The Brussels Post, 1967-02-09, Page 6,111111111plIrr7r.""T7.7gmrmipmw--....411.—' . • •• " 110) bltATSSislit,S k2 0467.„ 'PEKUlt.S1)A1'., FEB. 9th, 1967 ONTA410 ..ttralar nis...gesep...14403:,--ciato.imassimsdimpofti VAL'ENTIN'E DESSERT EUCHRE In The 1.0.0.F. Lodge Room WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 15th At 1;30 p. Undo, the auspides of Morning $tar Rebekah Lodger. All Ladies Welcome Admission 56O 'CA13.6) PARTY In The 1.0.0.F. Lodge Room WEDNESDAY, FEB. 15th -- 8:30 P.M. Proceeds for C.P.T. Fund Everyone Welcome This Message Brought to You As a Public Service by i.sd. over the week end with hie parents Air. and Airs, Her- bert Truviss. ieei Alvin Sits more of St! alferci were Vl l‘tAC oil gut' •L` at the lieeie Airs. Pe•ij. 11fr, end 1,,ondee, ecnile and Jeffr,.", spees 't oe \\se- end \vitt', i • Lesereng• SHOW OF HANDS IS A MUST Clarence "Derry" Boyle, reeve of Exeter talm'itcd that ht, wa.; Possibly the laziel-t mar. ie llur• on County. but said he did not find raisins his hand te le mesh finrt. Reeve Boyle made the state- ment after "lull;' opposition was expressee', Nen Stew- art's ssiregestion that councillors give a shoe- of • '• an a non- seeareie i•f the traditi'mal ele..rns "Caeried". DGE M YOUR MUSTANG, FALCON, FAIRLANE, FORD and THUNDERBIRD DEALER PHONE 249 BRUSSELS PHONE 357-3460 WINGHAM The rMeNe.'e.re and slu t year's V.ardon said he often won- dered vite.e he ma:, in chair if a vote was tarried or not. He thought a show of hands would be the simplest way for the Warden, the clerkstreas.ur-- er and the deputy clerk-treasur- er to determine the truth. oddly enough a show of hands showed that a show of hands would be shown on forth- ('omiag motions — of hi other words, carried, Teere were three opposed to the exeicise of raising hands. They \vere the Reeve, and Dep- uty Reeve of Stanley, Ernie Talbot and Elmer Hayter, and the Reeve of Gndorich TOW 11. ship, Grant Stirling,. In neigh- boring townships and sitting all in a row' in the far desks in the eour;ty council • chambers, the' three 'wore labelled by Clerk . John Berry as "from the lazy corner,". Barbara Lovett Was *appointed secretary-treasurer. It was de- cided to give three-quarters 'of the grant received from toWn- sliiP council to the County Fed- eration of Agriculture. 1 Discussion arose as to the I feasibility of having a Centen- nial project and directors were advised to think it over until the February meeting, which is to be held at the home of Tsa- i bel Stewart er February 14th, Verna Giboings and Marion Col- (dough are to provide the lunch. Preliminary plans were mace to have a card party sometime in March, possibly during Ea.- ter holidays. NAMES OF BRUSSFI—S RESIDENTS 80 YEARS, AND OVER, WANTEED The names of Brussels resi- dents who are eighty years of age and over are requested by the Centennial Committee. `Give the names of these people to Mrs. W. G. Leach or Mrs. Gus Eder, "ONTARIO'S SILVER AND BLACK FLEET" ssw.setE HULLET F. of A. NAMES CHAIRMEN Hullett Federation of Agricul- ture has made appointments te the various commodity' groups. Named were: hod; producers, Lloyd Stewart: poultly prodno- ers. Ted Hunkinse milk produc- ers, Lawrence Plaetzer; beef produrers. Leoncird Archana- baulte am nredurers, ..\rehie Young: lap y dire('tor. Pat Hunk- ing; ;nech conveners, Isabel Stewart and Barbara Lovett. WHY PAY A RATE i;ET US DO YOUR .INCOME TAX AT REASONABLE RATES GLENN RONNENBERG INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS Contact Us Tuesdays and Fridays PHONE 65 BRUSSELS, ONT. 1967 CAMARO The meeting* was held at the Milne of president Grant Snell, etamagninswicgatatlivictscrAIDNTFIcang ormsoisesamisomislijusw issillgpswasiliPe"Rinii*I',F74,, SPECIA114 1966 FORD GALAXIE 2 Door Hardtop 1964 METEOR 4 Door SEDAN 1964 FORD F350 1 Ton TRUCK 1966 FORD CUSTOM COACH 1965 FORD CUSTOM 500 SEDAN 1964 FORD GALAXIE XL 2 Door Hardtop 1964 MERCURY FARKLANE CONVERTIBLE 1964 PONTIAC 4 Door, STRATOC1-111EF 2 — 1964 FORD CUSTOM 4 Door SEDANS WALTON Walton W. I. Meeting Walton W. L The January meeting of the Walton 'Women's Institute was held in the Community Hall with an attendance of 25 ladies. The program. we s presented 1111der the leadership of Mrs, James Nolan and Mrs, Frank welters. Herbert Stretton, of Bruasels was the guest speaker and addres- sed the gathering on The New