth; V, J. Lane, RR Seaforth; Wm. Leiper, Jr. Londesboro; Selwyn Baker, Etrussele; Harold Sciulres, Clinton; George Coyne, Dublin; Donald G. Eaton, Seaforth m1155111Ettirarvozo ximun r, yrzr amadv. Cep sot, Dein ltoulavisrd of Lanier 40 Owlibie (beats • Frse. TY oral Rad% vas MAKING KM OEGISTERED.GUISTS fAMILY RAN boil bilk Sines $7..!0- Dleubits. $10-$12 Ceittal 5-33.13 1111111111111111111111111EMME ir • o Invitattons Therrno-engswitood (RAMIS1=111/11103) I 'Wing and ensionattit anhotwoclunents, birth anasonos. matte, seafirmstion ikitvittatious, midst to silver annivasgsi suouseanssiats, ZA3 (A.13EID LETTS6.114G) Ash asi fatslike tho'fmett has.a sugravitig,. The iNttses hove an *pate sari indivichAlit i ziIy tbt 'set rated greviag eats marl). Ther* fo-enraliner TheralP-.ettlyveteVing Outsvo :zevrgiiiria) Casss awe h44 as womb att6 he meat*, 11.er-slats it 41E5. dwt <Igniter Oat t ma s hat kes Lind eagr,v4 60 AIND IT'S READY WITIAG1 THE WSIM. Of sown* yea EAR We= eadoeurr.% #49, aglow% timati bums 61101 OW Olin etatlisgar, tisetisraq err tistdreatos rls;:eNa of taXhriziv, , as SO fol atX; end IttP far .r.S.St".. siste %rib Aug& earg&pcs dad etc:4a 01,111 C3 1!)PLAv AT Erne ec 51 THE BRUSSF.LS POST B.R.USSL4,'L.b, ONTARIO HON, J. J. GREENE, MINISTEK OF AGRICULTURE, TO SPEAK AT HURON LIBERAL MEETING THE BRUSSELS POST ROY W. KENNEDY. Pubholm Published GRUSSELS. ONTARiO, evtry Thursday Authorized Se. mill Class Mail, Post. Office Department, Ottawa Establishd 1c.s12 serving the Farming Community Member of Canadian V„'eeVly Newsnaprr Aasociatic.ii Ontario Wsekiy .,iewapapors Aseesnation Ct r),({1)0.N1 JACKSON 1.10EMED AUCTIONEER PHONE: 291-4450 L I STOWEL RACIER' OITR z:Y • I. E.: RGLISON DI.IALE/41 Crymplete- a net I...ft stl :,,trutt, Equipri1 ert PHONE 5 BRUSSELS, ONT, WING H. L °MAL • SHOP QUALITY • 5 ERV10E CRAFTSMANSHIP r) p g n Ever totlettg Day Your Guarantee Over Years CEMETERY L TirRING BOX 15b WINCH Am JOHN MALLICK D. A. RA NN FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE ISERVICIR Licensed Funeral utrecter seal MreDalmar PHONE 36 or et alquemiLs, OPrIt CRAVVFORD, ST-15'PHERD & MILL J. H. CRAWFORD, Q. C. N. A. SHEPHERD, M.A., LL.B. A, R. M. MILL, B.A., L. L. B. BRUSSELS and WINGHAM Phone 120 Phone 357.3630 PR:t?,-CAS — CONCRETE PRODUCTS SPECIALIST RN HOG SLATS, SIDEWALK SLABS. PATIO STONES (Dept. of AgricuIture Tested) ERNIE BACK & CO, BRUSSELS, ONTARIO HONE I ta J or LIA) INIGSTAFF: OPTOMOTR 1ST SEAFQRTH MEDICAL tEtITIIE Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturday a.r. ThUraday evenings by app,-,Intmerit enty. Phone Seaforth 527-1240 Clinton Office — Modica) Centre, Rattenbury Street Menday end Wednesdriv 9:00 u• 5:30 p,ty\. Phone- 482401 O iton. J. J. Greene, Canada's Minister of .Agriculture, speak at the annual meeting of the Huron Liberal ASsOCiatiOn. On March 3, Announceinent of the meeting and Of Mr, ,Oreette's acc"Ptanco of an invitation to attend_ was made by William Elston, assoia- tion president following an exe- cutive Mi'eeting Thursday night. Mr, Elston said the dinner meeting would be held in Exeter Legion Ito II. with a reception commenc- ing at 6 o'clock, Tickets would he available from Onnicinal chair- men he said. The meeting will he the first held since redistribution em larged the Huron riding to in- Oath, Turnberry, 1-Towick and Winghatn in tne north and Bid- ol p h, MaCilvary, Ailsa Craig and Lueall from Middlesex Coun- ty in the south. Mr. Greene recently has re- turned from attending agricul- viral conferences in. Europe, where he rep-resented Canada. Since becoming minister of agri,. culture he has been abroad on a number of occasions presenting tile Canadian viewpoint. Mr, Greene served as chair- man of the ITN-FAO World Food Program Pledging Confer* once held in Jamtary, 1066, at the United Nations in New York. As head of the Canadian delegat- ion, he pledged nearly $30 million in commodities and cash as Can- ada's contribution to the program ever the next three years, la. October, 1966, Mr. Greene was named \rice-Chairillau of a nweting of Ministers of Agricul- turf, from the 21 Member cean• tries of the Organization for Ec- onomic Co-operation and Devel- opment, Agricultural policies Ind goals of the countries and their relation to international trade and the needS o.f develop meat countries were reviewed at the Paris Meeting, Mr ,Greene was the first Can- adian Cabinet Minister to visit Yugoslavia and he was guest of honor for "Canada. Day" at the international Agricultural Fair at Nevi Sad. Canada's.- exhibit at the fair included a herd of HAI, stein cattle- that won the Gold Modal, the show's highest: award. A. 17n goslav ag,rienitnral anti trade mission Stibsequently came to Canada as a result of an in- vitation extended by Mr, Greene during big Visit. iGreetto's t,a.urlS as Agtt. eultttra Minister also 04 hint tO Argentina hi July, 1068. The visit Was fit response to aim illtiintiOa 1w the Ar:wiiiine 'Mira] Society whielt was celebrating its centen- ary in ccminnetion with its nnattal -Interaailotial TAvestnek, Agri cultural and trulustriril During his stay. Mr. Greene held talks With the Socreitaty of AKilcUltiire and the 'Foreign P.tsr.retory of Argentina. Mr. Crc'ene's offortS iii improve the int of Carritlian fnitierS are reflected in stteh 'measures s as amendments that broadened the scope of the federal Crop insurance Act; the launching of an inquiry into prices for tarnt machinery and repair parts; the establishment of a Canadian Dairy Commission and the in- troduction of a 1966-67 dairy program aimed at. raising producer incomes, stabilizing the dairy in- dustry, and protecting consum- ers from run-away prices. Renew your Post Now. W. D. H. S. CONCERT The students. of the Wingham and District Mgt School will present their Annual Variety Concert on Thursday and. Frid6y evenings, February 16 and 17, at 8.15 in the School Auditorium. The Mee Club haS prepared a musical programme, and the Drama Club, two one-act Ways. Admission (adult or child) 50 cents. No reserved seats.