HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1967-02-16, Page 4Siplati161.1•46.41MO. rawelat,4I1010. WHY PAY A HIGH RATE LEI' US DO YOUR INCOME TAX AT REASONABLE RATES GLENN RONNENBERG INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS Contact Us Tuesdays and Fridays PHONE 65 BRUSSELS, ONT. 01ITAUlt.; 007 Brow .Atiam plixevilialivrANC1001,1111.".41/0""WIP" HAVE YOU TRIED RUM AND BUTTER ICE CREAM Pick up a 1/2 gallon Falmily Pack at your grocer's to-day or get a super econo=my 21/a gallon pail at COUSINS DAIRY separate front the other until accept able unto Uod. which is our death. reasonable service.'' Order Your MERCIAL RINTING At The CO Sermon preached by AL Jonaston, B.A., Bell, Brussels, Ontario, ou Sunday, January 29, 1967 TOPIC: ',THE PILL" (continued trout peg° One) All of 1,11 IS is confusing ueeeuse most of us wont admit to any of this. There is no area of life which we cover up so complet- ely as our LL AL attitude to sex, e hy we get so disturbed about any issue that comes up relating to it tuna discuss it with, freedom, because we are hiding so much of it and lying about so much of it. And now something new has entered the arena — The Pill. A father -Writes 'in a popular maga- zine; "How can 1 tell my daugh- ter to be good when The Pill says she doesn't have to oeY How can toil my daughter that sex is not just for kites when. The use May reduce it to just that?" So here we have a problem that our parents didn't have. Before the V1,1 * the things that held us back had little to do with Mor- ality or God — in most cases it. Was fear, fear of pregnacy. Now; with the pill, all that is gone: Now we shall see how much. .our religion has to do with the way we behave. Now, (I agree with Pierre Berton) is the time for the church to say 1, 2, 3, why sex before marriage is wrong and the answer had better be good because we now have a situation where the young people don't have to listen. From now on, most who stay pure will do so by strength of con- o DEAD STOCK Arvv000 PET SUPPLIES under new management GARNET SMITH servrce and better prices. Paid On the spot for dead or disabled cows We are here to. give you footle and horses. $5.00 and up for any animal weighing over 70f lbs. according tr.: Size and condition. 8matier animals pickad up fns. Also tree veterinary InspectiOns. Cali collect ATWOOD 356-2622 124 hour' a day — 7 dayi a week Lie: No. 401.043 victitei rather Lean. through fear. bruin now OIL ,11051 Wile stay Dore Will do so by choice rather than necessity.. Of course, there will still be quick marriages. as lung as human nature rentaies the same, there will still be youug people who think of pregnaney as ethers regard accidents — it's 'some- thing that always happens to tee ether person. The leirector of Welfare of the Salvation 'Army in 'roselike re- cently said, "'it is better to have illegitimarte chileren and put them up for adoption than to have shotgun Marriages. 1 agree. But no general state- ment fits every situation. Every problem in this field brings two different personalities into 'the picture where the solution for one couple may not be the solution, for the nest one. 1 wouia also go su tar as to ask: "Would it not be better to have the pill used by a single promiscuous girl Man bring another life into this world: \\TLOSal arriVal is not desired; WHOSE mother is still a child; \I 'WSJ': Lather is still a boy; \\ 11.0S1S future is completely unplaimed for? In Los Angeles a 15 year old mother abandoned her baby because in her words, "The baby started crying and I didn't know what to do." '1 he reel tragedy of so many teen marriages is that 'the girls marry without knowing or realiz- ing that: babies cry, get wet, get sick, need constant care; that the responsibilities of Marriage, once assumed, cannot be dropped like a date in high school; that a carefree girlhood cut short by mar- riage can. never be regained. Now I can just imagine many of you protesting, "W,a can t go around dispensing the pill like a bottle of pop or our young people will be like a bunch of rabbits." 1 got news for you — a lot of Young people, and a lot of adults, are acting like rabbits, pill or no pelt Which is worse: a preguant girl or a nen-pregnant prom- iscaotis girl? Many would answer: "Lot them get pregnant; it's the chance they should take for be- havtng as they do." 1 wonder how malty would, talk like that if they had a teed,-age daughter in their home, I Wonder how Many talk like that simply beentise they are a little envious of the freedom that today's youth have. It is difficult to know what the answer thetild be. One thing sure — act general rule can apply tam way of the other. The general rules you aail 1 had in the past were broken as often as they wore observed. My present eon v iction, awl times all ally of us can give, (anr the lable has only isoluled litta- sages ea sex and marriage., and . Jesus was not a law-giver) is as followe; (le Sex is not dirty but, God- given to be enjoyed, it is dirty only to these who think it is so. (2) 1 agree with the New eters Laity that quoting the Ten Coni, maudments is next to useless for a generation 01 young people who. hold no great stock in the script- uses. Also, we can hardly expect today's, youth to live up to some ancient codes that we adults observed ho mouth only. I think the New Morality will go further with 0111 youth if it stresees, the sacredness of the human person- ality. lt. emphasizes the privacy of the individual's life that snould be invaded only after alio utmost eare, fur \\ eat is Queer- i0 tile sexual act olle • vales the personality, 01 rile other, It is that deep and petite 1"zwig an net as that: t t, act is best re, sleeted. w marriage but the fact that Soill,e couples cannel wait does Lou automatically damn the couple either to Hell or an un- happy marriage. ie.) 110 Shia ielateu to sex alt) no Worse than any OULU SM. More startling -- yes, more news- worthy yes, but no worse than many others, Remember Christ had, more trouble with those who wanted to' steno the, prostitute than with the woman herself. (u.) The present habit of rues plug a pregnant girl who has to get married or put the baby up, for adoption is damnable when the only difference between her and a lot of other white-gowned, brides who cone up this aisle is that she got CAUGHT and they Let us agree on this — it is best left for marriage. Why? Be- cause it is an expression of the deepest love one person can have for another. We must not allow it to remain at the present level where it expresses the fact that man belongs to the animal king- dom and has a similar sexual act with his fellow-animals. It really depends on your view of Man. If you regard man as being little More than an. animal then there is little Wrong Witli having sex with anyinie you should happen, upon.. If you should see more to man than his affinity to the rab- bit or dog than you will also re- cognize that sex is higher than the rabbit or dog can make it. Sex Might to fulfill an. adult marriage; it ought not to Wreck I een-age Sex was meant to be a blessing not a blight on society. Sex was meant to complete tt relationship between two people as nothing else can. 11. was meant to serve as the means by which two people so give of themselves io each other that neither can be co=mpletely • The New Testament puts it this why: "the two shall become one-. "they aro no longer two but one, "they shall berme one ilesh". 'How this is poseible.i.n, "omenight stands" is beyond my power to see. Let es show the lead by resett- ing u most meaningful part of lite front the gutter it has so often been thrown into. Let us "present our bodies a living sacrifice, holy, .A.nd that, my friends, is not reasonable -•• • it is absolute- ly essential and extremely urgent. CURRIE FURNITURE See in' Wingbam for Gigantic Furniture Sale. Sale starts Feb. 9th ends Feb. 13th. Only coRam's offer you easy budget terms, FREE storage, Delivery and Parking. kuwoBitta r06( •