medical. Millie proposed for Prusseis and the surrounding area. where a serious situation exists in regard to the lack of both medical and dental ser- viers. ire spoke of the steps that have already been taken; and the project nnderway to build a new medical centre, and secure the services of two doctors and den- list before the end of the Smil- es,- Le r; n was at first to have heen undertaken as a Cen- tennial proieet, but there were flovernment grants available for this type of Centennial pro- ject: The sneaker was introdttced by Mrs. J. Nolan. Mrs. F. Walters expressed thanks, and presented him with a gift on behalf of the embers. Mrs, Roy Williamson presid- ed for thr business period, k sug- gestion that the annual has trip of the branch. this year be to the National Convention, being held in fit elph on June 12th. The partite oommittee for Feb. loth is Mrs. Creruld Watson, Mrs. Man Sheldier, Mrs. Stewart 'Hum- phries, Mrs, Crem•ge McCall and 11Trs. TTareld Smalldon. Magazines for the Club girls were asked for by Mrs. Gerald Watson Tt was suggested that the members might produre or make dresses, suitable for the Centennial. to be worn at Centen- nial events during the year, ae some other branches are doing. Mrs. Torrance Dandna. lkt ,e Sholdlee. Mrs Margaret, TYnnllrhrirtl arid Yfrri. Wm. 'Hum, pl.erleg Met, The 17th and. 'Boundary Unit of the. of Duff's Church. Walton, met' at the home of Mrs. Clifford Ritchie with ton members present. Mrs. James Williamson and Mrs. Martin Baan were in charge of devotions. Mrs. Baan opened tile meeting with 'verse and hymn 376, "Blest Be the Tie that Binds" The scripture was taken from Matthew 6, verses 22-23, Mrs • Jas. Williamson gave the i:eP- ic New Day• Morning" also a poem, “Hapnv. New Year". Mrs. ROSS Bennett conduct eel the business, It was decid- ed to have evening meetings startings May to October. The • next meetitw will be at Mrs. Reer Williamson's Wednesday. Mr, • and Mrs. James . Mc- Donald.. Mr. and Mrs: Ken- • neth McDonald and Mr. and Mrs: Harold Bolger attended the fUneralof. the late Mrs. William Kearney at .the Heath-Leslie funeral home in Mitchell lest Saturday,. • Mr. and Mrs. Jack .Bosmari left last Friday for Florida' where they will • spend the next month. Miss Lois Jackson, of Sea- forth, is spend.ine' three Weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smalldon. Miss Wilma Jack- sen. student nurse at Victoria Hospital. London. also spent the week end with Mr. 'anti Mrs. Smalldon, Recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mills in- cluded Mr. and Mrs. Torn Ol- iver. Clinton: Mrs. Ida Town- send and Mrs. Nellie Benilean of Lonelesboro: Mrs. Russell Stelmook, Yellow Knife, N. W.T.: Dr. Jean Mills. Hamil- ton: Scott, Cathie and David Mills, Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Barry 1.1oegv of London spent the e end with the former's par- ents Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hoegy. Mr. Graeme Craig. Ridge- town. spent the week end with his parents Mr. nrid Mrs. Harvey Craig. Mr. and Mrs. Reid Hack- well of Exeter were W r ek end visitors at the home of P.lrs. W. C. Hackweil. Mrs. George Hibbert under- went ,iirvery in Clinton Pub- lie Hospital last week. Mrs. George 'ribbed. of Canning,- . , is ,,:nending ti few weeks her eon iwr' e'rreclehild- ren. Mr. and Mrs, Nt-il McGT(7- ,n. Brian and Cathie spent the work end with rind 1\trq. William 'Dinern::Fre. of r.'e'em01.on Prian Truviss of 1,17e:4‘ TAnd , Ti ..1q41111 CanlaVO, available as a two-door sport coupe or two-door convertible, eente'• c.! the eeeh 1 ; owes of a competitive racer With the comfort and luxury of a four- ... emit' \,• ,eiriety of distinctive appearance and equipment options permit "per- 'ficlivelnal taste-- such as the SS 350 option which creates the Super eerfonriance triachi rie combining' distinguishing appearance With an in., 209-hp Vii engine with four-barrel carburetion, and heavy- - pon... A choice of five, power plants, ranging from a 140-hp Six to the 205-hp with Ce;•nare. Camaro also incorporates a number of outstanding new safety (•• ,,:hovrolets, such as the GM-developed energy-absorbing steering • In- ••.,) 8 1 1 inches, The Camaro's sweeping styling reflects the allerieW but '1 regular 1067 Chevrolet line which, with seventeen models in five ).!efOri:113(!htevel in the autontobile industry.